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40+ Advanced Hindi Phrases for You to Master!


If you’ve been following our blog and read our articles on beginner and intermediate Hindi phrases, it’s time to level up. Welcome to our latest installment in the series: advanced Hindi phrases.

Learning the Hindi language is no piece of cake. But with a well-planned strategy, anyone can gain command of Hindi. So, if you’ve successfully come this far, pat yourself on the back and get ready for some more challenging Hindi concepts!

A Man Holding His Glasses in Place

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Study Advanced Phrases in Hindi?
  2. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing
  3. Power Phrases for Your Resume
  4. Smart Phrases for the Corporate World
  5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage
  6. Sound Like an Expert with

1. Why Study Advanced Phrases in Hindi?

In today’s article, we’ll look at some of the most practical advanced Hindi phrases for use in different situations and areas of life. Whether you’re pursuing an academic course, working as a professional, or wanting to flatter your local friends with some marvelous Hindi phrases, this lesson has something for everyone.

Imagine speaking to your Indian colleagues and friends using complex Hindi phrases. How surprised would they be! In fact, everyone in your circle would be in awe. Also, consider that knowing a handful of advanced expressions may even be necessary for some professions—such as gym trainer, doctor, and professor—where one has to deal with a lot of local folks.

If you’re preparing to face an interview or write an exam in Hindi, banking on these useful advanced Hindi phrases is the sureshot way to leave a lasting impression while simultaneously increasing your chances of getting a job.

Let’s get started!

2. Useful Phrases for Academic Writing

Mastering academic writing in Hindi can be tricky. However, knowing this specific set of advanced Hindi vocabulary will come in handy when writing a thesis, taking a written exam, or applying for a job that requires you to possess serious knowledge of the Hindi language. While making progress is important, take your time to understand each phrase and try not to rush the process. Always remember: Slow and steady wins the race. 

1 – उदाहरण स्वरूप
(udaaharan Svaruup)

“For example”

  • उदाहरणस्व रूप लाल और पीला मिलाने से नारंगी रंग बनता है।
    (udaaharan Svaruup LaaL aur piiLaa miLaaNe Se Naarangii rang baNaTaa hai.)
  • “For example, we get the color orange by mixing red and yellow.”

2 – उदाहरण के तौर पर
(udaaharan ke Taur par)

“For instance”

  • उदाहरण के तौर पर, मेरी दादी हिंदी बोलती हैं, लेकिन मेरी माँ तमिल में बात करती हैं। 
    (udaaharan ke Taur par, merii DaaDii hiNDii boLaTii hain, LekiN merii maan TamiL men baaT karaTii hain.)
  • “For instance, my grandmother talks in Hindi, but my mother speaks Tamil.”

3 – मुख्यतः

“Mainly” / “Chiefly”

  • मुख्यतः इस लकड़ी का उपयोग ईंधन के रूप में किया जाता है।
    (mukhyaTah iS Lakadii kaa upayog iinDHaN ke ruup men kiyaa jaaTaa hai.)
  • “This wood is mainly used as fuel.”

4 – शोध के अनुसार
(soDH ke aNuSaar)

“According to the research”

  • शोध के अनुसार, दस में से तीन लोगों को इस परेशानी का सामना करना पड़ता है। 
    (soDH ke aNuSaar, DaS men Se TiiN Logon ko iS paresaaNii kaa SaamaNaa karaNaa padaTaa hai.)
  • “According to the research, three out of ten people face this problem.”

5 – सामान्यतः


  • सामान्यतः, यह क्षेत्र इतना गर्म नहीं रहता। 
    (SaamaaNyaTah, yah ksetr iTaNaa garm Nahiin rahaTaa.)
  • “Normally, this region is not so hot.”

A Woman Taking Notes while Studying at Her Laptop

Impress your teachers and peers in Hindi.

6 – प्रमुख रूप से
(pramukh ruup Se)


  • इलाहाबाद शहर प्रमुख रूप से अपने मीठे अमरूदों के लिए प्रसिद्ध है। 
    (iLaahaabaaD sahar pramukh ruup Se apaNe miithe amaruuDon ke Liye praSiDDH hai.)
  • “The city of Allahabad is mainly famous for its sweet guavas.”

7 – इसके विपरीत
(iSake vipariiT)

“Contrary to that”

  • पंजाब देश के उत्तरी भाग में है। इसके विपरीत, तमिलनाडु दक्षिणी भाग में है। 
    (paNjaab Des ke uTTarii bhaag men hai. iSake vipariiT, TamiLaNaadu Daksinii bhaag men hai.)
  • “Punjab is in the northern region of the country. Contrary to that, Tamilnadu is in the southern part.”

8 – निम्नलिखित तथ्य 
(NimNaLikhiT TaTHy)

“Following facts”

  • निम्नलिखित तथ्य कई शोध पत्रों से संग्रहित किये गए हैं। 
    (NimNaLikhiT TaTHy kaii soDH paTron Se SangrahiT kiye gaye hain.)
  • “The following facts have been collected from various research papers.”

9 – सिद्धांत 


  • सापेक्षता सिद्धांत आइंस्टीन ने दिया था। 
    (SaapeksTaa SiDDHaanT aainStiiN Ne Diyaa THaa.)
  • “Einstein discovered the theory of relativity.”

10 – परीक्षण 


  • पिछले सभी परिक्षण असफल रहे। 
    (pichaLe Sabhii pariksan aSaphaL rahe.)
  • “All previous experiments remained unsuccessful.”

11 – फलस्वरूप  

“Consequently” / “As a result”

  • धरती पर तामपान बढ़ रहा है। जिसके फलस्वरूप, समुद्र का स्तर भी बढ़ रहा है। 
    (DHaraTii par TaapamaaN badh rahaa hai. jiSake phaLaSvaruup, SamuDr kaa STar bhii badh rahaa hai.)
  • “The earth’s temperature is increasing. As a result, the sea levels are also rising.”

12 – इसके अलावा  
(iSake aLaavaa)

“Other than this”

  • इसके अलावा अध्यापक ने दो और किताबें भी सुझायी हैं। 
    (iSake aLaavaa aDHyaapak Ne Do aur kiTaaben bhii Sujhaayii hain.)
  • “Other than this, the teacher has suggested two more books.”

13 – सफलतापूर्वक  


  • परीक्षाएं सफलतापूर्वक संचालित की गयीं। 
    (pariiksaayen SaphaLaTaapuurvak SaNcaaLiT kii gayiin.)
  • “The exams were conducted successfully.”

14 – साहित्य  


  • हिंदी साहित्य की दुनिया में प्रेमचंद सबसे लोकप्रिय लेखक हैं। 
    (hiNDii SaahiTy kii DuNiyaa men premacanD SabaSe Lokapriy Lekhak hain.)
  • “Premchand is the most popular writer in the world of Hindi literature.”

3. Power Phrases for Your Resume

When applying for a job, you can use these impressive Hindi words and phrases to boost your CV. These phrases will be equally valuable if you’re on the hiring side of the recruitment process

An Up-close Shot of a Resume, a Pen, and Glasses

Hindi Words to Upgrade Your Resume

1 – गहरी समझ
(gaharii Samajh)

“Deep understanding”

  • मुझे गणित विषय की गहरी समझ है। 
    (mujhe ganiT visay kii gaharii Samajh hai.)
  • “I have a deep understanding of mathematical concepts.”

2 – लक्ष्य 

“Goal” / “Ambition”

  • लक्ष्य की ओर अग्रसर रहो। 
    (Laksy kii or agraSar raho.)
  • “Keep moving towards the goal.”

3 – सीखने की क्षमता
(SiikhaNe kii ksamaTaa)

“Ability to learn”

  • मुझमें जल्दी सीखने की अद्भुत क्षमता है। 
    (mujhamen jaLDii SiikhaNe kii aDbhuT ksamaTaa hai.)
  • “I have a wonderful ability to learn quickly.”

4 – सहकर्मियों के साथ सामंजस्य
(Sahkarmiyon ke SaaTH SaamaNjaSy)

“Compatibility with coworkers”

  • कंपनी में सभी सहकर्मियों के साथ सामंजस्य बिठाना पड़ता है। 
    (kampaNii men Sabhii Sahakarmiyon ke SaaTH SaamaNjaSy bithaaNaa padaTaa hai.)
  • “In the company, you have to maintain compatibility with all the coworkers.”

5 – लंबा अनुभव
(Lambaa aNubhav)

“Great experience”

  • पिताजी को कला के क्षेत्र में लंबा अनुभव है। 
    (piTaajii ko kaLaa ke kseTr men Lambaa aNubhav hai.)
  • “My father has great experience in the field of arts.”

6 – दक्ष


  • मेरी बहन एक दक्ष पायलट है। 
    (merii bahaN ek Daks paayaLat hai.)
  • “My sister is a skilled pilot.”

7 – दक्षता


  • क्या आपको कंप्यूटर में दक्षता हासिल है?
    (kyaa aapako kampyuutar men DaksTaa haaSiL hai?)
  • “Do you have any expertise in computers?”

8 – पेशेवर 


  • मैं एक पेशेवर गायक हूँ। 
    (main ek pesevar gaayak huun.)
  • “I am a professional singer.”

9 – व्यवसाय 

“Business” / “Profession”

  • मेरा कपड़ों का व्यवसाय है। 
    (meraa kapadon kaa vyavaSaay hai.)
  • “I am in the garments business.”

10 – के पद पर  
(ke paD par)

“For the position of”

  • मुझे प्रबंधक के पद पर नियुक्त कर लिया गया है। 
    (mujhe prabanDHak ke paD par NiyukT kar Liyaa gayaa hai.)
  • “I’ve been hired for the position of manager.”

11 – …के तौर पर  
(…ke Taur par)

“As a…”

  • मेरी माताजी दस सालों से वैज्ञानिक के तौर पर काम कर रहीं हैं। 
    (merii maaTaajii DaS SaaLon Se vaigyaaNik ke Taur par kaam kar rahiin hain.)
  • “My mother has been working as a scientist for ten years.”

12 – मासिक आय
(maaSik aay)

“Monthly income”

  • आपकी मासिक आय क्या है?
    (aapakii maaSik aay kyaa hai?)
  • “What’s your monthly salary?”

13 – वार्षिक आय  
(vaarsik aay)

“Annual income”

  • मेरी वार्षिक आय बारह लाख है। 
    (meri vaarsik aay baarah Laakh hai.)
  • “My annual income is twelve lakhs.”

14 – स्थायी पता  
(STHaayii paTaa)

“Permanent address”

  • कृपया, अपना स्थायी पता बताएं। 
    (kripayaa, apaNaa STHaayii paTaa baTaayen.)
  • “Kindly state your permanent address.”

Would you like to be even better prepared for your future business endeavors? Then you can also check out these mind-blowing Hindi phrases for administrative forms and resumes.

4. Smart Phrases for the Corporate World

Working and staying ahead in the corporate world demands a lot of skills. In this section, you’ll learn advanced Hindi phrases that will help you stand out among your colleagues. Enter the conference room with a jolt of self-confidence after practicing these top phrases to use in business meetings

1 – एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना
(edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa)

“Tooth and nail”

  • इस प्रॉजेक्ट के लिए हमें एड़ी चोटी का ज़ोर लगाना पड़ेगा। 
    (iS praujekt ke Liye hamen edii-cotii kaa zor LagaaNaa padegaa.)
  • “We have to fight tooth and nail for this project.”

2 – लेन-देन


  • मुझे पिछले सभी लेन-देन की जानकारी चाहिए। 
    (mujhe pichaLe Sabhii LeN-DeN kii jaaNakaarii caahiye.)
  • “I need information regarding all the previous transactions.”

