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100+ Nouns in Hindi:Learn Hindi Nouns with Examples


If you want to speak fluent Hindi like a native, the best stepping stone is to learn and memorize as many noun example sentences in Hindi as possible. Whether you’re traveling to a Hindi-speaking country, talking to a native friend, sharing about your family, or planning to eat somewhere in India, knowing the most common list of nouns in Hindi is a must.

Below, we’ll share with you the concrete noun definition in Hindi, followed by the types of nouns in Hindi with pictures. Not only that, but our Hindi nouns list also has different categories that consist of more than 100 examples.

After going through this lesson on nouns in Hindi, you’ll be an expert. In addition to that, you’ll also be able to flawlessly use most of these useful nouns in basic Hindi conversations.

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Table of Contents
  1. The Hindi Noun: Definition and Types
  2. List of 100+ Nouns in Hindi
  3. How to Use HindiPod101 for a Better Hindi Learning Experience!

1. The Hindi Noun: Definition and Types

Nouns 1

Now, it’s time to study the main definition of the noun and its types in Hindi. While discussing this, you’ll learn the Hindi noun definition and types, the meaning of nouns in Hindi, and see some noun examples/sentences in Hindi.

Nouns in Hindi vocabulary are an inseparable part of the language. A “noun” in Hindi is known as संज्ञा (Sangyaa).

There can be no better way of learning about Hindi nouns than by introducing ourselves to the most basic Hindi definition of noun, which goes as follows:

  • किसी भी व्यक्ति, वस्तु, अथवा स्थान के नाम को संज्ञा कहते हैं।
    kiSii bhii vyakTi, vaSTu, aTHavaa STHaaN ke NaaM ko Sangyaa kahaTe hain.
    The name of a person, place, or thing is called a noun.

As we move forward in this lesson, you’ll notice that almost all nouns in the Hindi language are divided into masculine and feminine nouns in Hindi, whereas in English, this doesn’t apply.

So, how many types of nouns are there in Hindi? Well, there is a total of five types. In this section, we’ll discuss all five types of nouns in Hindi with examples.

1- Common Nouns in Hindi

A common noun in Hindi is known as जातिवाचक संज्ञा (jaaTivaacak Sangyaa). These are words that are used to name a person or place in a general sense.

Actually, all nouns in Hindi are either common or proper. The rest of the types described below fall under the category of common nouns. Even the uncountable and countable nouns in Hindi are examples of common nouns.

Common noun examples/sentences in Hindi are:

  • बच्चा फल खा रहा है।
    baccaa phaL khaa rahaa hai.
    The kid is eating the fruit.

  • लड़की खेल रही है।
    Ladakii kheL rahii hai.
    The girl is playing.

2- Proper Nouns in Hindi

Next is the proper noun. The word for proper noun in Hindi is व्यक्तिवाचक संज्ञा (vyakTi vaacak Sangyaa). Proper nouns in Hindi grammar are the words which specify a special name of any person or place.

A few well-known proper nouns are:

  • महात्मा गाँधी (mahaaTmaa gaaNDHii)      Mahatma Gandhi (name of an Indian leader)

  • क़ुतुब मीनार (quTub miiNaar)      Qutub Minar (name of a historical place)

  • दिल्ली (DiLLii)           Delhi (name of capital)

  • गंगा (gangaa)           Ganga (name of river)

3- Abstract Nouns in Hindi

The third type of noun are the abstract nouns.

Abstract nouns in Hindi are known as भाववाचक संज्ञा (bhaav vaacak Sangyaa). As the name suggests, abstract nouns stand for words that depict a particular state, emotion, or condition of any person or thing.

Some of the abstract noun examples are:

  • ख़ुशी (khusii)           Happiness

  • ग़रीबी (ġariibii)           Poverty

  • कोमलता (komaLaTaa)           Softness

  • मिठास (mithaaS)           Sweetness

  • अनुशासन (aNusaaSaN)           Discipline

4- Material Nouns in Hindi

The fourth category is the material noun, which is also one of the most common types of nouns in Hindi.

The translation of material noun in Hindi is वस्तु वाचक (vaSTu vaacak) / द्रव्य वाचक संज्ञा (Dravya vaacak Sangyaa). Some examples of material nouns that are in the Hindi vocabulary are mentioned below.

