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Learn How to Say Dates in Hindi and the Months in Hindi


Referring to dates in Hindi is a common aspect of life in India. Booking tickets, making an appointment, confirming the date of an event, remembering birthdays, keeping up with national festivals of India and holidays…almost everything is done using the days and months in Hindi.

Thus, learning the proper methods for saying dates, years, and even weekdays in Hindi becomes so essential. It would be impossible to understand this whole article without first gaining basic knowledge about the common words related to days, months, and weeks in Hindi. Basically, all the information about dates in Hindi you’ll need to get started!

Here at, before showing you how to use dates in Hindi, we would like to begin with a quick glossary for these words. On a different note, we’d also like to remind you that almost all the nouns in Hindi are gender-specific. The same rule applies to the words described below.

Table of Contents

  1. A Quick Glossary
  2. Dates in Hindi
  3. Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday in Hindi
  4. Day in Hindi
  5. Talking about Weeks in Hindi
  6. The Months in Hindi
  7. Talking about Years in Hindi
  8. Fixing the Date of an Appointment in Hindi
  9. Must-Know Phrases to Talk about Dates
  10. Read the Hindi Dates Fluently with

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1. A Quick Glossary

Common English Words           Hindi Meanings
Daily           दैनिक (DaiNik); रोज़ाना (rozaaNaa)
Weekly           साप्ताहिक (SaapTaahik)
Weekend           सप्ताहांत (SaapTaahaaNT)
Monthly           मासिक (maaSik)
Yearly/Annually           वार्षिक (vaarsik); सालाना (SaaLaaNaa)

Although we’ll cover all these words in detail later, this is just a quick introduction to some important words. As you can see, “weekend” in Hindi is known as सप्ताहांत (SapTaahaaNT) or सप्ताह का अंत (SapTaah kaa aNT), but there are no particular words for “weekdays” in Hindi. Nonetheless, the literal weekday meaning in Hindi could be translated as काम करने के दिन (kaam karaNe ke DiN).

2. Dates in Hindi


1- Hindi Words for “Date”

The word “date” in Hindi is considered feminine, so the verb form changes accordingly. But what are dates called in Hindi?

तारीख़ (Taariikh)

The first and most common term for dates in Hindi is तारीख़ (Taariikh). Here’s an example of how to use this word in a sentence:

  • आज क्या तारीख़ है?
    (aaj kyaa Taariikh hai ?)
    “What’s the date today?”
  • कल की तारीख़ में ये काम हो जाना चाहिए।
    (kaL kii Taariikh men ye kaam ho jaaNaa caahiye.)
    “This work should be done by tomorrow’s date.”

दिनांक (DiNaank) and तिथि (TiTHi)

The other two words for dates in Hindi are दिनांक (DiNaank) and तिथि (TiTHi). However, they’re only used in official documents, religious calendars, etc. In order to use them, just replace तारीख़ (Taariikh) with either of these more formal words in the sentence.

Based on the same vocabulary, the due date meaning in Hindi can be expressed as:

अंतिम तिथि (aNTim TiTHi)               “Last Date”
आख़िरी तारीख़ (aakhirii Taariikh)      “Due Date”

2- Reading and Writing Dates in Hindi

In India, dates written in Hindi follow the [day] [month] [year] format.

  • महात्मा गाँधी का जन्म 2अक्टूबर 1869 में हुआ था।
  • (mahaaTmaa gaaNDHii kaa jaNm Do aktuubar 1969 men huaa THaa.)
  • “Mahatma Gandhi was born on October 2, 1969.”

Reading the Dates in Hindi

1) How to Write Dates in Hindi Using Cardinal Numbers

Most of the time, we use cardinal numbers to mention dates in schools and for other business-related purposes.
For example, if you wish to write the Hindi month & date today, it would be in DD/MM/YYYY format.

2) How to Write Dates in Hindi Using Ordinal Numbers

On the other hand, Indians also opt for the ordinal number date formats in newspapers, other official papers, wedding invitations, etc.
Suppose the date today is February 14, 2019. A Hindi newspaper would mention the same date, and translate it in Hindi as १४ फ़रवरी २०१९.

