If you’ve been following our blog and read our articles on beginner and intermediate Hindi phrases, it’s time to level up. Welcome to our latest installment in the series: advanced Hindi phrases.
Imagine speaking to your Indian colleagues and friends using complex Hindi phrases. How surprised would they be! In fact, everyone in your circle would be in awe. Also, consider that knowing a handful of advanced expressions may even be necessary for some professions—such as gym trainer, doctor, and professor—where one has to deal with a lot of local folks.
If you’re preparing to face an interview or write an exam in Hindi, banking on these useful advanced Hindi phrases is the sureshot way to leave a lasting impression while simultaneously increasing your chances of getting a job.
Let’s get started!
2. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
Mastering academic writing in Hindi can be tricky. However, knowing this specific set of advanced Hindi vocabulary will come in handy when writing a thesis, taking a written exam, or applying for a job that requires you to possess serious knowledge of the Hindi language. While making progress is important, take your time to understand each phrase and try not to rush the process. Always remember: Slow and steady wins the race.
1 – उदाहरण स्वरूप (udaaharan Svaruup)
“For example”
उदाहरणस्व रूप लाल और पीला मिलाने से नारंगी रंग बनता है। (udaaharan Svaruup LaaL aur piiLaa miLaaNe Se Naarangii rang baNaTaa hai.)
“For example, we get the color orange by mixing red and yellow.”
2 – उदाहरण के तौर पर (udaaharan ke Taur par)
“For instance”
उदाहरण के तौर पर, मेरी दादी हिंदी बोलती हैं, लेकिन मेरी माँ तमिल में बात करती हैं। (udaaharan ke Taur par, merii DaaDii hiNDii boLaTii hain, LekiN merii maan TamiL men baaT karaTii hain.)
“For instance, my grandmother talks in Hindi, but my mother speaks Tamil.”
3 – मुख्यतः (mukhyaTah)
“Mainly” / “Chiefly”
मुख्यतः इस लकड़ी का उपयोग ईंधन के रूप में किया जाता है। (mukhyaTah iS Lakadii kaa upayog iinDHaN ke ruup men kiyaa jaaTaa hai.)
“This wood is mainly used as fuel.”
4 – शोध के अनुसार (soDH ke aNuSaar)
“According to the research”
शोध के अनुसार, दस में से तीन लोगों को इस परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है। (soDH ke aNuSaar, DaS men Se TiiN Logon ko iS paresaaNii kaa SaamaNaa karaNaa padaTaa hai.)
“According to the research, three out of ten people face this problem.”
5 – सामान्यतः (SaamaaNyaTah)
सामान्यतः, यह क्षेत्र इतना गर्म नहीं रहता। (SaamaaNyaTah, yah ksetr iTaNaa garm Nahiin rahaTaa.)
“Normally, this region is not so hot.”
Impress your teachers and peers in Hindi.
6 – प्रमुख रूप से (pramukh ruup Se)
इलाहाबाद शहर प्रमुख रूप से अपने मीठे अमरूदों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। (iLaahaabaaD sahar pramukh ruup Se apaNe miithe amaruuDon ke Liye praSiDDH hai.)
“The city of Allahabad is mainly famous for its sweet guavas.”
7 – इसके विपरीत (iSake vipariiT)
“Contrary to that”
पंजाब देश के उत्तरी भाग में है। इसके विपरीत, तमिलनाडु दक्षिणी भाग में है। (paNjaab Des ke uTTarii bhaag men hai. iSake vipariiT, TamiLaNaadu Daksinii bhaag men hai.)
“Punjab is in the northern region of the country. Contrary to that, Tamilnadu is in the southern part.”
8 – निम्नलिखित तथ्य (NimNaLikhiT TaTHy)
“Following facts”
निम्नलिखित तथ्य कई शोध पत्रों से संग्रहित किये गए हैं। (NimNaLikhiT TaTHy kaii soDH paTron Se SangrahiT kiye gaye hain.)
“The following facts have been collected from various research papers.”
9 – सिद्धांत (SiDDHaanT)
सापेक्षता सिद्धांत आइंस्टीन ने दिया था। (SaapeksTaa SiDDHaanT aainStiiN Ne Diyaa THaa.)
“Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.”
10 – परीक्षण (pariiksan)
पिछले सभी परिक्षण असफल रहे। (pichaLe Sabhii pariksan aSaphaL rahe.)
