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40+ Advanced Hindi Phrases for You to Master!


If you’ve been following our blog and read our articles on beginner and intermediate Hindi phrases, it’s time to level up. Welcome to our latest installment in the series: advanced Hindi phrases.

Learning the Hindi language is no piece of cake. But with a well-planned strategy, anyone can gain command of Hindi. So, if you’ve successfully come this far, pat yourself on the back and get ready for some more challenging Hindi concepts!

A Man Holding His Glasses in Place

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Study Advanced Phrases in Hindi?
  2. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  3. Power Phrases for Your Resume
  4. Smart Phrases for the Corporate World
  5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  6. Sound Like an Expert with

1. Why Study Advanced Phrases in Hindi?

In today’s article, we’ll look at some of the most practical advanced Hindi phrases for use in different situations and areas of life. Whether you’re pursuing an academic course, working as a professional, or wanting to flatter your local friends with some marvelous Hindi phrases, this lesson has something for everyone.

Imagine speaking to your Indian colleagues and friends using complex Hindi phrases. How surprised would they be! In fact, everyone in your circle would be in awe. Also, consider that knowing a handful of advanced expressions may even be necessary for some professions—such as gym trainer, doctor, and professor—where one has to deal with a lot of local folks.

If you’re preparing to face an interview or write an exam in Hindi, banking on these useful advanced Hindi phrases is the sureshot way to leave a lasting impression while simultaneously increasing your chances of getting a job.

Let’s get started!

2. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing

Mastering academic writing in Hindi can be tricky. However, knowing this specific set of advanced Hindi vocabulary will come in handy when writing a thesis, taking a written exam, or applying for a job that requires you to possess serious knowledge of the Hindi language. While making progress is important, take your time to understand each phrase and try not to rush the process. Always remember: Slow and steady wins the race. 

1 – उदाहरण स्वरूप
(udaaharan Svaruup)

“For example”

  • उदाहरणस्व रूप लाल और पीला मिलाने से नारंगी रंग बनता है।
    (udaaharan Svaruup LaaL aur piiLaa miLaaNe Se Naarangii rang baNaTaa hai.)
  • “For example, we get the color orange by mixing red and yellow.”

2 – उदाहरण के तौर पर
(udaaharan ke Taur par)

“For instance”

  • उदाहरण के तौर पर, मेरी दादी हिंदी बोलती हैं, लेकिन मेरी माँ तमिल में बात करती हैं। 
    (udaaharan ke Taur par, merii DaaDii hiNDii boLaTii hain, LekiN merii maan TamiL men baaT karaTii hain.)
  • “For instance, my grandmother talks in Hindi, but my mother speaks Tamil.”

3 – मुख्यतः

“Mainly” / “Chiefly”

  • मुख्यतः इस लकड़ी का उपयोग ईंधन के रूप में किया जाता है।
    (mukhyaTah iS Lakadii kaa upayog iinDHaN ke ruup men kiyaa jaaTaa hai.)
  • “This wood is mainly used as fuel.”

4 – शोध के अनुसार
(soDH ke aNuSaar)

“According to the research”

  • शोध के अनुसार, दस में से तीन लोगों को इस परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है। 
    (soDH ke aNuSaar, DaS men Se TiiN Logon ko iS paresaaNii kaa SaamaNaa karaNaa padaTaa hai.)
  • “According to the research, three out of ten people face this problem.”

5 – सामान्यतः


  • सामान्यतः, यह क्षेत्र इतना गर्म नहीं रहता। 
    (SaamaaNyaTah, yah ksetr iTaNaa garm Nahiin rahaTaa.)
  • “Normally, this region is not so hot.”

A Woman Taking Notes while Studying at Her Laptop

Impress your teachers and peers in Hindi.

6 – प्रमुख रूप से
(pramukh ruup Se)


  • इलाहाबाद शहर प्रमुख रूप से अपने मीठे अमरूदों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। 
    (iLaahaabaaD sahar pramukh ruup Se apaNe miithe amaruuDon ke Liye praSiDDH hai.)
  • “The city of Allahabad is mainly famous for its sweet guavas.”

7 – इसके विपरीत
(iSake vipariiT)

“Contrary to that”

  • पंजाब देश के उत्तरी भाग में है। इसके विपरीत, तमिलनाडु दक्षिणी भाग में है। 
    (paNjaab Des ke uTTarii bhaag men hai. iSake vipariiT, TamiLaNaadu Daksinii bhaag men hai.)
  • “Punjab is in the northern region of the country. Contrary to that, Tamilnadu is in the southern part.”

8 – निम्नलिखित तथ्य 
(NimNaLikhiT TaTHy)

“Following facts”

  • निम्नलिखित तथ्य कई शोध पत्रों से संग्रहित किये गए हैं। 
    (NimNaLikhiT TaTHy kaii soDH paTron Se SangrahiT kiye gaye hain.)
  • “The following facts have been collected from various research papers.”

9 – सिद्धांत 


  • सापेक्षता सिद्धांत आइंस्टीन ने दिया था। 
    (SaapeksTaa SiDDHaanT aainStiiN Ne Diyaa THaa.)
  • “Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.”

10 – परीक्षण 


  • पिछले सभी परिक्षण असफल रहे। 
    (pichaLe Sabhii pariksan aSaphaL rahe.)
  • “All previous experiments remained unsuccessful.”

11 – फलस्वरूप  

“Consequently” / “As a result”

  • धरती पर तामपान बढ़ रहा है। जिसके फलस्वरूप, समुद्र का स्तर भी बढ़ रहा है। 
    (DHaraTii par TaapamaaN badh rahaa hai. jiSake phaLaSvaruup, SamuDr kaa STar bhii badh rahaa hai.)
  • “The earth’s temperature is increasing. As a result, the sea levels are also rising.”

12 – इसके अलावा  
(iSake aLaavaa)

“Other than this”

  • इसके अलावा अध्यापक ने दो और किताबें भी सुझायी हैं। 
    (iSake aLaavaa aDHyaapak Ne Do aur kiTaaben bhii Sujhaayii hain.)
  • “Other than this, the teacher has suggested two more books.”

13 – सफलतापूर्वक  


  • परीक्षाएं सफलतापूर्वक संचालित की गयीं। 
    (pariiksaayen SaphaLaTaapuurvak SaNcaaLiT kii gayiin.)
  • “The exams were conducted successfully.”

14 – साहित्य  


  • हिंदी साहित्य की दुनिया में प्रेमचंद सबसे लोकप्रिय लेखक हैं। 
    (hiNDii SaahiTy kii DuNiyaa men premacanD SabaSe Lokapriy Lekhak hain.)
  • “Premchand is the most popular writer in the world of Hindi literature.”

3. Power Phrases for Your Resume

When applying for a job, you can use these impressive Hindi words and phrases to boost your CV. These phrases will be equally valuable if you’re on the hiring side of the recruitment process

An Up-close Shot of a Resume, a Pen, and Glasses

Hindi Words to Upgrade Your Resume

1 – गहरी समझ
(gaharii Samajh)

“Deep understanding”

  • मुझे गणित विषय की गहरी समझ है। 
    (mujhe ganiT visay kii gaharii Samajh hai.)
  • “I have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.”

2 – लक्ष्य 

“Goal” / “Ambition”

  • लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर रहो। 
    (Laksy kii or agraSar raho.)
  • “Keep moving towards the goal.”

3 – सीखने की क्षमता
(SiikhaNe kii ksamaTaa)

“Ability to learn”

  • मुझमें जल्दी सीखने की अद्भुत क्षमता है। 
    (mujhamen jaLDii SiikhaNe kii aDbhuT ksamaTaa hai.)
  • “I have a wonderful ability to learn quickly.”

4 – सहकर्मियों के साथ सामंजस्य
(Sahkarmiyon ke SaaTH SaamaNjaSy)

“Compatibility with coworkers”

  • कंपनी में सभी सहकर्मियों के साथ सामंजस्य बिठाना पड़ता है। 
    (kampaNii men Sabhii Sahakarmiyon ke SaaTH SaamaNjaSy bithaaNaa padaTaa hai.)
  • “In the company, you have to maintain compatibility with all the coworkers.”

5 – लंबा अनुभव
(Lambaa aNubhav)

“Great experience”

  • पिताजी को कला के क्षेत्र में लंबा अनुभव है। 
    (piTaajii ko kaLaa ke kseTr men Lambaa aNubhav hai.)
  • “My father has great experience in the field of arts.”

6 – दक्ष


  • मेरी बहन एक दक्ष पायलट है। 
    (merii bahaN ek Daks paayaLat hai.)
  • “My sister is a skilled pilot.”

7 – दक्षता


  • क्या आपको कंप्यूटर में दक्षता हासिल है?
    (kyaa aapako kampyuutar men DaksTaa haaSiL hai?)
  • “Do you have any expertise in computers?”

8 – पेशेवर 


  • मैं एक पेशेवर गायक हूँ। 
    (main ek pesevar gaayak huun.)
  • “I am a professional singer.”

9 – व्यवसाय 

“Business” / “Profession”

  • मेरा कपड़ों का व्यवसाय है। 
    (meraa kapadon kaa vyavaSaay hai.)
  • “I am in the garments business.”

10 – के पद पर  
(ke paD par)

“For the position of”

  • मुझे प्रबंधक के पद पर नियुक्त कर लिया गया है। 
    (mujhe prabanDHak ke paD par NiyukT kar Liyaa gayaa hai.)
  • “I’ve been hired for the position of manager.”

11 – …के तौर पर  
(…ke Taur par)

“As a…”

  • मेरी माताजी दस सालों से वैज्ञानिक के तौर पर काम कर रहीं हैं। 
    (merii maaTaajii DaS SaaLon Se vaigyaaNik ke Taur par kaam kar rahiin hain.)
  • “My mother has been working as a scientist for ten years.”

12 – मासिक आय
(maaSik aay)

“Monthly income”

  • आपकी मासिक आय क्या है?
    (aapakii maaSik aay kyaa hai?)
  • “What’s your monthly salary?”

13 – वार्षिक आय  
(vaarsik aay)

“Annual income”

  • मेरी वार्षिक आय बारह लाख है। 
    (meri vaarsik aay baarah Laakh hai.)
  • “My annual income is twelve lakhs.”

14 – स्थायी पता  
(STHaayii paTaa)

“Permanent address”

  • कृपया, अपना स्थायी पता बताएं। 
    (kripayaa, apaNaa STHaayii paTaa baTaayen.)
  • “Kindly state your permanent address.”

Would you like to be even better prepared for your future business endeavors? Then you can also check out these mind-blowing Hindi phrases for administrative forms and resumes.

4. Smart Phrases for the Corporate World

Working and staying ahead in the corporate world demands a lot of skills. In this section, you’ll learn advanced Hindi phrases that will help you stand out among your colleagues. Enter the conference room with a jolt of self-confidence after practicing these top phrases to use in business meetings

1 – एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना
(edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa)

“Tooth and nail”

  • इस प्रॉजेक्ट के लिए हमें एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना पड़ेगा। 
    (iS praujekt ke Liye hamen edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa padegaa.)
  • “We have to fight tooth and nail for this project.”

2 – लेन-देन


  • मुझे पिछले सभी लेन-देन की जानकारी चाहिए। 
    (mujhe pichaLe Sabhii LeN-DeN kii jaaNakaarii caahiye.)
  • “I need information regarding all the previous transactions.”

3 – हिसाब-किताब


  • इस विभाग का हिसाब-किताब कौन देखता है?
    (iS vibhaag kaa hiSaab-kiTaab kauN DekhaTaa hai?)
  • “Who looks after the accounting of this department?”

Eight Colleagues Meeting Together at Work Around a Table

Rock Business Meetings with These Hindi Words

4 – आंकड़ा पार करना 
(aankadaa paar karaNaa)

“To cross the figure”

  • हमें इस साल दो करोड़ का आंकड़ा पार करना है। 
    (hamen iS SaaL Do karod kaa aankadaa paar karaNaa hai.)
  • “This year, we have to cross the figure of two crores.”

5 – नफ़ा-नुक़सान 

“Profit and loss”

  • धंधे में नफ़ा-नुक़सान तो होता रहता है। 
    (DHanDHe men Nafaa-NuqaSaaN To hoTaa rahaTaa hai.)
  • “Profit and loss are part and parcel of the business.”

6 – मंदी 


  • अभी बहुत मंदी चल रही है। 
    (abhii bahuT manDii caL rahii hai.)
  • “There’s a lot of recession going on right now.”

7 – बाज़ार धीमा होना  
(baazaar DHiimaa hoNaa)

“Market slowing down”

  • कोविड की वजह से बाज़ार धीमा हो गया है। 
    (kovid kii vajah Se baazaar DHiimaa ho gayaa hai.)
  • “The market has been slowing down due to COVID.”

8 – नियम-क़ायदे   

“Rules and regulations”

  • सभी नियम-क़ायदों का कड़ाई से पालन होना चाहिए। 
    (Sabhii Niyam-qaayaDon kaa kadaaii Se paaLaN hoNaa caahiye.)
  • “All the rules and regulations should be strictly followed.”

9 – किसी भी हाल में  
(kiSii bhii haaL men)


  • उसे किसी भी हाल में यह नौकरी चाहिए। 
    (uSe kiSii bhii haaL men yah Naukarii caahiye.)
  • “She wants this job anyhow.”

10 – विचाराधीन 

“Under consideration”

  • यह मामला अभी विचाराधीन है। 
    (yah maamaLaa abhii vicaaraaDHiiN hai.)
  • “The matter is currently under consideration.”

11 – पदोन्नति 


  • मुझे अपनी पदोन्नति का इंतज़ार है। 
    (mujhe apaNii paDoNNaTi kaa iNTazaar hai.)
  • “I am looking forward to my promotion.”

12 – वेतन-संबंधी 


  • वेतन-संबंधी सवालों के लिए मानव संसाधन विभाग से संपर्क करें। 
    (veTaN-SambanDHii SavaaLon ke Liye maaNav SanSaaDHaN vibhaag Se Sampark karen.)
  • “For salary-related queries, contact the HR department.”

You can visit our free vocabulary list Phrases for Doing Business Successfully to learn even more phrases along with their pronunciation.

The Word IDIOMS Spelled Out Using Blocks Containing Letters

Popular Hindi Idioms

5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage

We’ll conclude our article on advanced Hindi phrases with a list of everyday idioms, proverbs, and quotes. Use them in your conversations with native speakers to sound more natural and at ease. 

1 – दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी
(DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii)

“By leaps and bounds”

  • मेरी प्रार्थना है कि तुम दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी तरक़्क़ी करो। 
    (merii praarTHaNaa hai ki Tum DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii Taraqqii karo.)
  • “I will pray that you progress by leaps and bounds.”

2 – काँटे की टक्कर
(kaante kii takkar)


  • दोनों टीमों में काँटे की टक्कर चल रही है। 
    (DoNon tiimon men kaante kii takkar caL rahii hai.)
  • “The two teams are toe-to-toe.”

3 – देर आये दुरुस्त आये
(Der aaye DuruST aaye)

“Better late than never”

  • सूरज ने अपनी ग़लती मान ली। देर आये दुरुस्त आये। 
    (Suuraj Ne apaNii gaLaTii maaN Lii. Der aaye DuruST aaye.)
  • “Suraj accepted his mistake. Better late than never.”

4 – अपनी पहचान बनाना 
(apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa)

“Make your mark”

  • अपनी पहचान बनाना कोई आसान काम नहीं। 
    (apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa koii aaSaaN kaam Nahiin.)
  • “Making your mark is not an easy task.”

5 – नाम कमाना 
(Naam kamaaNaa)

“Making a name”

  • ख़ूब मेहनत करो और दुनिया में नाम कमाओ। 
    (khuub mehaNaT karo aur DuNiyaa men Naam kamaao.)
  • “Work hard and make a name in this world.”

6 – ख़ून-पसीना बहाना 
(khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaaNaa)

“Blood, sweat, and tears”

  • हमारे शहीदों ने देश को आज़ाद कराने के लिए अपना ख़ून-पसीना बहा दिया। 
    (hamaare sahiiDon Ne Des ko aazaaD karaaNe ke Liye apaNaa khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaa Diyaa.)
  • “Our martyrs shed their blood, sweat, and tears in order to free the country.”

7 – कन्नी काटना 
(kaNNii kaataNaa)

“To avoid”

  • जीतू हमेशा पढ़ाई से कन्नी काटता है। 
    (jiiTuu hamesaa padhaaii Se kaNNii kaataTaa hai.)
  • “Jeetu always avoids studies.”

8 – समय बर्बाद करना 
(Samay barbaaD karaNaa)

“Wasting time”

  • मोबाइल देखकर समय बर्बाद मत करो। 
    (mobaaiL Dekhakar Samay barbaaD maT karo.)
  • “Don’t waste your time looking at the mobile.”

9 – सरकारी कर्मचारी 
(Sarkaarii karmacaarii)

“Government employee”

  • मेरी माताजी सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं। 
    (merii maaTaajii Sarkaarii karmacaarii hain.)
  • “My mother is a government employee.”

10 – प्रस्तुत करना 
(praSTuT karaNaa)

“To present”

  • बच्चों ने कई रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किये। 
    (baccon Ne kaii rangaarang karyakram praSTuT kiye.)
  • “The children presented various cultural programs.”

11 – चर्चा का विषय 
(carcaa kaa visay)

“Topic of discussion”

  • आज की चर्चा का विषय नया बजट है। 
    (aaj kii carcaa kaa visay Nayaa bajat hai.)
  • “Today’s topic of discussion is the new budget.”

12 – मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना 
(mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa)

“To seize the opportunity”

  • एक होनहार व्यक्ति मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना जानता है। 
    (ek hoNahaar vyakTi mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa jaaNaTaa hai.)
  • “A smart person knows how to seize the opportunity.”

6. Sound Like an Expert with

With that, we’ve come to the end of our lesson on the most common advanced phrases in Hindi. For more content and better access, sign up for your free lifetime account on If you feel stuck because you can’t remember a word, you can jump in and use our free online dictionary. You could also explore our numerous vocabulary lists, go through our curated lesson pathways, or upgrade your account to gain access to your own personal teacher. 

A Woman Smiling and Showing Off a Sports Medal

How to Sound Like an Expert in Hindi

Did you enjoy this lesson? Comment below to share which of the phrases above sounded the most difficult to you and which one looked the most appealing.

If there’s anything else you’d like us to cover, don’t hesitate to get in touch—we love hearing from you!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi

30+ Intermediate Hindi Phrases to Help You Sound Like a Pro!


As a Hindi learner, you cannot depend solely on simple vocabulary and sentence patterns forever. After a certain point, situations will demand that you learn and begin using intermediate-level Hindi phrases in order to communicate fluently with native speakers.

In a previous article, we covered the essential Hindi beginner phrases; today, we’ll take a step forward and move to the next level. That’s right. It’s time to explore the most useful intermediate Hindi phrases.

Handwriting in a Notebook, with Blue Block Letters ABC Resting on Top
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why is it important to study intermediate phrases?
  2. Talking About Past Events
  3. Making and Changing Plans
  4. Explaining and Listing Reasons
  5. Making Recommendations and Complaints
  6. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
  7. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
  8. Reach New Heights with

1. Why is it important to study intermediate phrases?

After learning the intermediate-level Hindi phrases from this article, you’ll not only sound cooler when having conversations with locals but also leave a lasting impression on them. Knowing more advanced phrases will prove useful in all kinds of scenarios, both personal and professional. 

It’s okay if you feel a bit nervous, as these Hindi sentence structures may look complicated. But rest assured that you’ll eventually get the hang of them and gain confidence in your speaking skills, especially after you’ve had the chance to practice. To make sure you get a great head start, we have compiled here a variety of intermediate phrases for Hindi conversations that you can start using right away. 

2. Talking About Past Events

The first intermediate Hindi phrases we’ll look at are those for talking about past events. Talking about things that have already happened plays an essential role in catching up with someone, bonding with friends, or enjoying a lighthearted talk with colleagues.

Memorizing these phrases will help you understand how to use the past tense in Hindi (but for more information, you can visit our article on Hindi tenses). The examples below should help you get the drift and figure out how to substitute words to cover a wider variety of situations. 

1 – “We had fun at the party last night.”

  • कल रात पार्टी में बहुत मज़ा आया। (kaL raaT paartii men bahuT mazaa aayaa.)
  • कल की पार्टी कितनी मज़ेदार थी! (kaL kii paartii kiTaNii mazeDaar THii!)
  • कल रात पार्टी में हमने ख़ूब मज़े किये। (kaL raaT paartii men hamaNe khuub maze kiye.)

2 – “I started this job three years ago.”

  • मैंने 3 साल पहले यह नौकरी शुरू की थी। (mainNe 3 SaaL pahaLe yah Naukarii suruu kii THii.)
  • मुझे यह नौकरी करते हुए 3 साल हो चुके हैं। (mujhe yah Naukarii karaTe huye 3 SaaL ho cuke hain.)

    Literal Translation: “It’s been three years since I started doing this job.”

A Group of People Sitting Around a Fire while Camping

“We had so much fun last night!”

3 – “That was the worst day of my life.”

  • वो मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन था। (vo merii ziNDagii kaa SabaSe buraa DiN THaa.)
  • वो मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे ख़राब दिन था। (vo merii ziNDagii kaa SabaSe kharaab DiN THaa.)

4 – “I used to have a pet named ___.”

  • मेरे पास ‘किटी’ नाम की एक बिल्ली थी। (mere paaS ‘kitii’ Naam kii ek biLLii THii.)

    Literal Translation: “I used to have a cat named ‘Kitty.’ ”
  • मेरे पास ‘बिस्किट’ नाम का एक कुत्ता था। (mere paaS ‘biSkit’ Naam kaa ek kuTTaa THaa.)

    Literal Translation: “I used to have a dog named ‘Biscuit.’ ”

3. Making and Changing Plans

We all make plans. That’s a fact. But it’s also true that plans can change—sometimes at the last moment! It can be rather uncomfortable to convey this to the other party, especially when you have to do so in a foreign language. It can be tricky to pick just the right words to express the inconvenience in the gentlest possible manner. That said, the useful intermediate Hindi phrases below should be enough to get you started off on the right foot.

Setting Up a Business Meeting

1 – “Do you have time this weekend?”

  • क्या हम इस वीकेंड मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham iS viikend miL SakaTe hain?)
  • क्या आपके पास कल मिलने का समय है? (kyaa aapake paaS kaL miLaNe kaa Samay hai?)

    Literal Translation: “Do you have time to meet tomorrow?”

2 – “How about Indian food?”

  • भारतीय खाना कैसा रहेगा? (bhaaraTiiy khaaNaa kaiSaa rahegaa?)
  • आज शाकाहारी खाना खाया जाये? (aaj saakaahaarii khaaNaa khaayaa jaaye?)

    Literal Translation: “Shall we try vegetarian food today?”

3 – “Can I bring my partner?”

  • क्या मैं अपने बॉयफ़्रेंड/अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड को साथ ला सकता/सकती हूँ? (kyaa main apaNe boyafrend / apaNii garLafrend ko SaaTH Laa SakaTaa/SakaTii huun?)

    Literal Translation: “Can I bring my boyfriend/girlfriend along with me?”
  • क्या मेरी पत्नी भी मेरे साथ आ सकती है? (kyaa merii paTNii bhii mere SaaTH aa SakaTii hai?)

    Literal Translation: “Could my wife also come along with me?”
  • क्या मेरे पति भी मेरे साथ आ सकते हैं? (kyaa mere paTi bhii mere SaaTH aa SakaTe hain?)

    Literal Translation: “Could my husband also come along with me?”

4 – “I was wondering if we could reschedule.”

  • मैं जानना चाहता था/चाहती थी कि क्या हम किसी और दिन मिल सकते हैं? (main jaaNaNaa caahaTaa THaa/caahaTii THii ki kyaa ham kiSii aur DiN miL SakaTe hain?)
  • क्या हम किसी और दिन मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham kiSii aur DiN miL SakaTe hain?)

    Literal Translation: “Could we meet some other day?”
  • क्या हम मिलने का समय बदल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham miLaNe kaa Samay baDaL SakaTe hain?)

    Literal Translation: “Could we change the time of our meeting?”
  • क्या हम बुधवार की बजाय शुक्रवार को मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham buDHavaar kii bajaay sukravaar ko miL SakaTe hain?)

    Literal Translation: “Could we meet on Friday instead of Wednesday?”

5 – “Let’s have a Zoom meeting next Tuesday to discuss the details.”

  • और विस्तार से बात करने के लिए अगले मंगलवार ज़ूम मीटिंग पर मिलते हैं। (aur viSTaar Se baaT karaNe ke Liye agaLe mangaLavaar zuum miiting par miLaTe hain.)
  • बाक़ी की बातें अगले मंगलवार की ज़ूम मीटिंग में करेंगे। (baaqii kii baaTen agaLe mangaLavaar kii zuum miiting men karenge.)

4. Explaining and Listing Reasons

There’s nothing more dreadful than needing to explain yourself, let alone in a foreign language. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes, situations are complicated and require you to explain your actions or intentions; you might even need to present the logic and reasoning behind a decision you’ve made. Below, you’ll find some useful Hindi phrases for intermediate learners that’ll get the job done with subtlety and simplicity!

A Woman Talking on a Blue Telephone

Let’s learn how to give your reasons.

