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Basic Rules for Mastering the Top 10 Hindi Sentence Patterns


Today’s lesson is about the ten most popular Hindi sentence patterns that Indians use on a daily basis. For each sentence category, we’ll provide both simple and more complex Hindi sentence structure examples.

Learning these basic Hindi sentence patterns will not only give you an edge over others, but also help you craft many more useful sentences so you can talk like a pro!

The best thing about this lesson is that even if you’re a beginner, you can understand the examples without much trouble, and gradually use every Hindi sentence pattern to practice your day-to-day conversational skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started. 🙂

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Sentences Linking Two Nouns
  2. Sentences with Adjectives
  3. Sentences to Express Desire
  4. Sentences to Express Needs
  5. Sentences to Express Your Likes
  6. Sentences to Express Requests
  7. Sentences for Seeking Permission
  8. Asking the “What” Questions
  9. Asking About the Time
  10. Asking About the Location
  11. How to Get the Most Out of

1. Sentences Linking Two Nouns

Our first Hindi sentence pattern is used to link two nouns together. For instance, who is what, what is whose, who gave you what, and so on! 

How do you do that? Well, as far as the subjects are concerned, this simple Hindi sentence pattern is very similar to its English counterpart. In simpler words, the main subject is always at the beginning of the sentence.

A Little Toddler Holding a Straw Basket

If you’re completely new to the concept of Hindi sentence structure and sentence patterns, then you can start to figure it all out with our lesson on Hindi Conjugations. 

दीपक मेरा भाई है।Diipak meraa bhaaii hai.Deepak is my brother.”
मेरी बहन एक रंगमंच कलाकार है।merii bahaN ek rangamaNc kaLaakaar hai.“My sister is a theater artist.”
यह लैपटॉप मेरे दोस्त का है।yah Laipataup mere DoST kaa hai.“This is my friend‘s laptop.”

Let’s make it even better and try out some complex Hindi sentence patterns with three nouns. 

मेरी टीचर और मेरी बहन दोनों बचपन की सहेलियां हैं।merii tiicar aur merii bahaN DoNon bacapaN kii SaheLiiyaan hain.“Both my teacher and my sister are childhood friends.”
यह कार और बाइक मुझे तोहफ़े में मिली हैं।yah kaar aur baaik mujhe Tohafe men miLii hain.“I got this car and bike as gifts.”

2. Sentences with Adjectives

No matter what languages we speak, it’s hard to imagine our conversations without adjectives. Have you found someone beautiful, tasted delicious Indian food, or wished to buy that blue shirt? Hindi adjectives are the best way to express exactly what you’re talking about.

Feel free to check out our comprehensive article on the Top 100 Hindi Adjectives, and polish your Hindi language sentences!

Red Roses and Other Flowers on a Golden Cloth

One useful tip is that the adjective always comes after the related noun. However, if there happens to be an adverb in the sentence, it may disrupt this noun and adjective placement in a few cases.

Here are some examples of how to make a Hindi sentence using adjectives:

तुम बहुत सुंदर हो।Tum bahuT SunDar ho.“You are beautiful.”
ये सब्ज़ी स्वादिष्ट है।yah Sabzii SvaaDist hai.“This curry is delicious.”
जूस बहुत ठंडा है।juuS bahuT thaNdaa hai.“The juice is quite chilled.”
मेरे कमरे की दीवार नीली है और दरवाज़ा भूरे रंग का है। mere kamare kii Diivaar NiiLii hai aur Daravaazaa bhuure rang kaa hai.“The walls in my room are blue and the door is brown.”
यह उपन्यास डरावना भी है और दिलचस्प भी।yah upaNyaaS daraavaNaa bhii hai aur DiLacaSp bhii.“This novel is scary and interesting at the same time.”

3. Sentences to Express Desire

Sentence Patterns

Desires are like water bubbles in the human heart. Each moment brings a new wish. Well, not every wish can be fulfilled, but with the right Hindi sentences, there’s no stopping us from expressing them.

Whether you’re craving a cup of coffee or dying to have that chat over the phone with your friends, the examples below will give you a fair idea of how to let someone know.