“All previous experiments remained unsuccessful.”
11 – फलस्वरूप (phaLaSvaruup)
“Consequently” / “As a result”
धरती पर तामपान बढ़ रहा है। जिसके फलस्वरूप, समुद्र का स्तर भी बढ़ रहा है। (DHaraTii par TaapamaaN badh rahaa hai. jiSake phaLaSvaruup, SamuDr kaa STar bhii badh rahaa hai.)
“The earth’s temperature is increasing. As a result, the sea levels are also rising.”
12 – इसके अलावा (iSake aLaavaa)
“Other than this”
इसके अलावा अध्यापक ने दो और किताबें भी सुझायी हैं। (iSake aLaavaa aDHyaapak Ne Do aur kiTaaben bhii Sujhaayii hain.)
“Other than this, the teacher has suggested two more books.”
13 – सफलतापूर्वक (SaphaLaTaapuurvak)
परीक्षाएं सफलतापूर्वक संचालित की गयीं। (pariiksaayen SaphaLaTaapuurvak SaNcaaLiT kii gayiin.)
“The exams were conducted successfully.”
14 – साहित्य (SaahiTy)
हिंदी साहित्य की दुनिया में प्रेमचंद सबसे लोकप्रिय लेखक हैं। (hiNDii SaahiTy kii DuNiyaa men premacanD SabaSe Lokapriy Lekhak hain.)
“Premchand is the most popular writer in the world of Hindi literature.”
Working and staying ahead in the corporate world demands a lot of skills. In this section, you’ll learn advanced Hindi phrases that will help you stand out among your colleagues. Enter the conference room with a jolt of self-confidence after practicing these top phrases to use in business meetings.
1 – एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना (edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa)
“Tooth and nail”
इस प्रॉजेक्ट के लिए हमें एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना पड़ेगा। (iS praujekt ke Liye hamen edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa padegaa.)
“We have to fight tooth and nail for this project.”
2 – लेन-देन (LeN-DeN)
मुझे पिछले सभी लेन-देन की जानकारी चाहिए। (mujhe pichaLe Sabhii LeN-DeN kii jaaNakaarii caahiye.)
“I need information regarding all the previous transactions.”
3 – हिसाब-किताब (hiSaab-kiTaab)
इस विभाग का हिसाब-किताब कौन देखता है? (iS vibhaag kaa hiSaab-kiTaab kauN DekhaTaa hai?)
“Who looks after the accounting of this department?”
Rock Business Meetings with These Hindi Words
4 – आंकड़ा पार करना (aankadaa paar karaNaa)
“To cross the figure”
हमें इस साल दो करोड़ का आंकड़ा पार करना है। (hamen iS SaaL Do karod kaa aankadaa paar karaNaa hai.)
“This year, we have to cross the figure of two crores.”
5 – नफ़ा-नुक़सान (Nafaa-NuqaSaaN)
“Profit and loss”
धंधे में नफ़ा-नुक़सान तो होता रहता है। (DHanDHe men Nafaa-NuqaSaaN To hoTaa rahaTaa hai.)
“Profit and loss are part and parcel of the business.”
6 – मंदी (manDii)
अभी बहुत मंदी चल रही है। (abhii bahuT manDii caL rahii hai.)
“There’s a lot of recession going on right now.”
7 – बाज़ार धीमा होना (baazaar DHiimaa hoNaa)
“Market slowing down”
कोविड की वजह से बाज़ार धीमा हो गया है। (kovid kii vajah Se baazaar DHiimaa ho gayaa hai.)
“The market has been slowing down due to COVID.”
8 – नियम-क़ायदे (Niyam-qaayaDe)
“Rules and regulations”
सभी नियम-क़ायदों का कड़ाई से पालन होना चाहिए। (Sabhii Niyam-qaayaDon kaa kadaaii Se paaLaN hoNaa caahiye.)
“All the rules and regulations should be strictly followed.”
9 – किसी भी हाल में (kiSii bhii haaL men)
उसे किसी भी हाल में यह नौकरी चाहिए। (uSe kiSii bhii haaL men yah Naukarii caahiye.)
“She wants this job anyhow.”
10 – विचाराधीन (vicaaraaDHiiN)
“Under consideration”
यह मामला अभी विचाराधीन है। (yah maamaLaa abhii vicaaraaDHiiN hai.)
“The matter is currently under consideration.”