3. Today, Tomorrow, and Yesterday in Hindi

Before we move on to the next section about the days’ name in Hindi, let’s take a step back for a moment. In the previous section, we mentioned some essential words, but what about “today” and “tomorrow?” Well, here’s how to say these in Hindi.

Words           Hindi Meaning           Verb Form Used
Today           आज (aaj)           (-है / -हूँ / -हैं)
Tomorrow           कल (kaL)           (-गा / -गी / -गें)
Yesterday           कल (kaL)           (-था / -थी / -थे)

Interestingly, we have the same Hindi word for both “tomorrow” and “yesterday.” How do Indians differentiate between both the tenses? They recognize the tenses by the verb form used with them.
But in situations where the tense form isn’t used—for example, when you want to just say “yesterday’s date” or “tomorrow’s date,”—you can differentiate by using these phrases:

बीता हुआ कल (biiTaa huaa kaL)    — Yesterday
आने वाला कल (aaNe vaaLaa kaL) — Tomorrow

Below, we’ve explained the same concept with the help of a few examples. You can also see specific Hindi words and letters in bold to emphasize which tense is used.

  • सीमा आज रात पार्टी में आ रही है
    (SiiMaa aaj raaT paartii men aa rahii hai.)
    “Seema is coming to the party tonight.”
  • मैं आज सोना चाहता हूँ
    (main aaj SoNaa caahaTaa huun.)
    “I want to sleep today.”
  • रोहन कल घर आएगा
    (rohaN kaL ghar aayegaa.)
    “Rohan will come home tomorrow.”
  • प्रिया कल बाज़ार गयी थी
    (priyaa kaL baazaar gayii THii.)
    “Priya went to the market yesterday.”

4. Day in Hindi


1- Hindi Words for “Day”

Here are the common terms for the word “day” in Hindi:
दिन (DiN)                  “Day”
दिवस (DivaS)            “Day”
दैनिक (DaiNik)          “Daily”

Here are some examples to help you better understand how to use the days and dates in Hindi conversations:

  • मैं चार दिन के लिए शहर से बाहर जा रही हूँ।
    (main caar DiN ke Liye sahar Se baahar jaa rahii huun.)
    “I am going out of town for four days.”
  • भारत में स्वतंत्रता दिवस हर साल १५ अगस्त को मनाया जाता है।
    (bhaaraT men SvaTaNTraTaa DivaS har SaaL 15 agaST ko maNaayaa jaaTaa hai.)
    “India celebrates its Independence Day every year on August 15.”

As compared to English, we have a different native pronunciation for August in Hindi. That’s why 15 August in Hindi is written and read as १५ अगस्त (15 agaST).

Here’s how to use the word “daily” in Hindi.

  • ‘हिंदुस्तान टाइम्स’ एक दैनिक समाचार पत्र है।
    (hiNDuSTaaN taaimS ek DaiNik Samaacaar paTr hai.)
    “Hindustan Times is a daily newspaper.”

2- How to Say the Days in Hindi

We’ve already mentioned that there are so many gender-specific words in the Hindustani language. In this case, days are masculine gender nouns. Hence, all the ordinal words for days end with the -aa sound. For example, पहला दिन (pahaLaa DiN). But if we express the ordinal words for dates, the same words would end with the -ii sound as “dates” is a feminine noun. For example, पहली तारीख़ (pahaLii Taariikh). To access the complete list of Hindi cardinal numbers, check out our full-fledged article on Hindi Numbers.