3 – हिसाब-किताब


  • इस विभाग का हिसाब-किताब कौन देखता है?
    (iS vibhaag kaa hiSaab-kiTaab kauN DekhaTaa hai?)
  • “Who looks after the accounting of this department?”

Eight Colleagues Meeting Together at Work Around a Table

Rock Business Meetings with These Hindi Words

4 – आंकड़ा पार करना 
(aankadaa paar karaNaa)

“To cross the figure”

  • हमें इस साल दो करोड़ का आंकड़ा पार करना है। 
    (hamen iS SaaL Do karod kaa aankadaa paar karaNaa hai.)
  • “This year, we have to cross the figure of two crores.”

5 – नफ़ा-नुक़सान 

“Profit and loss”

  • धंधे में नफ़ा-नुक़सान तो होता रहता है। 
    (DHanDHe men Nafaa-NuqaSaaN To hoTaa rahaTaa hai.)
  • “Profit and loss are part and parcel of the business.”

6 – मंदी 


  • अभी बहुत मंदी चल रही है। 
    (abhii bahuT manDii caL rahii hai.)
  • “There’s a lot of recession going on right now.”

7 – बाज़ार धीमा होना  
(baazaar DHiimaa hoNaa)

“Market slowing down”

  • कोविड की वजह से बाज़ार धीमा हो गया है। 
    (kovid kii vajah Se baazaar DHiimaa ho gayaa hai.)
  • “The market has been slowing down due to COVID.”

8 – नियम-क़ायदे   

“Rules and regulations”

  • सभी नियम-क़ायदों का कड़ाई से पालन होना चाहिए। 
    (Sabhii Niyam-qaayaDon kaa kadaaii Se paaLaN hoNaa caahiye.)
  • “All the rules and regulations should be strictly followed.”

9 – किसी भी हाल में  
(kiSii bhii haaL men)


  • उसे किसी भी हाल में यह नौकरी चाहिए। 
    (uSe kiSii bhii haaL men yah Naukarii caahiye.)
  • “She wants this job anyhow.”

10 – विचाराधीन 

“Under consideration”

  • यह मामला अभी विचाराधीन है। 
    (yah maamaLaa abhii vicaaraaDHiiN hai.)
  • “The matter is currently under consideration.”

11 – पदोन्नति 


  • मुझे अपनी पदोन्नति का इंतज़ार है। 
    (mujhe apaNii paDoNNaTi kaa iNTazaar hai.)
  • “I am looking forward to my promotion.”

12 – वेतन-संबंधी 


  • वेतन-संबंधी सवालों के लिए मानव संसाधन विभाग से संपर्क करें। 
    (veTaN-SambanDHii SavaaLon ke Liye maaNav SanSaaDHaN vibhaag Se Sampark karen.)
  • “For salary-related queries, contact the HR department.”

You can visit our free vocabulary list Phrases for Doing Business Successfully to learn even more phrases along with their pronunciation.

The Word IDIOMS Spelled Out Using Blocks Containing Letters

Popular Hindi Idioms

5. Advanced Idioms, Sayings, and Proverbs for Everyday Usage

We’ll conclude our article on advanced Hindi phrases with a list of everyday idioms, proverbs, and quotes. Use them in your conversations with native speakers to sound more natural and at ease. 

1 – दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी
(DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii)

“By leaps and bounds”

  • मेरी प्रार्थना है कि तुम दिन दुगुनी रात चौगुनी तरक़्क़ी करो। 
    (merii praarTHaNaa hai ki Tum DiN DuguNii raaT cauguNii Taraqqii karo.)
  • “I will pray that you progress by leaps and bounds.”

2 – काँटे की टक्कर
(kaante kii takkar)


  • दोनों टीमों में काँटे की टक्कर चल रही है। 
    (DoNon tiimon men kaante kii takkar caL rahii hai.)
  • “The two teams are toe-to-toe.”

3 – देर आये दुरुस्त आये
(Der aaye DuruST aaye)

“Better late than never”

  • सूरज ने अपनी ग़लती मान ली। देर आये दुरुस्त आये। 
    (Suuraj Ne apaNii gaLaTii maaN Lii. Der aaye DuruST aaye.)
  • “Suraj accepted his mistake. Better late than never.”

4 – अपनी पहचान बनाना 
(apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa)

“Make your mark”

  • अपनी पहचान बनाना कोई आसान काम नहीं। 
    (apaNii pahacaaN baNaaNaa koii aaSaaN kaam Nahiin.)
  • “Making your mark is not an easy task.”

5 – नाम कमाना 
(Naam kamaaNaa)

“Making a name”

  • ख़ूब मेहनत करो और दुनिया में नाम कमाओ। 
    (khuub mehaNaT karo aur DuNiyaa men Naam kamaao.)
  • “Work hard and make a name in this world.”

6 – ख़ून-पसीना बहाना 
(khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaaNaa)

“Blood, sweat, and tears”

  • हमारे शहीदों ने देश को आज़ाद कराने के लिए अपना ख़ून-पसीना बहा दिया। 
    (hamaare sahiiDon Ne Des ko aazaaD karaaNe ke Liye apaNaa khuuN-paSiiNaa bahaa Diyaa.)
  • “Our martyrs shed their blood, sweat, and tears in order to free the country.”

7 – कन्नी काटना 
(kaNNii kaataNaa)

“To avoid”

  • जीतू हमेशा पढ़ाई से कन्नी काटता है। 
    (jiiTuu hamesaa padhaaii Se kaNNii kaataTaa hai.)
  • “Jeetu always avoids studies.”

8 – समय बर्बाद करना 
(Samay barbaaD karaNaa)

“Wasting time”

  • मोबाइल देखकर समय बर्बाद मत करो। 
    (mobaaiL Dekhakar Samay barbaaD maT karo.)
  • “Don’t waste your time looking at the mobile.”

9 – सरकारी कर्मचारी 
(Sarkaarii karmacaarii)

“Government employee”

  • मेरी माताजी सरकारी कर्मचारी हैं। 
    (merii maaTaajii Sarkaarii karmacaarii hain.)
  • “My mother is a government employee.”

10 – प्रस्तुत करना 
(praSTuT karaNaa)

“To present”

  • बच्चों ने कई रंगारंग कार्यक्रम प्रस्तुत किये। 
    (baccon Ne kaii rangaarang karyakram praSTuT kiye.)
  • “The children presented various cultural programs.”

11 – चर्चा का विषय 
(carcaa kaa visay)

“Topic of discussion”

  • आज की चर्चा का विषय नया बजट है। 
    (aaj kii carcaa kaa visay Nayaa bajat hai.)
  • “Today’s topic of discussion is the new budget.”

12 – मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना 
(mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa)

“To seize the opportunity”

  • एक होनहार व्यक्ति मौक़े का फ़ायदा उठाना जानता है। 
    (ek hoNahaar vyakTi mauqe kaa faayaDaa uthaaNaa jaaNaTaa hai.)
  • “A smart person knows how to seize the opportunity.”

6. Sound Like an Expert with

With that, we’ve come to the end of our lesson on the most common advanced phrases in Hindi. For more content and better access, sign up for your free lifetime account on If you feel stuck because you can’t remember a word, you can jump in and use our free online dictionary. You could also explore our numerous vocabulary lists, go through our curated lesson pathways, or upgrade your account to gain access to your own personal teacher. 

A Woman Smiling and Showing Off a Sports Medal

How to Sound Like an Expert in Hindi

Did you enjoy this lesson? Comment below to share which of the phrases above sounded the most difficult to you and which one looked the most appealing.

If there’s anything else you’d like us to cover, don’t hesitate to get in touch—we love hearing from you!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi

Learn the Top 150+ Advanced Hindi Words


Congratulations! At this point in your language learning journey, you are familiar with beginner-level Hindi words and have surpassed the mountain of intermediate Hindi vocabulary. You also have a good understanding of basic sentence structures and grammar concepts, and you can probably hold a short conversation in Hindi. 

While this was enough to help you survive as a new Hindi learner, it’s time to press onward and study some more advanced Hindi words. Being able to use a more sophisticated vocabulary will reflect your strong command of the Hindi language and leave a great impression on native speakers. It could also help you land a job in India and score better on examinations.

So, let’s start our lesson and check out the most useful advanced Hindi words in a variety of categories.

Two Female Colleagues Discussing Something

How to Learn the Difficult Words in Hindi

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Advanced Academic Words
  2. Advanced Business Words
  3. Advanced Medical Words
  4. Advanced Legal Words
  5. 50+ Lesser-Known Words to Make Your Answers Stand Out in Hindi Exams
  6. Why choose

1. Advanced Academic Words

Our first list of advanced Hindi words consists of academic terms. These are words you’ll often hear used by professors and students in universities throughout India. 

1 – विषय (visay) = “Subject” [Noun]

तुम्हें कौन सा विषय पसंद है? (Tumhen kauN Saa visay paSanD hai?)
“Which subject do you like?”

2 – अनुसंधान (aNuSanDHaaN) = “Research” [Noun]

यह एक अनुसंधान केंद्र है। (yah ek aNuSanDHaaN keNDr hai.)
“This is a research center.”

3 – अंकतालिका (ank TaaLikaa) = “Marksheet” [Noun]

अपनी अंकतालिका दिखाइए। (apaNii ank TaaLikaa Dikhaaiye.)
“Show your marksheet.”

4 – उत्तीर्ण (uTTiirn) = “Passed” [Verb]

पचास छात्र उत्तीर्ण हुए। (pacaaS chaaTr uTTiirn huye.)
“Fifty students passed.”

5 – अनुत्तीर्ण (aNuTTiirn) = “Failed” [Verb]

चार छात्र अनुत्तीर्ण हुए। (caar chaaTr aNuTTiirn huye.)
“Four students failed.”

6 – मूल्यांकन (muuLyaankaN) = “Evaluation” [Noun]

अभी मूल्यांकन चल रहा है। (abhii muuLyaankaN caL rahaa hai.)
“Right now, the evaluation is going on.”

7 – अस्पष्ट (aSpast) = “Ambiguous” [Adjective]

स्थिति अस्पष्ट है। (STHiTi aSpast hai.)
“The situation is ambiguous.”

8 – विवाद (vivaaD) = “Controversy” [Noun]

छात्र नेता विवाद में है। (chaaTr NeTaa vivaaD men hai.)
“The student leader is in controversy.”

9 – महाविद्यालय (mahaaviDyaaLay) = “College” [Noun]

महाविद्यालय यहाँ से बहुत दूर है। (mahaaviDyaaLay yahaan Se bahuT Duur hai.)
“The college is quite far from here.”

10 – विश्वविद्यालय (visvaviDyaaLay) = “University” [Noun]

मैं विश्वविद्यालय जाना चाहती हूँ। (main visvaviDyaaLay jaaNaa caahaTii huun.)
“I want to go to university.”

11 – अंक (ank) = “Marks” [Noun]

किरन को चालीस अंक मिले। (kiraN ko caaLiiS ank miLe.)
“Kiran got forty marks.”

12 – पंजीकरण (panjiikaran) = “Registration” [Noun]

कल पंजीकरण का आख़िरी दिन है। (kaL panjiikaran kaa aakhirii DiN hai.)
“Tomorrow is the last day of registration.”

13 – क्रमांक (kramaank) = “Serial number” [Noun]

सबसे पहले अपना क्रमांक लिखिए। (SabaSe pahLe apaNaa kramaank Likhiye.)
“First, write down your serial number.”

14 – शैक्षणिक (saiksanik) = “Academic” [Adjective]

आपकी शैक्षणिक योग्यता क्या है? (aapakii saiksanik yogyaTaa kyaa hai?)
“What’s your academic qualification?”