11 – पदोन्नति (paDoNNaTi)
मुझे अपनी पदोन्नति का इंतज़ार है। (mujhe apaNii paDoNNaTi kaa iNTazaar hai.)
“I am looking forward to my promotion.”
12 – वेतन-संबंधी (veTaN-SambanDHii)
वेतन-संबंधी सवालों के लिए मानव संसाधन विभाग से संपर्क करें। (veTaN-SambanDHii SavaaLon ke Liye maaNav SanSaaDHaN vibhaag Se Sampark karen.)
“For salary-related queries, contact the HR department.”
5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
We’ll conclude our article on advanced Hindi phrases with a list of everyday idioms, proverbs, and quotes. Use them in your conversations with native speakers to sound more natural and at ease.
1 – दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी (DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii)
“By leaps and bounds”
मेरी प्रार्थना है कि तुम दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी तरक़्क़ी करो। (merii praarTHaNaa hai ki Tum DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii Taraqqii karo.)
“I will pray that you progress by leaps and bounds.”
2 – काँटे की टक्कर (kaante kii takkar)
दोनों टीमों में काँटे की टक्कर चल रही है। (DoNon tiimon men kaante kii takkar caL rahii hai.)
“The two teams are toe-to-toe.”
3 – देर आये दुरुस्त आये (Der aaye DuruST aaye)
“Better late than never”
सूरज ने अपनी ग़लती मान ली। देर आये दुरुस्त आये। (Suuraj Ne apaNii gaLaTii maaN Lii. Der aaye DuruST aaye.)
“Suraj accepted his mistake. Better late than never.”
4 – अपनी पहचान बनाना (apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa)
“Make your mark”
अपनी पहचान बनाना कोई आसान काम नहीं। (apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa koii aaSaaN kaam Nahiin.)
“Making your mark is not an easy task.”
5 – नाम कमाना (Naam kamaaNaa)
“Making a name”
ख़ूब मेहनत करो और दुनिया में नाम कमाओ। (khuub mehaNaT karo aur DuNiyaa men Naam kamaao.)
“Work hard and make a name in this world.”
6 – ख़ून-पसीना बहाना (khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaaNaa)
“Blood, sweat, and tears”
हमारे शहीदों ने देश को आज़ाद कराने के लिए अपना ख़ून-पसीना बहा दिया। (hamaare sahiiDon Ne Des ko aazaaD karaaNe ke Liye apaNaa khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaa Diyaa.)
“Our martyrs shed their blood, sweat, and tears in order to free the country.”
7 – कन्नी काटना (kaNNii kaataNaa)
“To avoid”
जीतू हमेशा पढ़ाई से कन्नी काटता है। (jiiTuu hamesaa padhaaii Se kaNNii kaataTaa hai.)
“Jeetu always avoids studies.”
8 – समय बर्बाद करना (Samay barbaaD karaNaa)
“Wasting time”
मोबाइल देखकर समय बर्बाद मत करो। (mobaaiL Dekhakar Samay barbaaD maT karo.)
“Don’t waste your time looking at the mobile.”
9 – सरकारी कर्मचारी (Sarkaarii karmacaarii)
“Government employee”
मेरी माताजी सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं। (merii maaTaajii Sarkaarii karmacaarii hain.)
“My mother is a government employee.”
10 – प्रस्तुत करना (praSTuT karaNaa)
“To present”
बच्चों ने कई रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किये। (baccon Ne kaii rangaarang karyakram praSTuT kiye.)
“The children presented various cultural programs.”
11 – चर्चा का विषय (carcaa kaa visay)
“Topic of discussion”
आज की चर्चा का विषय नया बजट है। (aaj kii carcaa kaa visay Nayaa bajat hai.)
“Today’s topic of discussion is the new budget.”
12 – मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना (mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa)
“To seize the opportunity”
एक होनहार व्यक्ति मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना जानता है। (ek hoNahaar vyakTi mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa jaaNaTaa hai.)
“A smart person knows how to seize the opportunity.”
6. Sound Like an Expert with HindiPod101.com
With that, we’ve come to the end of our lesson on the most common advanced phrases in Hindi. For more content and better access, sign up for your free lifetime account on HindiPod101.com. If you feel stuck because you can’t remember a word, you can jump in and use our free online dictionary. You could also explore our numerous vocabulary lists, go through our curated lesson pathways, or upgrade your account to gain access to your own personal teacher.
