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Lesson Transcript

Eric: Hi everyone, and welcome back to HindiPod101.com. This is Lower Intermediate, Season 1 Lesson 23 - Talking About Your Holiday in Hindi. Eric here.
Udita: नमस्ते I'm Udita.
Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to convert nouns into adjectives in Hindi. The conversation take places at an office.
Udita: It's between Julia and Pranav.
Eric: The speakers are colleagues who know each other well, so they’ll be using familiar Hindi. Okay, let's listen to the conversation.

Lesson conversation

Pranav: तुम्हारी हिमाचल की भ्रमण कैसी थी?
Julia: बहुत ही बढ़िया! तुम गये हो कभी?
Pranav: नहीं। तुमने क्या किया वहाँ ?
Julia: हम दिल्ली से चंडीगढ़ होकर धर्मशाला गये - लगभग बारह घंटे लगे, लेकिन दृश्य लाजवाब थी! कितने खूबसूरत खेतों से, गाँव के करीब से होकर, हिमाचल के पहाड़ों में हम गये।
: धर्मशाला की सैर की, चाय बागान घूमने गये, फिर डाल लेक देखने गये , चामुण्डा देवी मंदिर गये, और धौलाधार में हाईकिंग भी किया।
Pranav: वाह! तुमने तो कम समय में काफ़ी कुछ कर लिया! दलाई लामा जी के वहाँ भी घूमे?
Julia: हाँ नज़दीक के तिब्बतन सेटलमेंट और मठ भी देखने गए। वहाँ काफ़ी समय बिताया। बहुत ही शांतिपूर्ण जगह है।
Eric: Listen to the conversation one time slowly.
Pranav: तुम्हारी हिमाचल की भ्रमण कैसी थी?
Julia: बहुत ही बढ़िया! तुम गये हो कभी?
Pranav: नहीं। तुमने क्या किया वहाँ ?
Julia: हम दिल्ली से चंडीगढ़ होकर धर्मशाला गये - लगभग बारह घंटे लगे, लेकिन दृश्य लाजवाब थी! कितने खूबसूरत खेतों से, गाँव के करीब से होकर, हिमाचल के पहाड़ों में हम गये।
: धर्मशाला की सैर की, चाय बागान घूमने गये, फिर डाल लेक देखने गये , चामुण्डा देवी मंदिर गये, और धौलाधार में हाईकिंग भी किया।
Pranav: वाह! तुमने तो कम समय में काफ़ी कुछ कर लिया! दलाई लामा जी के वहाँ भी घूमे?
Julia: हाँ नज़दीक के तिब्बतन सेटलमेंट और मठ भी देखने गए। वहाँ काफ़ी समय बिताया। बहुत ही शांतिपूर्ण जगह है।
Eric: Now, listen to the conversation with the English translation.
Pranav: How was your Himachal Pradesh travel?
Julia: Very good! Have you ever been?
Pranav: No. What did you do there?
Julia: We went from Delhi, through Chandigarh, to Dharamshala. It took about twelve hours, but the view was amazing! We went past so many beautiful fields, farmlands and villages, to the hills of Himachal.
: We went around Dharamshala, visited a tea garden, went to see Dal Lake, visited the Chamunda Devi temple, and went hiking in Dhauladhar.
Pranav: Wow! You managed to do a lot in limited time! Did you visit the Dalai Llama's place as well?
Julia: Yes we visited the Tibetan settlement and monasteries too. We spent quite a bit of time there—it's a very peaceful place.
Eric: Dharamshala is quite a famous hill station in the Kangra valley, that is set against the Dhauladhar mountain range in Himachal Pradesh. It’s a well known place that's great for nature lovers.
Udita: Definitely. In Hindi, the word “dharamshala” means “a resthouse for guests” and also “a spiritual home”. But of course, Dharamshala is best known as the home of the Dalai Lama.
Eric: That certainly must bring in a lot of religious-based tourism.
Udita: It sure does. There are many monasteries, Tibetan schools, and even a library of Tibetan works.
Eric: That's why tourists from all over the world come here every year, to associate with the Tibetan monks and have a spiritual experience.
Udita: One of the main attractions of Dharamshala is Triund hill. Triund is a very popular trekking spot.
Eric: It has an amazing view of the mountain range on one side and the Kangra valley on the other. Make sure to check it out when you visit India, listeners! Okay, now onto the vocab.
Eric: Let’s take a look at the vocabulary from this lesson. The first word is..
Udita: भ्रमण [natural native speed]
Eric: tour, travel
Udita: भ्रमण [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: भ्रमण [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: लाजवाब [natural native speed]
Eric: outstanding, fantastic
Udita: लाजवाब [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: लाजवाब [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: खेत [natural native speed]
Eric: field
Udita: खेत [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: खेत [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: गाँव [natural native speed]
Eric: village
Udita: गाँव [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: गाँव [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: बागान [natural native speed]
Eric: garden
Udita: बागान [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: बागान [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: नज़दीक [natural native speed]
Eric: near, up close
Udita: नज़दीक [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: नज़दीक [natural native speed]
Eric: Next we have..
Udita: तिब्बेतन [natural native speed]
Eric: Tibetan
Udita: तिब्बेतन [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: तिब्बेतन [natural native speed]
Eric: And last..
Udita: मठ [natural native speed]
Eric: monastery
Udita: मठ [slowly - broken down by syllable]
Udita: मठ [natural native speed]
Eric: Let's take a closer look at the usage of some of the words and phrases from this lesson. The first word is..
Udita: भ्रमण
Eric: which means “excursion” or “to visit and explore some place completely”.
Udita: “bhraman” is a noun which means “a full and complete tour” of a place.
Eric: Udita, can you use this word to talk about a stopover or a short visit to some place?
Udita: No. You can use “bhraman” only for trips during which you’re able to see the place thoroughly.
Eric: Can you give us an example using this word?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. मैं एक महीना केरल के भ्रमण के लिए गया था।
Eric: ..which means “I had gone to visit and explore Kerala for a month.” Okay, what's the next phrase?
Udita: चाय बगान
Eric: which means “tea garden”
Udita: This is a phrase made of two words - "caay” and “bagaaN”. “caay” means “tea” and “bagaaN” means “garden” in Hindi. Altogether, चाय बगान means “tea garden”.
Eric: Indians love tea, with India of course being one of the largest tea producers in the world. Tea gardens are massive estates that are located on the hills where tea is cultivated. They’re kind of like tea plantations. Udita, can you give us an example using this phrase?
Udita: Sure. For example, you can say.. हम चाय बागान की सैर करेंगे।
Eric: .. which means “We’ll take a tour of the tea garden.” Okay, now onto the lesson focus.