15 – कुलाधिपति (kuLaaDHipaTi) = “Chancellor” [Noun]

कुलाधिपति अवकाश पर हैं। (kuLaaDHipaTi avakaas par hain.)
“The chancellor is on leave.”

16 – कुलपति (kuLapaTi) = “Vice-chancellor” [Noun]

कुलपति बैठक में हैं। (kuLapaTi baithak men hain.)
“The vice-chancellor is in the meeting.”

17 – समन्वयक (SamaNvayak) = “Coordinator” [Noun]

रमेश दो साल से इस विभाग का समन्वयक है। (rames Do SaaL Se iS vibhaag kaa SamaNvayak hai.)
“Ramesh has been the coordinator of this department for two years.”

18 – स्नातक (SNaaTak) = “Graduate” [Noun]

मैं एक स्नातक हूँ। (main ek SNaaTak huun.)
“I’m a graduate.”

19 – परास्नातक (paraaSNaaTak) = “Postgraduate” [Noun]

सुमन परास्नातक है। (SumaN paraaSNaaTak hai.)
“Suman is a postgraduate.”

20 – सुधार (SuDHaar) = “Correction” [Noun]

इस शोध में सुधार की ज़रूरत है। (iS soDH men SuDHaar kii zaruuraT hai.)
“This research needs some corrections.”

21 – प्रवेश (praves) = “Admission” [Noun]

मुझे मुंबई के कॉलेज में प्रवेश मिल गया है। (mujhe mumbaii ke kauLej men praves miL gayaa hai.)
“I’ve got admission into a college in Mumbai.”

22 – अवकाश (avakaas) = “A leave” [Noun]

अध्यापिका दो दिन के अवकाश पर गयी हैं। (aDHyaapikaa Do DiN ke avakaas par gayii hain.)
“The teacher is on leave for two days.”

23 – उचित (uciT) = “Appropriate” [Adjective]

पहले इसकी अनुमति लेना अधिक उचित होगा। (pahLe iSakii aNumaTi LeNaa aDHik uciT hogaa.)
“Before this, it’d be more appropriate to ask for permission.”

24 – अनुचित (aNuciT) = “Inappropriate” [Adjective]

इस तरह बात करना अनुचित है। (iS Tarah baaT karaNaa aNuciT hai.)
“It’s inappropriate to talk like this.”

25 – परीक्षा प्रणाली (pariiksaa pranaaLii) = “Examination system” [Noun]

हमारी परीक्षा प्रणाली विश्व-स्तर की है। (hamaarii pariiksaa pranaaLii visv-STar kii hai.)
“We have a world-class examination system.”

26 – शुल्क (suLk) = “Fee” [Noun]

कृपया, मासिक शुल्क समय पर जमा करें। (kripayaa, maaSik suLk Samay par jamaa karen.)
“Please, deposit the monthly fee on time.”

27 – अंतिम तिथि (aNTim TiTHi) = “Last date” [Noun]

फ़ॉर्म जमा करने की अंतिम तिथि क्या है? (faurm jamaa karaNe kii aNTim TiTHi kyaa hai?)
“What is the last date to submit this form?”

28 – रसायन विज्ञान (raSaayaN vigyaaN) = “Chemistry” [Noun]

मुझे रसायन विज्ञान में कोई दिलचस्पी नहीं। (mujhe raSaayaN vigyaaN men koi DiLacaSpii Nahiin.)
“I have no interest in chemistry.”

29 – भौतिक विज्ञान (bhauTik vigyaaN) = “Physics” [Noun]

भौतिक विज्ञान एक कठिन विषय है। (bhauTik vigyaaN ek kathiN visay hai.)
“Physics is a difficult subject.”

30 – अभियांत्रिकी (abhiyaaNTrikii) = “Engineering” [Noun]

ये अभियांत्रिकी की छात्राएं हैं। (ye abhiyaaNTrikii kii chaaTraayen hain.)
“These are the engineering students.”

31 – मनोविज्ञान (maNovigyaaN) = “Psychology” [Noun]

क्या तुम मनोविज्ञान पढ़ना चाहती हो? (kyaa Tum maNovigyaaN padhaNaa caahaTii ho?)
“Do you wish to study psychology?”

32 – राजनीति शास्त्र (raajaNiiTi-saaSTr) = “Political science” [Noun]

राजनीति शास्त्र की कक्षा उस कमरे में चल रही है। (raajaNiiTi saaSTr kii kaksaa uS kamare men caL rahii hai.)
“The political science class is running in that room.”

33 – समाजशास्‍त्र (Samaaj saaSTr) = “Sociology” [Noun]

समाजशास्त्र बहुत ही रोचक विषय है। (Samaaj saaSTr bahuT hii rocak visay hai.)
“Sociology is a really interesting subject.”

34 – ललित कला (LaLiT kaLaa) = “Fine arts” [Noun]

यहाँ ललित कला के चौदह विद्यार्थी हैं। (yahaan LaLiT kaLaa ke cauDah viDyaarTHii hain.)
“There are fourteen students of the fine arts here.”

2. Advanced Business Words

Our next set of advanced vocabulary words in Hindi covers frequently used terms in the business sector. You’ll likely find these words used in Hindi business magazines, in the news, or in business meetings. If you plan to get a job or do business in India, you should definitely have these words up your sleeve! 

1 – व्यवसाय (vyavaSaay) = “Business” [Noun]

व्यवसाय कैसा चल रहा है? (vyavaSaay kaiSaa caL rahaa hai?)
“How is the business doing?”

2 – रणनीति (ranaNiiTi) = “Strategy” [Noun]

इस समस्या से निपटने के लिए कोई रणनीति बनानी पड़ेगी। (iS SamaSyaa Se NipataNe ke Liye koii ranaNiiTi baNaaNii padegii.)
“We’ll have to make a strategy to deal with this problem.”

3 – कंपनी (kampaNii) = “Company” [Noun]

यह एक छोटी कंपनी है। (yah ek chotii kampaNii hai.)
“This is a small company.”

4 – कर्मचारी (karmacaarii) = “Employee” [Noun]

यहाँ 200 कर्मचारी काम करते हैं। (yahaan 200 karmacaarii kaam karaTe hain.)
“200 employees work here.”

5 – नियोक्ता (NiyokTaa) = “Employer” [Noun]

कंपनी के नियोक्ता बहुत भले व्यक्ति हैं। (kampaNii ke NiyokTaa bahuT bhaLe vyakTi hain.)
“The employer of the company is a good man.”

6 – नौकरी (Naukarii) = “Job” [Noun]

क्या तुम नौकरी की तलाश में हो? (kyaa Tum Naukarii kii TaLaas men ho?)
“Are you looking for a job?”

7 – रोज़गार (rozagaar) = “Employment” [Noun]

रोज़गार की दर घट रही है। (rozagaar kii Dar ghat rahii hai.)
“The employment rate is decreasing.”

8 – पेशा (pesaa) = “Profession” [Noun]

आपका पेशा क्या है? (aapakaa pesaa kyaa hai?)
“What’s your profession?”

9 – वित्त (viTT) = “Finance” [Noun]

वित्त मंत्री ने नई घोषणाएं कीं। (viTT maNTrii Ne Nayii ghosnaayen kiin.)
“The finance minister made new announcements.”

10 – आर्थिक (aarTHik) = “Financial” [Adjective]

भूकम्प पीड़ितों को आर्थिक सहायता की ज़रूरत है। (bhuukamp piidiTon ko aarTHik SahaayaTaa kii zaruuraT hai.)
“The earthquake victims need financial help.”

11 – अर्थव्यवस्था (arTHavyavaSTHaa) = “Economy” [Noun]

देश की अर्थव्यवस्था कमज़ोर होती जा रही है। (Des kii arTHavyavaSTHaa kamazor hoTii jaa rahii hai.)
“The economy of the country is growing weak.”

12 – प्रबंधन (prabaNDHaN) = “Management” [Noun]

प्रबंधन इस मामले की जाँच करेगा। (prabaNDHaN iS maamaLe kii jaanc karegaa.)
“The management will look into this matter.”

13 – संगठन (SangathaN) = “Organization” [Noun]

“हेल्प” एक ग़ैर सरकारी संगठन है। (“heLp” ek gair Sarakaarii SangathaN hai.)
“ ‘Help’ is a non-government organization.”

14 – वेतन (veTaN) = “Salary” [Noun]

सफ़ाई कर्मचारी वेतन बढ़ाने की मांग कर रहे हैं। (Safaaii karmacaarii veTaN badhaaNe kii maang kar rahe hain.)
“The cleaning staff is demanding a hike in their salary.”

15 – मानवीय संसाधन (maaNaviiy SaNSaaDHaN) = “Human resource” [Noun]

हमें और अधिक मानवीय संसाधन की आवश्यकता है। (hamen aur aDHik maaNaviiy SaNSaaDHaN kii aavasyakaTaa hai.)
“We need more human resources.”

16 – प्रबंधक (prabaNDHak) = “Manager” [Noun]

सुमन दो साल से होटल प्रबंधक के तौर पर काम कर रही है। (SumaN Do SaaL Se hotaL prabaNDHak ke Taur par kaam kar rahii hai.)
“Suman has been working as the hotel manager for two years.”

17 – महाप्रबंधक (mahaaprabaNDHak) = “General manager” [Noun]

यहाँ के महाप्रबंधक कौन हैं? (yahaan ke mahaaprabaNDHak kauN hain?)
“Who is the general manager here?”

18 – मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी (mukhy kaaryakaarii aDHikaarii) = “Chief executive officer” [Noun]

मुख्य कार्यकारी अधिकारी अभी दौरे पर गए हैं। (mukhy kaaryakaarii aDHikaarii abhii Daure par gaye hain.)
“The chief executive officer is on tour.”

19 – बैठक / सभा (baithak / Sabhaa) = “Meeting” [Noun]

कमरा नंबर 4 में बैठक हो रही है। (kamaraa Nambar 4 men baithak ho rahii hai.)
“The meeting is taking place in room number 4.”

20 – भर्ती (bharTii) = “Recruitment” [Noun]

सेना में भर्ती प्रक्रिया शुरू हो चुकी है। (SeNaa men bharTii prakriyaa suruu ho cukii hai.)
“The army has started the recruitment process.”

21 – बरख़ास्त करना (barkhaaST karaNaa) = “Firing” [Noun]

कंपनी कई लोगों को नौकरी से बरख़ास्त कर रही है। (kampaNii kaii Logon ko barkhaaST kar rahii hai.)
“The company is firing many people.”

22 – त्यागपत्र (TyaagapaTr) = “Resignation” [Noun]

सुरेश ने अपना त्यागपत्र दे दिया है। (Sures Ne apaNaa TyaagapaTr De Diyaa hai.)
“Suresh has given his resignation.”

23 – कर (kar) = “Tax” [Noun]

आयकर नहीं देना एक दंडनीय अपराध है। (aay kar Nahiin Denaa ek DandNiiy apraaDH hai.)
“Not paying the income tax is a punishable offense.”

24 – अनुबंध (aNubanDH) = “Contract” [Noun]

अभिनेत्री ने दो साल का अनुबंध किया है। (abhiNeTrii Ne Do SaaL kaa aNubanDH kiyaa hai.)
“The actress has signed a two-year contract.”

25 – कारोबार (kaarobaar) = “Business” [Noun]

कारोबार अभी काफ़ी अच्छा चल रहा है। (kaarobaar abhii kaafii acchaa caL rahaa hai.)
“The business is doing really well these days.”