मुझे एक कप चाय चाहिएmujhe ek kap caay caahiye.“I want a cup of tea.”
मेरा आराम करने का मन हैmeraa aaraam karaNe kaa maN hai.“I want to get some rest.”
ललिता आपसे कुछ पूछना चाहती हैLaLiTaa aap Se kuch puuchaNaa caahaTii hai.“Lalita wants to ask you something.”

It’s time to up your game and practice these complicated Hindi sentence patterns now.

मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम ख़ूब मेहनत करो और जीवन में तरक़्क़ी करो।main caahaTii huun ki Tum khuub mehaNaT karo aur jiivaN men Taraqqii karo.“I want you to work really hard and progress in life.”
सरिता सिर्फ़ यह जानना चाहती है कि क्या उसे यहाँ नौकरी मिल सकती है?SariTaa Sirf yah jaaNaNaa caahaTii hai ki kyaa uSe yahaan Naukrii miL SakaTii hai?“Sarita just wants to know if she could get a job here?”

4. Sentences to Express Needs

Sometimes, things are urgent and you really have to get them done. In these situations, you may need to let others know about these necessities or top-priority tasks! 

A Notebook Filled with Sentences

Most of these Hindi sentence patterns use infinitive verb forms at the end of the sentence. Here are some relevant Hindi sentence structure examples:

मुझे घर जाना हैmujhe ghar jaaNaa hai.“I have to go home.”
मुझे दवा खानी हैmujhe Davaa khaaNii hai.“I have to take medicine.”
मुझे एक छाता चाहिएmujhe ek chaaTaa caahiye.“I need an umbrella.”

In addition to the basic Hindi sentence patterns, it’s also important to practice the more complex sentences. Because, let’s face it, you’ll need them at one point or another.

मुझे कल सुबह चार बजे किसी भी हाल में हवाई अड्डे पहुँचना होगाmujhe kaL Subah caar baje kiSii bhii haaL men havaaii adde pahuncaNaa hogaa.“I need to reach the airport tomorrow by four a.m.”
आपको दिन में दो बार खुली हवा में सैर करना चाहिएaap ko DiN men Do baar khuLii havaa men Sair karaNaa caaahiye.“You should go for a walk in the fresh air twice a day.”

5. Sentences to Express Your Likes

Next in our list of Hindi sentence patterns are the phrases you can use to talk about your likes and preferences. These may include your hobbies, favorite movies, or way of living.

We’ve included a few Hindi sentence examples to make it really simple and easy to understand. As you can see, even beginners can practice them and learn how to form sentences in Hindi.

मुझे खाना बनाना पसंद हैmujhe khaaNaa baNaaNaa paSaND hai.“I like to cook.”
तुम्हें किताबें पढ़ने का शौक़ हैTumhen kiTaaben padhaNe kaa sauq hai.“You like to read books.”
मुझे शतरंज खेलना पसंद हैmujhe saTaraNj kheLaNaa paSaND hai.“I like to play chess.”
सीमा को सर्दी के मौसम में जल्दी उठ कर दौड़ लगाना अच्छा लगता हैSiimaa ko SarDii ke mauSam men jaLDii uth kar Daud LagaaNaa acchaa LagaTaa hai.“In the winter season, Seema likes to get up early and go running.”
फ़ैज़ को शाम में दोस्तों के साथ समय बिताना बेहद पसंद हैfaiz ko saam men DoSTon ke SaaTH Samay biTaaNaa behaD paSaND hai.“Faiz loves to spend some time in the evening with his friends.”

6. Sentences to Express Requests

Another essential Hindi sentence pattern is that for expressing requests. Whether in the office, or another public place like a restaurant or hospital, a gentle request can take you a long way.

Let’s see the most common Hindi sentence pattern for making requests in Hindi and winning people’s hearts.