1 – “I did this because…”

  • मैंने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि… (mainNe aiSaa iSaLiye kiyaa kyonki…)
  • मैंने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि मैं तुमसे बहुत प्यार करता/करती हूँ।” (mainNe aiSaa iSaLiye kiyaa kyonki main TumaSe bahuT pyaar karaTaa/karaTii huun.)
    “I did this because I really love you.”

2 – “I believed it was the right thing to do. That’s why…”

  • मुझे यही ठीक लगा। इसीलिए… (mujhe yahii thiik Lagaa. iSiiLiye…)
  • मुझे यही ठीक लगा इसीलिए मैंने किरण को सब कुछ सच-सच बता दिया। (mujhe yahii thiik Lagaa iSiiLiye mainNe kiran ko Sab kuch Sac-Sac baTaa Diyaa.)
    “I believed it was the right thing to do. That’s why I told Kiran everything.”

3 – “I chose it for three reasons. First of all… Secondly… Last but not least…”

  • मैंने इसे तीन वजहों से चुना। सबसे पहली वजह…दूसरी वजह…और तीसरी वजह… (mainNe iSe TiiN vajahon Se cuNaa. SabaSe pahaLii vajah… DuuSarii vajah… aur TiiSarii vajah…)
  • मैंने इस घर को तीन वजहों से चुना। पहली वजह, यह बहुत सस्ता है। दूसरी वजह, यह शहर के बीचोंबीच है। और तीसरी वजह, यह मेरे दफ़्तर के काफ़ी क़रीब है। (mainNe iS ghar ko TiiN vajahon Se cuNaa. SabaSe pahaLii vajah, yah bahuT SaSTaa hai. DuuSarii vajah, yah sahar ke biiconbiic hai. aur TiiSarii vajah, yah mere DafTar ke kaafii qariib hai.)
    “I chose this house for three reasons. First of all, it’s quite cheap. Secondly, it’s right in the center of the city. And thirdly, it’s really close to my office.”

A Man Explaining His Reason for Doing Something during an Interview

“Well, I did this because…”

5. Making Recommendations and Complaints

We are all guilty of having opinions. Nevertheless, this isn’t always a bad thing. Giving the right feedback is valuable in that it helps make everything much easier for the next person. For instance, recommending a restaurant for its great food or giving negative feedback about a company that never pays attention to customer complaints may save your loved ones a lot of trouble.

Three Scoops of Different Ice Cream Flavors Drizzled with Syrup

“It’s the best ice cream you’ll ever have!”

So, the next time your native Hindi-speaking friends ask for your opinion about something, go ahead and play your role in helping them make an informed decision. Here are some intermediate-level Hindi phrases to help you start making complaints and recommendations. 

1 – “You should try this. It’s the best ___ I’ve ever had.”

  • ये चखकर देखो। इससे बेहतरीन बिरयानी मैंने पहले कभी नहीं खाई। (ye cakh kar Dekho. iSaSe behaTariiN birayaaNii mainNe pahaLe kabhii Nahiin khaaii.)

    Literal Translation: “Taste this. I’ve never had a biryani tastier than this.”
  • आपको ये पनीर टिक्का ज़रूर खाना चाहिए। ये बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट है। (aapako ye paNiir tikaa zaruur khaaNaa caahiye. ye bahuT hii SvaaDist hai.)

    Literal Translation: “You must try this paneer tikka. It’s delicious.”

2 – “We loved staying at this hotel. I would definitely go back again.”

  • हमें ये होटल बहुत पसंद आया था। हम वहां दुबारा ज़रूर जायेंगे। (hamen ye hotaL bahuT paSanD aayaa THaa. ham vahaan Dubaaraa zaruur jaayenge.)

3 – “Bad customer service. Would not recommend it.”

  • इस कंपनी की सेवाएं बिल्कुल भी अच्छी नहीं हैं। (iS kampaNii kii Sevaayen biLkuL bhii acchii Nahiin hain.)
  • इनकी ग्राहक सेवा बहुत ख़राब है। (iNakii graahak Sevaa bahuT kharaab hai.)

4 – “This brand has the best products. You should try their ___.”

  • इस ब्रैंड के सभी उत्पाद बहुत अच्छे हैं। तुम्हें इनकी कोको फ़ेस क्रीम ज़रूर इस्तेमाल करनी चाहिए। (iS braind ke Sabhii uTpaaD bahauT acche hain. Tumhen iNkii koko feS kriim zaruur iSTemaaL karNii caahiye.)

    Literal Translation: “All the products of this brand are awesome. You should try their cocoa face cream.”

A Man Complaining for Bad Service on a Restaurant

“Such poor service!”

6. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations

In today’s times, with people living almost every moment of their lives on social media, how could we forget the importance of reaction phrases?

You know, it’s common to see the internet flooded with phrases like “Wow,” “Awesome,” and “You kidding?” But what are their Hindi substitutes and equivalents? And in what context should you use them?

We’ll tell you in a minute. And just so that it makes total sense to you, we’ve also included some sample dialogues using these intermediate Hindi phrases. So, have a go!

One Person Whispering a Secret in Another’s Ear

Ready to learn reaction phrases in Hindi?

1 – “Awesome!”

  • अरे वाह! (are vaah!)
  • क्या बात है! (kyaa baaT hai!)

Sample Dialogue
हम सब कल फ़िल्म देखने जा रहे हैं! रात का खाना भी बाहर ही खाएंगे। 
(ham Sab kaL fiLm DekhaNe jaa rahe hain. raaT kaa khaaNaa bhii baahar hii khaayenge.)
“We are going to see a movie tomorrow. We’ll also have dinner out.”

अरे वाह! 
(are vaah!)

2 – “Really?”

  • सच में? (Sac men?)

3 – “No kidding!”

  • क्या बात कर रहे/ रही हो! (kyaa baaT kar rahe/ rahii ho!)

    Literal Translation: “What are you talking about!”

4 – “My goodness!”

  • हे भगवान! (he bhagavaaN!)
  • हे ईश्वर! (he iisvar!)

Sample Dialogue
सुनील को दुर्घटना में बहुत चोट आयी है। उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया गया है। 
(SuNiiL ko DurghataNaa men bahuT cot aayii hai. uSe aSpaTaaL men bharTii karavaayaa gayaa hai.)
“Sunil was badly hurt in the accident. He has been admitted to the hospital.”

हे भगवान! ये तो बहुत बुरा हुआ! 
(he bhagavaaN! ye To bahuT buraa huaa!)
“My goodness! This is terrible!”

5 – “Unbelievable!”

  • यकीन नहीं होता! (yakiiN Nahiin hoTaa!)
  • ऐसा नहीं हो सकता! (aiSaa Nahiin ho SakaTaa!)

    Literal Translation: “This cannot happen!”

6 – “Wow!”

  • वाह! (vaah)
  • बहुत सुंदर! (bahuT SuNDar!)

7 – “That’s fantastic!”

  • मज़ा आ गया! (mazaa aa gayaa!)
  • बहुत बढ़िया! (bahuT badhiyaa!)

Sample Dialogue
मुझे दिल्ली के कॉलेज में प्रवेश मिल गया है। 
(mujhe DiLLii ke kauLej men praves miL gayaa hai.)
“I’ve got admission into a Delhi college.”

बहुत बढ़िया! 
(bahuT badhiyaa!)
“That’s fantastic!”

7. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings

And our last category consists of the most popular etiquette phrases to use in personal and professional situations. Make sure to look at the literal translations where applicable. 

1 – “You first!”

  • पहले आप। (pahaLe aap.)

A Couple Dining at a Nice Outdoor Restaurant

Bon Appétit!

2 – “Bon appétit!”

  • शुरू करें? (suruu karen?)

    Literal Translation: “Let’s start?”
  • खाना शुरू करें? (khaaNaa suruu karen?)

    Literal Translation: “Shall we start eating?”

3 – “Welcome to our store.”

  • हमारे स्टोर में आपका स्वागत है। (hamaare Stor men aapakaa SvaagaT hai.)
  • हमारी दुकान में आपका स्वागत है। (hamaarii DukaaN men aapakaa SvaagaT hai.)

4 – “Please make yourself at home.”

  • इसे अपना ही घर समझिये। (iSe apaNaa hii ghar Samajhiye.)

    Literal Translation: “Think of it as your own house.”

5 – “Please let me know if you have any questions.”

  • अगर कोई सवाल हो तो मुझसे पूछें। (agar koii SavaaL ho To mujhaSe puuchen.)
  • अगर कुछ पूछना हो तो मुझसे बात करें। (agar kuch puuchaNaa ho To mujhaSe baaT karen.)

6 – “I look forward to hearing from you.”

  • मुझे आपके जवाब का इंतज़ार रहेगा। (mujhe aapake javaab kaa iNTazaar rahegaa.)

A Man Leaving for Work and Waving Goodbye to His Wife and Children

“Travel safe!”

7 – “Have a safe trip!”

  • आपकी यात्रा मंगलमय हो। (aapkii yaaTraa mangaLamay ho.)
  • शुभ यात्रा! (subh yaaTraa!)
  • अच्छे से जाना। (acche Se jaaNaa.)

    Literal Translation: “Travel safe.”

8. Reach New Heights with

We hope you enjoyed this Hindi lesson! You now know some of the essential Hindi phrases for intermediate learners, which is sure to help you make friends and leave a good impression on others. 

If your thirst for learning is still unquenched, there’s so much more available on to make your Hindi learning fun and easy. From our amazing video lessons to our lists of key Hindi phrases, our platform provides everything you’ve been looking for.

What’s more, you’ll also get access to free audio lessons, free vocabulary lists, and a free Hindi dictionary. There are vocabulary lists and PDF notes included with each lesson to make things even easier for you, not to mention online flashcards for more effective vocabulary retention. Sign up today, and have a great time learning with us on!

In the meantime, don’t forget to practice these intermediate Hindi phrases. Let us know which ones you found most useful and which ones seemed tricky. Is there any particular phrase you’d like us to translate for you? We’re all ears. Drop your message in the comments and let us know!

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Learn the Top 150+ Advanced Hindi Words


Congratulations! At this point in your language learning journey, you are familiar with beginner-level Hindi words and have surpassed the mountain of intermediate Hindi vocabulary. You also have a good understanding of basic sentence structures and grammar concepts, and you can probably hold a short conversation in Hindi. 

While this was enough to help you survive as a new Hindi learner, it’s time to press onward and study some more advanced Hindi words. Being able to use a more sophisticated vocabulary will reflect your strong command of the Hindi language and leave a great impression on native speakers. It could also help you land a job in India and score better on examinations.

So, let’s start our lesson and check out the most useful advanced Hindi words in a variety of categories.

Two Female Colleagues Discussing Something

How to Learn the Difficult Words in Hindi

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced Business Words
  3. Advanced Medical Words
  4. Advanced Legal Words
  5. 50+ Lesser-Known Words to Make Your Answers Stand Out in Hindi Exams
  6. Why choose

1. Advanced Academic Words

Our first list of advanced Hindi words consists of academic terms. These are words you’ll often hear used by professors and students in universities throughout India. 

1 – विषय (visay) = “Subject” [Noun]

तुम्हें कौन सा विषय पसंद है? (Tumhen kauN Saa visay paSanD hai?)
“Which subject do you like?”

2 – अनुसंधान (aNuSanDHaaN) = “Research” [Noun]

यह एक अनुसंधान केंद्र है। (yah ek aNuSanDHaaN keNDr hai.)
“This is a research center.”

3 – अंकतालिका (ank TaaLikaa) = “Marksheet” [Noun]

अपनी अंकतालिका दिखाइए। (apaNii ank TaaLikaa Dikhaaiye.)
“Show your marksheet.”

4 – उत्तीर्ण (uTTiirn) = “Passed” [Verb]

पचास छात्र उत्तीर्ण हुए। (pacaaS chaaTr uTTiirn huye.)
“Fifty students passed.”

5 – अनुत्तीर्ण (aNuTTiirn) = “Failed” [Verb]

चार छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण हुए। (caar chaaTr aNuTTiirn huye.)
“Four students failed.”

6 – मूल्यांकन (muuLyaankaN) = “Evaluation” [Noun]

अभी मूल्यांकन चल रहा है। (abhii muuLyaankaN caL rahaa hai.)
“Right now, the evaluation is going on.”

7 – अस्पष्ट (aSpast) = “Ambiguous” [Adjective]

स्थिति अस्पष्ट है। (STHiTi aSpast hai.)
“The situation is ambiguous.”

8 – विवाद (vivaaD) = “Controversy” [Noun]

छात्र नेता विवाद में है। (chaaTr NeTaa vivaaD men hai.)
“The student leader is in controversy.”

9 – महाविद्यालय (mahaaviDyaaLay) = “College” [Noun]

महाविद्यालय यहाँ से बहुत दूर है। (mahaaviDyaaLay yahaan Se bahuT Duur hai.)
“The college is quite far from here.”

10 – विश्वविद्यालय (visvaviDyaaLay) = “University” [Noun]

मैं विश्वविद्यालय जाना चाहती हूँ। (main visvaviDyaaLay jaaNaa caahaTii huun.)
“I want to go to university.”

11 – अंक (ank) = “Marks” [Noun]

किरन को चालीस अंक मिले। (kiraN ko caaLiiS ank miLe.)
“Kiran got forty marks.”

12 – पंजीकरण (panjiikaran) = “Registration” [Noun]

कल पंजीकरण का आख़िरी दिन है। (kaL panjiikaran kaa aakhirii DiN hai.)
“Tomorrow is the last day of registration.”

13 – क्रमांक (kramaank) = “Serial number” [Noun]

सबसे पहले अपना क्रमांक लिखिए। (SabaSe pahLe apaNaa kramaank Likhiye.)
“First, write down your serial number.”

14 – शैक्षणिक (saiksanik) = “Academic” [Adjective]

आपकी शैक्षणिक योग्यता क्या है? (aapakii saiksanik yogyaTaa kyaa hai?)
“What’s your academic qualification?”

15 – कुलाधिपति (kuLaaDHipaTi) = “Chancellor” [Noun]

कुलाधिपति अवकाश पर हैं। (kuLaaDHipaTi avakaas par hain.)
“The chancellor is on leave.”

16 – कुलपति (kuLapaTi) = “Vice-chancellor” [Noun]

कुलपति बैठक में हैं। (kuLapaTi baithak men hain.)
“The vice-chancellor is in the meeting.”

17 – समन्वयक (SamaNvayak) = “Coordinator” [Noun]

रमेश दो साल से इस विभाग का समन्वयक है। (rames Do SaaL Se iS vibhaag kaa SamaNvayak hai.)
“Ramesh has been the coordinator of this department for two years.”

18 – स्नातक (SNaaTak) = “Graduate” [Noun]

मैं एक स्नातक हूँ। (main ek SNaaTak huun.)
“I’m a graduate.”

19 – परास्नातक (paraaSNaaTak) = “Postgraduate” [Noun]

सुमन परास्नातक है। (SumaN paraaSNaaTak hai.)
“Suman is a postgraduate.”

20 – सुधार (SuDHaar) = “Correction” [Noun]

इस शोध में सुधार की ज़रूरत है। (iS soDH men SuDHaar kii zaruuraT hai.)
“This research needs some corrections.”

21 – प्रवेश (praves) = “Admission” [Noun]

मुझे मुंबई के कॉलेज में प्रवेश मिल गया है। (mujhe mumbaii ke kauLej men praves miL gayaa hai.)
“I’ve got admission into a college in Mumbai.”

22 – अवकाश (avakaas) = “A leave” [Noun]

अध्यापिका दो दिन के अवकाश पर गयी हैं। (aDHyaapikaa Do DiN ke avakaas par gayii hain.)
“The teacher is on leave for two days.”

23 – उचित (uciT) = “Appropriate” [Adjective]

पहले इसकी अनुमति लेना अधिक उचित होगा। (pahLe iSakii aNumaTi LeNaa aDHik uciT hogaa.)
“Before this, it’d be more appropriate to ask for permission.”

24 – अनुचित (aNuciT) = “Inappropriate” [Adjective]

इस तरह बात करना अनुचित है। (iS Tarah baaT karaNaa aNuciT hai.)
“It’s inappropriate to talk like this.”

25 – परीक्षा प्रणाली (pariiksaa pranaaLii) = “Examination system” [Noun]

हमारी परीक्षा प्रणाली विश्व-स्तर की है। (hamaarii pariiksaa pranaaLii visv-STar kii hai.)
“We have a world-class examination system.”

26 – शुल्क (suLk) = “Fee” [Noun]

कृपया, मासिक शुल्क समय पर जमा करें। (kripayaa, maaSik suLk Samay par jamaa karen.)
“Please, deposit the monthly fee on time.”

27 – अंतिम तिथि (aNTim TiTHi) = “Last date” [Noun]

फ़ॉर्म जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि क्या है? (faurm jamaa karaNe kii aNTim TiTHi kyaa hai?)
“What is the last date to submit this form?”

28 – रसायन विज्ञान (raSaayaN vigyaaN) = “Chemistry” [Noun]

मुझे रसायन विज्ञान में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं। (mujhe raSaayaN vigyaaN men koi DiLacaSpii Nahiin.)
“I have no interest in chemistry.”

29 – भौतिक विज्ञान (bhauTik vigyaaN) = “Physics” [Noun]

भौतिक विज्ञान एक कठिन विषय है। (bhauTik vigyaaN ek kathiN visay hai.)
“Physics is a difficult subject.”

30 – अभियांत्रिकी (abhiyaaNTrikii) = “Engineering” [Noun]

ये अभियांत्रिकी की छात्राएं हैं। (ye abhiyaaNTrikii kii chaaTraayen hain.)
“These are the engineering students.”

31 – मनोविज्ञान (maNovigyaaN) = “Psychology” [Noun]

क्या तुम मनोविज्ञान पढ़ना चाहती हो? (kyaa Tum maNovigyaaN padhaNaa caahaTii ho?)
“Do you wish to study psychology?”

32 – राजनीति शास्त्र (raajaNiiTi-saaSTr) = “Political science” [Noun]

राजनीति शास्त्र की कक्षा उस कमरे में चल रही है। (raajaNiiTi saaSTr kii kaksaa uS kamare men caL rahii hai.)
“The political science class is running in that room.”

33 – समाजशास्‍त्र (Samaaj saaSTr) = “Sociology” [Noun]

समाजशास्त्र बहुत ही रोचक विषय है। (Samaaj saaSTr bahuT hii rocak visay hai.)
“Sociology is a really interesting subject.”

34 – ललित कला (LaLiT kaLaa) = “Fine arts” [Noun]

यहाँ ललित कला के चौदह विद्यार्थी हैं। (yahaan LaLiT kaLaa ke cauDah viDyaarTHii hain.)
“There are fourteen students of the fine arts here.”

2. Advanced Business Words

Our next set of advanced vocabulary words in Hindi covers frequently used terms in the business sector. You’ll likely find these words used in Hindi business magazines, in the news, or in business meetings. If you plan to get a job or do business in India, you should definitely have these words up your sleeve! 

1 – व्यवसाय (vyavaSaay) = “Business” [Noun]

व्यवसाय कैसा चल रहा है? (vyavaSaay kaiSaa caL rahaa hai?)
“How is the business doing?”

2 – रणनीति (ranaNiiTi) = “Strategy” [Noun]

इस समस्या से निपटने के लिए कोई रणनीति बनानी पड़ेगी। (iS SamaSyaa Se NipataNe ke Liye koii ranaNiiTi baNaaNii padegii.)
“We’ll have to make a strategy to deal with this problem.”

3 – कंपनी (kampaNii) = “Company” [Noun]

यह एक छोटी कंपनी है। (yah ek chotii kampaNii hai.)
“This is a small company.”

4 – कर्मचारी (karmacaarii) = “Employee” [Noun]

यहाँ 200 कर्मचारी काम करते हैं। (yahaan 200 karmacaarii kaam karaTe hain.)
“200 employees work here.”

5 – नियोक्ता (NiyokTaa) = “Employer” [Noun]

कंपनी के नियोक्ता बहुत भले व्यक्ति हैं। (kampaNii ke NiyokTaa bahuT bhaLe vyakTi hain.)
“The employer of the company is a good man.”

6 – नौकरी (Naukarii) = “Job” [Noun]

क्या तुम नौकरी की तलाश में हो? (kyaa Tum Naukarii kii TaLaas men ho?)
“Are you looking for a job?”

7 – रोज़गार (rozagaar) = “Employment” [Noun]

रोज़गार की दर घट रही है। (rozagaar kii Dar ghat rahii hai.)
“The employment rate is decreasing.”

8 – पेशा (pesaa) = “Profession” [Noun]

आपका पेशा क्या है? (aapakaa pesaa kyaa hai?)
“What’s your profession?”

9 – वित्त (viTT) = “Finance” [Noun]

वित्त मंत्री ने नई घोषणाएं कीं। (viTT maNTrii Ne Nayii ghosnaayen kiin.)
“The finance minister made new announcements.”

10 – आर्थिक (aarTHik) = “Financial” [Adjective]

भूकम्प पीड़ितों को आर्थिक सहायता की ज़रूरत है। (bhuukamp piidiTon ko aarTHik SahaayaTaa kii zaruuraT hai.)
“The earthquake victims need financial help.”

11 – अर्थव्यवस्था (arTHavyavaSTHaa) = “Economy” [Noun]

देश की अर्थव्यवस्था कमज़ोर होती जा रही है। (Des kii arTHavyavaSTHaa kamazor hoTii jaa rahii hai.)
“The economy of the country is growing weak.”

12 – प्रबंधन (prabaNDHaN) = “Management” [Noun]

प्रबंधन इस मामले की जाँच करेगा। (prabaNDHaN iS maamaLe kii jaanc karegaa.)
“The management will look into this matter.”

13 – संगठन (SangathaN) = “Organization” [Noun]

“हेल्प” एक ग़ैर सरकारी संगठन है। (“heLp” ek gair Sarakaarii SangathaN hai.)
“ ‘Help’ is a non-government organization.”

14 – वेतन (veTaN) = “Salary” [Noun]

सफ़ाई कर्मचारी वेतन बढ़ाने की मांग कर रहे हैं। (Safaaii karmacaarii veTaN badhaaNe kii maang kar rahe hain.)
“The cleaning staff is demanding a hike in their salary.”

15 – मानवीय संसाधन (maaNaviiy SaNSaaDHaN) = “Human resource” [Noun]

हमें और अधिक मानवीय संसाधन की आवश्यकता है। (hamen aur aDHik maaNaviiy SaNSaaDHaN kii aavasyakaTaa hai.)
“We need more human resources.”

16 – प्रबंधक (prabaNDHak) = “Manager” [Noun]

सुमन दो साल से होटल प्रबंधक के तौर पर काम कर रही है। (SumaN Do SaaL Se hotaL prabaNDHak ke Taur par kaam kar rahii hai.)
“Suman has been working as the hotel manager for two years.”

17 – महाप्रबंधक (mahaaprabaNDHak) = “General manager” [Noun]

यहाँ के महाप्रबंधक कौन हैं? (yahaan ke mahaaprabaNDHak kauN hain?)
“Who is the general manager here?”

18 – मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी (mukhy kaaryakaarii aDHikaarii) = “Chief executive officer” [Noun]

मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी अभी दौरे पर गए हैं। (mukhy kaaryakaarii aDHikaarii abhii Daure par gaye hain.)
“The chief executive officer is on tour.”

19 – बैठक / सभा (baithak / Sabhaa) = “Meeting” [Noun]

कमरा नंबर 4 में बैठक हो रही है। (kamaraa Nambar 4 men baithak ho rahii hai.)
“The meeting is taking place in room number 4.”

20 – भर्ती (bharTii) = “Recruitment” [Noun]

सेना में भर्ती प्रक्रिया शुरू हो चुकी है। (SeNaa men bharTii prakriyaa suruu ho cukii hai.)
“The army has started the recruitment process.”

21 – बरख़ास्त करना (barkhaaST karaNaa) = “Firing” [Noun]

कंपनी कई लोगों को नौकरी से बरख़ास्त कर रही है। (kampaNii kaii Logon ko barkhaaST kar rahii hai.)
“The company is firing many people.”

22 – त्यागपत्र (TyaagapaTr) = “Resignation” [Noun]

सुरेश ने अपना त्यागपत्र दे दिया है। (Sures Ne apaNaa TyaagapaTr De Diyaa hai.)
“Suresh has given his resignation.”

23 – कर (kar) = “Tax” [Noun]

आयकर नहीं देना एक दंडनीय अपराध है। (aay kar Nahiin Denaa ek DandNiiy apraaDH hai.)
“Not paying the income tax is a punishable offense.”

24 – अनुबंध (aNubanDH) = “Contract” [Noun]

अभिनेत्री ने दो साल का अनुबंध किया है। (abhiNeTrii Ne Do SaaL kaa aNubanDH kiyaa hai.)
“The actress has signed a two-year contract.”

25 – कारोबार (kaarobaar) = “Business” [Noun]

कारोबार अभी काफ़ी अच्छा चल रहा है। (kaarobaar abhii kaafii acchaa caL rahaa hai.)
“The business is doing really well these days.”

26 – वितरण (viTaran) = “Distribution” [Noun]

पुरस्कार वितरण कल होगा। (puraSkaar viTran kaL hogaa.)
“The prize distribution will be tomorrow.”