26 – वितरण (viTaran) = “Distribution” [Noun]

पुरस्कार वितरण कल होगा। (puraSkaar viTran kaL hogaa.)
“The prize distribution will be tomorrow.”

27 – लाभ (Laabh) = “Profit” [Noun]

इस वर्ष व्यापारियों को लाभ की उम्मीद है। (iS vars vyaapaariyon ko Laabh kii ummiiD hai.)
“The merchants are hoping for some profits this year.”

28 – घाटा (ghaataa) = “Loss” [Noun]

कपड़ा मिल घाटे में है। (kapadaa miL ghaate men hai.)
“The textile factory is at a loss.”

29 – आंकड़ा (aankadaa) = “Number” [Noun]

रोगियों का आंकड़ा 100 पार कर चुका है। (rogiyon kaa aankadaa Sau paar kar cukaa hai.)
“The number of patients has crossed 100.”

30 – प्रोत्साहन राशि (proTSaahaN raasi) = “Incentive” [Noun]

मेहनती कर्मचारियों को प्रोत्साहन राशि दी जाएगी। (mehaNaTii karmacaariyon ko proTSaahaN raasi Dii jaayegii.)
“The hardworking staff will receive the incentives.”

31 – निगमित नीति (NigamiT NiiTi) = “Corporate policy” [Noun]

यह दफ़्तर की निगमित नीति है। (yah DafTar kii NigamiT NiiTi hai.)
“It’s a corporate policy of this office.”

32 – निगम (Nigam) = “Corporation” [Noun]

नगर निगम शहर के बाहरी छोर पर है। (Nagar Nigam sahar ke baaharii chor par hai.)
“The municipal corporation is on the outskirts of the city.”

3. Advanced Medical Words

If you happen to be interested in the medical field, learning these advanced Hindi vocabulary words could help you get higher marks in exams and perform better in job interviews.

1 – कोशिका (kosikaa) = “Cell” [Noun]

कोशिका शरीर की सबसे छोटी इकाई होती है। (kosikaa sariir kii SabaSe chotii ikaaii hoTii hai.)
“A cell is the smallest unit of the body.”

2 – ऊतक (uuTak) = “Tissue” [Noun]

हमारे शरीर में कई प्रकार के ऊतक होते हैं। (hamaare sariir men kaii prakaar ke uuTak hoTe hain.)
“There are many types of tissue in our body.”

3 – सूजन (SuujaN) = “Inflammation” [Noun]

अस्थिरोग में सूजन आ जाती है। (aSTHi-rog men SuujaN aa jaaTii hai.)
“Inflammation occurs in arthritis.”

4 – सरदर्द (Sar DarD) = “Headache” [Noun]

दादी को सरदर्द हो रहा है। (DaaDii ko Sar DarD ho rahaa hai.)
“Grandma has a headache.”

5 – उल्टी (uLtii) = “Vomiting” [Noun]

उल्टी होना पेट में संक्रमण की निशानी है। (uLtii hoNaa pet men Sankraman kii NisaaNii hai.)
“Vomiting is a sign of a stomach infection.”

6 – उबकाई (ubakaaii) = “Nausea” [Noun]

क्या आपको उबकाई महसूस हो रही है? (kyaa aapako ubakaaii mahaSuuS ho rahii hai?)
“Are you experiencing nausea?”

7 – कर्क रोग (kark rog) = “Cancer” [Noun]

मेरे चाचा को कर्क रोग हो गया है। (mere caacaa ko kark rog ho gayaa hai.)
“My uncle has developed cancer.”

8 – अल्प रक्त-चाप (aLp rakTacaap) = “Hypotension” [Noun]

अल्प रक्तचाप में नमक चीनी का घोल पीना चाहिए। (aLp rakTacaap men Namak ciiNii kaa ghoL piiNaa caahiye.)
“In hypotension, a salt-sugar solution should be given.”

9 – उच्च रक्तचाप (ucc rakTacaap) = “Hypertension” [Noun]

यह उच्च रक्तचाप की दवा है। (yah ucc rakTacaap kii Davaa hai.)
“This is the medicine for hypertension.”

10 – दमा (Damaa) = “Asthma” [Noun]

दमा के रोगियों को प्राणायाम करना चाहिए। (Damaa ke rogiyon ko praanaayaam karaNaa caahiye.)
“Asthma patients should do Pranayama.”

11 – मनोभ्रंश रोग (maNobhraNs rog) = “Dementia” [Noun]

इस विभाग में मनोभ्रंश रोग का इलाज होता है। (iS vibhaag men maNobhraNs rog kaa iLaaj hoTaa hai.)
“Dementia treatment is provided in this department.”

12 – अवसाद (avaSaaD) = “Depression” [Noun]

अवसाद एक गंभीर स्वास्थ्य समस्या है। (avaSaaD ek gambhiir SvaaSTHy SamaSyaa hai.)
“Depression is a serious health problem.”

13 – नाड़ी (Naadii) = “Pulse” [Noun]

मरीज़ की नाड़ी देखो। (mariiz kii Naadii Dekho.)
“Check the patient’s pulse.”

14 – तीव्र (Tiivr) = “Acute” [Adjective]

रोगी को तीव्र ज्वर है। (rogii ko Tiivr jvar hai.)
“The patient has an acute fever.”

15 – संक्रमण (Sankraman) = “Infection” [Noun]

यह संक्रमण गंदे पानी से फैलता है। (yah Sankraman gaNDe paaNii Se faiLaTaa hai.)
“This infection spreads through dirty water.”

16 – बुखार (bukhaar) = “Fever” [Noun]

बच्चे को कल रात से बुखार है। (bacce ko kaL raaT Se bukhaar hai.)
“The kid has had a fever since last night.”

17 – ज़ुकाम (zukaam) = “Common cold” [Noun]

अगर आपको ज़ुकाम है तो अदरक की चाय पियें। (agar aapako zukaam hai To aDarak kii caay piyen.)
“If you are suffering from the common cold, drink ginger tea.”

18 – चयापचय (cayaapacay) = “Metabolism” [Noun]

पुनीत का चयापचय कमज़ोर हो चुका है। (puNiiT kaa cayaapacay kamazor ho cukaa hai.)
“Punit’s metabolism has become weak.”

19 – श्वसन दर (svaSaN Dar) = “Respiration rate” [Noun]

रोगी की श्वसन दर बहुत कम है। (rogii kii svaSaN Dar bahuT kam hai.)
“The patient’s respiration rate is quite low.”

20 – मवाद (mavaaD) = “Pus” [Noun]

चोट में मवाद पड़ चुका है। (cot men mavaaD pad cukaa hai.)
“There is pus formation in the wound.”

21 – रक्त (rakT) = “Blood” [Noun]

इनके शरीर में रक्त की कमी है। (iNake sariir men rakT kii kamii hai.)
“There is a lack of blood in his body.”

22 – रक्तदान (rakTaDaaN) = “Blood donation” [Noun]

सभी को रक्तदान अवश्य करना चाहिए। (Sabhii ko rakTaDaaN avasy karaNaa caahiye.)
“Everybody should participate in blood donation.”

23 – लक्षण (Laksan) = “Symptoms” [Noun]

ये सभी पीलिया के लक्षण हैं। (ye Sabhii piiLiyaa ke Laksan hain.)
“All of these are symptoms of jaundice.”

24 – तंत्रिका-विज्ञान (TaNTrikaa vigyaaN) = “Neurology” [Noun]

तंत्रिका-विज्ञान विभाग दायीं ओर है। (TaNTrikaa vigyaaN vibhaag Daayiin or hai.)
“The neurology department is on the right side.”

25 – दिल का दौरा (DiL kaa Dauraa) = “Heart attack” [Noun]

समीर को दिल का दौरा पड़ा था। (Samiir ko DiL kaa Dauraa padaa THaa.)
“Sameer had a heart attack.”

Two People in a Laboratory Running Tests

Popular Medical Words

26 – मिरगी (miragii) = “Epilepsy” [Noun]

यहाँ मिरगी का निःशुल्क इलाज होता है। (yahaan miragii kaa NihsuLk iLaaj hoTaa hai.)
“They provide free treatment for epilepsy here.”

27 – त्वचा रोग (Tvacaa rog) = “Skin disease” [Noun]

एक्ज़िमा एक तरह का त्वचा रोग है। (ekzimaa ek Tarah kaa Tvacaa rog hai.)
“Eczema is a type of skin disease.”

28 – विशेषज्ञ (visesagy) = “Specialist” [Noun]

हमें बाल-रोग विशेषज्ञ से मिलना है। (hamen baaL rog visesagy Se miLaNaa hai.)
“We need to see a child specialist.”

29 – शल्य चिकित्सा (saLy cikiTSaa) = “Surgery” [Noun]

दादाजी को शल्य चिकित्सा करवानी होगी। (DaaDaajii ko saLy cikiTSaa karavaaNii hogii.)
“Grandpa needs to have surgery.”

30 – हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ (hriDay rog visesagy) = “Cardiologist” [Noun]

मेरे मामा एक हृदय रोग विशेषज्ञ हैं। (mere maamaa ek hriDay rog visesagy hain.)
“My uncle is a cardiologist.”

4. Advanced Legal Words

Now that you’ve reached an advanced level in Hindi, you will benefit from studying the most common legal terms. While legalese is rather difficult to understand even for the general population, knowing the basics can help you comprehend what you read or hear on the news. It can also allow you to have more complex conversations and avoid unfortunate misunderstandings! 

1 – कचहरी (kacaharii) = “Court” [Noun]

कचहरी कितनी दूर है? (kacaharii kiTaNii Duur hai?)
“How far is the court?”

2 – न्यायपालिका (NyaayapaaLikaa) = “Judiciary” [Noun]

देखते हैं, न्यायपालिका किसके पक्ष में फ़ैसला सुनाती है. (DekhaTe hain, NyaayapaaLikaa kiSake paks men faiSaLaa SuNaaTii hai.)
“Let’s see in whose favor the judiciary gives its verdict.”

3 – न्यायाधीश (NyaayaaDHiis) = “Judge” / “Magistrate” [Noun]

न्यायाधीश बनने के लिए बहुत मेहनत करनी पड़ती है। (NyaayaaDHiis baNaNe ke Liye bahuT mehaNaT karaNii padaTii hai.)
“It takes a lot of hard work to become a judge.”

4 – मुख्य न्यायाधीश (mukhy NyaayaaDHiis) = “Chief justice” [Noun]

मुख्य न्यायाधीश ने जाँच के आदेश दिए। (mukhy NyaayaaDHiis Ne jaanc ke aaDes Diye.)
“The chief justice has ordered an investigation.”

5 – उच्च न्यायालय (ucc NyaayaaLay) = “High court” [Noun]

मामला अब उच्च न्यायलय में जायेगा। (maamaLaa ab ucc NyaayaaLay men jayegaa.)
“The case will now go into the high court.”

6 – उच्चतम न्यायालय (uccaTam NyaayaaLay) = “Supreme court” [Noun]

उच्चतम न्यायालय नयी दिल्ली में है। (uccaTam NyaayaaLay Nayii DiLLii men hai.)
“The supreme court is in New Delhi.”

7 – मुक़दमा (muqaDamaa) = “Case” [Noun]

ग्राहक ने बैंक पर धोखाधड़ी का मुक़दमा किया। (graahak Ne baink par DHokhaaDHadii kaa muqaDamaa kiyaa.)
“The customer filed a fraud case with the bank.”

8 – याचिका (yaacikaa) = “Petition” [Noun]

सामाजिक कार्यकर्ता ने नए क़ानून के विरोध में याचिका दायर की। (Saamaajik kaaryakarTaa Ne Naye qaaNuuN ke viroDH men yaacikaa Daayar kii.)
“The social worker filed a petition against the new law.”