कृपया बैठ जाइये।kripayaa baith jaaiye.Please, take your seat.”
कृपया शांति बनाये रखें।kripayaa saaNTi baNaaye rakhen.Please, maintain silence.”
कृपया ध्यान से सुनें।kripayaa DHyaaN Se SuNen.Please, listen carefully.”
कृपया लाइन में खड़े होकर शांतिपूर्वक अपनी बारी का इंतज़ार करें।kripayaa LaaiN men khade hokar saaNTipuurvak apaNii baarii kaa iNTazaar karen.Kindly, stand in line and wait for your turn.”
कृपया मुझे मेज़ पर रखी वो काले रंग की किताब उठाकर दें। kripayaa mujhe mez par rakhii vo kaaLe rang kii kiTaab uthaakar Den.Please, pass me that black book kept on the table.”
A Family Ordering Food

As you can see, the magic word “please,” or कृपया (kripayaa) in Hindi, gets the job done in each example. Moreover, grammatically, these basic Hindi sentence patterns for making requests also use plural verb forms, regardless of whether the noun is singular or plural. 

7. Sentences for Seeking Permission

Sentence Components

Courtesy is an inseparable aspect of humankind; the last thing we wish to do is offend someone. To avoid any such situations, it’s important that you learn an appropriate way to ask for permission!

The most commonly used Hindi phrases for “can” or “may” are: सकता हूँ (SakaTaa huun), सकती हूँ (SakaTii huun), and सकते हैं (SakaTe hain).

Here are some examples of useful Hindi sentence constructions for asking permission:

क्या मैं अंदर आ सकता हूँ / सकती हूँ?kyaa main aNDar aa SakaTaa huun / SakaTii huun?May I come in?”
क्या मुझे पीने का पानी मिल सकता है?kyaa mujhe piiNe kaa paaNii miL SakaTaa hai?Can I get some water?”
क्या मैं आपका शुभ नाम जान सकता / सकती हूँ?kyaa main aapakaa subh Naam jaaN SakaTaa / SakaTii huun?May I know your good name, please?”
क्या मैं भी आपके साथ लखनऊ में होने वाला पुस्तक मेला देखने चल सकता / सकती हूँ?kyaa main bhii aapake SaaTH LakhaNauu men hoNe vaaLaa puSTak meLaa DekhaNe caL SakaTaa / SakaTii huun?Can I come with you to the book fair going on in Lucknow?”
क्या हम सब स्कूल की तरफ़ से बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले सकते हैं?kyaa ham Sab SkuuL kii Taraf Se baidamiNtaN praTiyogiTaa men bhaag Le SakaTe hain?Can we participate in the badminton tournament from the school side?”

8. Asking the “What” Questions

There are many types of questions people ask each other on a daily basis. We’ll start with the Hindi sentence pattern for asking simple “what” questions.

A Woman Studying on a Bus

In Hindi, “what” is क्या (kyaa). When we’re asking about a thing or for information, क्या (kyaa) comes right before the helping verb or the main verb. But of course, there can be exceptions.

यह क्या है?yah kyaa hai?What is this?”
आपका नाम क्या है?aapakaa Naam kyaa hai?What is your name?”
बॉस ने क्या कहा?baauS Ne kyaa kahaa?What did the boss say?”
इस लिपस्टिक का दाम क्या है?iS LipaStik kaa Daam kyaa hai?What is the price of this lipstick?”
हमने कल जो बिरयानी खायी थी उसका नाम क्या था? hamaNe kaL jo birayaaNii khaayii THii uSakaa Naam kyaa THaa?What was the name of that biryani we had yesterday?”
A Birthday Cake with a Question Mark Candle

9. Asking About the Time

After “what” comes “when” (i.e. asking about when a particular event, arrival, or departure will happen). In Hindi, “when” is कब (kab) or कितने बजे (kiTaNe baje).

Just like “what” in the Hindi sentences above, the interrogative word “when” comes at the beginning in English, but is placed just before the verb or helping verb in Hindi.

आप कब फ़्री हैं?aap kab frii hain?When are you free?”
मीटिंग कब है?miiting kab hai?When is the meeting?”
बस कब आएगी?baS kab aayegii?When will the bus arrive?”
कंपनी को जो प्रॉजेक्ट मिला है वो कब शुरू होगा?kampaNii ko jo praujekt miLaa hai vo kab suruu hogaa?When will the project that our company grabbed start?”
दिवाली की पूजा कितने बजे शुरू होगी?DivaaLii kii puujaa kiTaNe baje suruu hogii?“At what time will the Diwali puja begin?”