Ordinal Numbers in English Ordinal Numbers in Hindi Ordinal Numbers in English Ordinal Numbers in Hindi
First (1st) पहला (pahaLaa) Seventeenth (17th) सत्रहवां (SaTrahavaan)
Second (2nd) दूसरा (DuuSaraa) Eighteenth (18th) अठारवां (athaarahavaan)
Third (3rd) तीसरा (TiiSaraa) Nineteenth (19th) उन्नीसवां (uNNiiSavaan)
Fourth (4th) चौथा (cauTHaa) Twentieth (20th) बीसवां (biiSavaan)
Fifth (5th) पांचवां (paancavaan) Twenty-first (21st) इक्कीसवाँ (ikkiiSavaan)
Sixth (6th) छठा (chathaa) Twenty-second (22nd) बाईसवाँ (baaiiSavaan)
Seventh (7th) सातवां (SaaTavaan) Twenty-third (23rd) तेईसवां (TeiiSsvaan)
Eighth (8th) आठवाँ (aathavaan) Twenty-fourth (24th) चौबीसवाँ (caubiiSavaan)
Ninth (9th) नौवां (Nauvaan) Twenty-fifth (25th) पच्चीसवां (pacciiSavaan)
Tenth (10th) दसवां (DaSavaan) Twenty-sixth (26th) छब्बीसवाँ (chabbiiSavaan)
Eleventh (11th) ग्यारहवां (gyaarahavaan) Twenty-seventh (27th) सत्ताईसवाँ (SaTTaaiiSavaan)
Twelfth (12th) बारहवां (baarahavaan) Twenty-eighth (28th) अठाईसवाँ (athaaiiSavaan)
Thirteenth (13th) तेरहवां (Terahavaan) Twenty-ninth (29th) उन्तीसवां (uNTiiSavaan)
Fourteenth (14th) चौदहवां (cauDahavaan) Thirtieth (30th) तीसवाँ (TiiSavaan)
Fifteenth (15th) पन्द्रहवां (paNDrahavaan) Thirty-first (31st) इक्तीसवाँ (ikTiiSavaan)
Sixteenth (16th) सोलहवां (SoLahavaan)

Translating the Months and Days in Hindi


  • इस दफ़्तर में आज मेरा चौथा दिन है।
    (iS DafTar men aaj meraa cauTHaa DiN hai.)
    “It’s my fourth day today in this office.”

5. Talking about Weeks in Hindi

Now, we’ll discuss the “week” meaning in Hindi and the days of the week in Hindi.

1- Hindi Words for the Week

The typical terms for saying “week” and related words in Hindi are:

सप्ताह (SapTaah) “Week”
हफ़्ता (hafTaa) “Week”
सप्ताहांत (SapTaahaaNT) “Weekend”
साप्ताहिक (SaapTaahik) “Weekly”

As you can see, the weekend in Hindi is known as सप्ताहांत (SapTaahaaNT) or सप्ताह का अंत (SapTaah kaa aNT).

But there are no particular words for weekdays in Hindi. Nonetheless, the literal weekday meaning in Hindi could be translated as काम करने के दिन (kaam karaNe ke DiN).

Coming back to the word “week,” here are some Hindi phrases to help you learn these. For “one week,” the meaning in Hindi is एक हफ़्ता (ek hafTaa). Similarly, in Hindi, “six weeks” would be written as छः हफ़्ते (chaḥ hafTe).

2- How to Say the Days of the Week

Learning about the days of the week in Hindi is really fun! In India, the first day of the week is Sunday. Sunday in Hindi is इतवार (iTavaar). Another popular word for Sunday in Hindi is रविवार (ravivaar).
Have a look at the chart below to learn the names of other days of the week.

Name in English           Name in Hindi
Sunday           इतवार (iTavaar) / रविवार (ravivaar)
Monday           सोमवार (Somavaar)
Tuesday           मंगलवार (mangaLavaar)
Wednesday           बुधवार (buDHavaar)
Thursday           बृहस्पतिवार (brihaSpaTivaar) / गुरुवार (guruvaar)
Friday           शुक्रवार (sukravaar)
Saturday           शनिवार (saNivaar) / शनिचर (saNicar)

6. The Months in Hindi


In this section, you’ll first learn the basic Hindi terms for the word “month.” Then, we’ll teach you the names of the months of the year in the Hindi language (e.g. how to say January to December in Hindi). You’ll also learn the unique Indian months’ name in Hindi.
So, first, we’ll start with the basic Hindi words for “month.”