9 – अधिनियम (aDHiNiyam) = “Act” [Noun]

किसानों ने नए अधिनियम का विरोध किया। (kiSaaNon Ne Naye aDHiNiyam kaa viroDH kiyaa.)
“The farmers protested against the new act.”

10 – दायर करना (Daayar karaNaa) = “To file” [Verb]

किसी भी घोटाले के ख़िलाफ़ याचिका दायर करना एक नागरिक का क़ानूनी अधिकार है। (kiSii bhii ghotaaLe ke khiLaaf yaacikaa Daayar karaNaa ek Naagarik kaa qaaNuuNii aDHikaar hai.)
“It’s a citizen’s right to file a petition against any scam.”

11 – वादी (vaaDii) = “Plaintiff” [Noun]

इस मुक़दमे में वह एक वादी है। (iS muqaDame men vah ek vaaDii hai.)
“She is a plaintiff in this case.”

12 – संविधान (SamviDHaaN) = “Constitution” [Noun]

संविधान लोकतंत्र की नींव होता है। (SamviDHaaN Lok TanTra kii Niinv hoTaa hai.)
“The constitution is the foundation of democracy.”

13 – वैध (vaiDH) = “Legal” [Adjective]

सीमा की मौसी उसकी वैध अभिभावक है। (Siimaa kii mauSii uSakii vaiDH abhibhaavak hai.)
“Seema’s aunt is her legal guardian.”

14 – अवैध (avaiDH) = “Illegal” [Adjective]

खुले में शराब पीना अवैध है। (khuLe men saraab piiNaa avaiDH hai.)
“It’s illegal to consume alcohol in a public place.”

15 – अपराधी (apraaDHii) = “Criminal” [Noun]

अपराधी को जेल भेजा गया। (apraaDHii ko jeL bhejaa gayaa.)
“The criminal was sent to jail.”

16 – क़ानूनी कार्यवाही (qaaNuuNii kaaryavaahii) = “Legal action” [Noun]

नियम तोड़ने पर क़ानूनी कार्यवाही होती है। (Niyam TodaNe par qaaNuuNii karyavaahii hoTii hai.)
“Legal action is taken when the law is broken.”

17 – बरी होना (barii hoNaa) = “To be acquitted” [Verb]

कार्यकर्ता को बरी किया गया। (kaaryakarTaa ko barii kiyaa gaya.)
“The activist was acquitted.”

18 – बंदी (baNDii) = “Prisoner” [Noun]

जेल में 300 बंदी हैं। (jeL men 300 baNDii hain.)
“There are 300 prisoners in the jail.”

19 – निर्वाह-धन (Nirvaah-DHaN) = “Alimony” [Noun]

जज ने पति को निर्वाह-धन देने का आदेश दिया। (jaj Ne paTi ko Nirvaah-DHaN DeNe kaa aaDes Diyaa.)
“The judge ordered the husband to give the alimony.”

20 – निर्दोष (NirDos) = “Innocent” [Adjective]

अपराध साबित होने तक हर व्यक्ति को निर्दोष माना जाना चाहिए। (aparaaDH SaabiT hoNe Tak har vyakTi ko NirDos maaNaa jaaNaa caahiye.)
“Everybody should be considered innocent until proven guilty.”

21 – संदिग्ध (SaNDigDH) = “Accused” [Adjective]

संदिग्धों में कई बड़े नेताओं के भी नाम थे। (SaNDigDHon men kaii bade NeTaaon ke bhii Naam THe.)
“The names of many powerful ministers are on the accused list.”

22 – साक्ष्य (Saaksy) = “Evidence” [Noun]

कई साक्ष्य आग में जल कर नष्ट हो गए। (kaii Saaksy aag men jaL kar Nast ho gaye.)
“Many pieces of evidence were destroyed in the fire.”

23 – साक्षी (Saaksii) = “Witness” [Noun]

पुलिस ने साक्षी को सुरक्षा प्रदान की। (puLiS Ne Saaksii ko Suraksaa praDaaN kii.)
“The police provided security to the witness.”

24 – क़ुबूल करना (qubuuL karaNaa) = “To admit” [Verb]

दीपक ने अपना जुर्म क़ुबूल किया। (Diipak Ne apaNaa jurm qubuuL kiyaa.)
“Deepak admitted his crime.”

25 – कारागार (kaaraagaar) = “Prison” / “Jail” [Noun]

कारागार में कड़ी सुरक्षा व्यवस्था है। (kaaraagaar men kadii Suraksaa vyavaSTHaa hai.)
“There is tight security in the prison.”

26 – अपहरण (apharan) = “Kidnapping” [Noun]

शहर में अपहरण के मामले बढ़ रहे हैं। (sahar men apharan ke maamaLe badh rahe hain.)
“Kidnapping cases are rising in the city.”

27 – दंड (Dand) = “Penalty” [Noun]

मास्क नहीं पहनने पर 200 रुपये का दंड देय होगा। (maaSk Nahiin pahaNaNe par 200 rupaye kaa Dand Dey hogaa.)
“There will be a penalty of 200 rupees for not wearing a mask.”

28 – धमकी (DHamakii) = “Threat” [Noun]

जान से मारने की धमकी देना दंडनीय अपराध है। (jaaN Se maaraNe kii DHamakii DeNaa DandaNiiy aparaaDH hai.)
“A threat to kill is a punishable offense.”

29 – संरक्षण (Sanraksan) = “Guardianship” [Noun]

माँ को बच्चे का संरक्षण दिया गया। (maan ko bacce kaa Sanraksan Diyaa gayaa.)
“The mother was given the guardianship of the child.”

A Gavel in a Courtroom

Polish Your Legal Vocabulary

30 – भरण-पोषण (bharan-posan) = “Maintenance” [Noun]

भरण-पोषण की ज़िम्मेदारी पिता को दी गयी। (bharan-posan kii zimmeDaarii piTaa ko Dii gayii.)
“The father was given the responsibility of providing maintenance.”

31 – तलाक़ (TaLaaq) = “Divorce” [Noun]

पति-पत्नी ने तलाक़ लेने का फ़ैसला किया। (paTi-paTNii Ne TaLaaq LeNe kaa faiSaLaa kiyaa.)
“The couple decided to get a divorce.”

32 – मुआवज़ा (muaavazaa) = “Compensation” [Noun]

पीड़ितों को एक लाख रुपये का मुआवज़ा दिया जायेगा। (piidiTon ko ek Laakh rupaye kaa muaavazaa Diyaa jaayegaa.)
“The victims will be given compensation of one lakh of rupees.”

33 – निर्णय (Nirnay) = “Verdict” [Noun]

जज का निर्णय सर्वमान्य होता है। (jaj kaa Nirnay SarvamaaNy hoTaa hai.)
“The decision of the judge is universally accepted.”

34 – पीड़ित (piiṛiT) = “Victim” (Male) [Noun]

पीड़ित ने अधिकारी के सामने गुहार लगायी। (piidiT Ne aDHikaarii ke SaamaNe guhaar Lagaayii.)
“The victim pleaded in front of the officer.”

35 – पीड़िता (piidiTaa) = “Victim” (Female) [Noun]

पीड़िता ने अधिकारी के सामने गुहार लगायी। (piidiTaa Ne aDHikaarii ke SaamaNe guhaar Lagaayii.)
“The victim pleaded in front of the officer.”

5. 50+ Lesser-Known Words to Make Your Answers Stand Out in Hindi Exams

Finally, here is a list of advanced Hindi vocabulary words that will help you shine when taking exams or writing essays. Once you become familiar with these words, practice using them where appropriate to make the most of your Hindi writing. 

1 – वृहद् (vrihaD) = “Large” [Adjective]

यह समस्या वृहद् स्तर पर फैली हुई है। (yah SamaSyaa vrihaD STar par phaiLii huyii hai.)
“This problem exists on a large scale.”

2 – ज्ञान (gyaaN) = “Knowledge” [Noun]

ज्ञान की प्यास हमेशा होनी चाहिए। (gyaaN kii pyaaS hamesaa hoNii caahiye.)
“One should always have a thirst for knowledge.”

3 – बोध होना (boDH hoNaa) = “To sense” [Verb]

उसे अपनी ग़लती का बोध हुआ। (uSe apaNii gaLaTii kaa boDH huaa.)
“He sensed his mistake.”

4 – गद्यांश (gaDyaans) = “Prose passage” [Noun]

यह गद्यांश बहुत बड़ा है। (yah gaDyaans bahuT badaa hai.)
“This prose passage is too long.”

5 – पद्यांश (paDyaans) = “Poem passage” [Noun]

इस पद्यांश को समझाना मुश्किल है। (iS paDyaans ko SamjhaaNaa muskiL hai.)
“It’s hard to explain this poem passage.”

6 – निम्नलिखित (NimNaLikhiT) = “Following” [Noun]

निम्नलिखित में से किसी 5 प्रश्नों का उत्तर लिखिए। (NimNaLikhiT men Se kiSii 5 prasNon kaa uTTar Likhiye.)
“Answer any five of the following questions.”

7 – विस्तारपूर्वक (viSTaarapuurvak) = “In detail” [Adverb]

उत्तर को विस्तारपूर्वक लिखिए। (uTTar ko viSTaarapuurvak Likhiye.)
“Write the answer in detail.”

8 – वर्णन (varnaN) = “Describe” [Verb]

कवि की भावनाओं का वर्णन कीजिए। (kavi kii bhaavaNaaon kaa varnaN kiijiye.)
“Describe the feelings of the poet.”

9 – व्याकरण (vyaakaran) = “Grammar” [Noun]

कल हिंदी व्याकरण पर चर्चा होगी। (kaL hiNDii vyaakran par carcaa hogii.)
“Tomorrow, we will discuss Hindi grammar.”

10 – प्रत्यय (praTyay) = “Suffix” [Noun]

इस शब्द में सही प्रत्यय लगाएं। (iS sabD men Sahii praTyay Lagaayen.)
“Add the appropriate suffix to the word.”

11 – उपसर्ग (upaSarg) = “Prefix” [Noun]

उपसर्ग की परिभाषा लिखें। (upaSarg kii paribhaasaa Likhen.)
“Write the definition of ‘prefix.’”

12 – क्रिया (kriyaa) = “Verb” [Noun]

क्रिया के दो प्रकार हैं। (kriyaa ke Do prakaar hain.)
“There are two types of verbs.”

13 – संज्ञा (Sangyaa) = “Noun” [Noun]

संज्ञा के उदाहरण बताओ। (Sangyaa ke uDaaharan baTaao.)
“Give a few examples of nouns.”

14 – सर्वनाम (SarvaNaam) = “Pronoun” [Noun]

क्या तुम मुझे सर्वनाम के बारे में पढ़ा सकते हो? (kyaa Tum mujhe SarvaNaam ke baare me padhaa SakaTe ho?)
“Can you teach me about pronouns?”

15 – काल (kaaL) = “Tense” [Noun]

मुख्यतः काल तीन प्रकार के होते हैं। (mukhyTah kaaL TiiN prakaar ke hoTe hain.)
“There are three main tenses.”

16 – विशेषण (visesan) = “Adjective” [Noun]

विशेषण सीखना बहुत ज़रूरी है। (visesan SiikhaNaa bahuT zaruurii hai.)
“It’s really important to learn adjectives.”

17 – पर्यायवाची (paryaayavaacii) = “Synonyms” [Noun]

‘हवा’ के दो पर्यायवाची लिखिए। (‘havaa’ ke Do paryaayavaacii Likhiye.)
“Write two synonyms of ‘wind.’”