How to Sound Like an Expert in Hindi
Did you enjoy this lesson? Comment below to share which of the phrases above sounded the most difficult to you and which one looked the most appealing.
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As a Hindi learner, you cannot depend solely on simple vocabulary and sentence patterns forever. After a certain point, situations will demand that you learn and begin using intermediate-level Hindi phrases in order to communicate fluently with native speakers.
In a previous article, we covered the essential Hindi beginner phrases; today, we’ll take a step forward and move to the next level. That’s right. It’s time to explore the most useful intermediate Hindi phrases.
1. Why is it important to study intermediate phrases?
After learning the intermediate-level Hindi phrases from this article, you’ll not only sound cooler when having conversations with locals but also leave a lasting impression on them. Knowing more advanced phrases will prove useful in all kinds of scenarios, both personal and professional.
It’s okay if you feel a bit nervous, as these Hindi sentence structures may look complicated. But rest assured that you’ll eventually get the hang of them and gain confidence in your speaking skills, especially after you’ve had the chance to practice. To make sure you get a great head start, we have compiled here a variety of intermediate phrases for Hindi conversations that you can start using right away.
2. Talking About Past Events
The first intermediate Hindi phrases we’ll look at are those for talking about past events. Talking about things that have already happened plays an essential role in catching up with someone, bonding with friends, or enjoying a lighthearted talk with colleagues.
Memorizing these phrases will help you understand how to use the past tense in Hindi (but for more information, you can visit our article on Hindi tenses). The examples below should help you get the drift and figure out how to substitute words to cover a wider variety of situations.
1 – “We had fun at the party last night.”
कल रात पार्टी में बहुत मज़ा आया। (kaL raaT paartii men bahuT mazaa aayaa.)
कल की पार्टी कितनी मज़ेदार थी! (kaL kii paartii kiTaNii mazeDaar THii!)
कल रात पार्टी में हमने ख़ूब मज़े किये। (kaL raaT paartii men hamaNe khuub maze kiye.)
2 – “I started this job three years ago.”
मैंने 3 साल पहले यह नौकरी शुरू की थी। (mainNe 3 SaaL pahaLe yah Naukarii suruu kii THii.)
मुझे यह नौकरी करते हुए 3 साल हो चुके हैं। (mujhe yah Naukarii karaTe huye 3 SaaL ho cuke hain.)
Literal Translation: “It’s been three years since I started doing this job.”
“We had so much fun last night!”
3 – “That was the worst day of my life.”
वो मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे बुरा दिन था। (vo merii ziNDagii kaa SabaSe buraa DiN THaa.)
वो मेरी ज़िंदगी का सबसे ख़राब दिन था। (vo merii ziNDagii kaa SabaSe kharaab DiN THaa.)
4 – “I used to have a pet named ___.”
मेरे पास ‘किटी’ नाम की एक बिल्ली थी। (mere paaS ‘kitii’ Naam kii ek biLLii THii.)
Literal Translation: “I used to have a cat named ‘Kitty.’ ”
मेरे पास ‘बिस्किट’ नाम का एक कुत्ता था। (mere paaS ‘biSkit’ Naam kaa ek kuTTaa THaa.)
Literal Translation: “I used to have a dog named ‘Biscuit.’ ”
3. Making and Changing Plans
We all make plans. That’s a fact. But it’s also true that plans can change—sometimes at the last moment! It can be rather uncomfortable to convey this to the other party, especially when you have to do so in a foreign language. It can be tricky to pick just the right words to express the inconvenience in the gentlest possible manner. That said, the useful intermediate Hindi phrases below should be enough to get you started off on the right foot.
1 – “Do you have time this weekend?”
क्या हम इस वीकेंड मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham iS viikend miL SakaTe hain?)
क्या आपके पास कल मिलने का समय है? (kyaa aapake paaS kaL miLaNe kaa Samay hai?)
Literal Translation: “Do you have time to meet tomorrow?”
2 – “How about Indian food?”
भारतीय खाना कैसा रहेगा? (bhaaraTiiy khaaNaa kaiSaa rahegaa?)
आज शाकाहारी खाना खाया जाये? (aaj saakaahaarii khaaNaa khaayaa jaaye?)
Literal Translation: “Shall we try vegetarian food today?”
3 – “Can I bring my partner?”