  • लकड़ी (Lakadii)           Wood

  • लोहा (Lohaa)           Iron

  • ऊन (uuN)           Wool

  • पानी (paaNii)           Water

5- Collective Nouns in Hindi

In Hindi, collective nouns are समूहवाचक संज्ञा (Samuuh vaacak Sangyaa).

They basically refer to any group of people, places, or things. Some of the collective nouns that are in the Hindi vocabulary are given below.

  • गुच्छा (gucchaa)           Bunch

  • सेना (SeNaa)           Army

  • बंडल (baNdaL)           Bundle

  • भीड़ (bhiid)           Crowd

6- Concrete Nouns in Hindi

Concrete nouns are any nouns which can be felt through any of our five sensory organs. These five sensations are touch, taste, smell, sight, and hearing.

General examples of concrete nouns used in basic Hindi conversations are:

  • कमरा (kamaraa)           Room

  • मेज़ (mez)           Table

  • सब्ज़ी (Sabzii)           Vegetables

  • घास (ghaaS)           Grass

  • आसमान (aaSamaaN)           Sky

With this, we’ve got you covered with the basic definitions of nouns and their types in Hindi. Now you can confidently identify various proper nouns, abstract nouns, and common nouns in Hindi.

So, after reading this short lesson, you’re officially ready to check out these top 100+ nouns in the Hindi language and learn how to use these words in day-to-day conversations.

  • In the tables below, we’ve included both Hindi nouns and their gender. The gender of each noun has been mentioned in a small bracket alongside the noun. You can see it in the format of (m) or (f). Here, (m) stands for masculine and (f) stands for feminine.

  • For words that qualify as both masculine and feminine, the symbol (m/f) has been used.

  • The second column of every table contains the meaning of Hindi nouns in English. And in the last column, we’ve given examples on how to use the nouns in sentences.

2. List of 100+ Nouns in Hindi

Nouns 2

1- Home Appliances

The first category is that of common home appliances that people use on an everyday basis.

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
1.माइक्रोवेव ओवन (m)
Maaikrovev ovaN
Microwave ovenपिज़्ज़ा माइक्रोवेव ओवन में रखा है।
pizzaa maaikrovev ovaN men rakhaa hai.
The pizza is in the microwave oven.
2.रेफ़्रिजरेटर (m)
Refrigeratorरेफ़्रिजरेटर ख़राब हो गया है।
refrijaretar kharaab ho gayaa hai.
The refrigerator is not working.
3.वैक्यूम क्लीनर (m)
Vaikyuum kLiiNar
Vacuum cleanerवैक्यूम क्लीनर दूसरे कमरे में रखा है। 
vaikyuum kLiiNar DuuSare kamre men rakhaa hai.
The vacuum cleaner is kept in the other room.
4.वॉशिंग मशीन (f)
Vausing masiiN
Washing machineयह वॉशिंग मशीन काफ़ी महँगी है।
yeh vausing masiiN kaafii mahangii hai.
This washing machine is quite expensive.
5.डी वी डी प्लेयर (m)
Dii vii dii pLeyar
DVD playerमेरा डीवीडी प्लेयर बहुत पुराना है।
meraa dii vii dii pLeyar bahuT puraaNaa hai.
My DVD player is really old.
6.टेलीविज़न (m)
TVचलो, टेलीविज़न पर कुछ देखा जाये। 
caLo, teLiivizaN par kuch Dekhaa jaaye.
Come on, let’s watch something on the television.
7.पंखा (m)
Fanपंखा धीमे चल रहा है।
pankhaa DHiime caL rahaa hai.
The fan is moving slow.
8.एयर कंडीशनर (m)
Eyar kaNdiisaNar
Air conditionerएयर कंडीशनर काम नहीं कर रहा।
eyar kaNdiisaNar kaam Nahiin kar rahaa.
The air conditioner is not working.
लैपटॉप (m)
Laptopतुमने ये लैपटॉप कितने में ख़रीदा?
TumaNe ye Laipataup kiTaNe men khariiDaa?
How much did you pay for this laptop?
10.स्टोव (m)
Stoveकृपया, स्टोव ऑन कर दो।
kripayaa, Stov auN kar Do.
Please, turn on the stove.