18 – विलोम (viLom) = “Antonyms” [Noun]

परीक्षा में विलोम पर भी सवाल पूछे जायेंगे। (pariiksaa men viLom par bhii SavaaL puuche jaayenge.)
“In the examination, there will be questions on the antonyms also.”

19 – मुहावरे (muhaavare) = “Idioms” [Noun]

इस पाठ से 10 मुहावरे याद करने हैं। (iS paath Se 10 muhaavare yaaD karaNe hain.)
“You have to learn ten idioms from this lesson.”

20 – लोकोक्तियाँ (LokokTiyaan) = “Proverbs” [Noun]

भारत में लोकोक्तियाँ बहुत प्रचलित हैं। (bhaaraT men LokokTiyaan bahuT pracaLiT hain.)
“Proverbs are quite popular in India.”

Students Writing Essays in a Classroom

Acing the Hindi Exams!

21 – व्याख्या करना (vyaakhyaa karaNaa) = “To describe” [Verb]

शिक्षक ने कविता की व्याख्या की। (siksak Ne kaviTaa kii vyaakhyaa kii.)
“The teacher described the poem.”

22 – आदेश देना (aaDes DeNaa) = “To order” [Verb]

जज ने कैदी को रिहा करने का आदेश दिया। (jaj Ne kaiDii ko rihaa karaNe kaa aaDes Diyaa.)
“The judge ordered the release of the prisoner.”

23 – चयन करना (cayaN karaNaa) = “To select” [Verb]

प्रार्थियों का योग्यता के आधार पर चयन किया जायेगा। (praarTHiyon kaa yogyaTaa ke aaDHaar par cayaN kiyaa jaayegaa.)
“The candidates will be selected on the basis of qualification.”

24 – उल्लंघन करना (uLLanghaN karaNaa) = “Breaking” [Verb]

नियमों का उल्लंघन करने पर दंड मिल सकता है। (Niyamon kaa uLLanghaN karaNe par Dand miL SakTaa hai.)
“Breaking the law will result in punishment.”

25 – निर्णय लेना (Nirnay LeNaa) = “To decide” [Verb]

उसने शहर छोड़ने का निर्णय लिया। (uSaNe sahar chodaNe kaa Nirnay Liyaa.)
“He decided to leave the city.”

26 – आक्रमण करना (aakraman karaNaa) = “To attack” [Verb]

शेर ने हिरण पर आक्रमण किया। (ser Ne hiran par aakraman kiyaa.)
“The lion attacked the deer.”

27 – समझौता करना (SamjhauTaa karaNaa) = “To reach an agreement” [Verb]

दोनों देशों ने आपस में समझौता कर लिया। (DoNon Deson Ne aapaS men SamjhauTaa kar Liyaa.)
“Both countries reached an agreement among themselves.”

28 – सावधानी बरतना (SaavaDHaaNii baraTaNaa) = “To be careful” [Verb]

आपको सड़क पर चलते समय सावधानी बरतनी चाहिए। (aapako Sadak par caLaTe Samay SaavaDHaaNii baraTaNii caahiye.)
“You should be careful while walking on the road.”

29 – अत्यधिक (aTyaDHik) = “Extremely” [Adverb]

वह अत्यधिक चिंतित है। (vah aTyaDHik ciNTiT hai.)
“He is extremely worried.”

30 – अनावश्यक रूप से (aNaavasyak ruup Se) = “Unnecessarily” [Adverb]

तुम अनावश्यक रूप से नाराज़ हो रहे हो। (Tum aNaavasyak ruup Se Naaraaz ho rahe ho.)
“You are getting upset unnecessarily.”

31 – संदिग्ध तरीक़े से (SaNDigDH Tariiqe Se) = “Suspiciously” [Adverb]

चोर संदिग्ध तरीक़े से कमरे में घुसा। (cor SaNDigDH Tariiqe Se kamare men ghuSaa.)
“The thief entered the room suspiciously.”

32 – सुखपूर्वक (Sukhapuurvak) = “Happily” [Adverb]

और वे सुखपूर्वक रहने लगे। (aur ve Sukhapuurvak rahaNe Lage.)
“They started living happily.”

33 – निडर होकर (Nidar hokar) = “Fearlessly” [Adverb]

निडर होकर अपनी बात कहो। (Nidar hokar apaNii baaT kaho.)
“Speak out fearlessly.”

34 – औपचारिक रूप से (aupacaarik ruup Se) = “Officially” [Adverb]

दोनों औपचारिक रूप से विवाह के बंधन में बंध गए। (DoNon aupacaarik ruup Se vivaah ke baNDHaN men baNDH gaye.)
“Both of them officially got married.”

35 – अनौपचारिक रूप से (aNaupacaarik ruup Se) = “Unofficially” [Adverb]

वे अनौपचारिक रूप से अलग हो चुके हैं। (ve aNaupacaarik ruup Se aLag ho cuke hain.)
“They have unofficially separated.”

36 – त्रैमासिक (TraimaaSik) = “Trimonthly” [Adverb]

यह एक त्रैमासिक पत्रिका है। (yah ek TraimaaSik paTrikaa hai.)
“It’s a trimonthly magazine.”

37 – उसके बावजूद (uSake baavajuuD) = “In spite of that” [Preposition]

उसके बावजूद अनीता ने अपनी पढ़ाई जारी रखी। (uSake baavajuuD aNiiTaa Ne apaNii padhaaii jaarii rakhii.)
“In spite of that, Anita continued her studies.”

38 – बजाय इसके (bajaaye iSake) = “Instead of that” [Preposition]

बजाय इसके तुम्हें सबकी मदद करनी चाहिए। (bajaaye iSake Tumhen Sabakii maDaD karaNii caahiye.)
“Instead of that, you should help others.”

39 – किंतु (kiNTu) = “But” [Conjunction]

किंतु वह किताब क्यों नहीं मिल रही? (kiNTu vah kiTaab kyon Nahiin miL rahii?)
“But why can’t I find that book?”

40 – अपितु (apiTu) = “Rather” [Conjunction]

अपितु दूसरों का सम्मान करो। (apiTu DuuSaron kaa SammaaN karo.)
“Rather respect others.”

41 – अगले ही पल (agaLe hii paL) = “The next moment” [Conjunction]

अगले ही पल दरवाज़े की घंटी बजी। (agaLe hii paL Daravaaze kii ghantii bajii.)
“The next moment, the doorbell rang.”

42 – उदाहरणस्वरूप (uDaaharan-Svaruup) = “For example” [Conjunction]

उदाहरणस्वरूप, जापान एक छोटा लेकिन विकसित देश है। (uDaaharan-Svaruup, jaapaaN ek chotaa LekiN vikaSiT Des hai.)
“For example, Japan is a small yet developed country.”

43 – किंचित (kiNciT) = “Somewhat” [Conjunction]

मैं किंचित व्याकुल हूँ। (main kiNciT vyaakuL huun.)
“I am somewhat anxious.”

44 – भीतर (bhiiTar) = “Inside” [Preposition]

संदूक के भीतर क्या है? (SaNDuuk ke bhiiTar kyaa hai?)
“What’s inside the box?”

45 – के मध्य में (ke maDHy men) = “In between” [Preposition]

दोनों पहाड़ों के मध्य में एक घाटी है। (DoNon pahaadon ke maDHy men ek ghaatii hai.)
“There is a valley in between the two mountains.”

46 – समीप (Samiip) = “Near” / “Close to” [Preposition]

मेरे समीप मत आओ। (mere Samiip maT aao.)
“Don’t come near me.”

47 – को छोड़कर (ko chodakar) = “Excluding” [Preposition]

विकास को छोड़कर सभी पार्टी में आएंगे। (vikaaS ko chodakar Sabhii paartii men aayenge.)
“Excluding Vikas, everyone will come to the party.”

48 – को मिलाकर (ko miLaakar) = “Including” [Preposition]

जीतू को मिलाकर छह लोग हुए। (jiiTuu ko miLaakar chah Log huye.)
“There are six people, including Jitu.”

49 – के माध्यम से (ke maaDHyam Se) = “Through” [Preposition]

मैंने पत्राचार के माध्यम से क़ानून की पढ़ाई की है। (mainNe paTraacaar ke maaDHyam Se qaaNuuN kii padhaaii kii hai.)
“I’ve studied law through distance learning.”

50 – के अंतर्गत (ke aNTargaT) = “Under” [Preposition]

सभी गांव इसी ज़िले के अंतर्गत आते हैं। (Sabhii gaanv iSii ziLe ke aNTargaT aaTe hain.)
“All the villages fall under this district.”

51 – उपरांत (upraaNT) = “After” [Preposition]

बैठक के उपरांत भोजन कराया जायेगा। (baithak ke upraaNT bhojaN karaayaa jaayegaa.)
“The food will be served after the meeting.”

52 – की तरफ़ (kii Taraf) = “Toward” [Preposition]

हवा पूर्व दिशा की तरफ़ बह रही है। (havaa puurv Disaa kii Taraf bah rahii hai.)
“The wind is blowing toward the east.”

A Woman Sitting on the Floor and Holding a Speech Bubble

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Before you go, let us know in the comments if you know a rare Hindi word that we haven’t already covered in this article. We look forward to hearing from you!

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Passing the ILTS Hindi Proficiency Test with Flying Colors!


Learning the Hindi language can bring a bundle of benefits into one’s life:

  • A more fulfilling social life among native Indians
  • A better chance of landing your dream job in India
  • Admission into a reputed Indian college or place of higher education

However, in order to attain these benefits, you may have to pass a Hindi proficiency test to show your stuff! 

Not sure where to start? In this article, will introduce you to the most widely accepted Hindi language proficiency test: the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061). We’ll explain what this exam is, what you can expect while taking it, and how to make the most of your study time and practice sessions.

Let’s get started.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Study Strategies in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Why Should You Study for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)?
  2. An Overview of the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)
  3. Introduction to ILTS Content for Each Section
  4. Scoring Scale for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)
  5. Tips on Preparing for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)
  6. Cracking the ILTS-Hindi Test with

1. Why Should You Study for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)?

You can’t use one recipe to cook every meal. Recipes use varying ingredients, require different preparation and cooking methods, and some take far longer to make than others. Well, the same is true of exams: you can’t study the same way for every exam. The more exam-specific your preparation is, the better your odds are of passing it.

How Does a Hindi Proficiency Test Help?

The ILTS TLP (Hindi-061) is a proficiency test in Hindi, and it’s pretty serious business!

For those who are already familiar with the name, this article will provide thorough information about the test. And if you’re reading this article, chances are you’ve already made up your mind and plan on taking the test.

So, don’t wait any longer! Let’s check out how to prepare well and pass the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061).

2. An Overview of the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)

Although there are several exams out there, each Hindi language proficiency test is unique in its own way.

The ILTS TLP (Hindi-061) is a reputed language proficiency test in Hindi, conducted by the Illinois State Board of Education. ILTS TLP stands for the Illinois Certification Testing System – Target Language Proficiency.

  • There are three sections in the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061) test. These are Reading, Writing, and Oral.
  • Each section consists of Four Constructed-Response Assignments. There are no MCQs (multiple-choice questions) in the test! For a better idea of where to start, check out their official Study Guide for Hindi.
  • The ILTS TLP (Hindi-061) is mainly for those who are looking for a job; it serves as a professional certification that can help someone get an entry-level teaching job at Illinois, for example. Your possibilities of being hired or promoted shoot up once you’ve passed the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061) Hindi proficiency test.
  • You can register either online (by visiting the Illinois website) or offline, and confirm the schedule for the test. Candidates can also choose test centers in Illinois from the list (the test can only be taken at specific Illinois test centers).
Total Duration4 Hours
Tutorial Time15 Minutes
Test Time3 Hours 45 Minutes
Type of TestOnline
Number of Sub-areas3
Sub-areasReading, Writing, Oral
Types of QuestionsConstructed-Response Assignments
Passing Score240
Test Fee$122
  • As you can see, the ILTS target language proficiency test (Hindi) has a total duration of four hours.
  • The first 15 minutes are given for signing the non-disclosure and going through the Tutorial Materials.
  • You have to take this Hindi proficiency test online, and in order to pass, you have to get a score of at least 240.
Language Skills

3. Introduction to ILTS Content for Each Section

What can you expect to see in each part of this Hindi language examination? Take a look!