1- Hindi Words for “Month”

माह (maah)                     “Month”
मास (maaS)                     “Month”
महीना (mahiiNaa)             “Month”
मासिक (maaSik)              “Monthly”
अधिवर्ष (aDHivars)          “Leap year”
अधिमास (aDHimaaS)      “Leap month”


  • दिसंबर साल का आख़िरी महीना होता है।
    (DiSambar SaaL kaa aakhirii mahiiNaa hoTaa hai.)
    “December is the last month of the year.”
  • यह एक मासिक पत्रिका है।
    (yah ek maaSik paTrikaa hai.)
    “This is a monthly magazine.”

Learning the Months and Dates

2- How to Say the Months in Hindi

Now it’s time to learn the names of the 12 months in Hindi, from January to December in Hindi.

English Months           Hindi Pronunciation of English Months
January           जनवरी (jaNavarii)
February           फ़रवरी (faravarii)
March           मार्च (maarc)
April           अप्रैल (apraiL)
May           मई (maii)
June           जून (juuN)
July           जुलाई (juLaaii)
August           अगस्त (agaST)
September           सितम्बर (SiTambar)
October           अक्टूबर (aktuubar)
November           नवंबर (Navambar)
December           दिसंबर (DiSambar)

Many non-native speakers may wonder how to say months like January/February in Hindi. Well, learning the name of any month is quite easy. There’s only a difference in sounds; but you may have noticed that overall, even the Hindi names sound very similar to how they’re spoken in English.

3- Hindi Month Name List

That was about speaking the English months’ name in an Indian accent. But do you know even today, each month in Hindi calendars follows a completely different pattern and has a different name in India? As surprising as it seems, Hindus still follow an ancient style of creating their religious calendar, with quite contrasting Hindi month names.

Months in English           Indian Months in Hindu Calendar
March – April           चैत्र (caiTra)
April – May           वैशाख (vaisaakh)
May – June           ज्येष्ठ (jyesth)
June – July           आषाढ़ (aasaadh)
July- August           श्रावण (sraavan)
August – September           भाद्रपद (bhaaDrapaD)
September – October           आश्विन (aasviN)
October – November           कार्तिक (kaarTik)
November – December           मार्गशीर्ष (maargasiirs)
December – January           पौष (paus)
January – February           माघ (maagh)
February – March           फाल्गुन (phaaLguN)

Names of Hindu Months


  • होली फाल्गुन माह में आती है।
    (hoLii phaaLguN maah men aaTii hai.)
    “Holi falls in the month of March.”

By the way, if you want to learn even more about dates in Hindi, particularly the most important ones, be sure to check out our relevant lesson.

7. Talking about Years in Hindi

Finally, it’s time to learn everything about different Hindi words for “year,” and how to read them in Hindi.

1- Hindi Words for “Year”

The typical Hindi terms for “year” and other related words are:

साल (SaaL)      “Year”
वर्ष (vars)      “Year”
सालाना (SaaLaaNaa)      “Yearly/Annual”
वार्षिक (vaarsik)      “Yearly/Annual”


  • मैं २० वर्ष का हूँ।
    (main biiS vars kaa huun.)
    “I am twenty years old.”
  • मेरी सालाना आय ४ लाख है।
    (merii SaaLaaNaa aay caar Laakh hai.)
    “My annual income is INR 4 lakhs.”

2- How to Say the Years

Of course, learning the Hindi numbers is an important prerequisite to being able to read the years. But once you get the drift of it, reading years in Hindi becomes easy as pie.
We’ll teach you how to do so with a few examples.

  • 1990 – When talking about the 17th, 18th, 19th, or 20th century, we break the four digits into pairs of two. For instance, in 1990, we break it into 19 & 90. So, technically in Hindi, it would sound similar to saying 19-hundred 90, except the words would be in Hindi. Hence, 1990 becomes उन्नीस सौ नब्बे (uNNiiS Sau Nabbe).
  • 1850 – Break it into 18-hundred 50. In Hindi, we would say, अठारह सौ पचास (athaarah Sau pacaaS).
  • 2008 – But the rule changes for the 21st century. In this example, we would break it into 2-thousand 8. In Hindi, we say it as 2 हज़ार 8 or दो हज़ार आठ (Do hazaar aath).
  • 2019 – It would be called 2-thousand 19. In Hindi: 2 हज़ार 19 (दो हज़ार उन्नीस) (Do hazaar uNNiiS).
  • 2212 – And yet, as soon as we have digits in all four places, we go back to the same pattern. In this case, it would be 22-hundred 12. 22 सौ 12 (बाइस सौ बारह) (baaiS Sau baarah).
  • 2109 – 21-hundred 9. 21 सौ 9. (इक्कीस सौ नौ) (ikkiiS Sau Nau).