27 – लाभ (Laabh) = “Profit” [Noun]

इस वर्ष व्यापारियों को लाभ की उम्मीद है। (iS vars vyaapaariyon ko Laabh kii ummiiD hai.)
“The merchants are hoping for some profits this year.”

28 – घाटा (ghaataa) = “Loss” [Noun]

कपड़ा मिल घाटे में है। (kapadaa miL ghaate men hai.)
“The textile factory is at a loss.”

29 – आंकड़ा (aankadaa) = “Number” [Noun]

रोगियों का आंकड़ा 100 पार कर चुका है। (rogiyon kaa aankadaa Sau paar kar cukaa hai.)
“The number of patients has crossed 100.”

30 – प्रोत्साहन राशि (proTSaahaN raasi) = “Incentive” [Noun]

मेहनती कर्मचारियों को प्रोत्साहन राशि दी जाएगी। (mehaNaTii karmacaariyon ko proTSaahaN raasi Dii jaayegii.)
“The hardworking staff will receive the incentives.”

31 – निगमित नीति (NigamiT NiiTi) = “Corporate policy” [Noun]

यह दफ़्तर की निगमित नीति है। (yah DafTar kii NigamiT NiiTi hai.)
“It’s a corporate policy of this office.”

32 – निगम (Nigam) = “Corporation” [Noun]

नगर निगम शहर के बाहरी छोर पर है। (Nagar Nigam sahar ke baaharii chor par hai.)
“The municipal corporation is on the outskirts of the city.”

3. Advanced Medical Words

If you happen to be interested in the medical field, learning these advanced Hindi vocabulary words could help you get higher marks in exams and perform better in job interviews.

1 – कोशिका (kosikaa) = “Cell” [Noun]

कोशिका शरीर की सबसे छोटी इकाई होती है। (kosikaa sariir kii SabaSe chotii ikaaii hoTii hai.)
“A cell is the smallest unit of the body.”

2 – ऊतक (uuTak) = “Tissue” [Noun]

हमारे शरीर में कई प्रकार के ऊतक होते हैं। (hamaare sariir men kaii prakaar ke uuTak hoTe hain.)
“There are many types of tissue in our body.”

3 – सूजन (SuujaN) = “Inflammation” [Noun]

अस्थिरोग में सूजन आ जाती है। (aSTHi-rog men SuujaN aa jaaTii hai.)
“Inflammation occurs in arthritis.”

4 – सरदर्द (Sar DarD) = “Headache” [Noun]

दादी को सरदर्द हो रहा है। (DaaDii ko Sar DarD ho rahaa hai.)
“Grandma has a headache.”

5 – उल्टी (uLtii) = “Vomiting” [Noun]

उल्टी होना पेट में संक्रमण की निशानी है। (uLtii hoNaa pet men Sankraman kii NisaaNii hai.)
“Vomiting is a sign of a stomach infection.”

6 – उबकाई (ubakaaii) = “Nausea” [Noun]

क्या आपको उबकाई महसूस हो रही है? (kyaa aapako ubakaaii mahaSuuS ho rahii hai?)
“Are you experiencing nausea?”

7 – कर्क रोग (kark rog) = “Cancer” [Noun]

मेरे चाचा को कर्क रोग हो गया है। (mere caacaa ko kark rog ho gayaa hai.)
“My uncle has developed cancer.”

8 – अल्प रक्त-चाप (aLp rakTacaap) = “Hypotension” [Noun]

अल्प रक्तचाप में नमक चीनी का घोल पीना चाहिए। (aLp rakTacaap men Namak ciiNii kaa ghoL piiNaa caahiye.)
“In hypotension, a salt-sugar solution should be given.”

9 – उच्च रक्तचाप (ucc rakTacaap) = “Hypertension” [Noun]

यह उच्च रक्तचाप की दवा है। (yah ucc rakTacaap kii Davaa hai.)
“This is the medicine for hypertension.”

10 – दमा (Damaa) = “Asthma” [Noun]

दमा के रोगियों को प्राणायाम करना चाहिए। (Damaa ke rogiyon ko praanaayaam karaNaa caahiye.)
“Asthma patients should do Pranayama.”

11 – मनोभ्रंश रोग (maNobhraNs rog) = “Dementia” [Noun]

इस विभाग में मनोभ्रंश रोग का इलाज होता है। (iS vibhaag men maNobhraNs rog kaa iLaaj hoTaa hai.)
“Dementia treatment is provided in this department.”

12 – अवसाद (avaSaaD) = “Depression” [Noun]

अवसाद एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है। (avaSaaD ek gambhiir SvaaSTHy SamaSyaa hai.)
“Depression is a serious health problem.”

13 – नाड़ी (Naadii) = “Pulse” [Noun]

मरीज़ की नाड़ी देखो। (mariiz kii Naadii Dekho.)
“Check the patient’s pulse.”

14 – तीव्र (Tiivr) = “Acute” [Adjective]

रोगी को तीव्र ज्वर है। (rogii ko Tiivr jvar hai.)
“The patient has an acute fever.”

15 – संक्रमण (Sankraman) = “Infection” [Noun]

यह संक्रमण गंदे पानी से फैलता है। (yah Sankraman gaNDe paaNii Se faiLaTaa hai.)
“This infection spreads through dirty water.”

16 – बुखार (bukhaar) = “Fever” [Noun]

बच्चे को कल रात से बुखार है। (bacce ko kaL raaT Se bukhaar hai.)
“The kid has had a fever since last night.”

17 – ज़ुकाम (zukaam) = “Common cold” [Noun]

अगर आपको ज़ुकाम है तो अदरक की चाय पियें। (agar aapako zukaam hai To aDarak kii caay piyen.)
“If you are suffering from the common cold, drink ginger tea.”

18 – चयापचय (cayaapacay) = “Metabolism” [Noun]

पुनीत का चयापचय कमज़ोर हो चुका है। (puNiiT kaa cayaapacay kamazor ho cukaa hai.)
“Punit’s metabolism has become weak.”

19 – श्वसन दर (svaSaN Dar) = “Respiration rate” [Noun]

रोगी की श्वसन दर बहुत कम है। (rogii kii svaSaN Dar bahuT kam hai.)
“The patient’s respiration rate is quite low.”

20 – मवाद (mavaaD) = “Pus” [Noun]

चोट में मवाद पड़ चुका है। (cot men mavaaD pad cukaa hai.)
“There is pus formation in the wound.”

21 – रक्त (rakT) = “Blood” [Noun]

इनके शरीर में रक्त की कमी है। (iNake sariir men rakT kii kamii hai.)
“There is a lack of blood in his body.”

22 – रक्तदान (rakTaDaaN) = “Blood donation” [Noun]

सभी को रक्तदान अवश्य करना चाहिए। (Sabhii ko rakTaDaaN avasy karaNaa caahiye.)
“Everybody should participate in blood donation.”

23 – लक्षण (Laksan) = “Symptoms” [Noun]

ये सभी पीलिया के लक्षण हैं। (ye Sabhii piiLiyaa ke Laksan hain.)
“All of these are symptoms of jaundice.”

24 – तंत्रिका-विज्ञान (TaNTrikaa vigyaaN) = “Neurology” [Noun]

तंत्रिका-विज्ञान विभाग दायीं ओर है। (TaNTrikaa vigyaaN vibhaag Daayiin or hai.)
“The neurology department is on the right side.”

25 – दिल का दौरा (DiL kaa Dauraa) = “Heart attack” [Noun]

समीर को दिल का दौरा पड़ा था। (Samiir ko DiL kaa Dauraa padaa THaa.)
“Sameer had a heart attack.”

Two People in a Laboratory Running Tests

Popular Medical Words

26 – मिरगी (miragii) = “Epilepsy” [Noun]

यहाँ मिरगी का निःशुल्क इलाज होता है। (yahaan miragii kaa NihsuLk iLaaj hoTaa hai.)
“They provide free treatment for epilepsy here.”

27 – त्वचा रोग (Tvacaa rog) = “Skin disease” [Noun]

एक्ज़िमा एक तरह का त्वचा रोग है। (ekzimaa ek Tarah kaa Tvacaa rog hai.)
“Eczema is a type of skin disease.”

28 – विशेषज्ञ (visesagy) = “Specialist” [Noun]

हमें बाल-रोग विशेषज्ञ से मिलना है। (hamen baaL rog visesagy Se miLaNaa hai.)
“We need to see a child specialist.”

29 – शल्य चिकित्सा (saLy cikiTSaa) = “Surgery” [Noun]

दादाजी को शल्य चिकित्सा करवानी होगी। (DaaDaajii ko saLy cikiTSaa karavaaNii hogii.)
“Grandpa needs to have surgery.”

30 – हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ (hriDay rog visesagy) = “Cardiologist” [Noun]

मेरे मामा एक हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ हैं। (mere maamaa ek hriDay rog visesagy hain.)
“My uncle is a cardiologist.”

4. Advanced Legal Words

Now that you’ve reached an advanced level in Hindi, you will benefit from studying the most common legal terms. While legalese is rather difficult to understand even for the general population, knowing the basics can help you comprehend what you read or hear on the news. It can also allow you to have more complex conversations and avoid unfortunate misunderstandings! 

1 – कचहरी (kacaharii) = “Court” [Noun]

कचहरी कितनी दूर है? (kacaharii kiTaNii Duur hai?)
“How far is the court?”

2 – न्यायपालिका (NyaayapaaLikaa) = “Judiciary” [Noun]

देखते हैं, न्यायपालिका किसके पक्ष में फ़ैसला सुनाती है. (DekhaTe hain, NyaayapaaLikaa kiSake paks men faiSaLaa SuNaaTii hai.)
“Let’s see in whose favor the judiciary gives its verdict.”

3 – न्यायाधीश (NyaayaaDHiis) = “Judge” / “Magistrate” [Noun]

न्यायाधीश बनने के लिए बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ती है। (NyaayaaDHiis baNaNe ke Liye bahuT mehaNaT karaNii padaTii hai.)
“It takes a lot of hard work to become a judge.”

4 – मुख्य न्यायाधीश (mukhy NyaayaaDHiis) = “Chief justice” [Noun]

मुख्य न्यायाधीश ने जाँच के आदेश दिए। (mukhy NyaayaaDHiis Ne jaanc ke aaDes Diye.)
“The chief justice has ordered an investigation.”

5 – उच्च न्यायालय (ucc NyaayaaLay) = “High court” [Noun]

मामला अब उच्च न्यायलय में जायेगा। (maamaLaa ab ucc NyaayaaLay men jayegaa.)
“The case will now go into the high court.”

6 – उच्चतम न्यायालय (uccaTam NyaayaaLay) = “Supreme court” [Noun]

उच्चतम न्यायालय नयी दिल्ली में है। (uccaTam NyaayaaLay Nayii DiLLii men hai.)
“The supreme court is in New Delhi.”

7 – मुक़दमा (muqaDamaa) = “Case” [Noun]

ग्राहक ने बैंक पर धोखाधड़ी का मुक़दमा किया। (graahak Ne baink par DHokhaaDHadii kaa muqaDamaa kiyaa.)
“The customer filed a fraud case with the bank.”

8 – याचिका (yaacikaa) = “Petition” [Noun]

सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता ने नए क़ानून के विरोध में याचिका दायर की। (Saamaajik kaaryakarTaa Ne Naye qaaNuuN ke viroDH men yaacikaa Daayar kii.)
“The social worker filed a petition against the new law.”

9 – अधिनियम (aDHiNiyam) = “Act” [Noun]

किसानों ने नए अधिनियम का विरोध किया। (kiSaaNon Ne Naye aDHiNiyam kaa viroDH kiyaa.)
“The farmers protested against the new act.”

10 – दायर करना (Daayar karaNaa) = “To file” [Verb]

किसी भी घोटाले के ख़िलाफ़ याचिका दायर करना एक नागरिक का क़ानूनी अधिकार है। (kiSii bhii ghotaaLe ke khiLaaf yaacikaa Daayar karaNaa ek Naagarik kaa qaaNuuNii aDHikaar hai.)
“It’s a citizen’s right to file a petition against any scam.”

11 – वादी (vaaDii) = “Plaintiff” [Noun]

इस मुक़दमे में वह एक वादी है। (iS muqaDame men vah ek vaaDii hai.)
“She is a plaintiff in this case.”

12 – संविधान (SamviDHaaN) = “Constitution” [Noun]

संविधान लोकतंत्र की नींव होता है। (SamviDHaaN Lok TanTra kii Niinv hoTaa hai.)
“The constitution is the foundation of democracy.”

13 – वैध (vaiDH) = “Legal” [Adjective]

सीमा की मौसी उसकी वैध अभिभावक है। (Siimaa kii mauSii uSakii vaiDH abhibhaavak hai.)
“Seema’s aunt is her legal guardian.”

14 – अवैध (avaiDH) = “Illegal” [Adjective]

खुले में शराब पीना अवैध है। (khuLe men saraab piiNaa avaiDH hai.)
“It’s illegal to consume alcohol in a public place.”

15 – अपराधी (apraaDHii) = “Criminal” [Noun]

अपराधी को जेल भेजा गया। (apraaDHii ko jeL bhejaa gayaa.)
“The criminal was sent to jail.”

16 – क़ानूनी कार्यवाही (qaaNuuNii kaaryavaahii) = “Legal action” [Noun]

नियम तोड़ने पर क़ानूनी कार्यवाही होती है। (Niyam TodaNe par qaaNuuNii karyavaahii hoTii hai.)
“Legal action is taken when the law is broken.”

17 – बरी होना (barii hoNaa) = “To be acquitted” [Verb]

कार्यकर्ता को बरी किया गया। (kaaryakarTaa ko barii kiyaa gaya.)
“The activist was acquitted.”

18 – बंदी (baNDii) = “Prisoner” [Noun]

जेल में 300 बंदी हैं। (jeL men 300 baNDii hain.)
“There are 300 prisoners in the jail.”

19 – निर्वाह-धन (Nirvaah-DHaN) = “Alimony” [Noun]

जज ने पति को निर्वाह-धन देने का आदेश दिया। (jaj Ne paTi ko Nirvaah-DHaN DeNe kaa aaDes Diyaa.)
“The judge ordered the husband to give the alimony.”

20 – निर्दोष (NirDos) = “Innocent” [Adjective]

अपराध साबित होने तक हर व्यक्ति को निर्दोष माना जाना चाहिए। (aparaaDH SaabiT hoNe Tak har vyakTi ko NirDos maaNaa jaaNaa caahiye.)
“Everybody should be considered innocent until proven guilty.”

21 – संदिग्ध (SaNDigDH) = “Accused” [Adjective]

संदिग्धों में कई बड़े नेताओं के भी नाम थे। (SaNDigDHon men kaii bade NeTaaon ke bhii Naam THe.)
“The names of many powerful ministers are on the accused list.”

22 – साक्ष्य (Saaksy) = “Evidence” [Noun]

कई साक्ष्य आग में जल कर नष्ट हो गए। (kaii Saaksy aag men jaL kar Nast ho gaye.)
“Many pieces of evidence were destroyed in the fire.”

23 – साक्षी (Saaksii) = “Witness” [Noun]

पुलिस ने साक्षी को सुरक्षा प्रदान की। (puLiS Ne Saaksii ko Suraksaa praDaaN kii.)
“The police provided security to the witness.”

24 – क़ुबूल करना (qubuuL karaNaa) = “To admit” [Verb]

दीपक ने अपना जुर्म क़ुबूल किया। (Diipak Ne apaNaa jurm qubuuL kiyaa.)
“Deepak admitted his crime.”

25 – कारागार (kaaraagaar) = “Prison” / “Jail” [Noun]

कारागार में कड़ी सुरक्षा व्यवस्था है। (kaaraagaar men kadii Suraksaa vyavaSTHaa hai.)
“There is tight security in the prison.”

26 – अपहरण (apharan) = “Kidnapping” [Noun]

शहर में अपहरण के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। (sahar men apharan ke maamaLe badh rahe hain.)
“Kidnapping cases are rising in the city.”

27 – दंड (Dand) = “Penalty” [Noun]

मास्क नहीं पहनने पर 200 रुपये का दंड देय होगा। (maaSk Nahiin pahaNaNe par 200 rupaye kaa Dand Dey hogaa.)
“There will be a penalty of 200 rupees for not wearing a mask.”

28 – धमकी (DHamakii) = “Threat” [Noun]

जान से मारने की धमकी देना दंडनीय अपराध है। (jaaN Se maaraNe kii DHamakii DeNaa DandaNiiy aparaaDH hai.)
“A threat to kill is a punishable offense.”

29 – संरक्षण (Sanraksan) = “Guardianship” [Noun]

माँ को बच्चे का संरक्षण दिया गया। (maan ko bacce kaa Sanraksan Diyaa gayaa.)
“The mother was given the guardianship of the child.”

A Gavel in a Courtroom

Polish Your Legal Vocabulary

30 – भरण-पोषण (bharan-posan) = “Maintenance” [Noun]

भरण-पोषण की ज़िम्मेदारी पिता को दी गयी। (bharan-posan kii zimmeDaarii piTaa ko Dii gayii.)
“The father was given the responsibility of providing maintenance.”

31 – तलाक़ (TaLaaq) = “Divorce” [Noun]

पति-पत्नी ने तलाक़ लेने का फ़ैसला किया। (paTi-paTNii Ne TaLaaq LeNe kaa faiSaLaa kiyaa.)
“The couple decided to get a divorce.”

32 – मुआवज़ा (muaavazaa) = “Compensation” [Noun]

पीड़ितों को एक लाख रुपये का मुआवज़ा दिया जायेगा। (piidiTon ko ek Laakh rupaye kaa muaavazaa Diyaa jaayegaa.)
“The victims will be given compensation of one lakh of rupees.”

33 – निर्णय (Nirnay) = “Verdict” [Noun]

जज का निर्णय सर्वमान्य होता है। (jaj kaa Nirnay SarvamaaNy hoTaa hai.)
“The decision of the judge is universally accepted.”

34 – पीड़ित (piiṛiT) = “Victim” (Male) [Noun]

पीड़ित ने अधिकारी के सामने गुहार लगायी। (piidiT Ne aDHikaarii ke SaamaNe guhaar Lagaayii.)
“The victim pleaded in front of the officer.”

35 – पीड़िता (piidiTaa) = “Victim” (Female) [Noun]

पीड़िता ने अधिकारी के सामने गुहार लगायी। (piidiTaa Ne aDHikaarii ke SaamaNe guhaar Lagaayii.)
“The victim pleaded in front of the officer.”

5. 50+ Lesser-Known Words to Make Your Answers Stand Out in Hindi Exams

Finally, here is a list of advanced Hindi vocabulary words that will help you shine when taking exams or writing essays. Once you become familiar with these words, practice using them where appropriate to make the most of your Hindi writing. 

1 – वृहद् (vrihaD) = “Large” [Adjective]

यह समस्या वृहद् स्तर पर फैली हुई है। (yah SamaSyaa vrihaD STar par phaiLii huyii hai.)
“This problem exists on a large scale.”

2 – ज्ञान (gyaaN) = “Knowledge” [Noun]

ज्ञान की प्यास हमेशा होनी चाहिए। (gyaaN kii pyaaS hamesaa hoNii caahiye.)
“One should always have a thirst for knowledge.”

3 – बोध होना (boDH hoNaa) = “To sense” [Verb]

उसे अपनी ग़लती का बोध हुआ। (uSe apaNii gaLaTii kaa boDH huaa.)
“He sensed his mistake.”

4 – गद्यांश (gaDyaans) = “Prose passage” [Noun]

यह गद्यांश बहुत बड़ा है। (yah gaDyaans bahuT badaa hai.)
“This prose passage is too long.”

5 – पद्यांश (paDyaans) = “Poem passage” [Noun]

इस पद्यांश को समझाना मुश्किल है। (iS paDyaans ko SamjhaaNaa muskiL hai.)
“It’s hard to explain this poem passage.”

6 – निम्नलिखित (NimNaLikhiT) = “Following” [Noun]

निम्नलिखित में से किसी 5 प्रश्नों का उत्तर लिखिए। (NimNaLikhiT men Se kiSii 5 prasNon kaa uTTar Likhiye.)
“Answer any five of the following questions.”

7 – विस्तारपूर्वक (viSTaarapuurvak) = “In detail” [Adverb]

उत्तर को विस्तारपूर्वक लिखिए। (uTTar ko viSTaarapuurvak Likhiye.)
“Write the answer in detail.”

8 – वर्णन (varnaN) = “Describe” [Verb]

कवि की भावनाओं का वर्णन कीजिए। (kavi kii bhaavaNaaon kaa varnaN kiijiye.)
“Describe the feelings of the poet.”

9 – व्याकरण (vyaakaran) = “Grammar” [Noun]

कल हिंदी व्याकरण पर चर्चा होगी। (kaL hiNDii vyaakran par carcaa hogii.)
“Tomorrow, we will discuss Hindi grammar.”

10 – प्रत्यय (praTyay) = “Suffix” [Noun]

इस शब्द में सही प्रत्यय लगाएं। (iS sabD men Sahii praTyay Lagaayen.)
“Add the appropriate suffix to the word.”

11 – उपसर्ग (upaSarg) = “Prefix” [Noun]

उपसर्ग की परिभाषा लिखें। (upaSarg kii paribhaasaa Likhen.)
“Write the definition of ‘prefix.’”

12 – क्रिया (kriyaa) = “Verb” [Noun]

क्रिया के दो प्रकार हैं। (kriyaa ke Do prakaar hain.)
“There are two types of verbs.”

13 – संज्ञा (Sangyaa) = “Noun” [Noun]

संज्ञा के उदाहरण बताओ। (Sangyaa ke uDaaharan baTaao.)
“Give a few examples of nouns.”

14 – सर्वनाम (SarvaNaam) = “Pronoun” [Noun]

क्या तुम मुझे सर्वनाम के बारे में पढ़ा सकते हो? (kyaa Tum mujhe SarvaNaam ke baare me padhaa SakaTe ho?)
“Can you teach me about pronouns?”

15 – काल (kaaL) = “Tense” [Noun]

मुख्यतः काल तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। (mukhyTah kaaL TiiN prakaar ke hoTe hain.)
“There are three main tenses.”

16 – विशेषण (visesan) = “Adjective” [Noun]

विशेषण सीखना बहुत ज़रूरी है। (visesan SiikhaNaa bahuT zaruurii hai.)
“It’s really important to learn adjectives.”

17 – पर्यायवाची (paryaayavaacii) = “Synonyms” [Noun]

‘हवा’ के दो पर्यायवाची लिखिए। (‘havaa’ ke Do paryaayavaacii Likhiye.)
“Write two synonyms of ‘wind.’”

18 – विलोम (viLom) = “Antonyms” [Noun]

परीक्षा में विलोम पर भी सवाल पूछे जायेंगे। (pariiksaa men viLom par bhii SavaaL puuche jaayenge.)
“In the examination, there will be questions on the antonyms also.”

19 – मुहावरे (muhaavare) = “Idioms” [Noun]

इस पाठ से 10 मुहावरे याद करने हैं। (iS paath Se 10 muhaavare yaaD karaNe hain.)
“You have to learn ten idioms from this lesson.”

20 – लोकोक्तियाँ (LokokTiyaan) = “Proverbs” [Noun]

भारत में लोकोक्तियाँ बहुत प्रचलित हैं। (bhaaraT men LokokTiyaan bahuT pracaLiT hain.)
“Proverbs are quite popular in India.”

Students Writing Essays in a Classroom

Acing the Hindi Exams!

21 – व्याख्या करना (vyaakhyaa karaNaa) = “To describe” [Verb]

शिक्षक ने कविता की व्याख्या की। (siksak Ne kaviTaa kii vyaakhyaa kii.)
“The teacher described the poem.”

22 – आदेश देना (aaDes DeNaa) = “To order” [Verb]

जज ने कैदी को रिहा करने का आदेश दिया। (jaj Ne kaiDii ko rihaa karaNe kaa aaDes Diyaa.)
“The judge ordered the release of the prisoner.”

23 – चयन करना (cayaN karaNaa) = “To select” [Verb]

प्रार्थियों का योग्यता के आधार पर चयन किया जायेगा। (praarTHiyon kaa yogyaTaa ke aaDHaar par cayaN kiyaa jaayegaa.)
“The candidates will be selected on the basis of qualification.”

24 – उल्लंघन करना (uLLanghaN karaNaa) = “Breaking” [Verb]

नियमों का उल्लंघन करने पर दंड मिल सकता है। (Niyamon kaa uLLanghaN karaNe par Dand miL SakTaa hai.)
“Breaking the law will result in punishment.”

25 – निर्णय लेना (Nirnay LeNaa) = “To decide” [Verb]

उसने शहर छोड़ने का निर्णय लिया। (uSaNe sahar chodaNe kaa Nirnay Liyaa.)
“He decided to leave the city.”

26 – आक्रमण करना (aakraman karaNaa) = “To attack” [Verb]

शेर ने हिरण पर आक्रमण किया। (ser Ne hiran par aakraman kiyaa.)
“The lion attacked the deer.”

27 – समझौता करना (SamjhauTaa karaNaa) = “To reach an agreement” [Verb]

दोनों देशों ने आपस में समझौता कर लिया। (DoNon Deson Ne aapaS men SamjhauTaa kar Liyaa.)
“Both countries reached an agreement among themselves.”

28 – सावधानी बरतना (SaavaDHaaNii baraTaNaa) = “To be careful” [Verb]

आपको सड़क पर चलते समय सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए। (aapako Sadak par caLaTe Samay SaavaDHaaNii baraTaNii caahiye.)
“You should be careful while walking on the road.”