1- Reading Proficiency Section  

The first section tests your Hindi reading proficiency. We’ve broken down this section in the chart below.

Evaluation Criteria (3)Comprehension, Inference, Analysis
LanguageYou can give your written response in English, Hindi, or a combination of both.
Types of Topics / MaterialsHindi reading material from a newspaper clip; excerpts from a literary book, magazine, etc.
TaskWrite a summary or draw a conclusion based on the reading material.
  • The reading material could be picked up from anywhere, including a recent newspaper, any Hindi magazine, a book, etc.
  • Your response will be evaluated on three basic criteria.
  • Comprehension means that the candidate understands the main idea of the provided Hindi content. The candidate may also be asked the meaning of any specific word from it. All in all, you should be well-versed enough to know the literal meaning of the content.
  • Next, you may also be asked to draw a conclusion and analyze your inference.

In this part of the language proficiency test, Hindi and English responses are permitted. Please note that this section focuses on testing your reading skills. Your preferred language doesn’t really matter when it comes to showing your understanding of the context. What matters is whether you’ve got the full meaning correct or not!

Pick Your Favorite Method

2- Writing Proficiency Section

The second section of this Hindi language proficiency exam checks your writing skills. Let’s go through the chart to get an idea of how this is evaluated.

Evaluation Criteria (4)Purpose, Organization, Vocabulary, Grammar
LanguageYou must give your written response only in Hindi.
Types of Topics / MaterialsAn imaginary situation in the English language.
TaskPresent your thoughts in a constructive, error-free, and effective manner.
  • First of all, unlike the reading section, the writing proficiency test requires that you answer in the Hindi language only.
  • In the question sheet, they may give you an imaginary situation—for instance, a social issue—written down in English.
  • You have to pay serious attention to everything that you’re about to do in the written section of this Hindi language proficiency test. The purpose of this part is to check if you were able to properly address the specific idea and appropriate audience or not.
  • The organization criteria looks at the flow of your writing; your work should be well-sequenced and make sense. 
  • The vocabulary will cover colloquial Hindi expressions and test your overall command of them.
  • In the end, the Hindi grammar evaluation examines your grammatical errors, such as spelling mistakes, diacritic errors, punctuation mistakes, etc.
Learn the Names of Everyday Items

3- Oral Proficiency Section

The last section in this ILTS exam is the oral one.

Evaluation Criteria (5)Purpose, Fluency, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Grammar
LanguageYou must give your oral response only in Hindi.
Types of Topics / MaterialsAn imaginary situation in the English language.
TaskRead the written assignment. You’ll be given two minutes to think about your response. Then, speak for two minutes on tape.
  • The question sheet will contain an imaginary situation written in English.
  • You have to read all of it carefully. Once you’ve finished reading it, you’ll be given two minutes to think it through, gather your thoughts, and construct your answer. You may also use the provided rough sheet to jot down the key points.
  • In the end, two more minutes are provided to record your response on tape. Please remember to start recording only after you’ve been told to do so.
  • The purpose is to check your ability to address the exact topic in an accurate manner. This section of the Hindi language proficiency test will evaluate your sense of understanding.
  • In addition, the oral section also tests your fluency in the Hindi language and the clarity of your Hindi pronunciation. Candidates need to be articulate and show their rich vocabulary while speaking.
Getting Familiar with the Native Style!

4. Scoring Scale for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)

The ILTS language proficiency test for Hindi contains four constructed-response assignments. So, based on your response, the scoring is done on four different levels. What are these score points and what does each one indicate? Let’s find out!

4Excellent knowledge
3Adequate command
2Limited command
1Lack of command
UUnscorable for various possible reasons
BNo response to the assignment

4 – If a candidate shows an excellent command over the language, then he/she gets 4 points for each assignment, which is the highest score.

3 – 3 points are given when a candidate exhibits adequate knowledge, but there are a few mistakes in comprehension.

2 – A limited knowledge of Hindi, such as using only simple words, not understanding the objective of the assignments, and making frequent grammatical errors leads to a score of 2 points.

1 – 1 is the lowest score. It indicates poor language command and lots of errors in the assignments.

U – Here, “U” means that, for some reason, your assignment is unscorable. ILTS-Hindi is a descriptive test. If you’re not well-prepared, chances are that you’ll miss the exact context of the assignment and respond with an answer completely unrelated to the topic. Moreover, responding in a language other than Hindi results in getting a “U.”

B – In case no response has been given to an assignment, the candidate will get a “B.”

5. Tips on Preparing for the ILTS TLP (Hindi-061)

Before you attempt this Hindi language proficiency test online, how about we take your prep up a notch with these practical tips?

How to Prepare without Stress!
  • Read as many books, newspapers, or magazines in Hindi as possible. It’s even better if you read them aloud to practice speaking like a native.
  • Fluency comes when you start thinking in your target language. We’d recommend that you not only speak or write, but also think, in Hindi. This language-learning strategy will make your reflexes faster and flawless.
  • Practice with a native friend. If that’s not possible, though, don’t worry. You can count on us, as our MyTeacher  program will help you in more ways than you can imagine.
  • The ILTS website also provides sample papers to give you an idea about the sort of questions they’ll be asking. You can also check out official ILTS Preparation Materials.
  • While practicing at home, make sure to set a timer and finish your mock exam within the assigned duration.
  • The more sample tests you successfully complete, the better your performance on the real test will be. This will also boost your confidence! 
  • Read the test guidelines thoroughly. Before attempting the exam, skim through all the questions as fast as possible. 

Remember that you only have the choice of using English in the reading section; you must use Hindi for the other sections. More-detailed info on the do’s and don’ts for this exam is available on this Testing Policies link.

6. Cracking the ILTS-Hindi Test with

Nothing is impossible once you’ve set your mind to it. Download the Hindi Learning App and get a head start toward your goals with our brilliant and comprehensive vocabulary section.

Breaking Barriers with Hindi Language-Learning

At, we always do our best to provide you with everything you need. Our always-accessible Hindi-English online dictionary can sharpen your language skills and provide you with endless preparation resources.

If you follow our tips and practice thoroughly, passing the ILTS Hindi language proficiency test online will be a piece of cake! 🙂

Is there anything you still want to know about this test? If so, drop us a comment below and we’ll do our best to help you out.

We wish you all the best for your success!

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Master Best Wishes in Hindi: Happy Birthday in Hindi & More


Life would be so dull without celebrations. This is why people in India never miss a chance to cherish every opportunity and share their warm wishes and heartfelt messages. It’s fairly common to see everyone wishing Happy Birthday in Hindi and sending other popular life event messages in Hindi to one another.

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Table of Contents

  1. Importance of Life Event Messages in Hindi
  2. Wishing a Happy Birthday in Hindi
  3. Holiday Wishes in Hindi
  4. Baby Shower Messages in Hindi & Baby Birth Wishes
  5. Getting a Graduation Degree
  6. On Grabbing a New Job / Promotion
  7. For the Retirement Party
  8. The Occasion of Marriage
  9. Condolences in Hindi: Someone’s Death / Funeral
  10. Dealing with Bad News
  11. On an Injury / Illness
  12. Experience an Endless Journey of Learning with Us

1. Importance of Life Event Messages in Hindi

Whether it’s a pleasant occasion or a sad moment, the little yet meaningful words of Hindi congratulations messages or condolences allow people to express their solidarity with each other. Expressing best wishes in Hindi and passing along your condolences in Hindi are just some simple ways of saying “We’ll be together in everything, come rain or shine.”

Isn’t it amazing to realize that when shared with others, happiness increases manifold, and sadness diminishes like a dream! At some point, you too will become a part of someone’s crucial moment. In those times, knowing how to speak or write Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi and other holiday messages in Hindi really brings two people closer.

Moreover, special moments in the form of significant life events in India offers us a great chance to improve Hindi language skills and discover a warm way of communicating with native Hindi speakers. You can grab these opportunities to share expressions like “Wish you a very happy birthday,” in Hindi or “Happy anniversary,” and win people’s hearts with your best wishes in Hindi.

Engagement Ceremony

Apart from these cheerful holiday greetings in Hindi, learning the Hindi language also enables you to send sad life event messages, such as funeral messages. That’s why it’s essential to read about these special situations and learn what to say on such occasions.

2. Wishing a Happy Birthday in Hindi

Happy Birthday

There’s nothing more precious than the day you were born. So, we’ll begin our lesson with Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi. In India, milestones such as the first birthday of a child, or the fiftieth birthday of an adult, are celebrated in a grand way.

But those instances are rare. More often than not, birthdays are either a private event with just family members and close friends, though they can be quite large and impressive.

Indians are emotional and sensitive when it comes to their birthdays. And honestly, who isn’t! If you have a few native friends and know how to wish them Happy Birthday in Hindi, it would mean a lot to them.

There are various ways to say “Wish you a happy birthday,” in Hindi. If we want to break it down, “birthday” is जन्मदिन (jaNmaDiN) and “anniversary” is सालगिरह (SaaLagirah). The English words “happy” and “best wishes” are interchangeable phrases with the same meaning in Hindi: शुभ कामनाएं (subh kaamaNaayen).

Below, we’ve covered the most common styles of sharing Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi.

  • जन्मदिन की बहुत सारी बधाई। (jaNmaDiN kii bahuT Saarii baDHaaii.)
    “Many many happy returns of the day.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • सालगिरह मुबारक हो। (SaaLagirah mubaarak ho.)
    “Happy birthday.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

There may be some instances when personal engagements keep you busy and you forget to wish the person on time. In such cases, here’s a way to send your good wishes:

  • देर से बधाई के लिए माफ़ करना। जन्मदिन मुबारक हो। (Der Se baDHaaii ke Liye maaf karaNaa. jaNmaDiN mubaarak ho.)
    “Sorry for the late congratulations. Belated happy birthday.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

3. Holiday Wishes in Hindi

Basic Questions

Every country has its own unique set of festivals and local celebrations. These may be religious, social, or national occasions. Being in a country like India, you’ll hardly have a dull moment because there are several kinds of Indian festivities happening all year long.

Now that you’ve already mastered how to send Happy Birthday wishes in Hindi, we’ll help you explore the traditional holiday greetings in Hindi.

1- Happy New Year Greetings in Hindi

The culture of wishing a happy new year to your loved ones is as popular in India as anywhere else in the world. To quench your curiosity, let’s begin this chunk about holiday greetings in Hindi with learning how to wish a Happy New Year in Hindi.

Happy New Year Wishes

Sending Happy New Year best wishes in Hindi is quite simple. And honestly, there’s no single way to say it.

  • The most widespread fashion to wish a Happy New Year in Hindi is नया साल मुबारक हो (Nayaa SaaL mubaarak ho), which translates to “Wish you a happy new year.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • People also send Happy New Year greetings by saying and writing नए साल की शुभ कामनाएँ (Naye SaaL kii subh kaamaNaayen), which translates to “Best wishes on the new year!”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • Many folks prefer to send happy New Year wishes by saying नवीन हिन्दू वर्ष की बधाई (NaviiN hiNDuu vars kii baDHaaii), or “Greetings of the Hindu New Year.”
    Written in a formal manner.