Lesson focus

Eric: In this lesson, you’ll learn how to turn nouns into adjectives in Hindi.
Udita: There are five common ways to do this.
Eric: Here is the most common and easiest one.
Udita: Just add the suffix ईii to a noun that ends in a consonant.
Eric: For example, let's take the noun...
Udita: असल aSaL.
Eric: which means “reality”. It ends in...
Udita: “l”.... असल aSaL.
Eric: then attach our suffix and you will have…
Udita: असली aSLii
Eric: “real”. Udita, can you repeat this one more time please?
Udita: असल aSaL, असली aSLii
Eric:meaning "reality”, “real”. Here are some other examples.
Udita: दुख Dukh, which means “sadness” will become दुखी Dukhii, “sad”. And विदेश viDes, which means “foreign lands” will turn into विदेशी viDesii - “foreign”.
Eric: You can also use this rule with country names. For example, “Japan” in Hindi is…
Udita: जापान jaapaaN
Eric: so, “Japanese” would be…
Udita: जापानी jaapaaNii
Eric: And “Nepal” in Hindi is…
Udita: नेपाल NepaaL
Eric: so, “Nepalese” will be…
Udita: नेपाली NepaaLii
Eric: Udita, what’s the second way to change nouns into adjectives?
Udita: That would be with the help of the suffix पूर्ण, which means “full of”. This suffix, when added to the noun, creates an adjective which means “full of” said noun.
Eric: Can you give us some examples?
Udita: Sure. For instance, शांति saaNTi means “peace” in Hindi. शांति saaNTi plus suffix पूर्ण will become शांतिपूर्ण saaNTipuurn, which means “peaceful”.
Eric: And another example?
Udita: महत्व mahaTva means “Significance” in Hindi. And महत्वपूर्ण mahaTvapuurn means “important”, as in “full of importance”.
Eric: What’s the third method to turn nouns into adjectives?
Udita: The third method is using the suffix दारDaar.
Eric: This is an adjective-forming suffix, denoting the idea of “having," or "possessing”.
Udita: Right. For example, if we add दारDaar to the word समझ Samajh, which means “sense”, we will get समझदार SamajhDaar, “sensible”.
Eric: Literally this means “having sense”, right?
Udita: That’s right. Here’s another example. हवा havaa means “air”, so हवादार havaaDaar means “airy”...
Eric: ...literally it means “has air”, like for example a room that is airy.
Udita: That’s right.
Eric: Remember listeners, you can find more rules and explanations in the lessons notes, so please be sure to check them.


Eric: Okay, that’s all for this lesson. Thank you for listening, everyone, and we’ll see you next time! Bye!
Udita: अलविदा