29 – अत्यधिक (aTyaDHik) = “Extremely” [Adverb]

वह अत्यधिक चिंतित है। (vah aTyaDHik ciNTiT hai.)
“He is extremely worried.”

30 – अनावश्यक रूप से (aNaavasyak ruup Se) = “Unnecessarily” [Adverb]

तुम अनावश्यक रूप से नाराज़ हो रहे हो। (Tum aNaavasyak ruup Se Naaraaz ho rahe ho.)
“You are getting upset unnecessarily.”

31 – संदिग्ध तरीक़े से (SaNDigDH Tariiqe Se) = “Suspiciously” [Adverb]

चोर संदिग्ध तरीक़े से कमरे में घुसा। (cor SaNDigDH Tariiqe Se kamare men ghuSaa.)
“The thief entered the room suspiciously.”

32 – सुखपूर्वक (Sukhapuurvak) = “Happily” [Adverb]

और वे सुखपूर्वक रहने लगे। (aur ve Sukhapuurvak rahaNe Lage.)
“They started living happily.”

33 – निडर होकर (Nidar hokar) = “Fearlessly” [Adverb]

निडर होकर अपनी बात कहो। (Nidar hokar apaNii baaT kaho.)
“Speak out fearlessly.”

34 – औपचारिक रूप से (aupacaarik ruup Se) = “Officially” [Adverb]

दोनों औपचारिक रूप से विवाह के बंधन में बंध गए। (DoNon aupacaarik ruup Se vivaah ke baNDHaN men baNDH gaye.)
“Both of them officially got married.”

35 – अनौपचारिक रूप से (aNaupacaarik ruup Se) = “Unofficially” [Adverb]

वे अनौपचारिक रूप से अलग हो चुके हैं। (ve aNaupacaarik ruup Se aLag ho cuke hain.)
“They have unofficially separated.”

36 – त्रैमासिक (TraimaaSik) = “Trimonthly” [Adverb]

यह एक त्रैमासिक पत्रिका है। (yah ek TraimaaSik paTrikaa hai.)
“It’s a trimonthly magazine.”

37 – उसके बावजूद (uSake baavajuuD) = “In spite of that” [Preposition]

उसके बावजूद अनीता ने अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रखी। (uSake baavajuuD aNiiTaa Ne apaNii padhaaii jaarii rakhii.)
“In spite of that, Anita continued her studies.”

38 – बजाय इसके (bajaaye iSake) = “Instead of that” [Preposition]

बजाय इसके तुम्हें सबकी मदद करनी चाहिए। (bajaaye iSake Tumhen Sabakii maDaD karaNii caahiye.)
“Instead of that, you should help others.”

39 – किंतु (kiNTu) = “But” [Conjunction]

किंतु वह किताब क्यों नहीं मिल रही? (kiNTu vah kiTaab kyon Nahiin miL rahii?)
“But why can’t I find that book?”

40 – अपितु (apiTu) = “Rather” [Conjunction]

अपितु दूसरों का सम्मान करो। (apiTu DuuSaron kaa SammaaN karo.)
“Rather respect others.”

41 – अगले ही पल (agaLe hii paL) = “The next moment” [Conjunction]

अगले ही पल दरवाज़े की घंटी बजी। (agaLe hii paL Daravaaze kii ghantii bajii.)
“The next moment, the doorbell rang.”

42 – उदाहरणस्वरूप (uDaaharan-Svaruup) = “For example” [Conjunction]

उदाहरणस्वरूप, जापान एक छोटा लेकिन विकसित देश है। (uDaaharan-Svaruup, jaapaaN ek chotaa LekiN vikaSiT Des hai.)
“For example, Japan is a small yet developed country.”

43 – किंचित (kiNciT) = “Somewhat” [Conjunction]

मैं किंचित व्याकुल हूँ। (main kiNciT vyaakuL huun.)
“I am somewhat anxious.”

44 – भीतर (bhiiTar) = “Inside” [Preposition]

संदूक के भीतर क्या है? (SaNDuuk ke bhiiTar kyaa hai?)
“What’s inside the box?”

45 – के मध्य में (ke maDHy men) = “In between” [Preposition]

दोनों पहाड़ों के मध्य में एक घाटी है। (DoNon pahaadon ke maDHy men ek ghaatii hai.)
“There is a valley in between the two mountains.”

46 – समीप (Samiip) = “Near” / “Close to” [Preposition]

मेरे समीप मत आओ। (mere Samiip maT aao.)
“Don’t come near me.”

47 – को छोड़कर (ko chodakar) = “Excluding” [Preposition]

विकास को छोड़कर सभी पार्टी में आएंगे। (vikaaS ko chodakar Sabhii paartii men aayenge.)
“Excluding Vikas, everyone will come to the party.”

48 – को मिलाकर (ko miLaakar) = “Including” [Preposition]

जीतू को मिलाकर छह लोग हुए। (jiiTuu ko miLaakar chah Log huye.)
“There are six people, including Jitu.”

49 – के माध्यम से (ke maaDHyam Se) = “Through” [Preposition]

मैंने पत्राचार के माध्यम से क़ानून की पढ़ाई की है। (mainNe paTraacaar ke maaDHyam Se qaaNuuN kii padhaaii kii hai.)
“I’ve studied law through distance learning.”

50 – के अंतर्गत (ke aNTargaT) = “Under” [Preposition]

सभी गांव इसी ज़िले के अंतर्गत आते हैं। (Sabhii gaanv iSii ziLe ke aNTargaT aaTe hain.)
“All the villages fall under this district.”

51 – उपरांत (upraaNT) = “After” [Preposition]

बैठक के उपरांत भोजन कराया जायेगा। (baithak ke upraaNT bhojaN karaayaa jaayegaa.)
“The food will be served after the meeting.”

52 – की तरफ़ (kii Taraf) = “Toward” [Preposition]

हवा पूर्व दिशा की तरफ़ बह रही है। (havaa puurv Disaa kii Taraf bah rahii hai.)
“The wind is blowing toward the east.”

A Woman Sitting on the Floor and Holding a Speech Bubble

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Before you go, let us know in the comments if you know a rare Hindi word that we haven’t already covered in this article. We look forward to hearing from you!

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300+ Intermediate Hindi Words Just for You!


If you’ve been studying Hindi with us for a while and are familiar with the basics of the Hindi language, it’s probably time to level up. And by this, we mean learning and practicing the most important intermediate Hindi words.

    → Of course, if you’re a newcomer or are feeling a bit less confident, we recommend starting with our lesson on beginner words in Hindi!

Two Businessmen Charting Their Successes

What should you learn at the intermediate level?

In this article, we have listed for you the most common intermediate Hindi words. We’ve included words belonging to a variety of categories and different parts of speech.

So, let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Learning intermediate Hindi words is sooo important!
  2. Larger Numbers and Related Terms
  3. Nouns
  4. Colors
  5. Verbs
  6. Adjectives
  7. Adverbs
  8. Prepositions
  9. Conjunctions
  10. What does have to offer you?

1. Learning intermediate Hindi words is sooo important!

You can’t just limit yourself to the most basic Hindi words, can you? At some point, every learner needs to explore and practice the next-level vocabulary. Doing so will make you more confident, help you sound more like a native speaker, and also provide you with the linguistic tools you need to get better at dealing with Hindi-speaking folks. 

The Hindi word for “intermediate” is मध्यवर्ती (maDHyavarTii) or मध्यम (maDHyam). The simpler term is बीच का (biic kaa), which means “the middle.” 

Mastering this list will also take your intermediate Hindi grammar up a notch, as we’ve included lots of adjectives, adverbs, nouns, and verbs to give you sound exposure to the language as a whole. 

2. Larger Numbers and Related Terms

In our article on beginner words, we introduced you to the basic numbers 1-10 in Hindi. (For a more comprehensive read, you can also check out our blog post on Hindi numbers.) Now that you’re approaching the intermediate level in Hindi, it’s time to start learning the names of larger numbers and related terms. 

  • “Eleven” —————————————-> ग्यारह (gyaarah)
  • “Twelve” —————————————-> बारह (baarah)
  • “Thirteen” ————————————–> तेरह (Terah)
  • “Fourteen” ————————————-> चौदह (cauDah)
  • “Fifteen” —————————————-> पंद्रह (paNDrah)
  • “Sixteen” —————————————> सोलह (SoLah)
  • “Seventeen” ———————————–> सत्रह (SaTrah)
  • “Eighteen” ————————————-> अट्ठारह (atthaarah)
  • “Nineteen” ————————————-> उन्नीस (uNNiiS)
  • “Lakh” ——————————————> लाख (Laakh)
  • “Ten Lakhs” ———————————–> दस लाख (DaS Laakh)
  • “Table” ——————————————> पहाड़ा (pahaadaa)
  • “Counting” ————————————-> गिनती (giNaTii)
  • “Multiplication” ——————————–> गुणा (gunaa)
  • “Division” —————————————>भाग (bhaag)
  • “Addition” ————————————–> जोड़ (jod)
  • “Subtraction” ———————————-> घटाना (ghataaNaa)
  • “Percentage” ———————————-> प्रतिशत (praTisaT)

Someone Placing Small Pouches of Cash into Another Person’s Hands

Large Numbers in Hindi

3. Nouns

Can you even imagine a language lesson without nouns? That’s right. When talking about parts of speech, nouns top the list. So, here we are with plenty of intermediate Hindi nouns for you. Let’s dig in!

1 – Geographical Areas 

Given that we have so many physical boundaries, it’s important to know the appropriate Hindi words for talking about them! Learning these words will absolutely help you in any political or general discussion as well.

  • “City” / “Town” ———————————> शहर (sahar)
  • “Metropolitan” ——————————-> महानगर (mahaaNagar)
  • “Village” —————————————> गाँव (gaanv)
  • “State” —————————————–> प्रदेश (praDes)
  • “Country” ————————————-> देश (Des)
  • “Abroad” ————————————–> विदेश (viDes)
  • “Continent” ———————————–> महाद्वीप (mahaaDviip)
  • “Sub-continent” —————————–> उपमहाद्वीप (upamahaaDviip)
  • “Island” —————————————-> द्वीप (Dviip)
  • “National” ————————————-> राष्ट्रीय (raastriiy)
  • “International” ——————————-> अंतरराष्ट्रीय (anTararaastriiy)

2 – Clothes and Fabrics

We all love to put on different types of clothes, and we each have a liking for particular fabrics. So why not learn their names in Hindi and impress your friends with your superb vocab?

Different Types of Fabric

Do you have dresses in silk?

  • “Cotton” ————————————–> सूती (SuuTii) or कपास (kapaaS)
  • “Wool” —————————————-> ऊन (uuN)
  • “Silk” ——————————————> रेशम (resam)
  • “Leather” ————————————-> चमड़ा (camadaa)
  • “Socks” —————————————> मोज़े (moze)
  • “Shoes” —————————————> जूते (juuTe)
  • “Handkerchief” ——————————> रुमाल (ruumaaL)
  • “Shirt” —————————————–> कमीज़ (kamiiz)
  • “Coat” —————————————–> कोट (kot)
  • “Pants” —————————————–> पतलून (paTaLuuN)
  • “Tie” ——————————————-> टाई (taaii)
  • “Hat” ——————————————> टोपी (topii)
  • “Frock” —————————————> फ़्रॉक (frauk)
  • “Saree” —————————————> साड़ी (Saadii)
  • “Salwar-kameez” ————————–> सलवार-कमीज़ (SaLavaar-kamiiz)
  • “Skirt” —————————————–> स्कर्ट (skart)
  • “Glove” —————————————> दस्ताना (DaSTaaNaa)
  • “Muffler” ————————————–> मफ़लर (mafaLar)

3 – Professions 

When talking to friends, colleagues, or even relatives, it’s natural to discuss each other’s jobs and careers. Imagine mesmerizing your friends next time the topic comes up by using the proper Hindi word to describe your profession! How cool would that be? And don’t worry about being perfect. When it comes to what you do, using just a single Hindi word will be enough to impress the other party.

  • “Teacher” ——————————> अध्यापक (aDHyaapak) – m. / अध्यापिका (aDHyaapikaa) – f.
  • “Student” ——————————> छात्र (chaaTr) – m. / छात्रा (chaaTraa) – f.
  • “Principal” —————————-> प्रधानाध्यापक praDHaaNaaDHyaapak) m./                                                       प्रधानाध्यापिका (praDHaaNaaDHyaapikaa) – f.
  • “Farmer” ——————————-> किसान (kiSaaN)
  • “Shopkeeper” ————————> दुकानदार (DukaaNaDaar)
  • “Greengrocer” ————————> फलवाला (phaLavaaLaa)
  • “Vegetable seller” ——————-> सब्ज़ीवाला (SabziivaaLaa)
  • “Maid” ———————————> बाई (baaii)
  • “Peon” ———————————-> चपरासी (caparaaSii)
  • “Watchman” ————————–> चौकीदार (caukiiDaar)
  • “Washerman” ————————-> धोबी (DHobii)
  • “Washerwoman” ———————> धोबिन (DHobiN)
  • “Butcher” ——————————> कसाई (kaSaaii)
  • “Goldsmith” —————————> सुनार (SuNaar)
  • “Blacksmith” —————————> लोहार (Lohaar)
  • “Carpenter” —————————-> बढ़ई (badhaii)
  • “Tailor” ———————————> दर्ज़ी (Darzii)
  • “Hunter” ——————————–> शिकारी (sikaarii)
  • “Judge” ———————————> न्यायाधीश (NyaayaaDHiis)
  • “Lawyer” ——————————–> वक़ील (vaqiiL)
  • “Doctor” ———————————> चिकित्सक (cikiTSak) – m. / चिकित्सिका (cikiTSikaa) – f.
  • “Vet” ————————————-> पशु-चिकित्सक (pasu-cikiTSak) m. /
                                                             पशु-चिकित्सिका (pasu-cikiTSikaa) – f.
  • “Typist” ———————————> टाइपिस्ट (taaipiSt)
  • “Nurse” ———————————> उपचारिका (upacaarikaa)
  • “Scientist” ——————————> वैज्ञानिक (vaigyaaNik)
  • “Astronaut” —————————-> अंतरिक्ष यात्री (aNTariks yaaTrii)
  • “Dancer” ——————————-> नर्तक (NarTak) / नर्तकी (NarTakii)
  • “Postman” —————————–> डाकिया (daakiyaa)
  • “Soldier” ——————————-> सिपाही (Sipaahii)
  • “Police” ——————————–> रक्षक (raksak) / पुलिस (puLiS)
  • “Sportsperson” ———————–> खिलाड़ी (khiLaadii)
  • “Athlete” ——————————–> धावक (DHaavak) – m. / धाविका (DHaavikaa) – f.
  • “Swimmer” —————————–> तैराक़ (Tairaaq)
  • “Barber” ——————————–> नाई (Naaii)
  • “Painter” (artist) ———————-> चित्रकार (ciTrakaar)
  • “Painter” ——————————-> पुताई वाला/वाली (puTaaii vaaLaa/vaaLii)
  • “Chef” ———————————–> बावर्ची (baavarcii)
  • “Waiter” ———————————> बैरा (bairaa)
  • “Writer” ———————————-> लेखक (Lekhak) – m. / लेखिका (Lekhikaa) – f.
  • “Poet”/ “Poetess” ———————> कवि (kavi) – m. / कवयित्री (kavyiTrii) – f.
  • “Actor”/ “Actress” ———————> अभिनेता (abhiNeTaa) – m. / अभिनेत्री (abhiNeTrii) – f.
  • “Singer” ——————————–> गायक (gaayak) – m. / गायिका (gaayikaa) – f.
  • “Musician” ——————————> संगीतकार (SangiiTkaar)
  • “Detective” —————————–> जासूस (jaaSuuS)
  • “Officer” ———————————> अफ़सर (afaSar) or अधिकारी (aDHikaarii)
  • “Leader” ——————————–> नेता (NeTaa) m. / नेत्री (NeTrii) f.
  • “Politician” ——————————> राजनेता (raajaNeTaa) m. / राजनेत्री (raajaNeTrii) f.
  • “Journalist” —————————–> पत्रकार (paTrakaar)
  • “Engineer” ——————————> इंजीनियर (injiiNiyar)
  • “Pilot” ————————————> विमान चालक (vimaaN caaLak) m. /
                                                             विमान चालिका (vimaaN caaLikaa) f.

Children Dressed Up in Different Costumes Depicting Professions

So, what do you do?

4 – Subjects 

If you’re attending university in India, you might want to let your peers know what subject(s) you’re studying. Here’s a quick list of common school subjects in Hindi.

  • “Mathematics” ——————————–> गणित (ganiT)
  • “Science” ————————————–> विज्ञान (vigyaaN)
  • “Biology” —————————————> जीव विज्ञान (jiiv vigyaaN)
  • “Zoology” ————————————–> प्राणि विज्ञान (praanii vigyaaN)
  • “Botany” —————————————> वनस्पति विज्ञान (vaNaSpaTi vigyaaN)
  • “English” —————————————> अंग्रेज़ी (angrezii)
  • “Hindi” ——————————————> हिंदी (hiNDii)
  • “Moral science” ——————————> नैतिक विज्ञान (NaiTik vigyaaN)
  • “Home science” ——————————> गृह-विज्ञान (grih-vigyaaN)
  • “History” —————————————-> इतिहास (iTihaaS)
  • “Geography” ———————————-> भूगोल (bhuugoL)
  • “Law” ——————————————-> क़ानून (qaaNuuN)
  • “Psychology” ———————————> मनोविज्ञान (maNovigyaaN)
  • “Economics” ———————————-> अर्थशास्त्र (arthasaaSTra)

5 – Geographical Features 

Maybe you’re sitting in a place full of greenery, visiting a friend who lives in a hilly region, or having a date with someone at a restaurant near the river bank. Or, on a more serious note, perhaps you’re discussing climate change with your friends or colleagues. Whatever your situation, the intermediate Hindi words listed below are sure to help you out! 

  • “River” ——————————————> नदी (NaDii)
  • “Pond” ——————————————> तालाब (TaaLaab)
  • “Canal” —————————————–> नहर (Nahar)
  • “Sea” ——————————————–> सागर (Saagar)
  • “Ocean” —————————————-> महासागर (mahaaSaagar)
  • “Desert” —————————————-> रेगिस्तान (regiSTaaN)
  • “Sand dunes” ———————————> रेत के टीले (reT ke tiiLe)
  • “Mountain” ————————————-> पहाड़ (pahaad)
  • “Cloud” —————————————–> बादल (baaDaL)
  • “Sky” ——————————————–> आसमान (aaSamaaN)
  • “Valley” —————————————–> घाटी (ghaatii)
  • “Forest” —————————————-> जंगल (jangaL)
  • “Thunderstorm” ——————————> तूफ़ान (TuufaaN)
  • “Lightning” ————————————> बिजली (bijaLii)
  • “Snow” —————————————–> बर्फ़ (barf)

A Hiker Sitting on a Ledge Above a Lake and Smiling at the Camera

Beautiful Mountains and Rivers

6 – Metals and Nonmetals 

These are the names of different types of metals and nonmetals in Hindi.

  • “Iron” ———————————————> लोहा (Lohaa)
  • “Steel” ——————————————-> इस्पात (iSpaaT)
  • “Glass” ——————————————-> काँच (kaanc)
  • “Brass” ——————————————-> पीतल (piiTaL)
  • “Copper” —————————————–> तांबा (Taambaa)
  • “Aluminum” ————————————-> अल्मुनियम (aLmuNiyam)
  • “Plastic” ——————————————> प्लास्टिक (pLaaStik)
  • “Silver” ——————————————-> चांदी (caanDii)
  • “Gold” ——————————————–> सोना (SoNaa)
  • “Diamond” ————————————–> हीरा (hiiraa)
  • “Platinum” ————————————–> प्लैटिनम (pLaitiNam)

7 – Around the House

You’ll need these words more often than you think! Learning the names of rooms, fixtures, and common items around the house will allow you to talk in greater detail about your daily routine. 

  • “Door” ——————————————-> दरवाज़ा (Daravaazaa)
  • “Window” —————————————> खिड़की (khidakii)
  • “Room” —————————————–> कमरा (kamaraa)
  • “Bedroom” ————————————-> शयनकक्ष (sayaNakaks)
  • “Bathroom” ————————————> स्नानघर (SNaaNaghar)
  • “Study room” ——————————–> अध्ययन कक्ष (aDHyayaN kaks)
  • “Kitchen” —————————————> रसोईघर (raSoiighar)
  • “Courtyard” ————————————> आंगन (aangaN)
  • “Corridor” ————————————–> बरामदा (baraamaDaa)
  • “Fan” ——————————————–> पंखा (pankhaa)
  • “Table” ——————————————> मेज़ (mez)
  • “Drawer” —————————————> दराज़ (Daraaz)
  • “Chair” ——————————————> कुर्सी (kurSii)
  • “Bed” ——————————————–> बिस्तर (biSTar)
  • “Pillow” —————————————–> तकिया (Takiyaa)
  • “Pillow cover” ——————————–> गिलाफ़ (giLaaf)
  • “Bed sheet” ———————————-> चादर (caaDar)
  • “Blanket” —————————————> कंबल (kambaL)
  • “Quilt” ——————————————-> रज़ाई (razaaii)
  • “Almirah” —————————————> अलमारी (aLamaarii)
  • “Dressing table” —————————–> श्रृंगारदान (sringaaraDaaN)
  • “Dining table” ——————————–> खाने की मेज़ (khaaNe kii mez)
  • “Stove” —————————————–> चूल्हा (cuuLhaa)
  • “Utensils” ————————————–> बर्तन (barTaN)
  • “Medicine” ————————————-> दवा (Davaa)
  • “Perfume” ————————————–> इत्र (iTr)
  • “Comb” —————————————–> कंघी (kanghii)
  • “Soap” ——————————————> साबुन (SaabuN)
  • “Shampoo” ————————————> शैम्पू (saimpuu)
  • “Bucket” —————————————-> बाल्टी (baaLtii)

4. Colors 

What pops into your head when you think of the word “color”? Is it a shade of black or white, or something silver or golden? Keep reading to learn the name of your favorite color in Hindi.

A Fashion Designer Testing Colors and Fabrics

Oh, I like this pink!

  • “White” —————————————-> सफ़ेद (SafeD)
  • “Black” —————————————-> काला (kaaLaa)
  • “Blue” ——————————————> नीला (NiiLaa)
  • “Red” ——————————————> लाल (LaaL)
  • “Orange” ————————————–> नारंगी (Naarangii)
  • “Green” —————————————-> हरा (haraa)
  • “Yellow” —————————————-> पीला (piiLaa)
  • “Purple” —————————————-> बैंगनी (baingaNii)
  • “Brown” —————————————-> भूरा (bhuuraa)
  • “Pink” ——————————————-> गुलाबी (guLaabii)
  • “Sky blue” ————————————-> आसमानी नीला (aaSamaaNii NiiLaa)
  • “Golden” —————————————> सुनहरा (SuNahraa)
  • “Gray” ——————————————-> सलेटी (SaLetii) or धूसर (DHuuSar)

5. Verbs 

In our previous article on beginner words, we introduced you to a number of simple action words to use in everyday life. But at this point in your learning journey, you might want to start using more nuanced verbs so that you can better express your thoughts. With that in mind, here are the most useful intermediate Hindi verbs to start practicing right away!

    → To hear the pronunciation of common Hindi verbs, you can also head over to our lesson Top 25 Hindi Verbs on

A Man Getting Caught Cheating

“How dare you cheat on me!!”