2- Technology

In today’s world, we hardly go a minute without technology. So, it should be obvious why we’re covering the technology category on our list of nouns!

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
11.वाई फ़ाई (m)
vaaii faaii
Wi-Fiक्या यहाँ वाई फ़ाई चल रहा है?
kyaa yahan vaaii faaii caL rahaa hai?
Is the Wi-Fi working here?
12.ब्लॉग (m)
Blogतुम्हारा ब्लॉग तो बेहतरीन है!
Tumhaaraa bLaug To behaTriiN hai.
Your blog looks amazing!
13.इंटरनेट (m)
Internetमुझे इंटरनेट इस्तेमाल करना अच्छा लगता है।
mujhe iNtaraNet iSTemaaL karaNaa acchaa LagaTaa hai.
I love browsing on the internet.
14.पासवर्ड (m)
Passwordमैंने अपने अकाउंट का पासवर्ड बदल दिया है।
mainNe apaNe akaauNt kaa paaSavard baDal Diyaa hai.
I have changed the password for my account.
15.फ़ोटो (f)
Photoसारी फ़ोटो अपलोड कर दो।
Saarii foto apaLod kar Do.
Upload all the photos.
16.वेब पेज (m)
veb pej
Webpageयह वेब पेज नए तरीक़े से बनाना पड़ेगा।
yah veb pej Naye Tariiqe Se baNaaNaa padegaa.
This webpage will have to be made in a new style.
17.वेबसाइट (f)
Websiteमेरी वेबसाइट सबको पसंद आयी।
merii vebaSaait Sabako paSaND aayii.
Everybody liked my website.
18.सोशल मीडिया (f)
SosaL miidiyaa
Social mediaसोशल मीडिया पर सिर्फ़ वक़्त बर्बाद होता है।
SosaL miidiyaa par Sirf vaqT barbaaD hoTaa hai.
Social media is just a waste of time.
19.ट्विटर (m)
Twitterमैंने अपना ट्विटर अकाउंट बंद कर दिया है।
mainNe apaNaa tvitar akaauNt baND kar Diyaa hai.
I have closed my Twitter account.
20.इंस्टाग्राम (m)
Instagramक्या तुम इंस्टाग्राम पर हो?
kyaa Tum iNStaagraam par ho?
Are you on Instagram?
21.गूगल (m)
Googleगूगल जानकारियों का ख़ज़ाना है।
guugaL jaaNakaariyon kaa khazaaNaa hai.
Google is a treasure trove of information.
22.लिंक (m)
Linkयह लिंक काम नहीं कर रहा।
yah Link kaam Nahiin kar rahaa.
This link is not working.
23.फेसबुक (m)
Facebookक्या हम दोनों फेसबुक पर दोस्त बन सकते हैं?
kyaa ham DoNon feSabuk par DoST baN SakaTe hain.
Can we be friends on Facebook?

Did you find these tech words in Hindi helpful? Why don’t you share your thoughts in the comment section and we’ll help you out with any questions you have!

3- Transportation

Do you know that India has the largest network of railways in the world? Well, it’s true! Being a heavily populated country, one would be amazed to see all sorts of transportation.

There are cycle rickshaws that native people love to have a ride on. They’re pulled manually and can comfortably carry two people at a time. The cycle rickshaws are more appropriate for shorter distances, and provide an eco-friendly method of traveling in the city.

Public Transport

Check out the table below to find out the other popular transportation methods and related Hindi nouns!