क्या मैं अपने बॉयफ़्रेंड/अपनी गर्लफ्रेंड को साथ ला सकता/सकती हूँ? (kyaa main apaNe boyafrend / apaNii garLafrend ko SaaTH Laa SakaTaa/SakaTii huun?)
Literal Translation: “Can I bring my boyfriend/girlfriend along with me?”
क्या मेरी पत्नी भी मेरे साथ आ सकती है? (kyaa merii paTNii bhii mere SaaTH aa SakaTii hai?)
Literal Translation: “Could my wife also come along with me?”
क्या मेरे पति भी मेरे साथ आ सकते हैं? (kyaa mere paTi bhii mere SaaTH aa SakaTe hain?)
Literal Translation: “Could my husband also come along with me?”
4 – “I was wondering if we could reschedule.”
मैं जानना चाहता था/चाहती थी कि क्या हम किसी और दिन मिल सकते हैं? (main jaaNaNaa caahaTaa THaa/caahaTii THii ki kyaa ham kiSii aur DiN miL SakaTe hain?)
क्या हम किसी और दिन मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham kiSii aur DiN miL SakaTe hain?)
Literal Translation: “Could we meet some other day?”
क्या हम मिलने का समय बदल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham miLaNe kaa Samay baDaL SakaTe hain?)
Literal Translation: “Could we change the time of our meeting?”
क्या हम बुधवार की बजाय शुक्रवार को मिल सकते हैं? (kyaa ham buDHavaar kii bajaay sukravaar ko miL SakaTe hain?)
Literal Translation: “Could we meet on Friday instead of Wednesday?”
5 – “Let’s have a Zoom meeting next Tuesday to discuss the details.”
और विस्तार से बात करने के लिए अगले मंगलवार ज़ूम मीटिंग पर मिलते हैं। (aur viSTaar Se baaT karaNe ke Liye agaLe mangaLavaar zuum miiting par miLaTe hain.)
बाक़ी की बातें अगले मंगलवार की ज़ूम मीटिंग में करेंगे। (baaqii kii baaTen agaLe mangaLavaar kii zuum miiting men karenge.)
4. Explaining and Listing Reasons
There’s nothing more dreadful than needing to explain yourself, let alone in a foreign language. But you gotta do what you gotta do. Sometimes, situations are complicated and require you to explain your actions or intentions; you might even need to present the logic and reasoning behind a decision you’ve made. Below, you’ll find some useful Hindi phrases for intermediate learners that’ll get the job done with subtlety and simplicity!
Let’s learn how to give your reasons.
1 – “I did this because…”
मैंने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि… (mainNe aiSaa iSaLiye kiyaa kyonki…)
मैंने ऐसा इसलिए किया क्योंकि मैं तुमसे बहुत प्यार करता/करती हूँ।” (mainNe aiSaa iSaLiye kiyaa kyonki main TumaSe bahuT pyaar karaTaa/karaTii huun.) “I did this because I really love you.”
2 – “I believed it was the right thing to do. That’s why…”
मुझे यही ठीक लगा। इसीलिए… (mujhe yahii thiik Lagaa. iSiiLiye…)
मुझे यही ठीक लगा इसीलिए मैंने किरण को सब कुछ सच-सच बता दिया। (mujhe yahii thiik Lagaa iSiiLiye mainNe kiran ko Sab kuch Sac-Sac baTaa Diyaa.) “I believed it was the right thing to do. That’s why I told Kiran everything.”
3 – “I chose it for three reasons. First of all… Secondly… Last but not least…”
मैंने इसे तीन वजहों से चुना। सबसे पहली वजह…दूसरी वजह…और तीसरी वजह… (mainNe iSe TiiN vajahon Se cuNaa. SabaSe pahaLii vajah… DuuSarii vajah… aur TiiSarii vajah…)
मैंने इस घर को तीन वजहों से चुना। पहली वजह, यह बहुत सस्ता है। दूसरी वजह, यह शहर के बीचोंबीच है। और तीसरी वजह, यह मेरे दफ़्तर के काफ़ी क़रीब है। (mainNe iS ghar ko TiiN vajahon Se cuNaa. SabaSe pahaLii vajah, yah bahuT SaSTaa hai. DuuSarii vajah, yah sahar ke biiconbiic hai. aur TiiSarii vajah, yah mere DafTar ke kaafii qariib hai.) “I chose this house for three reasons. First of all, it’s quite cheap. Secondly, it’s right in the center of the city. And thirdly, it’s really close to my office.”