  • “To sing” ——————————————> गाना (gaaNaa)
  • “To fall” ——————————————–> गिरना (giraNaa)
  • “To type” ——————————————> टाइप करना (taaip karaNaa)
  • “To take a nap” ———————————-> झपकी लेना (jhapakii LeNaa)
  • “To cheat” —————————————-> धोखा देना (DHokhaa DeNaa)
  • “To scratch” ————————————–> खुरचना (khuracaNaa) 
  • “To itch” ——————————————-> खुजली होना (khujaLii hoNaa)
  • “To sneeze” ————————————–> छींकना (chiinkaNaa)
  • “To scribble” ————————————-> अस्पष्ट लिखना (aSpast LikhोNaa)
  • “To mumble” ————————————-> बुदबुदाना (buDabuDaaNaa)
  • “To fold” ——————————————-> मोड़ना (modaNaa) / तह करना (Tah karaNaa)
  • “To arrange” ————————————-> व्यवस्थित करना (vyavaSTHiT karaNaa)
  • “To paint” —————————————–> रंगना (rangaNaa)
  • “To blush” —————————————-> शरमाना (sarmaaNaa)
  • “To learn” —————————————–> सीखना (SiikhaNaa)
  • “To recall” —————————————> वापस याद करना (vaapaS yaaD karaNaa)
  • “To lose” ——————————————> खोना (khoNaa)
  • “To water” —————————————-> पानी डालना (paaNii daaLaNaa)
  • “To claim” —————————————-> दावा करना (Daavaa karaNaa)
  • “To blame” —————————————> दोषी ठहराना (Dosii thaharaaNaa)
  • “To taunt” —————————————-> ताना मारना (TaaNaa maaraNaa)
  • “To resign” ————————————–> इस्तीफ़ा देना (iSTiifaa DeNaa)
  • “To light up” ————————————-> रौशनी करना (rausNii karaNaa)
  • “To decorate” ———————————–> सजाना (SajaaNaa)
  • “To dream” ————————————–> सपना देखना (SapaNaa DekhaNaa)
  • “To achieve” ————————————> हासिल करना (haaSiL karaNaa)
  • “To watch a movie” ——————————-> फ़िल्म देखना (fiLm DekhaNaa)
  • “To hide” —————————————–> छुपना (chupaNaa) / छुपाना (chupaaNaa)
  • “To lay down” ———————————–> लेटना (LetaNaa)
  • “To lie” ——————————————–> झूठ बोलना (jhuuth boLaNaa)
  • “To tell the truth” ——————————-> सच बोलना (Sac boLaNaa)
  • “To live” ——————————————> जीना (jiiNaa)
  • “To die” ——————————————> मरना (maraNaa)
  • “To fall sick” ————————————> बीमार पड़ना (biimaar padaNaa)
  • “To take a leave” ——————————> छुट्टी लेना (chuttii LeNaa)
  • “To pay” —————————————–> भुगतान करना (bhugaTaaN karaNaa)
  • “To save” —————————————> बचाना (bacaaNaa)
  • “To run away” ———————————-> भाग जाना (bhaag jaaNaa)
  • “To boast” —————————————> डींग मारना (diing maaraNaa)
  • “To run” ——————————————> भागना (bhaagaNaa)
  • “To erase” —————————————> मिटाना (mitaaNaa)
  • “To repeat” ————————————–> दोहराना (DoharaaNaa)
  • “To forget” —————————————> भूलना (bhuuLaNaa)
  • “To bathe” —————————————> नहाना (NahaaNaa)
  • “To swim” —————————————-> तैरना (TairaNaa)
  • “To drown” —————————————> डूबना (duubaNaa)
  • “To tease” —————————————-> चिढ़ाना (cidhaaNaa)
  • “To chew” —————————————-> चबाना (cabaaNaa)
  • “To bite” ——————————————> काटना (kaataNaa)
  • “To swallow” ————————————> निगलना (NigaLaNaa)
  • “To choke” —————————————> दम घुटना (Dam ghutaNaa)
  • “To gasp” —————————————-> हांफना (haanphaNaa)
  • “To stutter” ————————————–> हकलाना (hakaLaaNaa)
  • “To marry” —————————————> शादी करना (saaDii karaNaa)
  • “To separate” ———————————–> अलग होना (aLag hoNaa)
  • “To pray” —————————————–> प्रार्थना करना (praarTHaNaa karaNaa)
  • “To fool” ——————————————> मूर्ख बनाना (muurkh baNaaNaa)

A Table Filled with Dishes Containing Different Types of Food

Your table is ready!

6. Adjectives 

Adjectives are a great way to describe our feelings and add color to our daily chitchats. Below are the most common Hindi adjectives to enrich your vocabulary.

  • “Great” —————————————–> महान (mahaaN)
  • “Shallow” ————————————–> ओछा (ochaa)
  • “Miserly” —————————————–> कंजूस (kaNjuuS)
  • “Generous” ———————————–> उदार (uDaar)
  • “Kind” ——————————————> दयालु (DayaaLu)
  • “Shy” ——————————————-> शर्मीला (sarmiiLaa)
  • “Quiet” —————————————–> शांत (saaNT)
  • “Timid” —————————————–> दब्बू (Dabbuu)
  • “Brave” —————————————–> बहादुर (bahaaDur)
  • “Cowardly” ————————————–> डरपोक (darapok)
  • “Patient” —————————————> धैर्यवान (DHairyavaaN)
  • “Wise” ——————————————> बुद्धिमान (buDDHimaan)
  • “Old” ——————————————–> बूढ़ा (buudhaa)
  • “Young” —————————————-> जवान (javaaN)
  • “Blurred” —————————————> धुंधला (DHunDHaLaa)
  • “Shiny” —————————————–> चमकदार (camakaDaar)
  • “Bland” —————————————–> बेस्वाद (beSvaaD)
  • “Bright” —————————————–> चमकीला (camkiiLaa) / उजला (ujaLaa)
  • “Dull” ——————————————–> फीका (phiikaa)
  • “Interesting” ———————————–> रोचक (rocak)
  • “Boring” —————————————-> उबाऊ (ubaauu)
  • “Serious” —————————————> गंभीर (gambhiir)
  • “Restless” ————————————-> बेचैन (becaiN)
  • “Rough” —————————————-> खुरदुरा (khuraDuraa)
  • “Smooth” ————————————–> चिकना (cikaNaa)
  • “Wounded” ————————————> घायल (ghaayaL)
  • “Sick” ——————————————-> बीमार (biimaar)

A Little Girl Mixing Ingredients in a Jar

Learning can be fun.

7. Adverbs 

  • “Easily” —————————————–> आसानी से (aaSaaNii Se)
  • “Luckily” —————————————-> सौभाग्य से (Saubhaagy Se)
  • “Quietly” —————————————-> चुपचाप (cupacaap)
  • “Happily” —————————————> ख़ुशी से  (khusii Se)
  • “Sadly” ——————————————> दु:खपूर्वक (Dukhapuurvak)
  • “Properly” ————————————–> ठीक से (thiik Se)
  • “Loudly” —————————————-> ज़ोर से (zor Se)
  • “Humbly” —————————————> विनम्रतापूर्वक (viNamraTaapuurvak)
  • “Carefully” ————————————-> ध्यान से  (DHyaaN Se)
  • “Carelessly” ———————————–> लापरवाही से (Laaparavaahii Se)
  • “Slowly” —————————————-> धीमे (DHiime)
  • “Later” —————————————-> बाद में (baaD men)
  • “Knowingly” ———————————–> जानबूझकर (jaaNabuujhakar)
  • “Innocently” ———————————–> मासूमियत से (maaSuumiyaT Se)
  • “Hurriedly” ————————————-> जल्दबाज़ी में (jaLDabaazii men)
  • “Cleverly” ————————————–> चालाकी से (caaLaakii Se)
  • “Daily” ——————————————> रोज़ (roz)
  • “Badly” —————————————–> बुरी तरह से (burii Tarah Se)
  • “Totally” —————————————-> पूरी तरह से (puurii Tarah Se)
  • “Lazily” —————————————–> अलसाते हुए (aLaSaaTe huye)
  • “Actively” ————————————–> फुर्ती से (phurTii Se)

8. Prepositions

People Sitting in a Waiting Room

Sitting “on” the chair

  • “In” ———————————————> अंदर (aNDar)
  • “Out” ——————————————-> बाहर (baahar)
  • “Under” —————————————-> के नीचे (ke Niice)
  • “On” ——————————————–> पर (par)
  • “Above” —————————————-> से ऊपर (Se uupar)
  • “Behind” —————————————> पीछे (piiche)
  • “In front” —————————————> के सामने (ke SaamaNe)
  • “Beside” —————————————> के बगल में (ke bagaL men)
  • “Below” —————————————-> के नीचे (ke Niice)
  • “At” ———————————————> पर (par)
  • “Across” —————————————> पार (paar)
  • “Up” ——————————————–> ऊपर (uupar)
  • “Down” —————————————-> नीचे (Niice)
  • “Into” ——————————————-> में (men)
  • “For” ——————————————-> के लिए (ke Liye)
  • “From” —————————————–> से (Se)
  • “Of” ———————————————> का (kaa) / की (kii) / के (ke)
  • “With” ——————————————> के साथ (ke SaaTH)
  • “Without” ————————————–> के बिना (ke biNaa)
  • “Between” ————————————> बीच में (biic men)
  • “Next to” ————————————–> के बगल में (ke bagaL men)
  • “Near” —————————————–> पास (paaS)

9. Conjunctions 

In our beginner words article, we introduced you to the most basic conjunctions in Hindi. Now, let’s look at some more advanced conjunctions for intermediate learners. Using these words will help you sound more like a native speaker and boost your confidence level

  • “Still” —————————————–> फिर भी (phir bhii)
  • “Thus” —————————————-> इस प्रकार (iS prakaar)
  • “However” ———————————–> हालांकि (haaLaanki)
  • “Also” —————————————–> भी (bhii)
  • “Accordingly” ——————————-> उसी प्रकार से (uSii prakaar Se)
  • “Actually” ————————————> असल में (aSaL men)
  • “For instance” ——————————> उदाहरण के लिए (uDaaharan ke Liye)
  • “As a result” ——————————–> फलस्वरूप (phaLaSvaruup)
  • “As soon as” ——————————–> जैसे ही (jaiSe hii)
  • “Nonetheless” ——————————> बहरहाल (baharahaaL)
  • “Before” ————————————–> पहले (pahLe)
  • “Even if” ————————————–> यद्यपि (yaDyapi)
  • “Yet” ——————————————-> अभी तक (abhii Tak)

10. What does have to offer you?

We hope you enjoyed this article on intermediate Hindi words. Were most of these words new to you, or did you know a lot of them already? Let us know in the comments!

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A Quick List of 100+ Hindi Animal Words


Did you know that India is a country where animals are worshipped

For instance, the owl is associated with Goddess Lakshmi—the goddess of wealth. The eagle is the vehicle of Lord Vishnu, while monkeys are associated with Lord Hanuman. And Goddess Saraswati (the goddess of knowledge) rides a swan.

If you’re familiar with the Indian god, Lord Krishna, most pictures and paintings have him playing the flute among the cows and other domestic animals. Hindus also consider cows to be their “mother.” And that’s not all—cows have allegedly become a religious symbol. 

Learning the names of animals in Hindi can not only expand your current vocabulary, but also help you better understand Indians and their intense connection with animals. In addition, knowing these words can make it easier for you to strike up a conversation with just about anyone—animal lovers or not, humans tend to have a strong fascination with the animal world. 

In this article, you’ll also learn the names of animal body parts, what sounds animals make in Hindi, and a few colloquial idioms related to animals. 

Let’s go!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why learn animal names in Hindi?
  2. Animal Vocab Basics
  3. At Home (Pets)
  4. On the Farm (Farm Animals)
  5. In the Wild / Forest / Safari (Land Animals / Mammals)
  6. Aquatic Animals
  7. Bugs and Insects
  8. Birds and Reptiles
  9. Animal Body Parts
  10. Animal Sounds
  11. Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions
  12. Improve Your Hindi with

Lord Krishna with the Cows

1. Why learn animal names in Hindi?

Need some practical reasons to get familiar with Hindi animal words

Well, as mentioned, animals play a central role in Hinduism. This means that learning animal names in Hindi will allow you to more easily connect with native speakers and start conversations. 

Living in India also means dealing with lots of unexpected animal encounters! 😉 It may sound strange, but one can often find stray cows and dogs roaming the streets and roads. And the natives happen to be totally okay with it. This is much more common in small towns and rare in big cities. So, if you’re about to visit places that are not metropolitan, be prepared to honk and wait for the animals to move at their own will.

Moreover, farming being the backbone of the Indian economy, cows, bulls, and other cattle are pretty widespread in the country. This is especially the case in villages and rural areas.

I guess we’ve covered plenty of reasons why learning animal names in Hindi is essential. So, let’s jump to our main section without any further delays!

2. Animal Vocab Basics

In the Hindi language, every noun and pronoun has a gender attached to it (masculine or feminine). As you’ll see, many of the animal words on our list have a masculine version and a feminine version, depending on the gender of the animal in question. We have an entire article about grammatical gender in Hindi, so make sure to check it out if you’d like to learn more!

Learning the Animal Names in Hindi

Before we dive into the more specific animal names, let’s look at some basic vocabulary for animal categories: 

  • “Animal” = जानवर (jaaNavar
    • More popular in daily use
  • “Animal” = पशु (pasu
    • Very formal, mostly used in textbooks
  • “Mammals” = स्तनधारी (STaNaDHaarii)
  • “Domestic”= पालतू (paaLaTuu)
  • “Pet” = पालतू (paaLaTuu)
  • “Wild” = जंगली (jangaLii)
  • “Bird” = चिड़िया (cidiyaa)
  • “Aquatic” = समुद्री (SamuDrii)
  • “Bugs” / “Insects” = कीड़ा / कीड़े (kiidaa / kiide)

3. At Home (Pets)

A Cute Pig

Would you like to pet a piggy?

Dogs and cats top the list of popular pets in India. We also have plenty of stray dogs, and it is common in Indian culture to feed these homeless animals with leftover meat, bread, chapatis mashed in milk, and other foods.

  • “Male cat” = बिल्ला (biLLaa)
  • “Female cat” = बिल्ली (biLLii)
  • “Male dog” = कुत्ता (kuTTaa)
  • “Female dog” = कुतिया (kuTiyaa)
  • “Male mouse” = चूहा (cuuhaa)
  • “Female mouse” = चुहिया (cuhiyaa)
  • “Rabbit” = ख़रगोश (kharagos)
  • “Squirrel” = गिलहरी (giLaharii)
  • “Guinea pig” = गिनी पिग (giNii pig)

4. On the Farm (Farm Animals)

We’ve already discussed how important farming is in this country, so it should come as no surprise that our farm animals are indispensable! 

The primary farm animals in India are cows, buffaloes, hens, and goats. Sheep, donkeys, and horses are popular in the mountainous regions. Some of these animals are domesticated solely for milk and for carrying loads, while others are raised for their meat.

An Indian Man Using Oxen for Farming

Meet Oxen: The backbone of farming in India

Here’s a list of common domestic animals in Hindi and English:

  • “Cow” = गाय (gaay)
  • “Buffalo” = भैंस (bhainS)
  • “Horse” = घोड़ा (ghodaa)
  • “Donkey” = गधा (gaDHaa)
  • “Duck” = बत्तख़ (baTTakh)
  • “Hen” = मुर्ग़ी (murgii)
  • “Rooster” = मुर्ग़ा (murgaa)
  • “Pig” = सुअर (Suar)
  • “Female goat” = बकरी (bakarii)
  • “Male goat” = बकरा (bakaraa)
  • “Sheep” = भेड़ (bhed)

5. In the Wild / Forest / Safari (Land Animals / Mammals)

India has a wide range of terrains. That explains the rich variety of animal species present in the different parts of the country. Here are the names of the most popular wild animals in Hindi and English: 

  • “Lion” = शेर (ser)
  • “Lioness” = शेरनी (serNii)
  • “Tiger” = बाघ (baagh)
  • “Tigress” = बाघिन (baaghiN)
  • “Male elephant” = हाथी (haaTHii)
  • “Female elephant”  = हथिनी (haTHiNii)
  • “Fox” = लोमड़ी (Lomadii)
  • “Bear” = भालू (bhaaLuu)
  • “Wolf” = भेड़िया (bhediyaa)
  • “Male monkey” = बंदर (baNDar)
  • “Female monkey” = बंदरिया (baNDariyaa)
  • “Deer” = हिरण (hiran)
  • “Hippopotamus”= दरियाई घोड़ा (Dariyaaii ghodaa)
  • “Giraffe” = जिराफ़ (jiraaf)
  • “Frog” = मेंढक (mendhak)
  • “Male camel” = ऊँट (uunt)
  • “Female camel” = ऊँटनी (uuntNii)
  • “Mongoose” = नेवला (NevaLaa)
  • “Bat” = चमगादड़ (camagaaDad)
  • “Owl” = उल्लू (uLLuu)
  • “Leopard” = तेंदुआ (TenDuaa)
  • “Jackal” = सियार (Siyaar)
  • “Panther” = तेंदुआ (TenDuaa)
  • “Hyena” = लकड़बग्घा (Lakadabagghaa)

6. Aquatic Animals

The worlds that lie within our oceans and other bodies of water are nothing less than a mystery. The diverse population of fish and aquatic animals invokes such a strong sense of curiosity in our minds. Let’s find out how to pronounce the Hindi names of these popular animals!

Fish and Sea Animals in the Ocean

Life under the ocean!

  • “Shark” = हाँगर (haangar)
  • “Dolphin” = सूंस (SuunS)
  • “Octopus” = अष्टबाहु (astabaahu)
  • “Fish” = मछली (machaLii)
  • “Turtle” / “Tortoise” = कछुआ (kachuaa)
  • “Whale” = व्हेल (vheL)
  • “Starfish” = तारामीन (TaaraamiiN)
  • “Jellyfish” = जेलीफ़िश (jeLiifis)
  • “Prawns” = झींगा मछली (jhiingaa machaLii)
  • “Seahorse” = समुद्री घोड़ा (SamuDrii ghodaa)
  • “Sealion” = जलसिंह (jaLaSinh)
  • “Oyster” = सीप (Siip)

7. Bugs and Insects

Whether you like it or not, you’re sure to stumble upon bugs and insects from time to time. While these creatures look scary and creepy to some people, there are others who find them colorful and fascinating. Whichever side you’re on, learning the Hindi names of some common bugs won’t harm you! 😉

  • “Ant” = चींटी (ciintii)
  • “Honeybee” = मधुमक्खी (maDHumakkhii)
  • “Spider” = मकड़ी (makadii)
  • “Housefly” = मक्खी (makkhii)
  • “Butterfly” = तितली (TiTaLii)
  • “Mosquito” = मच्छर (macchar)
  • “Insect” = कीड़ा (kiidaa)
  • “Grasshopper” = टिड्डा (tiddaa)
  • “Cricket” = झींगुर (jhiingur)
  • “Caterpillar” = इल्ली (iLLii)
  • “Earthworm” = केंचुआ (kencuaa)
  • “Cockroach” = तिलचट्टा (TiLacattaa)
  • “Snail” = घोंघा (ghonghaa)

8. Birds and Reptiles

This category includes some of the most widespread birds and reptiles present around us and in the wild. Some of them even live inside our homes and gardens, such as lizards, sparrows, and chameleons.

  • “Birds” = चिड़िया (cidiyaa)
  • “Eagle” = चील (ciiL)
  • “Parrot” = तोता (ToTaa)
  • “Cuckoo” = कोयल (koyaL)
  • “Goose” = हंसिनी (haNSiNii)
  • “Gander” = हंस (haNS)
  • “Myna” = मैना (maiNaa)
  • “Pigeon” = कबूतर (kabuuTar)
  • “Sparrow” = गौरैया (gauraiyaa)
  • “Crow” = कौवा (kauvaa)
  • “Dove” = सफ़ेद कबूतर (SafeD kabuuTar)
  • “Woodpecker” = कठफोड़वा (kathfodwa)
  • “Weaverbird” = बया (bayaa)
  • “Vulture” = गिद्ध (giDDH)
  • “Kite” = चील (ciiL)
  • “Hawk” = बाज़ (baaz)
  • “Crocodile” = मगरमच्छ (magaramacch)
  • “Lizard” = छिपकली (chipakaLii)
  • “Tortoise” = कछुआ (kachuaa)
  • “Snake” = साँप (Saanp)
  • “Alligator” = घड़ियाल (ghadiyaaL)
  • “Chameleon” = गिरगिट (giragit)

9. Animal Body Parts

Knowing the body parts of animals in Hindi is just as important as knowing their names, especially if you’re interested in studying animals. So, what are the Hindi words for different animal body parts? Let’s find out!

A Lioness Chasing a Herd of Zebra

What’s in the wild?

  • “Wing” / “Feather” = पंख (pankh)
  • “Tail” = पूंछ (puunch)
  • “Hoof” = ख़ुर (khur)
  • “Claw” = पंजा (paNjaa)
  • “Trunk” =  सूंड (Suund)
  • “Tusk” = हाथी-दांत (haaTHii-DaanT)
  • “Stinger” = डंक (dank)
  • “Scale” = शल्क (saLk)
  • “Spine” = काँटा (kaantaa)
  • “Fin” = मछली का पर (machaLii kaa par)
  • “Horn” = सींग (Siing)

10. Animal Sounds

It’s time to get familiar with the different animal sounds in Hindi. While they might look a bit complicated now, with practice you’re sure to master them in no time.

  • “To growl” = गुर्राना (gurraaNaa)
  • “To bark” = भौंकना (bhaunkaNaa)
  • “To roar” = दहाड़ना (DahaadaNaa)
  • “To chirp” = चहचहाना (cahacahaaNaa)
  • “To bellow” = चिंघाड़ना (cinghaadaNaa)
  • “To croak” = टरटराना (tarataraaNaa)
  • “To buzz” = भनभनाना (bhaNabhaNaaNaa)
  • “To hum” = गुनगुनाना (guNaguNaaNaa)
  • “To moo” = राँभना (raambhaaNaa)
  • “To neigh” = हिनहिनाना (hiNahiNaaNaa)

11. Animal-Related Idioms and Slang Expressions

Finally, we’ve arrived at the most interesting and fun section of the article! You’ll see how animals influence the idioms and slang expressions of native Hindi speakers, which will help you sound more like a native yourself! While the true meanings of these idioms are far from their literal translations, this is what makes them so much fun to study.

A Cute Kitten Mewling

Oh! Look at this cutie pie kitten!

  • पेट में चूहे कूदना (pet men cuuhe kuuDaNaa)
    Literal Meaning: “Mice jumping in the stomach”
    Actual Meaning: Starving or feeling very hungry
  • बलि का बकरा (baLi kaa bakaraa)
    Literal Meaning: “A goat for sacrifice”
    Actual Meaning: To become the scapegoat
  • घर की मुर्गी दाल बराबर (ghar kii murgii DaaL baraabar)
    Literal Meaning: “A home-cooked chicken is equivalent to home-cooked lentils.”
    Actual Meaning: Familiarity breeds contempt.
  • धोबी का कुत्ता न घर का न घाट का (DHobii kaa kuTTaa Na ghar kaa Na ghaat kaa)
    Literal Meaning: “A dog owned by a washerman is useless.”
    Actual Meaning: A person who has no importance
  • शेर की खाल में भेड़िया (ser kii khaaL men bhediyaa)
    Literal Meaning: “A wolf in the skin of a lion”
    Actual Meaning: A person who is trying to act courageous, but is not
  • गधे के सर से सींग ग़ायब होना (gaDHe ke Sar Se Siing gaayab hoNaa)
    Literal Meaning: “Like a donkey whose horns vanish”
    Actual Meaning: To disappear like it was never there
  • गीदड़ भबकियाँ (giiDad bhabakiyaan)
    Literal Meaning: “Jackal growling”
    Actual Meaning: False threats
  • बकरे की माँ कब तक ख़ैर मनाएगी (bakare kii maan kab Tak khair maNaayegii)
    Literal Meaning: “How long will the goat’s mother pray for the life of its goat-child”
    Actual Meaning: Trouble cannot be averted forever
  • जल बिन मछली (jaL biN machaLii)
    Literal Meaning: “Fish without water”
    Actual Meaning: To be restless
  • ऊँट के मुँह में ज़ीरा (uunt ke munh men ziiraa)
    Literal Meaning: “Feeding a camel with cumin seeds”
    Actual Meaning: Providing a negligible amount where a lot is actually needed
  • खिसियानी बिल्ली खंबा नोचे (khiSiyaaNii biLLii khambaa Noce)
    Literal Meaning: “An embarrassed cat attacking and biting a pole”
    Actual Meaning: When embarrassed or defeated, a person tries to take it out on something else.
  • सौ चूहे खा के बिल्ली हज को चली (Sau cuuhe khaa ke biLLii haj ko caLii)
    Literal Meaning: “After eating hundreds of mice, the cat is finally going on a religious trip.”
    Actual Meaning: Being a hypocrite
  • चूज़ा (cuuzaa)
    Literal Meaning: “Chicken”
    Actual Meaning: Somebody too easy to handle, especially in aggressive or violent situations
  • गधा (gaDHaa)
    Literal Meaning: “Donkey” / “Ass” 
    Actual Meaning: A totally stupid person

12. Improve Your Hindi with

Several Different Housepets

What’s your favorite pet animal?

As you can see, learning the names of animals in Hindi is something that will prove quite useful while in India. We hope you enjoyed going through this lesson as much as we enjoyed writing it! 

By the way, what’s your favorite animal? Are there any animals in your country or region that we forgot to include on our list? Let us know in the comments, and we’ll be glad to get back to you with its name in Hindi. 

If you want to continue learning Hindi in the fastest, easiest, and most fun way possible, make sure to create your free lifetime account on today! In addition to a full-fledged lesson library, we offer our students a grammar bank and a range of free vocabulary lists—not to mention a number of other free resources, such as this Hindi-to-English dictionary. Having trouble accessing any of our content? Feel free to reach out to us or browse through our FAQ section

Happy Hindi learning!

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The Most Common Phone Call Phrases in Hindi


Since their invention, phones have been an inseparable part of our lives. They allow us to communicate with others across long distances, and the world has relied heavily on them throughout the coronavirus pandemic. While texting and social media are the favored communication means nowadays, traditional phone calls still make up a sizable chunk of our day-to-day conversations.

If you’re visiting India, living here as a foreigner, or have friends and family here, being well-versed in the most common phone call phrases in Hindi is a must!

A Woman in a Long-sleeved Yellow Shirt Talking on the Phone

Hey, this is me!

To get you started, we’ve prepared a list of the most useful Hindi expressions for phone calls. You’ll pick up essential vocabulary, learn how to talk over the phone in Hindi like a native, and even see a couple of dialogue samples. 