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
24.मेट्रो रेल (f)
metro reL
Metro railमेट्रो रेल भारत की बेहतरीन रेलों में से एक है।
metro reL bhaaraT kii behaTriiN reLon men Se ek hai.
Metro rail is one of the most excellent railway systems in India.
25.सीट (f)
Seatबस में केवल चार ही सीट ख़ाली थीं।
baS men kevaL caar hii Siit khaaLii THiin.
There were only four empty seats on the bus.
26.हवाई जहाज़ (m)
havaaii jahaaz
Planeमेरे बेटे को हवाई जहाज़ से यात्रा करना पसंद है।
mere bete ko havaaii jahaaz Se yaaTraa karaNaa paSaND hai.
My son loves to travel by plane.
27.बोर्डिंग गेट (m)
bording get
Boarding gateबोर्डिंग गेट दाईं तरफ़ है।
bording get Daayiin Taraf hai.
The boarding gate is to the right.
28.सामान (m)
Luggageअपना सामान सुरक्षित जगह पर रखें।
apaNaa SaamaaN SuraksiT jagah par rakhen.
Keep your luggage in a safe place.
29.प्रस्थान (m)
Departureरेलगाड़ी का प्रस्थान समय क्या है।
reLagaadii ka praSTHaaN Samay kyaa hai.
What’s the departure time for the train?
30.आगमन (m)
Arrivalयात्रियों के आगमन के लिए अलग द्वार है।
yaaTriyon ke aagamaN ke Liye aLag Dvaar hai.
There is a separate gate for the arrival of the passengers.
31.साईकिल रिक्शा (m)
SaaikiL riksaa
Cycle rickshawसाइकिल रिक्शा में सिर्फ़ दो लोग बैठ सकते हैं।
SaaikiL riksaa men Sirf Do Log baith SakTe hain.
A cycle rickshaw has space for only two people.
32.ऑटो रिक्शा (m)
auto riksaa
Auto rickshawऑटो रिक्शा छोटे शहरों में भी प्रचलित हैं।
auto riksaa chote saharon men bhii pracaLiT hain.
Auto rickshaws are popular in small towns as well.
33.टैक्सी (f)
Taxiटैक्सी बहुत तेज़ी से भाग रही थी।
taikSii bahuT Tezii Se bhaag rahii THii.
The taxi was running at a high speed.
34.बस (f)
हम कल बस से लखनऊ जायेंगे।
ham kaL baS Se LakhaNauu jaayenge.
We will go to Lucknow tomorrow by bus.
35.रेलगाड़ी  (f)
Trainदिल्ली जाने के लिए रेलगाड़ी परसों मिलेगी।
DiLLii jaaNe ke Liye reLagaadii parSon miLegii.
The train to Delhi is available the day after tomorrow.

4- Food and Cutlery

Indian food stands out for its aromatic flavors and spices. Once you taste the Indian curries, Naans, and sweets, it’s hard to get over the taste and sumptuousness.

Cutlery Sets

If you happen to visit India anytime soon, don’t miss out on the finest Indian cuisines. That being said, while dining with your friends and colleagues, how great would it be if you also knew the Hindi names for the common cutlery and cooking utensils?

Here’s a perfect list of Hindi nouns to get you going!

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
36.भोजनालय (m)
Restaurantघर के पास में ही एक शुद्ध शाकाहारी भोजनालय है।
ghar ke paaS men hii ek suDDH saakaahaarii bhojaNaaLay hai.
There is a pure vegetarian restaurant near the house.
37.वेटर (m)
Waiterवेटर को कितनी टिप देनी है?
vetar ko kiTaNii tip DeNii hai?
How much tip does the waiter get?
38.वेट्रेस (f) 
Waitressवेट्रेस से कहो बिल ले आये।
vetreS Se kaho biL Le aaye.
Ask the waitress to bring the bill.
39.रात का खाना (m)
raat kaa khaaNaa
Dinnerरात का खाना हमारे ही साथ करियेगा।
raaT kaa khaaNaa  hamaare hii SaaTH kariyegaa.
Please, have dinner with us.
40.अल्पाहार (m)
Snackहम भोजन के बजाय सिर्फ़ अल्पाहार लेंगे।
ham bhojaN ke bajaay Sirf aLpaahaar Lenge.
We’d like to have just some snacks instead of a full meal.
41.नाश्ता (m)
Breakfastमुझे नाश्ते में अंडे और कॉफ़ी पसंद हैं।
mujhe NaasTe men aNde aur kauffii paSaND hain.
I love to have eggs and coffee for breakfast.
42.चाइनीज़ खाना (m)
caaiNiiz khaaNaa
Chinese foodचाइनीज़ खाना बेहद लज़ीज़ होता है।
caaiNiiz khaaNaa behaD Laziiz hoTaa hai.
Chinese food is quite delicious.
43.फ़ास्ट फ़ूड (m)
faaSt  fuud
Fast foodरोज़ाना फ़ास्ट फ़ूड खाना सेहत के लिए हानिकारक है।
rozaaNaa faaSt  fuud khaaNaa SehaT ke Liye haaNikaarak hai.
Consuming fast food every day is harmful to our health.
44.हेड वेटर (m)
hed vetar
Head waiterमुझे हेड वेटर से बात करनी है।
mujhe hed vetar Se baaT karaNii hai.
I would like to talk to the head waiter.
मेनू (m)
यहाँ का मेनू लाजवाब है।
yahaan kaa meNuu Laajavaab hai.
The menu here is amazing.
46.पाश्चात्य भोजन (m)
paaScaaTya bhojaN
Western food
मुझे सभी तरीक़े के पाश्चात्य भोजन खाना अच्छा लगता है।
mujhe Sabhii Tariiqe ke paaScaaTya bhojaN khaaNaa acchaa LagaTaa hai.
I love to eat all kinds of western food.