“Well, I did this because…”
5. Making Recommendations and Complaints
We are all guilty of having opinions. Nevertheless, this isn’t always a bad thing. Giving the right feedback is valuable in that it helps make everything much easier for the next person. For instance, recommending a restaurant for its great food or giving negative feedback about a company that never pays attention to customer complaints may save your loved ones a lot of trouble.
“It’s the best ice cream you’ll ever have!”
So, the next time your native Hindi-speaking friends ask for your opinion about something, go ahead and play your role in helping them make an informed decision. Here are some intermediate-level Hindi phrases to help you start making complaints and recommendations.
1 – “You should try this. It’s the best ___ I’ve ever had.”
ये चखकर देखो। इससे बेहतरीन बिरयानी मैंने पहले कभी नहीं खाई। (ye cakh kar Dekho. iSaSe behaTariiN birayaaNii mainNe pahaLe kabhii Nahiin khaaii.)
Literal Translation: “Taste this. I’ve never had a biryani tastier than this.”
आपको ये पनीर टिक्का ज़रूर खाना चाहिए। ये बहुत ही स्वादिष्ट है। (aapako ye paNiir tikaa zaruur khaaNaa caahiye. ye bahuT hii SvaaDist hai.)
Literal Translation: “You must try this paneer tikka. It’s delicious.”
2 – “We loved staying at this hotel. I would definitely go back again.”
हमें ये होटल बहुत पसंद आया था। हम वहां दुबारा ज़रूर जायेंगे। (hamen ye hotaL bahuT paSanD aayaa THaa. ham vahaan Dubaaraa zaruur jaayenge.)
3 – “Bad customer service. Would not recommend it.”
इस कंपनी की सेवाएं बिल्कुल भी अच्छी नहीं हैं। (iS kampaNii kii Sevaayen biLkuL bhii acchii Nahiin hain.)
इनकी ग्राहक सेवा बहुत ख़राब है। (iNakii graahak Sevaa bahuT kharaab hai.)
4 – “This brand has the best products. You should try their ___.”
इस ब्रैंड के सभी उत्पाद बहुत अच्छे हैं। तुम्हें इनकी कोको फ़ेस क्रीम ज़रूर इस्तेमाल करनी चाहिए। (iS braind ke Sabhii uTpaaD bahauT acche hain. Tumhen iNkii koko feS kriim zaruur iSTemaaL karNii caahiye.)
Literal Translation: “All the products of this brand are awesome. You should try their cocoa face cream.”
“Such poor service!”
6. Reaction Phrases for Everyday Conversations
In today’s times, with people living almost every moment of their lives on social media, how could we forget the importance of reaction phrases?
You know, it’s common to see the internet flooded with phrases like “Wow,” “Awesome,” and “You kidding?” But what are their Hindi substitutes and equivalents? And in what context should you use them?
We’ll tell you in a minute. And just so that it makes total sense to you, we’ve also included some sample dialogues using these intermediate Hindi phrases. So, have a go!
Ready to learn reaction phrases in Hindi?
1 – “Awesome!”
अरे वाह! (are vaah!)
क्या बात है! (kyaa baaT hai!)
Sample Dialogue
A: हम सब कल फ़िल्म देखने जा रहे हैं! रात का खाना भी बाहर ही खाएंगे। (ham Sab kaL fiLm DekhaNe jaa rahe hain. raaT kaa khaaNaa bhii baahar hii khaayenge.) “We are going to see a movie tomorrow. We’ll also have dinner out.”
B: अरे वाह! (are vaah!) “Awesome!”
2 – “Really?”
सच में? (Sac men?)
3 – “No kidding!”
क्या बात कर रहे/ रही हो! (kyaa baaT kar rahe/ rahii ho!)
Literal Translation: “What are you talking about!”
4 – “My goodness!”
हे भगवान! (he bhagavaaN!)
हे ईश्वर! (he iisvar!)
Sample Dialogue
A: सुनील को दुर्घटना में बहुत चोट आयी है। उसे अस्पताल में भर्ती करवाया गया है। (SuNiiL ko DurghataNaa men bahuT cot aayii hai. uSe aSpaTaaL men bharTii karavaayaa gayaa hai.) “Sunil was badly hurt in the accident. He has been admitted to the hospital.”