Let’s get going already!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Picking up the Phone
  2. Introducing Yourself on the Phone
  3. Describing the Reason for Your Call
  4. Asking to Speak to Someone
  5. Asking Someone to Wait
  6. Leaving a Message
  7. Asking for Clarification or Repetition
  8. Ending the Phone Call
  9. Sample Phone Conversations in Hindi
  10. Getting the Most Out of

1. Picking up the Phone

No matter what language you speak, it’s always important to follow proper telephone etiquette. When you first answer the phone, you’ll likely offer a greeting and then inquire about who’s calling (or whom the caller is trying to reach). Below are several Hindi phone call phrases you can use to initiate the conversation

1st Stage

1. हेलो! (heLo)

A simple “hello” will get the job done if you’re not feeling that confident during your first few moments on the phone.

Someone Dialing a Phone Number on Their Work Phone

Using the Phone in Hindi

2. हेलो, आप कौन बोल रहे (male)/रही (female) हैं? (heLo, aap kauN boL rahe/rahii hain?)
“Hello, who is speaking?”

This is one of the most common phone call phrases in Hindi, and it can be used in both formal and informal situations. Keep in mind that the verb conjugation in Hindi changes according to the gender and tone of the person.

3. हेलो, कौन? (heLo, kauN?)
“Hello, who is this?”

This is an informal phrase that Indians use when picking up their personal phone. Please, remember that it’s better to avoid using casual tones like this in more formal situations. This phrase is perfect, however, if you’re not expecting any professional calls.

2nd Stage

This is the stage where you ask for the name of the speaker in case he/she hasn’t told you yet. The phrases below can be used in both professional and personal conversations.

4. आपका नाम क्या है? (aapakaa Naam kyaa hai?)
“What’s your name?”

5. आपको किससे बात करनी है? (aapako kiSaSe baaT karaNii hai?)
“Whom do you wish to speak to?”

2. Introducing Yourself on the Phone

When you’re the one making the call, you’ll need to introduce yourself in Hindi. There are many Hindi phone conversation phrases you can use for this purpose, most of which can be used in any context. Keep in mind, however, that some of the phrases below are best suited for casual situations and others for formal situations.

6. जी, मेरा नाम ___ है। (jii, meraa Naam ___ hai.)
“My name is ___.” [Formal + Informal]

7. जी, मैं ___ का/की दोस्त बोल रहा/रही हूँ। (jii, main ___ kaa/kii DoST boL rahaa/rahii huun.)
“This is ___’s friend speaking.” [Formal + Informal]

8. जी, मैं Y कंपनी/ऑफ़िस से X बोल रहा/रही हूँ। (jii, main Y kampaNii/aufiS Se X boL rahaa/rahii huun.)
“I am X speaking from the company/office Y.” [Formal]

9. मैं हूँ, ___। (main huun, ___.)
“This is me, ___.” [Informal]

10. मैं ___ बोल रहा/रही हूँ। (main ___ boL rahaa/rahii huun.)
“I am ___ speaking.” [Formal + Informal]

A Woman Wearing Bright Lipstick Talking on a Blue Telephone

Key Hindi Phrases for Professional Phone Calls

3. Describing the Reason for Your Call

Sometimes, we have no real reason for making a phone call. Maybe we just wanted a friendly chat with loved ones or are checking up on an old friend. 

But what if you do have a pressing reason for ringing someone up? For instance, maybe you missed a call from an unknown number or have an important inquiry to make. 

How would you express these reasons in Hindi? Let’s find out!

11. आपका कॉल आया था। (aapakaa kauL aayaa THaa.)
“You had called.” [Informal]

12. इस नंबर से कॉल आया था। (iS Nambar Se kauL aayaa THaa.)
“I got a call from this number.” [Formal + Informal]

13. मैंने ये जानने के लिए/पूछने के लिए फ़ोन किया है… (mainNe ye jaaNaNe ke Liye/puuchaNe ke Liye foN kiyaa hai…)
“I have called to inquire/ask about…” [Formal + Informal]

4. Asking to Speak to Someone

More often than not, you already know whom you wish to speak to. Below are a few phone phrases in Hindi that will come in handy when you need to ask for someone.

14. मुझे ___ से बात करनी है। (mujhe ___ Se baaT karaNii hai.)
“I wish to talk to ___.” [Formal + Informal]

15. क्या ___ घर पे है/हैं? (kyaa ___ ghar pe hai/hain?)
“Is ___ at home?” [Informal]

16. ___ से बात हो सकती है क्या? (___ Se baaT ho SakaTii hai kyaa?)
“May I talk to ___?” [Formal + Informal]

17. क्या ___ से बात हो सकती है? (kyaa ___ Se baaT ho SakaTii hai?)
“Can I talk to ___?” [Informal]

5. Asking Someone to Wait

Now, imagine you’re the receiver and the caller has asked to speak to someone. There are a few phrases you could use to ask them to wait while you transfer them to the correct person. 

18. जी हाँ, एक मिनट। (jii haan, ek miNat.)
“Yeah, just a minute.” [Formal + Informal]

19. मैं उन्हें बुलाता/बुलाती हूँ। (main unhen buLaaTa/buLaaTii huun.)
“I’ll call him/her.” [Formal + Informal]

20. ज़रा होल्ड कीजिए/करना। (zaraa hoLd kiijiye/karaNaa.)
“Please, could you hold on for a second?” [Formal + Informal]

A Guy Taking a Woman’s Phone Number at a Bar

May I Know Your Number?

6. Leaving a Message

If you’ve made a phone call only to find that the person you wanted to reach is unavailable, you should leave a proper message for them. Here are a few Hindi phone call phrases you can use to let the receiver know you’d like to leave a message. 

21. उनसे कह दीजियेगा कि मेरा फ़ोन आया था। (uNaSe kah Diijiyegaa ki meraa foN aayaa THaa.)
“Please tell him/her that I called.” [Formal + Informal]

22. क्या आप उन्हें मेरा मैसेज दे देंगे/ देंगी? (kyaa aap unhen meraa meSej De Denge/Dengii?)
“Would you give him/her my message?” [Formal + Informal]

23. उससे कहियेगा मुझे कॉल करे। (uSaSe kahiyegaa mujhe kauL kare.)
“Please tell him/her to call me back.” [Informal]

24. उनसे बोलियेगा कि इसी नंबर पे मुझसे बात कर लें। (uNaSe boLiyegaa ki iSi Nambar pe mujhaSe baaT kar Len.)
“Please tell him/her to give me a call on this number.” [Formal + Informal]

7. Asking for Clarification or Repetition

As a foreigner, trying to make a phone call in Hindi can be a daunting task. Any number of things could cause confusion or disturbance during the call, such as a limited vocabulary or a bad connection. In situations like this, it’s both necessary and polite to ask the other person to repeat what they’ve said

25. माफ़ कीजियेगा, लेकिन आपकी आवाज़ सुनाई नहीं दे रही। (maaf kiijiyega, LekiN aapakii aavaaz SuNaaii Nahiin De rahii.)
“I’m sorry, but I can’t hear you.” [Formal]

26. आपकी आवाज़ नहीं आ रही। (aapakii aavaaz Nahiin aa rahii.)
“Your voice is not clear.” [Formal + Informal]

27. नेटवर्क नहीं आ रहा। (Netavark Nahiin aa rahaa.)
“There is no network.” [Informal]

28. कुछ सुनाई नहीं दे रहा। (kuch SuNaaii Nahiin De rahaa.)
“I can’t hear anything.” [Informal]

29. मैं एक बार वापस दोहरा देता/देती हूँ। (main ek baar vaapaS Doharaa DeTaa/DeTii huun.)
“I’ll repeat it once.” [Formal + Informal]

30. आपका शुभ नाम? (aapakaa subh Naam?)
“Your name, please?” [Formal]

31. आपका नाम क्या है? (aapakaa Naam kyaa hai?)
“What’s your name?” [Formal + Informal]

32. क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकता/सकती हूँ? (kyaa main aapakaa Naam jaaN SakaTaa/SakaTii huun?)
“May I know your name, please?” [Formal]

Two Kids Talking through Tin Can Phone

Connect Better with Your Hindi-speaking Friends

8. Ending the Phone Call

This last segment deals with how to end a telephone conversation in Hindi! Here are the most commonly used phrases used before hanging up the phone.

33. बहुत-बहुत धन्यवाद। (bahuT-bahuT DHaNyavaaD.)
“Thank you so much.” [Formal]

34. शुक्रिया। (sukriyaa.)
“Thank you.” [Formal + Informal]

35. नमस्ते। (NamaSTe.)
“Bye!” [Formal + Informal]

36. और कोई बात? (aur koii baaT?)
“Anything else?” [Informal]

37. आपका दिन शुभ हो। (aapakaa DiN subh ho.)
“Have a good day.” [Highly Formal]

38. तो फिर, __ को __ बजे मिलते हैं। (To phir, __ ko ___ baje miLaTe hain.)
“So, let’s meet on __ at __ .” [Formal + Informal]

39. ठीक है, फिर बाद में बात करते हैं। (thiik hai, phir baaD men baaT karaTe hain.)
“Alright, let’s talk later.” [Informal]

40. चलो ठीक है, फिर मैं फ़ोन रखता/रखती हूँ। (caLo thiik hai, phir main foN rakhaTaa/rakhaTii huun.)
“Alright, I’m hanging up now.” [Informal]

A Woman Sitting on the Ground and Holding a Speech Bubble

Phone Phrases That Make You Sound Smart!

9. Sample Phone Conversations in Hindi

Now that you have several phrases up your sleeve, it’s time to see what a real-life phone call conversation in Hindi might sound like. We’ve included two sample dialogues here: one informal and one formal. 

Informal Phone Conversation

Here, two friends are setting up a time to meet for lunch on a weekend. This should give you a good idea of how an informal chat might go over the phone. 

A: हेलो, मैं A बोल रही/रहा हूँ। (heLo, main A boL rahii/rahaa huun.)
“Hello, this is A speaking.”

B: हाँ, कैसी/कैसे हो? (haan, kaiSii/kaiSe ho?)
“Hey, how are you?”

A: मैं बिल्कुल ठीक हूँ। कई दिन हुए हम साथ नहीं बैठे। (main biLkuL thiik huun. kaii DiN huye ham SaaTH Nahiin baithe.)
“I’m good. It’s been so long since we spent time together.”

B: हाँ, क्यों ना मिलने का प्लान बनायें? (haan, kyon Naa miLaNe kaa pLaaN baNaayen?)
“Yeah, let’s make a plan and meet soon!”

A: ज़रूर! क्या तुम इस शनिवार को ख़ाली हो? (zaruur! Kyaa Tum iS saNivaar ko khaaLii ho?)
“Sure! Are you free this Saturday?”

B: हाँ, हम इस शनिवार मिल सकते हैं। (haan, ham iS saNivaar miL SakaTe hain.)
“Yep, we could definitely meet up this Saturday.”

A: तो फिर दोपहर का खाना साथ ही खाएंगे। (To phir Dopahar kaa khaaNaa SaaTH hii khaayenge.)
“Great, then let’s have lunch together.”

B: एवरग्रीन रेस्टोरेंट कैसा रहेगा? (evaragriiN reStorent kaiSaa rahegaa?)
“How about at Evergreen Restaurant?”

A: सही है! दोपहर 1 बजे मिलते हैं। (Sahii hai! Dopahar ek baje miLaTe hain.)
“That’s perfect! Let’s meet at one o’clock in the afternoon.”

B: ठीक है, मैं वहीं इंतज़ार करूँगी/करूँगा। (thiik hai, main vahiin iNTazaar karuungii/karuungaa.)
“Fine, I’ll wait for you there.”

A: बिल्कुल, चलो फिर मैं फ़ोन रखती/रखता हूँ। इस शनिवार मिलते हैं। (biLkuL, caLo phir main foN rakhaTii/rakhaTaa huun. iS saNivaar miLaTe hain.)
“Definitely. Okay, I’ll hang up the phone now. See you on Saturday.”

B: ठीक है, बाय! (thiik hai, baay!)
“Okay, bye!”

A: बाय! (baay!)

A Little Girl Sound Asleep beside a Toy Telephone

Say Goodbye to Boring Calls!

Formal Phone Conversation

Once they’ve set the time and place, one of the friends calls the restaurant to reserve a table. They’ll be using relatively formal language here as this is most appropriate for making reservations. 

A: हेलो, क्या एवरग्रीन रेस्टोरेंट में बात हो रही है? (heLo, kyaa evaragriiN reStorent men baaT ho rahii hai?)
“Hello, is this Evergreen Restaurant?”

Staff Member: जी हाँ, ये एवरग्रीन रेस्टोरेंट है। हम आपकी कैसे मदद कर सकते हैं? (jii haan, ye evaragriiN reStorent hai. Ham aapakii kaiSe maDaD kar SakaTe hain?)
“Yes, it’s the Evergreen Restaurant. How may we help you?”

A: मुझे इस शनिवार लंच के लिए एक टेबल बुक करवानी है। (mujhe iS saNivaar LaNc ke Liye ek tebaL buk karavaaNii hai.)
“I have to book a table for lunch this coming Saturday.”

Staff Member: जी, बिल्कुल। क्या मैं आपका नाम जान सकता हूँ? (jii, biLkuL. Kyaa main aapakaa Naam jaaN SakaTaa huun?)
“Sure. May I know your name, please?”

A: हाँ, मैं A बोल रही हूँ। (haan, main A boL rahii huun.)
“Yes, this is A speaking.”

Staff Member: आपको कितने लोगों के लिए और कितने बजे का रिज़र्वेशन चाहिए? (aapako kiTaNe Logon ke Liye aur kiTaNe baje kaa rizarvesaN caahiye.)
“At what time and for how many people would you like to make this reservation?”

A: सिर्फ़ दो लोगों के लिए और शनिवार दोपहर 1 बजे का रिज़र्वेशन चाहिए। (Sirf Do Logon ke Liye aur saNivaar Dopahar ek baje kaa rizarvesaN caahiye.)
“A table for two and I’d like this reservation at one o’clock in the afternoon on Saturday.”

Staff Member: बिल्कुल हो जायेगा। मैं अभी आपके लिए टेबल बुक कर देता हूँ। (biLkuL ho jaayegaa. Main abhii aapake Liye tebaL buk kar DeTaa huun.)
“Definitely! I’ll book the table for you right away.”

A: धन्यवाद। (DHaNyavaaD.)
“Thank you.”

Staff Member: क्या मैं आपकी कुछ और मदद कर सकता हूँ? (kyaa main aapakii kuch aur maDaD kar SakaTaa huun?)
“Do you need anything else?”

A: जी नहीं, बस इतना ही। (jii Nahiin, baS iTaNaa hii.)
“No, that would be all.”

Staff Member: फ़ोन करने के लिए धन्यवाद। आपका दिन शुभ हो। (foN karaNe ke Liye DHaNyavaaD. aapakaa DiN subh ho.)
“Thank you for calling. Have a good day!”

10. Getting the Most Out of

Now that we’ve covered all the essential Hindi phone phrases, we hope you feel more prepared and confident for your future phone calls. Make sure to practice them often!

We always love hearing from you, so feel free to let us know your thoughts on this article. Which of these phrases seems easiest to you, and are there any others you’d like to learn? If you’re uncertain regarding the pronunciation of any phrase, we recommend visiting our comprehensive Hindi pronunciation guide.

A Boy Stressing Out Over His Homework

Don’t Let the Language Become a Hurdle!

If you’re nervous about making conversation in Hindi due to a lack of language skills, HindiPod101 can make your worries disappear. The comprehensive study materials on not only teach you everything you need to know about the language, but also allow you to explore Indian culture in-depth.

To start learning, all you have to do is download the Hindi mobile application or sign up on our homepage. So, what are you waiting for? Get access to unlimited Hindi learning resources today!

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The Top 200+ Hindi Words for Beginners


Simplicity never goes out of style. 

By the same token, today we’ll teach you the simplest yet most practical Hindi beginner words. These words will help ease you into the language, serving as a foundation on which to build your Hindi skills. As you expand your vocabulary, you’ll find that you can speak and understand Hindi with greater and greater proficiency. 

If you’re new to the Hindi language and don’t know where to start, then this lesson is for you!

A Father Listening as His Daughter Reads Something

Reading together is fun!

Before we begin: Rest assured that we haven’t just dumped some random things here. We’ve chosen Hindi words for beginners that are simple, useful, and easy for newbies to pick up. In addition, we’ve carefully designed our list to ensure we cover everything—from pronouns to auxiliary verbs! Memorizing these words will make you a much more fluent speaker and writer in Hindi, so let’s get right to it.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Popular Pronouns
  2. Cracking the Numbers
  3. Knowing the Nouns
  4. Essential Verbs
  5. A Splash of Adjectives
  6. Connect with Conjunctions
  7. Auxiliary Verbs
  8. Mastering the Hindi Language with

1. Popular Pronouns

As a beginner in Hindi, most of your conversations will be rather simple. You’ll likely spend a lot of time talking about yourself or others, which will require the use of pronouns. In the table below, you’ll find the most common pronouns in Hindi along with examples of how they’re used. 

Personal Pronouns
  • “You” = तुम (Tum) / आप (aap)
  • “Me” = मुझे (mujhe)
  • “I” = मैं (main)
  • “We” = हम (ham)
  • “He” = वह (vah)
  • “She” = वह (vah)
  • “They” = वे (ve)
  • “Them” = उनको (uNako) / उन्हें (uNhen)
Example Sentences:
  • हम बाहर जा रहे हैं। (ham baahar jaa rahe hain.)
    We are going out.”

  • आप मुझसे कुछ कहना चाहते थे? (aap mujh Se kuch kahaNaa caahaTe THe?)
    You wanted to say something to me?”

Demonstrative Pronouns
  • “This” = यह (yah)
  • “That” = वह (vah)
  • “These” = ये (ye)
  • “Those” = वे (ve)
Example Sentence:
  • यह सेब है। (yah Seb hai.)
    This is an apple.”

Interrogative Pronouns
  • “What” = क्या (kyaa)
  • “Why” = क्यों (kyon)
  • “Where” = कहाँ (kahaan)
  • “How” = कैसे (kaiSe)
  • “When” = कब (kab)
  • “Who” = कौन (kauN)
  • “Whom” = किसको (kiSako) / किसे (kiSe)
  • “Whose” = किसका (kiSakaa)
  • “Which” = कौन-सा (kauN Saa) / कौन-सी (kauN Sii)
Example Sentences:
  • मेरा फ़ोन कहाँ है? (meraa foN kahaan hai?)
    Where is my phone?”

  • तुम कौन हो? (Tum kauN ho?)
    Who are you?”

Sliced Bread, Cookies, and Red Eggs

Are “those” tomatoes?

2. Cracking the Numbers

How much is it? When’s your birthday? What time is it? 

These are simple everyday questions we ask each other. Did you notice how these cannot be answered without using numbers? Be it money, time, shopping, teaching, or catching a flight, our lives are quite dependent on numbers. Digits keep things so organized and clear for us.

Here are some basic Hindi numbers that even a beginner like you can practice!

  • “One” = एक (ek)
  • “Two”  = दो (Do)
  • “Three” = तीन (TiiN)
  • “Four”  = चार (caar)
  • “Five” = पांच (paanc)
  • “Six” = छः (chah)
  • “Seven” = सात (SaaT)
  • “Eight” = आठ (aath)
  • “Nine” = नौ (Nau)
  • “Ten” = दस (DaS)
  • “Twenty” = बीस (biiS)
  • “Thirty” = तीस (TiiS)
  • “Forty” = चालीस (caaLiS)
  • “Fifty” = पचास (pacaaS)
  • “Sixty” = साठ (Saath)
  • “Seventy” = सत्तर (SaTTar)
  • “Eighty” = अस्सी (aSSii)
  • “Ninety” = नब्बे (Nabbe)
  • “Hundred” = सौ (Sau)
  • “Thousand” = हज़ार (hazaar)
Example Sentences:
  • सीमा ने दो दर्जन केले ख़रीदे। (Siimaa Ne Do DarjaN keLe khariiDe.)
    “Seema bought two dozen bananas.”

  • दादी की उम्र अस्सी साल है। (DaaDii kii umr aSSii SaaL hai.)
    “Grandma is eighty years old.”

Someone Receiving Tickets at a Movie Theater

Two tickets, please!

3. Knowing the Nouns

Oh! What would life be without coffee, or pastries, or Brad Pitt—oops! Sorry, nouns! 😉

Nouns are one of the most essential parts of speech, and you couldn’t have a conversation without them! We use nouns to identify people, places, or things. 

To give you a headstart, we’ve prepared a thorough list of simple Hindi nouns in different categories. 

Let’s have a look!

  • “Hour” = घंटा (ghantaa)
  • “Minute”  = मिनट (miNat)
  • “Second”  = सेकंड (Sekand)
  • “Morning”  = सुबह (Subah)
  • “Afternoon”  = दोपहर (Dopahar)
  • “Evening”  = शाम (saam)
  • “Night”  = रात (raaT)
  • “Day”  = दिन (DiN)
  • “Week”  = सप्ताह (SapTaah) / हफ़्ता (hafTaa)
  • “Month”  = महीना (mahiiNaa) / माह (maah)
  • “Year”  = वर्ष (vars) / साल (SaaL)
  • “Sunday”  = रविवार (ravivaar) / इतवार (iTavaar)
  • “Monday”  = सोमवार (Somavaar)
  • “Tuesday”  = मंगलवार (mangaLavaar)
  • “Wednesday”  = बुधवार (budhavaar)
  • “Thursday”  = बृहस्पतिवार (brihaSpaTivaar) / गुरुवार (guruvaar)
  • “Friday”  = शुक्रवार(sukravaar)
  • “Saturday”  = शनिवार (saNivaar) / शनिचर (saNicar)
  • “January”  = जनवरी (jaNavarii)
  • “February”  = फ़रवरी (farvaarii)
  • “March”  = मार्च (maarc)
  • “April”  = अप्रैल (apraiL)
  • “May”  = मई (mayii)
  • “June”  = जून (juuN)
  • “July”  = जुलाई (juLaaii)
  • “August”  = अगस्त (agaST)
  • “September”  = सितंबर (SiTambar)
  • “October”  = अक्टूबर (aktuubar)
  • “November”  = नवंबर (Navambar)
  • “December”  = दिसंबर (DiSambar)
  • “Autumn”  = पतझड़ (paTajhad)
  • “Winter”  = सर्दी (SarDii) / जाड़ा (jaadaa)
  • “Summer”  = गर्मी (garmii) / ग्रीष्म (griism) 
  • “Spring”    = बहार (bahaar) / बसंत (baSaNT)
Example Sentences:
  • जनवरी में बहुत ठंड होती है। (jaNavarii men bahuT thand hoTii hai.)
    “It’s so cold in January.”

  • स्कूल जुलाई में खुलेंगे। (SkuuL juLaaii men khuLenge.)
    “The schools will open in July.”
  • “Mother”  = माँ (maan) / माता (maaTaa)
  • “Father” = पिता (piTaa)
  • “Brother”  = भाई (bhaaii)
  • “Sister”  = बहन (bahaN)
  • “Son”  = बेटा (betaa)
  • “Daughter”  = बेटी (betii)
  • “Maternal Grandmother”  = नानी (NaaNii)
  • “Maternal Grandfather”  = नाना (NaaNaa)
  • “Paternal Grandmother”  = दादी (DaaDii)
  • “Paternal Grandfather”  = दादा (DaaDaa)
  • “Uncle”  = चाचा (caacaa)
  • “Aunt”  = चाची (caacii)
  • “Mr.”  = श्रीमान (srimaaN)
  • “Mrs.”  = श्रीमती (srimaTii)
Example Sentences:
  • रोहन के पिता लेखक हैं। (rohaN ke piTaa Lekhak hain.)
    “Rohan’s fatherबेटियाँ is a writer.”

  • मेरी दो बेटियाँ हैं। (merii Do betiyaan hain.)
    “I have two daughters.”
  • “School”  = स्कूल (SkuuL) / विद्यालय (viDyaaLay)
  • “Hospital”  =बेटियाँ अस्पताल (aSpaTaaL)
  • “Shop”  = दुकान (DukaaN)
  • “Mall”  = मॉल (mauL)
  • “Pharmacy”  = दवा की दुकान (Davaa kii DukaaN)
  • “Restaurant”  = रेस्टोरेंट (reStorent)
  • “Salon”  = सैलून (SaiLuuN)
  • “Office”  = ऑफ़िस (aufiS) / दफ़्तर (DafTar)
  • “Bakery”  = बेकरी (bekarii)
  • “Bank”  = बैंक (baink)
Example Sentences:
  • दवा की दुकान पास में ही है। (Davaa kii DukaaN paaS men hii hai.)
    “The pharmacy is nearby.”

  • यह शहर की सबसे अच्छी बेकरी है। (yah sahar kii SabaSe acchii bekarii hai.)
    “This is the best bakery in the city.”
School/Office Essentials
  • “Book”  = किताब (kiTaab)
  • “Notebook”  = कॉपी (kaupii)
  • “Pen”  = कलम (kaLam) / पेन (peN)
  • “Pencil”  = पेंसिल (peNSiL)
  • “Eraser”  = रबड़ (rabad)
  • “Sharpener”  = कटर (katar)
  • “File”  = फ़ाइल (faaiL)
  • “Computer”  = कंप्यूटर (kampyuutar)
  • “Printer”  = प्रिंटर (priNtar)
  • “Marker”  = मार्कर (maarkar)
Example Sentences:
  • मुझे एक कलम चाहिए। (mujhe ek kaLam caahiye.)
    “I need a pen.”