धूम्रपान (m)
Smokingधूम्रपान फेफड़ों को कमज़ोर बनाता है।
DHuumrapaaN phephadon ko kamzor baNaaTaa hai.
Smoking makes the lungs weak.
48.पानी (m)
Waterपीने के लिए ठंडा पानी मिलेगा क्या?
piiNe ke Liye thaNdaa paaNii miLegaa kyaa?
Can I have some chilled water to drink?
49.क्रेडिट कार्ड (m)
kredit kaard
Credit cardमेरा क्रेडिट कार्ड घर पर छूट गया है।
meraa kredit kaard ghar par chuut gayaa hai.
I’ve left my credit card at home.
50.रसोइया (m)
Chefयह रसोइया भारत के बाहर से बुलाया गया है।
yah raSoiyaa bhaaraT ke baahar Se buLaayaa gayaa hai.
This chef has been invited from outside India.
51.बिल (m)
Billकृपया, बिल ले आइये।
kripayaa, biL Le aaiye.
Please, bring the bill.
52.काँटा (m) 
Forkकाँटा और चम्मच मेज़ पर ही रखे हैं।
kaanta aur cammac mez par hii rakhe hain.
The forks and spoons are on the table.
53.दन्तखुदनी (f) 
Toothpickखाने के बाद मुझे दन्तखुदनी इस्तेमाल करने की आदत है।
khaaNe ke baaD mujhe DaNTakhuDaNii iSTemaaL karaNe kii aaDaT hai.
I have a habit of using the toothpick after meals.
जग (m)
जग में जूस भर कर ले आओ।
jag men juuS bhar kar Le aao.
Please, bring some juice in the jug.
55.कलछी (f) 
Ladleदाल और सूप परोसने के लिए हम कलछी का उपयोग करते हैं।
DaaL aur Suup paroSaNe ke Liye ham kaLachii kaa upayog karaTe hain.
We use the ladle for serving the lentils and soups.
56.चम्मच (m) 
Spoonयह चम्मच साफ़ नहीं है।
yah cammac Saaf Nahiin hai.
This spoon is not clean.
57.चाय का प्याला (m)
Caay kaa pyaaLaa
Teacupसारे चाय के प्याले अलमारी में रखे हैं।
Saare caay ke pyaaLe aLamaarii men rakhe hain.
All the teacups are stored in the cupboard.
58.चाय की केतली (f)
caay kii keTaLii
Teapotचाय की केतली अभी गरम है।
caay kii keTaLii abhii garam hai.
The teapot is still hot.
59.चाकू (m)
Knifeमुझे सेब काटने के लिए चाकू चाहिए।
mujhe Seb kaataNe ke Liye caakuu caahiye.
I need a knife to cut the apple.
60.थाली (f)
Plateमेरी थाली में और सब्ज़ी दे दो।
merii THaaLii men aur Sabzii De Do.
Please, give me some more vegetables on my plate.

61.पीने का गिलास (m)
piiNe kaa giLaaS
Drinking glassहमारे पास वाइन पीने का गिलास भी है।
hamaare paaS vaaiN piiNe kaa giLaaS bhii hai.
We also have wine drinking glasses.
62.बर्तन (m)
Utensilखाना पकाने के बर्तन रसोई में हैं।
khaaNaa pakaaNe ke barTaN raSoii men hain.
The cooking utensils are in the kitchen.

5- School Essentials

Nouns 3

Who doesn’t remember their school days? And once you gather with your old friends, it’s hard to resist the conversations that bring back the sweet and sour memories of our childhood.