2- How to Say Merry Christmas in Hindi

Christmas is called बड़ा दिन (badaa DiN) in Hindi, though it’s also known by its English name, that is क्रिसमस (kriSamaS). There are two common ways to say Merry Christmas in Hindi.

  • क्रिसमस की ढेर सारी बधाई। (kriSamaS kii dher Saarii baDHaaii.)
    “Merry Christmas”.
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

This is also one of the most popular and simplest styles of sending Merry Christmas wishes in Hindi SMS.

Christmas Celebrations

  • बड़ा दिन मुबारक हो। (badaa DiN mubaarak ho.)
    “Merry Christmas.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

Now that you’ve learned how to say Merry Christmas in Hindi, let’s switch to some other special occasions.

3- Happy Valentine’s Day in Hindi

Before we explore the Hindi phrase for Valentine’s Day, do you know about Friendship Day?

The term “friendship” can be translated into many forms in the language. Some of the appropriate words are दोस्ती (DoSTii) and मित्रता (miTraTaa).

And to say Happy Friendship Day in Hindi, that would be मित्रता दिवस (miTraTaa DivaS).

For writing in a formal manner, the phrase would be:

  • मित्रता दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं। (miTraTaa DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    “Happy Friendship Day.”

As far as Valentine’s Day is concerned, there’s no colloquial word for that. Even in Hindi, the name is written and spoken as वैलेंटाइन्स डे (vaiLeNtaaiNS de).

4- Happy Independence Day in Hindi

India got its independence from British rule on August 15, 1947. Thus, this date is known as Independence Day. The national holiday is celebrated every year on August 15, and all schools, colleges, and offices remain closed on this day.

Indians pay their tribute to freedom fighters and remind each other of their sacrifices by generously sharing Happy Independence Day messages in Hindi.

The literal translation of “Independence Day” is स्वतंत्रता दिवस (SvaTaNTraTaa DivaS), while “independence” or “freedom” is colloquially known as आज़ादी (aazaaDii).

So, if you’re in India and wish to be a part of this patriotic feeling that Indians share, there’s no better way to do it than by sending them Happy Independence Day messages in Hindi.

India's Independence Day

Here’s a great one you can use:

  • आप सभी को स्वतंत्रता दिवस की हार्दिक शुभ कामनाएं। (aap Sabhii ko SvaTaNTraTaa DivaS kii haarDik subh kaamNaayen.)
    “Wish you all a Happy Independence Day.”
    Spoken and written formally.

So, next time you’re in India, how would you like to share the Happy Independence messages in Hindi?

It’s time to check out some other major festival messages in Hindi!

5- Mother’s and Father’s Day in Hindi

The closest people in your family are your mother and father. And this is a deep enough reason to celebrate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day once a year.

  • “Happy Mother’s Day” in Hindi is मातृ दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं (maaTri DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    Written in a formal manner.
  • “Happy Father’s Day” in Hindi is पितृ दिवस की शुभ कामनाएं (piTri DivaS kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    Written in a formal manner.

6- Indian Festival Holiday Wishes in Hindi

As we mentioned above, in this cultural land of countless festivities, a heavy exchange of holiday messages in Hindi is bound to happen. There are many local festivals that you just can’t miss!

Below, you’ll find a few examples of how to share best wishes during festivals like Eid, Holi, and Diwali. Let’s check these top holiday wishes in Hindi.

Eid Wishes

  • ईद मुबारक! (iiD mubaarak)
    “Happy Eid”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

Eid is a religious festival of Muslims which is celebrated after following a strict month-long fast known as Ramzan.

  • बुरा न मानो होली है! (buraa Na maaNo hoLii hai!)
    “Don’t mind, it’s Holi!”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

Holi is a festival of colors. Although it’s mainly a Hindu festival, on this day, people of all religions come together and throw colors on each other.

  • शुभ दीपावली (subh DiipaavaLii)
    “Happy Diwali”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

Another Hindu festival, Diwali is better known as the Festival of Lights. Lighting diyaa, candles, and fire crackers is the most prominent characteristic of the celebration.

4. Baby Shower Messages in Hindi & Baby Birth Wishes

Pregnancy and birth are not only considered magical, but are also auspicious events in India. By this, one can only imagine the extent of excitement and countless rituals to welcome the baby while appreciating the whole experience of motherhood.

Mother Holding a Baby

You, too, may have colleagues and friends who are about to start their family and have a baby. Don’t fall behind in sending the couple your baby shower messages and other apt best wishes in Hindi.

  • हमारे बीच एक नन्हा मेहमान आने वाला है। (hamaare biic ek NaNhaa mehamaaN aaNe vaaLaa hai.)
    “We’re going to have a baby soon.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • गोद भराई की ख़ूब सारी बधाइयां। (goD bharaaii kii khuub Saarii baDHaaiyaan.)
    “Congratulations on the baby shower ceremony.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • नयी संतान को ढेर सारा प्यार और आशीर्वाद। (Nayii SaNTaaN ko dher Saaraa pyaar aur aasirvaaD.)
    “Lots of love and blessings to the newborn baby.”
    Spoken in a formal manner; usually used by elders.

What’s more? Once the loved ones become parents, you can also wish them “Happy Mother’s Day” in Hindi as described in the above section!

5. Getting a Graduation Degree

Talking about Age

Everyone knows the ups and downs one must go through to finally hold that graduation degree in their hands. Undoubtedly, it’s one of the most crucial phases in a student’s life. A simple congratulations message in Hindi can go a long way toward showing the graduate how proud you are!

Whether it’s your friend, neighbor, or a friend’s kid, take pleasure and pride in their achievements while encouraging them with your best graduation messages in Hindi.

  • ख़ूब मेहनत करो और ऐसे ही उन्नति करो। (khuub mehaNaT karo aur aiSe hii uNNaTi karo.)
    “Work hard and keep accomplishing in life.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • सफलता तुम्हारे क़दम चूमे। (SaphaLTaa Tumhaare qaDam cuume.)
    “May success always be on your side.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • भगवान करे तुम ख़ूब नाम कमाओ। (bhagavaaN kare Tum khuub Naam kamaao.)
    “May God help you achieve success and fame.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.

6. On Grabbing a New Job / Promotion

In this age of cut-throat competition, finding a job or getting a promotion are not light events. Pamper your loved ones and colleagues with these amazing messages on their career milestones.

Congratulating on a New Job

  • आपकी सफलता पर हम सब को नाज़ है। (aapakii SaphaLTaa par ham Sab ko Naaz hai.)
    “We’re all so proud of your success.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • नयी नौकरी पर हमारी तहे-दिल से मुबारकबाद। (Nayii Naukrii par hamaarii Tahe-DiL Se mubaarakabaaD.)
    “Our best wishes on your new job.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • आपको उज्जवल भविष्य की शुभ कामनाएं। (aapko ujjavaL bhavisya kii subh kaamaNaayen)
    “We wish you the best for a bright future.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

7. For the Retirement Party

Retirement doesn’t go down well with all of us. It’s a turn of events that seems relieving at the surface, but somehow can make people feel helpless and depressed.

In these moments, a beautiful message, powerful words filled with love and empathy, can transform someone’s transition phase into something less painful and more exciting.

So, next time you come across a friend, or their parents, who are retiring soon, boost their morale with these simple yet rejuvenating phrases!

  • आपके जीवन की दूसरी पारी की धमाकेदार शुरुआत हो! (aapake jiivaN kii DuuSarii paarii kii DHamaakeDaar suruaaT ho!)
    “Have a blasting second inning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
    *Here the phrase “blasting second inning” means the second fresh phase of life after retirement. In this case, the first inning refers to the professional work life of the person.
  • अब ज़िन्दगी को और खुल के जियें। (ab ziNDagii ko aur khuL ke jiyen.)
    “May you have an even fuller and better life now.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • आनंदमयी और चिंतामुक्त जीवन मुबारक हो। (aaNaNDamayii aur ciNTaamukT jiivaN mubaarak ho.)
    “Congratulations on a pleasant and carefree beginning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.

8. The Occasion of Marriage

Marriage Proposal

Enough has already been said about the grand event marriage is. But Indians take it to a higher level. To them, it’s a bonding of souls, a pious relationship that just can’t be defied.

Whenever you’re invited to an Indian wedding ceremony or marriage anniversary, sweep the couple off their feet with your heartfelt and lovely Hindi wedding congratulations!

  • आपके दांपत्य जीवन में खुशियां बनी रहें। (aapake DaampaTya jiivaN men khusiyaan baNii rahen.)
    “Wish you a happy married life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • शुभ विवाह। आपकी जोड़ी सलामत रहे। (subh vivaah. aapakii jodii SaLaamaT rahe.)
    “Happy wedding. May you always be together.”
    Written in a formal manner.

There are many other ways to wish the couple well, such as the one below.

  • आपके शादीशुदा जीवन की शुरुआत पर हमारी शुभ कामनाएं। (aapake saaDii-suDaa jiivaN kii suruaaT par hamaarii subh kaamaNaayen.)
    “Our best wishes on the new beginning of your life.”
    Spoken and written in a formal manner.
  • आप दोनों का प्यार सदा ऐसे ही बना रहे। (aap DoNon kaa pyaar SaDaa aiSe hii baNaa rahe.)
    “May you forever remain in love with each other.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

This is another cute and subtle style of passing on your Happy Wedding Anniversary message in Hindi.

9. Condolences in Hindi: Someone’s Death / Funeral

Just like any other part of the world, India too has its own share of rituals and rites performed on the death of a person. If you happen to be present at any such tragic occasion, show your empathy and support for someone’s loss with these kind Hindi condolence messages.

  • भगवान उनकी आत्मा को शांति दे। (bhagavaaN uNakii aaTmaa ko saaNTi De.)
    “May God rest his soul.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.
  • तुम्हारी याद हमेशा हमारे दिल में रहेगी। (Tumhaarii yaaD hamesaa hamaare DiL men rahegii.)
    “You’ll always be in our hearts.”
    Written in a formal manner.

Death Rituals

  • हम सब की तरफ़ से अश्रुपूरित श्रद्धांजलि। (ham Sab kii Taraf Se asru-puuriT sraDDHaaNjaLi.)
    “A heartfelt tribute from our side.”
    Written in a formal manner.

10. Dealing with Bad News

Life is so unpredictable. We never know what’s gonna happen tomorrow. Thus, going through any kind of emotional or physical loss is unavoidable. Here are a few phrases to help you express your grief when someone you know is going through a bad phase in life.

  • मुझे अफ़सोस है। (mujhe afaSoS hai.)
    “I’m sorry.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • सुनकर बहुत दुख हुआ। (SuNakar bahuT dukh huaa.)
    “So sorry to hear this.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.
  • यह तो बहुत बुरा हुआ। (yah To bahuT buraa huaa.)
    “That’s really sad.”
    Spoken in an informal manner.

11. On an Injury / Illness

When we fall sick, or have an accident that leaves us with an injury, all we want is a bit of care and affection. Whether it’s our colleague or a friend, every person deserves to hear something positive and feel cared for. A small gesture of concern can deepen your bond with the person and make him/her feel instantly better.

  • अपना ख़्याल रखना। (apaNaa khayaaL rakhaNaa.)
    “Take care.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • तबियत का ध्यान रखना। (TabiyaT kaa DHyaaN rakhaNaa.)
    “Take care of yourself / your health.”
    Spoken and written in an informal manner.
  • जल्दी से ठीक हो जाओ। (jaLDii Se thiik ho jaao.)
    “Get well soon.”
    Spoken and written both formally and informally.

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