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Lesson Transcript

John: Must-Know Hindi Social Media Phrases Season 1. Lesson 17 - At the Local Market.
John: Hi, everyone, I'm John.
Shakti: And I'm Shakti.
John: In this lesson, you'll learn how to post and leave comments in Hindi about an unusual thing found at a local market. अमन (amaN) finds an unusual item at a local market, posts an image of it, and leaves this comment:
Shakti: आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: Meaning - "Today's extraordinary find - childhood sweets after so many years!" Listen to a reading of the post and the comments that follow.
(clicking sound)
अमन: आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
(clicking sound)
स्नेहा : अरे वाह यह तो बहुत पुराने हैं! (are vaah yah To bahuT puraaNe hain.)
मीरा: कहाँ मिले? (kahaan mile?)
सीमा: सच में बहुत सालों बाद देख रही हूँ (Sac mein bahuT Saalom baaD Dekh rahii huun.)
गौरव: इनके बारे में भूल ही गया था! (iNke baare mein bhuul hii gayaa THaa!)
John: Listen again with the English translation.
(clicking sound)
अमन: आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: "Today's extraordinary find - childhood sweets after so many years!"
(clicking sound)
स्नेहा : अरे वाह यह तो बहुत पुराने हैं! (are vaah yah To bahuT puraaNe hain.)
John: "Oh wow, these are very old!"
मीरा: कहाँ मिले? (kahaan mile?)
John: "Where did you find them?"
सीमा: सच में बहुत सालों बाद देख रही हूँ (Sac mein bahuT Saalom baaD Dekh rahii huun.)
John: "Really, I'm seeing them after many years."
गौरव: इनके बारे में भूल ही गया था! (iNke baare mein bhuul hii gayaa THaa!)
John: "I had forgotten about these!"
John: Listen again to अमन (amaN)'s post.
Shakti: आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: "Today's extraordinary find - childhood sweets after so many years!"
Shakti: (SLOW) आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!) (Regular) आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: Let's break this down. First is an expression meaning "Today's extraordinary find."
Shakti: आज की अदभुत खोंज (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj)
John: The last word…
Shakti: khonj
John: means “a find” or “a search.” And the other word…
Shakti: aDbhuT
John: means “strange” or “extraordinary.” Listen again - "Today's extraordinary find" is...
Shakti: (SLOW) आज की अदभुत खोंज (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj) (REGULAR) आज की अदभुत खोंज (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj)
John: Then comes the phrase - "childhood sweets after so many years."
Shakti: बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: The expression starts with the word…
Shakti: bacpaN
John: which means “childhood.” Then, we have…
Shakti: iTNe Saalon baaD
John: This is a common phrase which means “after so many years.” It’s used as an exclamatory phrase. Listen again - "childhood sweets after so many years" is...
Shakti: (SLOW) बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!) (REGULAR) बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: Altogether, "Today's extraordinary find - childhood sweets after so many years!"
Shakti: आज की अदभुत खोंज - बचपन के स्वीट्स इतने सालों बाद! (aaj kii aDbhuT khonj - bacpaN ke SwiitS iTNe Saalon baaD!)
John: In response, अमन (amaN)'s friends leave some comments.
John: His neighbor, स्नेहा (SNehaa), uses an expression meaning - "Oh wow, these are very old!"
Shakti: (SLOW) अरे वाह यह तो बहुत पुराने हैं! (are vaah yah To bahuT puraaNe hain.) (REGULAR) अरे वाह यह तो बहुत पुराने हैं! (are vaah yah To bahuT puraaNe hain.)
Shakti: अरे वाह यह तो बहुत पुराने हैं! (are vaah yah To bahuT puraaNe hain.)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling warmhearted.
John: His wife, मीरा (miiraa), uses an expression meaning - "Where did you find them?"
Shakti: (SLOW) कहाँ मिले? (kahaan mile?) (REGULAR) कहाँ मिले? (kahaan mile?)
Shakti: कहाँ मिले? (kahaan mile?)
John: Use this expression to show your curiosity.
John: His high school friend, सीमा (Siimaa), uses an expression meaning - "Really, I'm seeing them after many years.”
Shakti: (SLOW) सच में बहुत सालों बाद देख रही हूँ (Sac mein bahuT Saalom baaD Dekh rahii huun.) (REGULAR) सच में बहुत सालों बाद देख रही हूँ (Sac mein bahuT Saalom baaD Dekh rahii huun.)
Shakti: सच में बहुत सालों बाद देख रही हूँ (Sac mein bahuT Saalom baaD Dekh rahii huun.)
John: Use this expression to show you're feeling optimistic.
John: His college friend, गौरव (gaurav), uses an expression meaning - "I had forgotten about these!"
Shakti: (SLOW) इनके बारे में भूल ही गया था! (iNke baare mein bhuul hii gayaa THaa!) (REGULAR) इनके बारे में भूल ही गया था! (iNke baare mein bhuul hii gayaa THaa!)
Shakti: इनके बारे में भूल ही गया था! (iNke baare mein bhuul hii gayaa THaa!)
John: Use this expression to show your surprise.


John: Okay, that's all for this lesson. If a friend posted something about an unusual thing found at a local market, which phrase would you use? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time!
Shakti: शुक्रिया (Śukriyā)