So you don’t feel left out when sitting with your Indian friends, enjoy these nouns about school essentials.

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
63.परीक्षा (f) 
Examinationपरीक्षा में ५०० विद्यार्थी आये थे।
pariiksaa men paanc Sau viDyaarTHii aaye THe.
There were 500 students appearing for the examination.
64.नोटबुक (f)
Notebookमुझे बाज़ार से तीन नोटबुक ख़रीदनी है।
mujhe baazaar Se TiiN Notabuk khariiDaNii hai.
I have to buy three notebooks from the market.
65.सहपाठी (m)


तुम्हारे सभी सहपाठी बहुत अच्छे हैं।
Tumhaare Sabhii Sahapaathii bahuT acche hain.
All your classmates are really good.
66.विश्वविद्यालय (m) visvaviDyaaLayUniversityजून के महीने में दिल्ली विश्विद्यालय में प्रवेश प्रारंभ हो जायेगा।
juuN ke mahiiNe men DiLLii visvaviDyaaLay men praves praarambh ho jaayegaa.
The admissions in Delhi University will begin in the month of June.
67.बैकपैक (m)
Backpackराजू का बैकपैक बहुत भारी है।
raajuu kaa baikapaik bahuT bhaarii hai.
Raju’s backpack is quite heavy.
68.पेंसिल (f) 
Pencilप्रश्न पत्र में सिर्फ़ पेंसिल से ही लिखना है।
prasN paTr men Sirf peNSiL Se hii LikhaNaa hai.
Only pencils can be used to write on the question paper.
69.पेन (m)
Penक्या तुम्हारे पास नीले रंग का पेन है?
kyaa Tumhaare paaS NiiLe rang kaa peN hai?
Do you have a blue pen?
70.गणित (m) 
Mathगणित विषय मुझे पसंद है।
ganiT visay mujhe paSaND hai.
I like math subjects.
71.छात्र (m)
Studentसभी छात्र असेंबली में प्रार्थना कर रहे थे।
Sabhii chaaTr aSembaLii men praarTHaNaa kar rahe THe.
All the students were praying during the assembly.
72.गर्मी की छुट्टी (f)
garmii kii chuttii
Summer breakसीमा इस गर्मी की छुट्टी में जापान घूमने जाएगी।
Siimaa iS garmii kii chuttii men jaapaaN ghuumaNe jaayegii.
Seema will go to Japan during this summer break.
73.किताब (f)
Bookकिताब पढ़ना एक अच्छी आदत है।
kiTaab padhaNaa ek acchii aaDaT hai.
Reading books is a great habit.
74.विज्ञान (f) 
Scienceविज्ञान ने बहुत तरक़्क़ी कर ली है।
vigyaaN Ne bahuT Taraqqii kar Lii hai.
Science has made tremendous progress.
75.विद्यालय (m)
Schoolक्या तुम कल विद्यालय जाओगे?
kyaa Tum kaL viDyaaLay jaaoge?
Will you go to school tomorrow?
76.गृहकार्य (m)
Homeworkगृहकार्य में सबको चार सवाल करने हैं।
grihakaarya men Sabako caar SavaaL karaNe hain.
Everybody has to do four questions as homework.

6- Occupation

Are you looking for a job in India? We understand how mind-wrenching a task it can be to find a dream career in a foreign land. But worry not! With our amazing blog post on the top ways to quickly find a job in India, your task will become easy as pie.

Names of Various Professions

Furthermore, help yourself with these common professions in the land of India and learn their Hindi meanings, too!