B: हे भगवान! ये तो बहुत बुरा हुआ! (he bhagavaaN! ye To bahuT buraa huaa!) “My goodness! This is terrible!”
5 – “Unbelievable!”
यकीन नहीं होता! (yakiiN Nahiin hoTaa!)
ऐसा नहीं हो सकता! (aiSaa Nahiin ho SakaTaa!)
Literal Translation: “This cannot happen!”
6 – “Wow!”
वाह! (vaah)
बहुत सुंदर! (bahuT SuNDar!)
7 – “That’s fantastic!”
मज़ा आ गया! (mazaa aa gayaa!)
बहुत बढ़िया! (bahuT badhiyaa!)
Sample Dialogue
A: मुझे दिल्ली के कॉलेज में प्रवेश मिल गया है। (mujhe DiLLii ke kauLej men praves miL gayaa hai.) “I’ve got admission into a Delhi college.”
B: बहुत बढ़िया! (bahuT badhiyaa!) “That’s fantastic!”
7. Etiquette Phrases for Social and Business Settings
And our last category consists of the most popular etiquette phrases to use in personal and professional situations. Make sure to look at the literal translations where applicable.
1 – “You first!”
पहले आप। (pahaLe aap.)
Bon Appétit!
2 – “Bon appétit!”
शुरू करें? (suruu karen?)
Literal Translation: “Let’s start?”
खाना शुरू करें? (khaaNaa suruu karen?)
Literal Translation: “Shall we start eating?”
3 – “Welcome to our store.”
हमारे स्टोर में आपका स्वागत है। (hamaare Stor men aapakaa SvaagaT hai.)
हमारी दुकान में आपका स्वागत है। (hamaarii DukaaN men aapakaa SvaagaT hai.)
4 – “Please make yourself at home.”
इसे अपना ही घर समझिये। (iSe apaNaa hii ghar Samajhiye.)
Literal Translation: “Think of it as your own house.”
5 – “Please let me know if you have any questions.”
अगर कोई सवाल हो तो मुझसे पूछें। (agar koii SavaaL ho To mujhaSe puuchen.)
अगर कुछ पूछना हो तो मुझसे बात करें। (agar kuch puuchaNaa ho To mujhaSe baaT karen.)
आपकी यात्रा मंगलमय हो। (aapkii yaaTraa mangaLamay ho.)
शुभ यात्रा! (subh yaaTraa!)
अच्छे से जाना। (acche Se jaaNaa.)
Literal Translation: “Travel safe.”
8. Reach New Heights with HindiPod101.com
We hope you enjoyed this Hindi lesson! You now know some of the essential Hindi phrases for intermediate learners, which is sure to help you make friends and leave a good impression on others.
If your thirst for learning is still unquenched, there’s so much more available on HindiPod101.com to make your Hindi learning fun and easy. From our amazing video lessons to our lists of key Hindi phrases, our platform provides everything you’ve been looking for.
What’s more, you’ll also get access to free audio lessons, free vocabulary lists, and a free Hindi dictionary. There are vocabulary lists and PDF notes included with each lesson to make things even easier for you, not to mention online flashcards for more effective vocabulary retention. Sign up today, and have a great time learning with us on HindiPod101.com!
In the meantime, don’t forget to practice these intermediate Hindi phrases. Let us know which ones you found most useful and which ones seemed tricky. Is there any particular phrase you’d like us to translate for you? We’re all ears. Drop your message in the comments and let us know!
Congratulations! At this point in your language learning journey, you are familiar with beginner-level Hindi words and have surpassed the mountain of intermediate Hindi vocabulary. You also have a good understanding of basic sentence structures and grammar concepts, and you can probably hold a short conversation in Hindi.
Our first list of advanced Hindi words consists of academic terms. These are words you’ll often hear used by professors and students in universities throughout India.
1 – विषय (visay) = “Subject” [Noun]
तुम्हें कौन सा विषय पसंद है? (Tumhen kauN Saa visay paSanD hai?)
“Which subject do you like?”
2 – अनुसंधान (aNuSanDHaaN) = “Research” [Noun]
यह एक अनुसंधान केंद्र है। (yah ek aNuSanDHaaN keNDr hai.)
“This is a research center.”
3 – अंकतालिका (ank TaaLikaa) = “Marksheet” [Noun]
अपनी अंकतालिका दिखाइए। (apaNii ank TaaLikaa Dikhaaiye.)