  • प्रिंटर ख़राब हो गया है। (priNtar kharaab ho gayaa hai.)
    “The printer is not working.”
Body Parts
  • “Eyes”  = आँख (aankh)
  • “Nose”  = नाक (Naak)
  • “Ears”  = कान (kaaN)
  • “Mouth”  = मुंह (munh)
  • “Teeth”  = दाँत (Daant)
  • “Tongue”  = जीभ (jiibh)
  • “Lips”  = होंठ (honth)
  • “Forehead”  = माथा (maaTHaa)
  • “Face”  = चेहरा (ceharaa)
  • “Neck”  = गर्दन (garDaN)
  • “Throat”  = गला (gaLaa)
  • “Head”  = सिर (Sir)
  • “Back”  = पीठ (piith)
  • “Stomach”  = पेट (pet)
  • “Hands”  = हाथ (haaTH)
  • “Legs”  = पैर (pair)
  • “Knee”  = घुटना (ghutaNaa)
  • “Elbow”  = कोहनी (kohaNii)
  • “Fingers”  = उंगलियां (ungLiyaan)
  • “Toe”  = अँगूठा (anguuthaa)
  • “Nails”  = नाख़ून (NaakhuuN)
  • “Skin”  = त्वचा (Tvacaa)
  • “Hair”  = बाल (baaL)
  • “Muscle”  = माँसपेशी (maanSapesii)
  • “Bone”  = हड्डी (haddii)
Example Sentences:
  • पूनम के बाल बहुत सुंदर हैं। (puuNam ke baaL bahuT SuNDar hain.)
    “Poonam has such lovely hair.”

  • मानव शरीर में दो सौ छह हड्डियाँ होती हैं। (maaNav sariir men Do Sau chah haddiyaan hoTii hain.)
    “There are two hundred and six bones in the human body.”
  • “Water”   = पानी (paaNii)
  • “Vegetables”  = सब्ज़ियाँ (Sabziyaan)
  • “Fruits”   = फल (phaL)
  • “Salad”   = सलाद (SaLaaD)
  • “Milk”   = दूध (DuuDH)
  • “Curd”   = दही (Dahii)
  • “Sugar”   = चीनी (ciiNii)
  • “Eggs”   = अंडे (ande)
  • “Chicken”   = चिकन (cikaN)
  • “Fish”   = मछली (machaLii)
  • “Pulses”   = दाल (DaaL)
  • “Rice”   = चावल (caavaL)
  • “Spice”   = मसाले (maSaaLe)
  • “Butter”   = मक्खन (makkhaN)
  • “Flour”   = आटा (aataa)
  • “Oil”   = तेल (TeL)
  • “Buttermilk”  =  छाछ (chaach)
  • “Clarified butter” = घी (ghii)
  • “Bread”   = ब्रेड (bred) / डबल रोटी (dabaL rotii)
  • “Flatbread”  = रोटी (rotii)
  • “Tea”   = चाय (caay)
  • “Coffee”   = कॉफ़ी (kaufii)
Example Sentences:
  • मुझे दो अंडे मक्खन के साथ चाहिए। (mujhe Do ande makkhaN ke SaaTH caahiye.)
    “I want two eggs with butter.”

  • फल और सब्ज़ियां एकदम ताज़ी हैं। (phaL aur Sabziyaan ekaDam Taazii hain.)
    “The fruits and vegetables are really fresh.”

Eggs, Strawberries, Prawns, Nuts, Kiwi, Milk, and Chocolate

Eggs and milk, please!

4. Essential Verbs

Another set of easy Hindi words for beginners you should learn right away are the essential verbs.

There’s a verb playing in every moment of our lives, whether we recognize it or not. Even if we were to stand as still as a statue, we would still be breathing and our hearts would still be beating. What’s more, verbs can sometimes act as a full sentence in and of themselves: Sit. Shut up. Don’t.

Here’s a list of the most popular verbs used by native speakers.

Daily Routine Verbs
  • “To get up”   = उठना (uthaNaa)
  • “To eat”   = खाना (khaaNaa)
  • “To drink”   = पीना (piiNaa)
  • “To go”   = जाना (jaaNaa)
  • “To work”   = काम करना (kaam karaNaa)
  • “To study”   = पढ़ाई करना (padhaaii karaNaa)
  • “To drive/ride”   = गाड़ी चलाना (gaadii caLaaNaa)
  • “To sleep”   = सोना (SoNaa)
  • “To write”   = लिखना (LikhaNaa)
  • “To read”   = पढ़ना (padhaNaa)
  • “To speak”   = बोलना (boLaNaa)
  • “To scream” = चीखना (ciikhaNaa)
  • “To laugh”   = हंसना (hanSaNaa)
  • “To cry”   = रोना (roNaa)
  • “To cook”   = पकाना (pakaaNaa)
  • “To run”   = दौड़ना (DaudaNaa)
  • “To walk”   = चलना (caLaNaa)
  • “To talk”   = बात करना (baaT karaNaa)
  • “To meet”   = मिलना (miLaNaa)
  • “To wash”   = धोना (DHoNaa)
  • “To wipe”   = पोंछना (ponchaNaa)
Example Sentences:
  • क्या तुम सोना चाहती हो? (kyaa Tum SoNaa caahaTii ho?)
    “Do you want to sleep?”

  • कोई भी सुनील से बात करना नहीं चाहता। (koii bhii SuNiiL Se baaT karaNaa Nahiin caahaTaa?)
    “Nobody wants to talk to Sunil.”
Other Common Verbs
  • “To give”   = देना (DeNaa)
  • “To take”   = लेना (LeNaa)
  • “To do”      = करना (karaNaa)
  • “To make”  = बनाना (baNaaNaa)
  • “To sit”       = बैठना (baithaNaa)
  • “To stare”   = घूरना (ghuuraNaa)
  • “To look”    = देखना (DekhaNaa)
  • “To remind”  = याद दिलाना (yaaD DiLaaNaa)
  • “To touch”   = छूना (chuuNaa)
  • “To pull”      = खींचना (khiincaNaa)
  • “To push”   = धक्का देना (DHakkaa DeNaa)
  • “To peep”   = झाँकना (jhaankaNaa)
  • “To ask”     = पूछना (puuchaNaa)
  • “To smile”   = मुस्कुराना (muSkuraaNaa)
  • “To find”      = ढूँढना (dhuundhaNaa)
  • “To pick up” = उठाना (uthaaNaa)
Example Sentences:
  • इन फूलों को छूना मना है। (iN phuuLon ko chuuNaa maNaa hai.)
    “It’s not allowed to touch these flowers.”

  • मैं कुछ देर शांत बैठना चाहती हूँ। (main kuch Der saanT baithaNaa caahaTii huun.)
    “I want to sit quietly for a while.”

5. A Splash of Adjectives

Looking to add more color and playfulness to your life? Adding some adjectives to your Hindi vocabulary base will help put things into perspective! Adjectives are great tools for sharing how you feel about somebody or something, whether your emotions are positive or negative. Below, you’ll find a table of useful Hindi adjectives to start practicing right away.

A Graphic Designer Busy at Work

What a “busy” day!

Describing People
  • “Pretty” = सुंदर (SuNDar)
  • “Cute”  = प्यारा (pyaaraa) / प्यारी (pyaarii)
  • “Handsome”  = आकर्षक (aakarsak)
  • “Tall”  = लंबा (Lambaa)
  • “Short”  = नाटा (Naataa)
  • “Healthy”  = स्वस्थ (SvaSTH)
  • “Weak”  = कमज़ोर (kamazor)
  • “Rich”  = अमीर (amiir)
  • “Poor”  = ग़रीब (gariib)
  • “Thin”  = दुबला (DubaLaa)
  • “Fat”  = मोटा (motaa)
Example Sentences:
  • आप काफ़ी कमज़ोर दिख रहे हैं। (aap kaafii kamazor Dikh rahe hain.)
    “You look quite weak.”

  • स्वस्थ रहना बेहद ज़रूरी है। (SvaSTH rahaNaa behaD zaruurii hai.)
    “It’s so important to stay healthy.”
Describing Emotions
  • “Happy”   = ख़ुश (khus)
  • “Sad”   = दुखी (Dukhii)
  • “Angry”   = ग़ुस्सा (guSSaa) / नाराज़ (Naaraaz)
  • “Funny”   = मज़ेदार (mazeDaar)
  • “Tired”   = थका हुआ (THakaa huaa) / थकी हुई (THakii huyii)
  • “Confused”   = उलझन में (uLajhaN men)
  • “Restless”   = बेचैन (becaiN)
  • “Excited”   = रोमांचित (romaaNciT)
  • “Shattered”   = टूटा हुआ (tuutaa huaa) / टूटी हुई (tuutii huyii)
  • “Irritated”   = झुंझलाया (jhunjhaLaayaa) / झुंझलाई (jhunjhaLaayii)
Example Sentences:
  • माँ रात भर बेचैन रही। (maan raaT bhar becaiN rahii.)
    “Mother was restless all night.”

  • क्या तुम मुझसे नाराज़ हो? (kyaa Tum mujhaSe Naaraaz ho?)
    “Are you angry with me?”
Describing Weather
  • “Hot” = गर्म (garm)
  • “Cold”  = ठंडा (thandaa)
  • “Sunny”  = खिली धूप (khiLii DHuup)
  • “Windy”  = तेज़ हवा (Tez havaa)
  • “Rainy”  = बारिश (baaris)
  • “Cloudy”  = बदली (baDaLii)
  • “Dry”  = शुष्क (susk) / सूखा (Suukhaa)
  • “Humid”  = उमस (umaS) / नम (Nam)
Example Sentences:
  • बहुत उमस हो रही है! (bahuT umaS ho rahii hai!)
    “It’s really humid!”

  • बाहर बहुत ठंड है। (baahar bahuT thand hai.)
    “It’s so cold outside.”
Describing Objects
  • “Big” = ड़ा (badaa)
  • “Small”  = छोटा (chotaa)
  • “Long”  = लंबा (Lambaa)
  • “Short”  = छोटा (chotaa)
  • “New”  = नया (Nayaa)
  • “Old”  = पुराना (puraaNaa)
  • “Broken”  = टूटा (tuutaa)
  • “Light” = हल्का (haLkaa)
  • “Heavy”  = भारी (bhaarii)
  • “Fresh”  = ताज़ा (Taazaa)
  • “Stale”  = बासी (baaSii)
  • “Wet”  = गीला (giiLaa)
  • “Dry”  = सूखा (Suukhaa)
  • “Spicy”  = चटपटा (catapataa)
  • “Juicy”  = रसीला (raSiiLaa)
  • “Sour”  = खट्टा (khattaa)
  • “Sweet”  = मीठा (miithaa)
  • “Salty”  = नमकीन (NamakiiN)
  • “Bitter”  = कड़वा (kadavaa)
Example Sentences:
  • यह सूप बहुत चटपटा और स्वादिष्ट है। (yah Suup bahuT catapataa aur SvaaDist hai.)
    “This soup is so spicy and delicious.”

  • नेपाल एक छोटा देश है। (NepaaL ek chotaa Des hai.)
    “Nepal is a small country.”

A Woman Smiling for the Camera

You look so “pretty”!

6. Connect with Conjunctions

Conjunctions serve as the glue between two words, phrases, or sentences. They help us explain reasons, define choices, and add meaning to what we want to say. Here’s a quick look at the essential Hindi conjunction words:

  • “And” = और (aur)
  • “But”  = लेकिन (LekiN)
  • “Then”  = फिर (phir)
  • “Because”  = क्योंकि (kyonki)
  • “So”  = इसलिए (iSaLiye)
  • “If”  = यदि (yaDi) / अगर (agar)
  • “Or”  = या (yaa)
Example Sentences:
  • मेज़ पर सेब और संतरे रखे हैं। (mez par Seb aur SaNTare rakhe hain.)
    “There are apples and oranges on the table.”

  • मैं इसलिए नहीं आ पाया क्योंकि मेरी तबियत ख़राब थी। (main iSaLiye Nahiin aa paayaa kyonki merii TabiyaT kharaab THii.)
    “I couldn’t come because I was not well.”

Several Stationery Items Sitting on a Blue Table

Common Stationery Items

7. Auxiliary Verbs

To conclude our list of basic Hindi words for beginners, let’s look at auxiliary verbs. They serve a vital role in speech and you can’t afford to skip them; using them correctly will help you sound more like a native speaker (and less like a newbie!). 

Auxiliary Verbs
  • “Is” = है (hai)
  • “Am” = हूँ (huun)
  • “Are” = हैं (hain)
  • “To be” = होना (hoNaa)
  • “Was” = था (THaa) / थी (THii)
  • “Were” = थे (THe) / थीं (THiin)
  • “Will be” = होगा (hogaa) / होगी (hogii)
  • “Can” = सकना (SakaNaa)
Example Sentences:
  • बिल्ली सो रही है(biLLii So rahii hai.)
    “The cat is sleeping.”

  • मैं अभी व्यस्त हूँ(main abhii vyaST huun.)
    “I am busy right now.”

A Guy Getting a Brain Freeze while Eating a Chocolate Popsicle

My god, this is so cold!

8. Mastering the Hindi Language with

And here we are at the end of our lesson. We hope you enjoyed our list of Hindi beginner words and found it useful. If so, keep in mind that we have so much more to share with you on! Check out our blog and website for plenty of other useful Hindi resources and lesson materials.

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The What, When, and Where of Hindi Filler Words


Filler words are found in all spoken languages, and they’re an inseparable part of daily conversations. They provide us with the space we need to think before speaking or responding to someone. We also use fillers as a colloquial means to say something more succinctly; at times, a single filler word can express more about how we’re feeling than a lengthy dialogue could.

In this article, you’ll learn everything you need to know about filler words in Hindi and how they’re used. Once you’ve mastered this key element of conversation, your Hindi skills will go from “so-so” to “near-native”!

Common Filler Words
Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. What are filler words and why are they so popular?
  2. Popular Fillers in the Hindi Language
  3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words
  4. Let’s Crush it with

1. What are filler words and why are they so popular?

True to their name, filler words give us an easy way out by “filling” our pauses in speech whenever we’re looking for a specific word or deciding how to phrase something. Hindi filler words are local expressions abundantly used by natives in their day-to-day lives.

They’re so popular because, more often than not, they give us the crucial time we need to think about what we want to say. In addition, filler words make it easy to express an array of emotions: surprise, shock, pain, pleasure, boredom, disappointment, and the list goes on. Using filler words can also help us remain courteous and polite to the other person.

You see, filler words in Hindi are nothing short of life-savers. It goes without saying that it’s hard to imagine life without them, especially for Hindi-speaking natives.

2. Popular Fillers in the Hindi Language

In this section, we’ll be covering the most common Hindi conversation filler words along with explanations and examples of how to use them.

Quick Note: Most of the examples below are dialogues between person A and person B. If “A” and “B” are not mentioned, this means the example is only a sentence spoken by one person.

#1 अच्छा (acchaa) = “Really!” or “Okay”

One of the most common Hindi filler words is अच्छा (acchaa). It’s a multipurpose word that serves beautifully in different situations. For instance, it could represent affirmation, surprise, or even mockery, depending on the context of the conversation.

This word allows the speaker to pause and gain some time to gather their thoughts. Here are two different situations where it can be used:

  • अच्छा! (acchaa!) = “Really!”

As you can see, the word here denotes an exclamation of surprise!

A. हेमा ने नया मकान ले लिया है। (hemaa Ne Nayaa makaaN Le Liyaa hai.)
B. अच्छा! कब? (acchaa! kab?)
A. “Hema has bought a new house.
“B. “Really! When?”

  • अच्छा (acchaa) = “Okay”

This is the most basic expression to say “yes” or “okay,” and it can be used to let the other person know that you’ve heard them.

A. मुझे वो फ़ाइल मिल गई है। (mujhe vo faaiL miL gayii hai.)
B. अच्छा। (acchaa.)
A. “I have got that file.
“B. “Okay.”

Umm… Let Me Think!

#2 हम्म (hmm) = “Hmm”

In situations where you’re immersed in a conversation and just want to nod along, हम्म (hmm) is the perfect filler in Hindi to use. Just like our first example, this phrase gives you the chance to take some time before responding.

A. पूरा अख़बार चुनाव की ख़बरों से भरा है। (puuraa akhabaar cuNaav kii khabaron Se bharaa hai.)
B. हम्म। तुमने सही कहा। (hmm. TumaNe Sahii kahaa.)
A. “The whole newspaper is filled with election news.
“B. “Hmm, you’re right.”

#3 मतलब (maTaLab) = “I mean”

When dealing with delicate topics, it’s wise to be tender and use soft words. One phrase you could use is मतलब (maTaLab), which is similar to “I mean” in English. 

भ्रष्टाचार कितना आम हो गया है। मतलब, लोग अब मुंह खोलकर घूस मांगते हैं। (bhrastaacaar kiTaNaa aam ho gayaa hai. maTaLab, Log ab munh khoLakar ghuuS maangaTe hain.)
“Corruption is so common nowadays. I mean, people openly ask for bribes.”

#4 चलो, ठीक है (caLo, thiik hai) = “Alright”

Have you ever been in a situation where you tried to calm someone down or had to step back to give everyone time to cool off? Then you know just how tense things can get and understand the importance of a well-placed word or expression. 

The exact phrase you’re looking for is चलो, ठीक है (caLo, thiik hai), which means “alright.” It fulfills the purpose of speaking more indirectly in order to encourage politeness in tense circumstances.

A. मेरा मूड बहुत ख़राब है। मुझे अभी अकेला छोड़ दो। (meraa muud bahuT kharaab hai. Mujhe abhii akeLaa chod Do.)
B. चलो, ठीक है। जब बेहतर महसूस करो, तो मुझे फ़ोन कर लेना। (caLo, thiik hai. jab behaTar mahaSuuS karo, To mujhe foN kar LeNaa.)
A. “I am really upset. Please, leave me alone.
“B. “Alright. Call me when you feel better.”

A Father Pointing at Something in the Sky While His Young Son Looks through Binoculars

You know, that’s a planet.

#5 लगता है जैसे (LagaTaa hai jaiSe) = “It feels like”

When our instincts are at their best, we feel things that can’t be explained logically. You just feel it in your heart and in your bones. To express such emotions, the Hindi phrase लगता है जैसे (LagaTaa hai jaiSe), meaning “it feels like,” comes in handy. Please keep in mind that this phrase can easily be used in mundane or lighthearted situations as well.

पिंकी अजीब सा बर्ताव कर रही है। लगता है जैसे वो कुछ छुपा रही है। (pinkii ajiib Saa barTaav kar rahii hai. LagaTaa hai jaiSe vo kuch chupaa rahii hai.)
“Pinki is behaving so weird. It feels like she is hiding something.”

A Man Pointing to His Temple to Indicate an Idea

Ah! I have an idea.

#6 ठीक है? (thiik hai) = “Okay?” or “Got it?” or “Deal?”

Sometimes it’s necessary to emphasize what you’re saying in order to be sure that you and the other person are on the same page. In such moments, the Hindi phrase ठीक है? (thiik hai) does the job well. 

ये होमवर्क कल तक जमा करना है। ठीक है? किसी को कुछ पूछना है तो अभी पूछ लो। (ye homavark kaL Tak jamaa karaNaa hai. thiik hai? kiSii ko kuch puuchaNaa hai To abhii puuch Lo.)
“You have to submit this homework by tomorrow. Okay? If anybody has any questions, you can ask me now.”

#7 पता है (paTaa hai) = “You know”

We humans are storytellers. Most of us are quite good at adding spice to our dialogue or provoking curiosity in even the dullest conversation. Are you looking to translate those skills into Hindi? Then just use the phrase पता है (paTaa hai), meaning “you know,” and you’re good to go!

पता है, हमारे शहर में क़रीब पचास अस्पताल हैं। जिनमें से केवल बारह ही सरकारी हैं। (paTaa hai, hamaare sahar men qariib pacaaS aSpaTaaL hain. jiNmen Se kevaL baarah hii Sarkaarii hain.)
You know, there are around fifty hospitals in this city. And only twelve of them are public.”

#8 सुनो (SuNo) = “Hey”

Want to grab attention in the blink of an eye? Then try uttering the word सुनो (SuNo). This is a popular Hindi filler word similar in function to the English word “hey.”

सुनो, कल मूवी देखने चलें क्या! (SuNo, kaL muuvii DekhaNe caLen kyaa!)
Hey, let’s go and watch a movie tomorrow!”

#9 जानते हो / जानती हो (jaaNaTe ho / jaaNaTii ho) = “You know”

Another common phrase for “you know” is जानते हो / जानती हो (jaaNaTe ho / jaaNaTii ho). You can never go wrong with this phrase when trying to start a conversation with someone. 

जानते हो, बचपन में मुझे शतरंज खेलना बहुत पसंद था। (jaaNaTe ho, bacapaN men mujhe saTaranj kheLaNaa bahuT paSanD THaa.)
You know, when I was a kid, I loved playing chess.”

A Man Trying to Choose between a Green Apple and a Slice of Cake

Well, I don’t know. I’m confused.

#10 पता नहीं (paTaa Nahiin) = “I don’t know”

When confused, doubtful, or even hopeless about something, natives often use the Hindi phrase पता नहीं (paTaa Nahiin) to vent. Here’s how to use this Hindi filler phrase:

A. नौकरी बदलने के बारे में क्या सोचा? (Naukarii baDaLaNe ke baare men kyaa Socaa?)
B. पता नहीं। मैं फ़ैसला नहीं कर पा रही। (paTaa Nahiin. main faiSaLaa Nahiin kar paa rahii.)
A. “What did you decide about the job change?
“B. “I don’t know. I am not able to make up my mind.”

#11 समझ नहीं आता (Samajh Nahiin aaTaa) = “I don’t get it”

Feeling helpless and don’t know how to express it in Hindi? Your safest option is to say समझ नहीं आता (Samajh Nahiin aaTaa). It’s popularly used in personal or casual conversations.

समझ नहीं आता, ये लोग बार-बार वही ग़लती कैसे कर सकते हैं। (Samajh Nahiin aaTaa, ye Log baar-baar vahii gaLaTii kaiSe kar SakaTe hain.)
I don’t get it, how can they make the same mistake again and again?”

#12 क्या? (kyaa?) = “What?”

Life is never without surprises. We might hear news that’s shocking, stimulating, surprising, or of a greater magnitude than we can even imagine. In such cases, one of the most common Hindi filler words used by natives is क्या? (kyaa), meaning “What?”

Please note that, in this context, the meaning of क्या? (kyaa?) = “What?” is not literal. We’re not actually asking a question, but rather expressing genuine astonishment. Take a look at the example below to better understand this. 

A. गीता और सुनील ने शादी कर ली है। (giiTaa aur SuNiiL Ne saaDii kar Lii hai.)
B. क्या?! तुम्हें कैसे पता चला? (kyaa?! Tumhen kaiSe paTaa caLaa?)
A. “Geeta and Sunil got married.
“B. “What? How did you come to know?”

#13 फिर? (phir?) = “Now what?”

This is another must-know phrase for when you need to pause and gather your thoughts before responding. 

A. मेरी फ्लाइट छूट गई। (merii fLaait chuut gayii.)
B. फिर? अब क्या करोगे? (phir? ab kyaa karoge?)
A. “I missed my flight.
“B. “Now what? What will you do now?”

#14 हैं?! (hain?!) = “What?”

In this context, हैं?! (hain?!) is used to ask a rhetorical question. You already know the answer or the situation, but end up saying “what” out of surprise or disbelief. 

A. क्लास में सिर्फ़ दस बच्चे पास हुए हैं। (kLaaS men Sirf DaS bacce paaS hue hain.)
B. हैं?! ये कैसे हो सकता है? (hain? ye kaiSe ho SakTaa hai?)
A. “Only ten students have passed the class.
“B. “What? That’s impossible!”

A Cute Jack Russel’s Terrier Tilting Its Head

What! Really? I can’t be that cute!

#15 देखते हैं (DekhaTe hain) = “Let’s see”

There are two situations where the phrase देखते हैं (DekhaTe hain) could be aptly used:

1) When you’ve already made up your mind about something, but attempt to be polite by saying “let’s see” when you’re asked about it 

2) When you genuinely don’t know what will happen 

A. आज के मैच में इंडिया की टीम काफ़ी अच्छा खेल रही है। (aaj ke maic men iNdiyaa kii tiim kaafii acchaa kheL rahii hai.)
B. देखते हैं, आख़िर में किसकी जीत होती है। (DekhaTe hain, aakhir men kiSakii jiiT hoTii hai.)
A. “India is playing so well in today’s match.
“B. “Let’s see who wins in the end.”

#16 अरे (are) = “Oh!”

The one bankable Hindi filler word that native speakers use to express regret, pain, surprise, or even irritation is अरे (are), meaning “Oh!” 

अरे! मैं फिर उसका जन्मदिन भूल गई। (are! main phir uSakaa jaNmaDiN bhuuL gayii.)
Oh! I forgot her birthday again.”

#17 उफ़ (uf) = “Ugh”

उफ़! बहुत गर्मी है। (uf, bahuT garmii hai.)
Ugh! It’s so hot.”

#18 ओह (oh) = “Oh!”

ओह! इस बिल्ली को तो चोट लग गई है। (oh! iS biLLii ko To cot Lag gayii hai.)
Oh! This cat is badly hurt.”

Two Women Looking at Something on a Laptop with Surprise on Their Faces

Oh no! It’s impossible.

3. Pros and Cons of Filler Words

So, you’ve now seen the most common fillers in Hindi and know how to use them well. But before you start employing them in your conversations, you should be aware of the pros and cons. 