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
77.नर्स (f)
Nurseनर्स ने मरीज़ को सुई लगा दी है।
NarS Ne mariiz ko Suii Lagaa Di hai.
The nurse has given an injection to the patient.
78.पुलिस अधिकारी (m/f)पुलिस अधिकारी (m/f)
puLiS aDHikaarii
Police officerमुझे बड़े होकर पुलिस अधिकारी बनना है।
mujhe bade hokar puLiS aDHikaarii baNaNaa hai.
I want to become a police officer when I grow up.
79.कर्मचारी (m)
Employeeबैंक के कर्मचारी छुट्टी पर गए हैं।
baink ke karmacaarii chuttii par gaye hain.
The bank employees are on leave.
80.इंजीनियर (m/f)
Engineerऋचा एक कंपनी में इंजीनियर के पद पर है।
ricaa ek kampaNii men iNjiiNiyar ke paD par hai.
Richa is working as an engineer in a company.
81.डॉक्टर (m/f)
Doctorडॉक्टर ने सुरेश को एक हफ़्ते बाद बुलाया है।
dauktar Ne Sures ko ek hafTe baaD buLaayaa hai.
The doctor has asked Suresh to come back after a week.
82.मैनेजर (m/f)
Managerमेरे ऑफ़िस के मैनेजर बहुत दयालु हैं।
mere aufiS ke maiNejar bahuT DayaaLu hain.
My office manager is very kind.
83.शिक्षिका (f)
Female teacherशिक्षिका ने कक्षा में भूगोल का पाठ पढ़ाया।
siksikaa Ne kaksaa men bhuugoL kaa paath padhaayaa.
The teacher taught a geography lesson to the class.
84.व्यापारी (m)
Businessmanमेरे पिता व्यापारी हैं।
mere piTaa vyaapaarii hain.
My father is a businessman.
85.दुकानदार (m)
Shopkeeperवह दुकानदार बहुत ईमानदार है।
vah DukaaNaDaar bahuT iimaaNaDaar hai.
That shopkeeper is quite honest.
86.प्रोग्रामर (m/f)
Programmerक्या तुम किसी अच्छे प्रोग्रामर को जानते हो?
kyaa Tum kiSii acche prograamar ko jaaNaTe ho?
Do you know any good programmers?
87.Seller / DealerSeller / Dealer मेरी एक थोक विक्रेता से बात हुई है।
merii ek THok vikreTaa Se baaT huii hai.
I have had a conversation with a wholesale dealer.

7- Family Members

Our life begins with our family. To have loving parents and siblings around us is a bliss that can’t be compared with any other thing in the world.

Do you know what phrases people in India use to call their parents, elders, and other loved ones? Well, we’ve got it all for you in the table below! However, the list of relatives in India is almost endless, and so covering them all here would be really difficult.

Family Members

But we don’t want you to miss out on anything, so we’ve prepared a collection of more family words in Hindi for you. Check out our blog post about family members, as well!

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
88.परिवार (m) 
Familyपरिवार के सभी सदस्य शादी में शामिल होने गए हैं।
parivaar ke Sabhii SaDaSya saaDii men saamiL hoNe gaye hain.
All the family members have gone to attend a wedding.
89.माँ (f)
Motherमेरी माँ एक अभिनेत्री हैं।
merii maan ek abhiNeTrii hain.
My mother is an actress.
90.पिता (m) 
Fatherपिताजी बाज़ार से सब्ज़ी लेने गए हैं।
piTaajii baazaar Se Sabzii Lene gaye hain.
Father has gone to the market to buy some vegetables.
91.पत्नी (f) 
Wifeमेरी पत्नी खाना बना रही थी।
merii paTNii khaaNaa baNaa rahii THii.
My wife was cooking the food.
92.पति (m) 
Husbandउसके पति पायलट हैं।
uSake paTi paayaLat hain.
Her husband is a pilot.
93.माता-पिता (m)
Parentsआपके माता-पिता का क्या नाम है?
aapake maaTaa-piTaa kaa kyaa Naam hai?
What are your parents’ names?
94.बहन (f) 
Sisterसुमन की एक बहन है।
SumaN kii ek bahaN hai.
Suman has one sister.
95.भाई (m) 
Brotherमेरा छोटा भाई १० साल का है।
meraa chotaa bhaaii DaS SaaL kaa hai.
My younger brother is ten years old.

8- Body Parts

Learning about body parts takes us back to a time when we were just children! Rekindle those innocent moments while empowering your Hindi vocabulary on various body parts.

Body Parts in Hindi

It will also help you to better express physical conditions in case of any trouble.