8. Fixing the Date of an Appointment in Hindi

If you wish to make some simple inquiries or book an appointment, here are some simple Hindi phrases to do it with ease and confidence.

How to Book an Appointment in Hindi

Q. तुम्हारा स्कूल कब से खुल रहा है?
(Tumhaaraa SkuuL kab Se khuL rahaa hai?)
“When does your school reopen?”

A. मेरा स्कूल १० जुलाई से खुल रहा है।
(meraa SkuuL DaS juLaaii Se khuL rahaa hai.)
“My school reopens on July 10.”

Q. दफ़्तर किस दिन बंद रहेगा?
(DafTar kiS DiN baND rahegaa?)
“On which day would the offices be closed?”

A. दफ़्तर शनिवार और रविवार को बंद रहेगा।
(DafTar saNivaar aur ravivaar ko baND rahegaa.)
“The office would remain closed on Saturday and Sunday.”

Q. दिवाली की छुट्टियाँ कब ख़त्म होंगी?
(DivaaLii kii chuttiyaan kab khaTm hongii?)
“When would the Diwali vacations be over?”

A. दिवाली की छुट्टियाँ ३० अक्टूबर को ख़त्म होंगी।
(DivaaLii kii chuttiyaan TiiS aktuubar ko khaTm hongii.)
“The Diwali vacations would be over on October 30.”

Q. क्या 14 फ़रवरी के लिए आपका कोई प्लान है?
(kyaa cauDah faravarii ke Liye aapakaa koii pLaaN hai?)
“Do you have any plans for February 14?”

A. हाँ, १४ फ़रवरी को मुझे बाहर जाना है।
(Haan, cauDah faravarii ko mujhe baahar jaaNaa hai.)
“Yes, I have to go out on the 14th of February.”

Q. आप का जन्मदिन कब होता है?
(aap kaa jaNmaDiN kab hoTaa hai?)
“When is your birthday?”

A. मेरा जन्मदिन २३ अगस्त को होता है।
(meraa jaNmaDiN TeiiS agaST ko hoTaa hai.)
“My birthday is on August 23.”

9. Must-Know Phrases to Talk about Dates

Below are some more helpful phrases to ask about dates and days in Hindi.

Q. कल कौन सा दिन है ?
(kaL kauN Saa DiN hai?)
“Tomorrow is which day?”

A. कल सोमवार है।
(kaL Somavaar hai.)
“Tomorrow is Monday.”

Q. बुधवार को क्या तारीख़ है ?
(buDHavaar ko kyaa Taariikh hai?)
“What’s the date on Wednesday?”

A. बुधवार को १२ तारीख़ है.
(buDHavaar ko baarah Taariikh hai.)
“It’s the 12th on Wednesday.”

Q. 10 मार्च को कौन सा दिन है ?
(DaS maarc ko kauN Saa DiN hai?)
“Which day is March 10?”

A. १० मार्च को गुरुवार है।
(DaS maarc ko guruvaar hai.)
“March 10 is on Thursday.”

Q. क्या आप इस हफ़्ते कहीं घूमने चलेंगे ?
(kyaa aap iS hafTe kahiin ghuumaNe caLenge?)
“Would you like to go on a trip this week?”

A. नहीं, इस हफ़्ते मैं व्यस्त हूँ।
(Nahiin, iS hafTe main vyaST huun.)
“No, I am busy this week.”

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Before you go, let us know in the comments if you now have a better idea of how to say dates in Hindi, or if there’s still something about dates in Hindi you’re struggling with. To practice, be sure to include today’s date in Hindi with your comment. 😉 We look forward to hearing from you!

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