On the one hand, filler words can help you sound more like a native speaker and break the ice with locals. They can also save you from embarrassment in critical situations. Hindi filler words are a wonderful tool to use when your brain needs a quick breath, when you feel awkward, or when you find yourself highly surprised by something. Using them well allows you to be delicate and to avoid scaring or offending the other person.

On the other hand, we would advise you to avoid using them in formal situations. If you’re in an interview, discussing a business plan, or participating in any kind of formal/public speech, using filler words is a no-no. Why, you ask? Well, filler words reflect low confidence. They project you as a person with a lack of clarity in his or her thoughts.

Here’s a tip to help you avoid falling into the trap of filler words:

Whenever you stumble or feel blank, use powerful phrases such as “another vital point is,” “let’s move on to,” or “the next thing I wanted to discuss is.” 

4. Let’s Crush it with

Did you enjoy reading this article about Hindi filler words? Which phrase do you relate to the most, and why? Is there any other phrase we didn’t cover? Let us know in the comments below.

An Indian Woman in a Sari Giving the Namaste Gesture

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30+ Ways to Say “I Love You,” in Hindi


Expressing your love or romantic feelings for someone is a delicate matter. You want to make sure you’re using the right words at the right time, because even the most romantic phrases can fall flat if used carelessly or in the wrong context. This can be hard enough to do in your own language, let alone in a foreign language like Hindi!

In this article, we’ll provide you with several words and phrases you can use to say “I love you,” in Hindi. You’ll soon be prepared for all of your future romantic endeavors in India and beyond.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Study Love Phrases in Hindi?
  2. Must-know Cultural Tips
  3. Pick-Up Lines to Confess Your Affection
  4. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More
  5. Hear the Wedding Bells?
  6. Endearment Terms
  7. Must-know Love Quotes
  8. Find Your Path with

1. Why Study Love Phrases in Hindi?

Being in love with someone from a different country/culture is such a phenomenal experience. If you’re attracted to someone who happens to be a native Hindi speaker, confessing your feelings or asking them out in Hindi may sweep him or her off their feet and melt their heart! After all, what could be more romantic than learning the mother tongue of one’s beloved? 

In addition, you’ll find that the concept of love plays a significant role in the Hindi language. There are numerous words for “love” in Hindi, with the most common ones being: 

  • प्यार (pyaar)
  • इश्क़ (isq)
  • मोहब्बत (mohabbaT)
  • प्रेम (prem)

And there’s more where those came from!

Someone Hiding a Bouquet of Red Roses behind Their Back

Confessing your love in Hindi

2. Must-know Cultural Tips

Human beings have come a long way to be where we are today. And yet, it’s worth remembering that cultures are a bit slow to change. For instance, while Indian culture has grown much more forward over the last two decades, there are still a few things that have remained unchanged.

Women are still a bit shy when it comes to expressing affection or responding to romantic gestures. It’s generally expected for men to take the first step in this regard, whether it be asking a woman on a date, proposing marriage, or saying “I love you.”

Also take note that kissing or hugging in public is strictly off-limits in India. Ideally, couples should limit their public displays of affection to holding hands or placing their hand on the other’s shoulder. For more details, check out our blog post on the basic do’s and don’ts in India.

When given compliments, Indians often smile and blush; this is simply a nonverbal way of happily responding to the compliment. Some may even reply with a confident “thank you” and offer a big, broad smile.

Now that you have a fair idea of the Indian culture and customs surrounding romance, let’s jump to the section that you’ve long been waiting for: our list of the most common love words and phrases in Hindi! 

3. Pick-Up Lines to Confess Your Affection

Friendship is the foundation of every solid relationship. If you play your cards right, that relationship can slowly evolve into a romantic one.

We all go through the initial phase of liking someone and feeling attracted toward them, but it can be so hard to figure out the right words to express our interest. The good news is that, with these subtle love expressions in Hindi, confessing your love to a native speaker will be a piece of cake for you. 🙂

A Man and a Woman on a Romantic Date with Food and Wine at a Nice Restaurant

Hindi phrases to make your date unforgettable

Call it old-fashioned, but in Indian culture, the basic Hindi love phrases explained below are typically used by men rather than women. But of course, we all know that exceptions are everywhere! 

1 – आप बहुत सुंदर हैं।
(aap bahuT SuNDar hain.)
“You are so beautiful.”
This meaningful yet subtle phrase never goes out of style and it always works like a charm. It would be most appropriate to use this phrase when meeting your crush at a party or another special occasion. Be careful to use the phrase only when you know that the other person likes you, too. Otherwise, you might freak them out!

2 – तुम बहुत प्यारी हो।
(Tum bahuT pyaarii ho.)
“You are so cute.”
This one’s a magic phrase, offering a healthy dose of general friendliness combined with a romantic tone. Full of care and love, the innocence contained within the phrase speaks for itself. If you really mean it, then say it to the person you like and watch the magic happen.

3 – क्या आप मेरे साथ बाहर / रात के खाने पर चलेंगी?
(kyaa aap mere SaaTH baahar / raaT ke khaaNe par caLengi?)
“Would you like to go out/have dinner with me?”
A simple, safe way to ask someone for a date. Use the word बाहर (baahar) if you would just like to ask the woman to go out with you. To specifically ask her out for dinner, use the phrase रात के खाने पर (raaT ke khaaNe par), or more simply, डिनर पर (diNar par).

4 – क्या तुम मेरी वैलेंटाइन बनोगी?
(kyaa Tum merii vaLeNtaaiN baNogii?)
“Would you be my valentine?”
Lovers long the whole year for Valentine’s Day, and Indians are no exception. But why hold back your feelings all year, when you already know how to ask someone to be your valentine?

5 – आप मुझे बहुत अच्छी लगती / अच्छे लगते हैं।
(aap mujhe bahuT acchii LagaTii / acche LagaTe hain.)
“I like you a lot.”
Oh, this one’s a favorite of many. It’s a popular phrase that lets you enjoy the healthy space of friendship while simultaneously laying the foundation for a romantic relationship.

A Guy Crouching in a Field with a Heart-shaped Cushion above His Head

When love’s in the air

6 – मुझे आपके साथ बातें करना पसंद है।
(mujhe aapake SaaTH baaTen karaNaa paSanD hai.)
“I love talking to you.”
A heart-stealer that could change the whole game in one go.

7 – आपके साथ समय कैसे बीत जाता है, पता ही नहीं चलता।
(aapake SaaTH Samay kaiSe biiT jaaTaa hai, paTaa hii Nahiin caLaTaa.)
“When I am with you, time flies away so fast.”
This is a killer line for communicating how much you like the other person. Plus, it’s a great compliment that everybody loves to hear!

8 – तुम मुझे बेहद पसंद हो।
(Tum mujhe behaD paSanD ho.)
“I like you a lot.”
Here’s a simple, decent, and stylish way to say that you have more than just friendly feelings for her.

4. Fall in Deeper: “I Love You,” and More

Once the attraction is mutual, stop beating around the bush and tell her how you really feel. But how do you say “I love you,” in Hindi? There are plenty of ways to do that. Pick your favorite!

9 – मैं तुमसे प्यार करता/करती हूँ।
(main TumaSe pyaar karaTaa/ karaTii huun.)
“I love you.”
This is the most direct phrase here, so use this line only when you’re sure that the romantic feelings are mutual.

10 – मैं तुम्हें अपना बनाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhen apaNaa baNaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to make you mine.” / “I want you to be mine.”
Contrary to how intense it sounds in English, the Hindi phrase is quite gentle and romantic (given that both people are in love with each other).

A Guy Whispering in a Girl’s Ear while They Sit in a Field

How to say “I love you,” in Hindi

11 – मैं हर वक़्त बस तुम्हारे बारे में सोचता रहता/सोचती रहती हूँ।
(main har vaqT baS Tumhaare baare men SocaTaa rahaTaa/SocaTii rahaTii huun.)
“I keep thinking about you all the time.”
Such a sweet phrase to let your beloved know how you feel when being far from each other.

12 – मुझे तुम्हारी बहुत याद आती है।
(mujhe Tumhaarii bahaT yaaD aaTii hai.)
“I miss you a lot.”
Another delicate way to express your emotions.

13 – मैं तुम्हें मिस करता/करती हूँ।
(main Tumhen miS karaTaa/ karaTii huun.)
“I miss you.”

14 – तुम मेरी ज़िंदगी हो।
(Tum merii ziNDagii ho.)
“You are my life.”
Nothing needs to be said after this line. A phrase so full of love in itself, we can understand why it’s so popular among couples.

15 – मैं तुम्हारे बिना नहीं रह सकता / सकती।
(main Tumhaare biNaa Nahiin rah SakaTaa / SakaTii.)
“I can’t live without you.”
It’s no secret how desperate lovers can be at times, and this phrase expresses that feeling perfectly.

5. Hear the Wedding Bells?

The concept of marriage might scare the heck out of many people, but when two people are truly in love with each other, getting married sounds to them like the most beautiful thing in the world. Let’s throw a glance at a few of the most common Hindi love phrases you could use if marriage is on your mind.

16 – मैं तुमसे शादी करना चाहता हूँ।
(main TumaSe saaDii karaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to marry you.”

17 – क्या तुम मुझसे शादी करोगी?
(kyaa Tum mujhaSe saaDii karogii?)
“Will you marry me?”

18 – मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम मेरे माता-पिता से मिलो।
(main caahaTii huun ki Tum mere maaTaa-piTaa Se miLo.)
“I want you to meet my parents.”
This phrase is typically used by the female partner in order to invite their boyfriend/lover to meet their parents.

A Wedding Band

Moving a step ahead in your love life

19 – मैं तुम्हें अपने माता-पिता से मिलवाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhen apaNe maaTaa-piTaa Se miLavaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to introduce you to my parents.”
This one is more often used by males when they wish to introduce their girlfriend to their parents. It goes without saying that this phrase means taking your relationship to a serious level, where the whole family is going to be involved.

20 – क्या तुम हमेशा के लिए मेरी होना चाहोगी?
(kyaa Tum hamesaa ke Liye merii hoNaa caahogii?)
“Would you be mine forever?”

21 – मैं तुम्हारे साथ अपना घर बसाना चाहता हूँ।
(main Tumhaare SaaTH apaNaa ghar baSaaNaa caahaTaa huun.)
“I want to have a family with you.”
Another sweet and gentle way to steal her heart and ask for marriage.

22 – हमारे घर एक नन्हा मेहमान / नन्हीं परी आने वाली है।
(hamaare ghar ek NaNhaa mehamaaN / NaNhiin parii aaNe vaaLii hai.)
“We are going to have a baby.”
This one’s a popular phrase that couples use to share the pregnancy news with each other or with others. 

23 – मैं माँ बनने वाली हूँ।
(main maan baNaNe vaaLii huun.)
“I am pregnant.”
Women say this phrase in order to share the good news with their partner.

6. Endearment Terms

All around the world, spouses and partners use sweet diminutives and nicknames to refer to each other. There are quite a few pet names that are popular among Indian couples, and the best thing is that these “names” can be used by and for both male and female partners. Let’s find out what these endearment terms are!

A Concerned Man Talking on the Phone while Outside

Missing your beloved

24 – जानू
“My life”

25 – बेबी
“Babe” / “Baby”

26 – हनी

27 – सुनिए
An interesting term of endearment to call your spouse, this one is especially used by wives when they’re addressing their husband. In Indian culture, it’s still prevalent for the wife to not call her husband by his first name. In fact, in some regions, the husbands too don’t utter their wife’s name until it is really necessary.

In such cases, a simple सुनिए (SuNiye) does the job, particularly when the parents and in-laws are around.

7. Must-know Love Quotes

You now know several Hindi love phrases and other sweet nothings you can whisper in your lover’s ear. But let’s take it up a notch with some of the most romantic Hindi love quotes! There are so many of them out there, so we’ve handpicked only the most noteworthy ones for you. Have a look.

28 – इश्क़ और मुश्क़ छुपाये नहीं छुपते।
(isq aur musq chupaaye Nahiin chupaTe.)
“Love and fragrance cannot be hidden.”
No matter how much effort you put into keeping your love affair a secret, friends are the creatures who can pick up the scent of your deepest emotions. They may often tease you with this age-old quote.

29 – इश्क़ पर ज़ोर नहीं, है ये वो आतिश ग़ालिब, जो लगाए न लगे और बुझाये न बने।
(isq par zor Nahiin, hai ye vo aaTis ghaaLib, jo Lagaaye Na Lage aur bujhaaye Na baNe.)
“Love is a fire beyond our control; neither can it be ignited, nor can it be doused.”
This quote is from the unparalleled Mirza Ghalib, a poet whose creations still move hopeless lovers to this day. It means that one can neither force love, nor kill it.

30 – प्यार के बिना ज़िंदगी अधूरी है।
(pyaar ke biNaa ziNdagii aDHuurii hai.)
“Life without love is incomplete.”
An effortless quote that says it all without much ado.

31 – इश्क़ का कोई मज़हब नहीं होता।
(isq kaa koii mazahab Nahiin hoTaa.)
“Love knows no religion.”
Religion is supposed to bring harmony and unite us, but many times, the opposite happens. And when two people from different religions fall in love, such stories have always made history. The quote gives us a strong message conveying that there is no greater religion than that of love.

32 – पोथी पढ़ि पढ़ि जग मुवा, पंडित हुआ न कोय, ढाई आखर प्रेम का, पढ़े सो पंडित होय।
(poTHii padhi padhi jag muvaa, pandiT huaa Na koye, dhaaii aakhar prem kaa, padhe So pandiT hoye.)
“Bookish knowledge is worthless; fall in love and you’ll know everything.”
A deep quote by Saint Kabir, which is still popular in modern times.

33 – खुसरो दरिया प्रेम का सो उल्टी वाकी धार! जो उबरा सो डूब गया, जो डूबा वो पार!!
(khuSaro Dariyaa prem kaa, So uLtii vaakii DHaar! jo ubaraa So duub gayaa, jo duubaa vo paar.)
“The river of love follows a totally different direction. The one who stays afloat drowns, and the one who is immersed completely to the point of drowning crosses the river.”

8. Find Your Path with

Today, you learned some of the best Hindi phrases for lovers as well as some sweet endearment terms and love quotes. Start practicing them right away, and you’ll be prepared to woo the love of your life in their native language before you know it! 

Honestly, we have so much more to share with you on Check out our blog and website for plenty of other free Hindi resources and lesson materials. Enrich your Hindi language skills with our simple and effective teaching methods, and download our free mobile app for an unstoppable language-learning journey.

Facing trouble? Feel free to connect with us through our Help Center. You can also share your queries and clear your doubts by joining the Forum.

A Book Open to the Middle, with Two Pages Folded to Make a Heart Shape

Learning the language of love in Hindi

Before you go, why not practice some of the romantic Hindi phrases with us? Write your favorite pick-up line in Hindi for us in the comments section! If there are any words, terms, or concepts you’re struggling with, feel free to reach out with any questions, as well. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Negation in Hindi: How to Make Negative Sentences


Indian culture is not as practical as Western culture. People in India tend to be more emotional and sensitive regarding the tone and body language of others. What makes the situation even more complex is that they are overly social at times and don’t mind making requests that foreign folks may find a bit intrusive.

A Guy with an Overly Sad and Disappointed Look on His Face

No! Don’t say no to me!

These factors make it essential to learn how to properly form and use phrases that are negative in Hindi! You obviously don’t want to mess up the initial relationship-building time with any of your Indian friends or colleagues due to this cultural difference. Given that, a little homework regarding your communication skills can go a long way.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why is it Important to Study Negation in Hindi?
  2. Negating a Statement with नहीं (Nahiin)
  3. Giving a Negative Response to a Question
  4. Other Negating Words and Phrases
  5. Double Negatives
  6. Master the Hindi Language with

1. Why is it Important to Study Negation in Hindi?

Saying no in Hindi requires a special type of assertiveness that will get your point across without offending the other person. It’s a delicate soft skill, actually. Agreeing with someone (or agreeing to do something) is not always for the best. Disagreements are just a natural element of conversations and relationships. 

This could happen at a workplace, with friends, or even with relatives. Remember: People pay more attention to how you say things rather than what you say. And when we’re talking about Hindi—or any foreign language, for that matter—this is something you should definitely take seriously! 

One careless move could hamper your relationship with the other person. It’s a strange dilemma, to be sure:

How can you decline an offer and still stay on good terms with that person? 

This is why practicing how to politely decline a request matters.

So, let’s jump to our lesson for today and learn about negation in the Hindi language.

A Girl Disgusted by Peas

I don’t want this!!

2. Negating a Statement with नहीं (Nahiin)

In this section, we’ll discuss how to negate a sentence in Hindi with negative words and show you how it’s done. Relax, because this is not rocket science. It’s a rather simple process. All you have to remember is the correct placement of the words in the sentence. 

First of all, the most common Hindi word for negation is: 

  • नहीं (Nahiin) – “No” / “Not”

This word usually comes right before the main verb, though it can also be placed before the helping verb if there is no main verb. For example, in the table below, sentence number 3 (“This is not my room.”) has no main verb. So, नहीं (Nahiin) comes right before the helping verb है (hai), which means “is.”

For more examples, check out the following table.

Positive SentenceNegative Sentence
किरण दूध पीती है। 
(kiran DuuDH piiTii hai.)
“Kiran drinks milk.”
किरण दूध नहीं पीती है। 
(kiran DuuDH Nahiin piiTii hai.)
“Kiran does not drink milk.”
बच्चे खेल रहे हैं। 
(bacce kheL rahe hain.)
“The kids are playing.”
बच्चे नहीं खेल रहे हैं। 
(bacce Nahiin kheL rahe hain.)
“The kids are not playing.”
यह मेरा कमरा है। 
(yah meraa kamaraa hai.)
“This is my room.”
यह मेरा कमरा नहीं है। 
(yah meraa kamaraa Nahiin hai.)
“This is not my room.”
मानस को बिल्लियां पसंद हैं। 
(maaNaS ko biLLiyaan paSanD hain.)
“Manas likes cats.”
मानस को बिल्लियां पसंद नहीं हैं।
(maaNaS ko biLLiyaan paSanD Nahiin hain.)
“Manas does not like cats.”

That wasn’t so difficult after all, was it? You see, in order to make a Hindi sentence negative, all you have to do is copy the whole sentence and insert the phrase नहीं (Nahiin) before the main verb.

A Guy in a Business Suit Giving the Thumbs-down Sign

That’s not going to happen, dude!

3. Giving a Negative Response to a Question

How should you respond if someone asks a question or requests something that makes you uncomfortable? 

The situation could be tricky because, let’s be honest, who finds it easy to say “no” to something? Nobody! 

But we could definitely make things more tender and decline an offer without breaking someone’s heart. Keep reading to learn how to say “no” with some respect and gentleness.

A Woman at a Bar Ignoring a Man There

How to Say No to a Request

Interrogative SentenceNegative Sentence
क्या यह किताब आपकी है? 
(kyaa yah kiTaab aapakii hai.)
“Is this your book?”
जी नहीं। 
(jii Nahiin.)
क्या आप चाय लेंगे/लेंगी? 
(kyaa aap caay Lenge/Lengii?)
“Would you like to have tea?”
जी नहीं, धन्यवाद! 
(jii Nahiin, DHaNyavaaD!)
“No, thank you!”
क्या किरण दूध पीती है? 
(kyaa kiran DuuDH piiTii hai?)
“Does Kiran drink milk?”
जी नहीं, किरण दूध नहीं पीती है। 
(jii Nahiin, kiran DuuDH Nahiin piiTii hai.)
“No, Kiran does not drink milk.”
क्या बच्चे खेल रहे हैं? 
(kyaa bacce kheL rahe hain?)
“Are the kids playing?”
जी नहीं, बच्चे नहीं खेल रहे हैं। 
(jii Nahiin, bacce Nahiin kheL rahe hain.)
“No, the kids are not playing.”
क्या मानस को बिल्लियां पसंद हैं? 
(kyaa maaNaS ko biLLiyaan paSanD hain?)
“Does Manas like cats?”
जी नहीं, मानस को बिल्लियां पसंद नहीं हैं। 
(jii Nahiin, maaNaS ko biLLiyaan paSanD Nahiin hain.)
“No, Manas does not like cats.”

4. Other Negating Words and Phrases

There are a handful of words and phrases for negation in English and Hindi, but Hindi has a slightly longer list! Some of these phrases display an element of surprise or exclamation along with the denial, while others represent a neutral or firm tone. It’s really more about the context of the conversation and the types of questions being asked.

Here are the negation phrases and other negative words in Hindi you should memorize! 

Other Negating WordsHindi SentenceEnglish Sentence
लोकेश ने काम पूरा कर लिया? 
(Lokes Ne kaam puuraa kar Liyaa?)

“Did Lokesh finish the task?”
नहीं तो! 
(Nahiin To)
मिठाई तुमने खाई थी? 
(mithaaii TumaNe khaaii THii?)

नहीं तो! 
(Nahiin To!)
“Did you eat the sweets?”
बिल्कुल नहीं 
(biLkuL Nahiin)
“Not at all!”
क्या आपको क्रिकेट पसंद है? 
(kyaa aapako kriket paSanD hai?)

बिल्कुल नहीं! 
(biLkuL Nahiin!)
“Do you like cricket?”
“Not at all!”
अभी नहीं 
(abhii Nahiin)
“Not now”
क्या हम अभी बात कर सकते हैं? 
(kyaa ham abhii baaT kar SakaTe hain?)

अभी नहीं। 
(abhii Nahiin.)
“Can we talk right now?”
“Not now.”
अभी तो नहीं 
(abhii To Nahiin)
“Not yet”
बच्चे स्कूल से घर आ गए? 
(bacce SkuuL Se ghar aa gaye?)

अभी तो नहीं। 
(abhii To Nahiin.)
“Are the kids back from the school?”
“Not yet.”
कोई नहीं 
(koii Nahiin)
“No one”
इस कुर्सी पर कौन बैठा था? 
(iS kurSii par kauN baithaa THaa?)

कोई नहीं। 
(koii Nahiin.)
“Who was sitting on this chair?”
“No one.”
कभी नहीं 
(kabhii Nahiin)
क्या आपने कभी मांसाहारी भोजन खाया है? 
(kyaa aapaNe kabhii maanSaahaarii bhojaN khaayaa hai?)

कभी नहीं! 
(kabhii Nahiin!)
“Have you ever tried a non-vegetarian food?”
कुछ नहीं 
(kuch Nahiin)
क्या हुआ? 
(kyaa huaa)

कुछ नहीं। 
(kuch Nahiin.)
“What happened?”
सवाल ही नहीं 
(SavaaL hii Nahiin)
“Not a chance”
हमारे साथ नदी में तैरोगे? 
(hamaare SaaTH NaDii men Tairoge?) [to a male]


हमारे साथ नदी में तैरोगी? 
(hamaare SaaTH NaDii men Tairogii?) [to a female]

सवाल ही नहीं! 
(SavaaL hii Nahiin!)
“Would you swim with us in the river?”
“Not a chance!”
मत करो 
(maT karo)

शोर मत करो! 
(sor maT karo!)
“Don’t shout!”
और नहीं 
(aur Nahiin)
और चावल चाहिए? 
(aur caavaL caahiye?)

और नहीं। 
(aur Nahiin.)
“More rice?”
अब नहीं 
(ab Nahiin)
“Not anymore”
क्या सुनीता और तुम दोस्त हो? 
(kyaa SuNiiTaa aur Tum DoST ho?)

पहले थे पर अब नहीं। 
(pahaLe THe par ab Nahiin.)
“Are you and Sunita friends?”
“We used to be, but not anymore.”

This list might seem overwhelming now, but consistent hard work is the key. So, as much as possible, try to practice all these phrases and examples with your native Hindi-speaking friends. Trust us, you’ll come out with flying colors and a more solid understanding of Hindi negation!

A Woman Holding Both Palms Out in Front of Her to Indicate No or Stop

I’m not ready for this!

5. Double Negatives

To wrap up our article, let’s discuss the concept of “double negatives,” another type of negation in Hindi. Compared to English, the double negatives in Hindi are not overt. However, we’ll cover a few example sentences to give you a better idea of what we’re talking about.


आपको टेनिस खेलना पसंद है? 
(kyaa aapako teNiS kheLaNaa paSanD hai?)
“Do you like to play tennis?”

नहीं, लेकिन नापसंद भी नहीं है।
(Nahiin, LekiN NaapaSaND bhii Nahiin hai.)
“No, but I don’t dislike it either.”


चलो, बाहर चलें।
(caLo, baahar caLen.)
“Come on, let’s go outside.”

नहीं, मुझे नहीं जाना है।
(Nahiin, mujhe Nahiin jaaNaa hai.)
“No, I don’t want to.”


यह पेंटिंग देख लूँ?
(yah penting Dekh Luun?)
“Can I see this painting?”

नहीं, उसे मत छुओ! वह अभी गीली है।
(Nahiin, uSe maT chuo! vah abhii giiLii hai.)
“No, don’t touch that! It’s still wet.”

6. Master the Hindi Language with

That’s it for our comprehensive lesson on negation in Hindi. We hope you found the phrases we included useful and interesting.

Which of these words do you think you’ll use most often (or if you’re living in India, which ones do you hear the most frequently)? Share these words with us in the comments below. We’d also like to encourage our intermediate learners to try making sentences with them!

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