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
96.पैर (m) 
Legदादी के पैर में दर्द है।
DaaDii ke pair men DarD hai.
Grandmother has pain in her legs.
97.सर (m) 
Headधूप में सर ढक कर रखो।
DHuup men Sar dhak kar rakho.
Cover your head in the sun.
98.हाथ (m) 
Handतुम्हारे हाथ में क्या हुआ है?
Tumhaare haaTH men kyaa huaa hai?
What has happened to your hand?
99.उंगली (f) 
Fingerशिशिर की उंगली में चोट लग गयी है।
sisir kii ungaLii men cot Lag gayii hai.
Shishir has a bruise on his finger.
100.शरीर (m) 
Bodyलक्षित का शरीर बहुत मज़बूत है।
LaksiT kaa sarir bahuT mazabuuT hai.
Lakshit has a robust body.
101.पेट (m) 
Stomachमेरा पेट दुख रहा है।
meraa pet Dukh rahaa hai.
My stomach hurts.
102.पीठ (f) 
Backयह बस्ता अपनी पीठ पर टांग लो।
yah baSTaa apaNii piith par taang Lo.
Hang this bag on your back.
103.सीना (m) 
Chestबच्चे के सीने में जकड़न है।
bacce ke SiiNe men jakadaN hai.
The child has congestion in the chest.

9- Time

You must have heard the phrase, “Time and tide wait for none.” But, here on, you can take all the time you need to absorb and practice these splendid Hindi nouns.

Time and Days

Talking about time is inevitable. In fact, in this competitive world, every minute has become precious. So, don’t lose a minute. Start learning these useful words related to time and improve your Hindi vocabulary.

S. No.Hindi NounEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
104.हफ़्ता (m) 
Weekविद्यालय खुलने में सिर्फ़ एक हफ़्ता बचा है।
viDyaaLay khuLane men Sirf ek hafTaa bacaa hai.
The school will reopen in one week.
105.साल (m) 
Yearतुम कितने साल के हो?
Tum kiTaNe SaaL ke ho?
How old are you?
106.दिन (m)
Dayबुधवार के दिन सब लखनऊ जायेंगे।
buDHavaar ke DiN Sab LakhaNauu jaayenge.
We will all go to Lucknow on Wednesday.


गुरुवार, शुक्रवार , शनिवार, और रविवार के दिन, ऋतु राजस्थान में  थी। 
guruvaar, sukravaar, saNivaar, aur ravivaar ke DiN, riTu rajaSTHaaN men THii.
On Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, Ritu was in Rajasthan.
107.महीना (m)
Monthमंगलवार से अगला महीना शुरू हो जायेगा।
mangaLavaar Se agaLaa mahiiNaa suru ho jaayegaa.
The next month will begin on Tuesday.
108.आज (m) 
Todayमुझे आज मूवी देखने जाना है।
mujhe aaj muuvii DekhaNe jaaNaa hai.
I have to go to a movie today.
109.कल (m) 
क्रिकेट मैच कल सोमवार को होगा।
kriket maic kaL Somavaar ko hogaa.
The cricket match will be tomorrow, on Monday.
क्रिकेट मैच कल सोमवार को होगा।
kriket maic kaL Somavaar ko hogaa.
The cricket match will be tomorrow, on Monday.
110.कल (m) 
Yesterdayशीला कल दफ़्तर नहीं आयी थी।
siiLaa kaL DafTar nahiin aayii THii.
Sheela didn’t come to the office yesterday.
111.कैलेंडर (m) 
Calendarयह पिछले वर्ष का कैलेंडर है।
yah pichaLe vars kaa kaiLeNdar hai.
This is last year’s calendar.
112.सेकंड (m) 
Secondएक मिनट में ६० सेकंड होते हैं।
ek miNat men Saath SekaNd hoTe hain.
There are sixty seconds in a minute.
113.घंटा (m) 
Hour४ बजने में दो घंटा बाक़ी है।
caar baajNe men Do ghaNtaa baaqii hai.
It’s two hours to four o’clock.
114.MinuteMinuteयह गाना ३ मिनट का है।
yah gaaNaa TiiN miNat kaa hai.
This song plays for three minutes.
115.घड़ी (f) 
Clockघड़ी दीवार पर टंगी है।
ghadii Diivaar par tangii hai.
The clock hangs on the wall.
116.एक घंटे (m) 
ek ghaNte
One hourक्या हम एक घंटे में मुंबई पहुँच जायेंगे?
kyaa ham ek ghaNte men mumbaii pahunc jaayenge?
Shall we reach Mumbai in one hour?

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Nouns 4

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