10. Asking About the Location

The last type of Hindi sentence pattern we’ll look at is used to ask “where” things are happening. In Hindi, “where” can be loosely translated in many ways. Some of the common phrases are कहाँ (kahaan), किस तरफ़ (kiS Taraf), and किधर (kiDHar).

तुम अभी कहाँ हो?Tum abhii kahaan ho?Where are you right now?”
ये होटल किस तरफ़ है?ye hotaL kiS Taraf hai?Where is this hotel?”
लिफ़्ट किधर है?Lift kiDHar hai?Where is the elevator?”
आप जो दुकान बता रहे थे वो किधर है?aap jo DukaaN baTaa rahe THe vo kiDHar hai?Where is that shop you were talking about?”
दिल्ली में थोक बाज़ार कहाँ पर है?DiLLii men THok baazaar kahaan par hai?Where is the wholesale market in Delhi?”

11. How to Get the Most Out of

So, with this, we come to the end of our lesson on ten of the most useful Hindi sentence structures and sentence patterns. It wasn’t that difficult after all, right?

The key strategy is to take one step at a time. For instance, if you want to learn how to make a request in Hindi, just focus on those particular Hindi sentence patterns and master them. Once you’re confident with those, move on to the next category.

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This lesson is designed for beginners. So, if you have any doubts or issues, now is the time to get rid of them. Share your issues with us in the comments below at, and we’ll do our best to resolve them for you. Meanwhile, you may also find our Hindi-English online dictionary to be quite helpful as you start your Hindi learning journey.

Even intermediate-level learners can enjoy and learn so much more from our world-class learning materials. So, have fun and keep learning!

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi

Your Basic Guide to Hindi Verb Conjugation: Rules & Tips


As a beginner, you must have realized by now how important the topic of Hindi verb conjugation is! Yet this is a topic that leaves many people scratching their heads. The million-dollar question is “Why is it so essential to learn about conjugations in the Hindi language?” Well, here’s the answer. Hindi verb conjugation is a fundamental part of the Hindi language. After all, Hindi conjugation is unique compared to conjugation in other languages, and expresses the different verb forms based on various factors. Without Hindi verb conjugation, it would be difficult to make sense of any sentence structure or even the context of a conversation.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Useful Verbs in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Factors that Affect Hindi Conjugation
  2. What is Conjugation in Hindi?
  3. The Infinitive Verb Form in Hindi
  4. Hindi Personal Pronouns
  5. Regular and Irregular Verb Groups
  6. Gender-Based Conjugations
  7. Auxiliary Verbs
  8. Tenses
  9. It’s Quiz Time!
  10. Reach the Next Level with

1. Factors that Affect Hindi Conjugation

Top Verbs

There are a handful of factors that are responsible for the modifications that take place in Hindi conjugations:

  • Gender
  • Subject / Person
  • Number of people
  • Tone
  • Tense

Below, we’ll be covering all of these factors in a variety of ways, and see how the inflected verb form changes accordingly.

2. What is Conjugation in Hindi?

More Essential Verbs

Conjugation is the inflection of the verb forms due to different essential factors. In Hindi, “conjugation” is called संयोजन (SanyojaN). The phrase “verb conjugation” is translated as क्रिया संयुग्मन (kriyaa SanyugmaN).

Now, in the conjugation of Hindi verbs, there are several elements to keep in mind. These include person (I, she, you, we, etc.), number of subjects, tenses, gender, and politeness level. 

Factors Affecting Verb Conjugation

3. The Infinitive Verb Form in Hindi

Before we can understand the more detailed Hindi verb conjugation rules, we must delve into the most fundamental infinitive verb form.

To begin, let’s look at the Hindi “to be” conjugation, which is basically known as the Hindi -na verb conjugation. This is because, to conjugate this verb, you need to add ना (Naa) to the end. What does this mean?

Well, for any infinitive verb, the structure would be:

  • Verb stem + ना (Naa)

So every verb stem would have ना (Naa) as a suffix.

Here are a few examples to help you grasp this conjugation in Hindi:

Verb Stem + Infinitive SuffixInfinitive Verb FormEnglish Meaning
बोल (boL) + ना (Naa)बोलना (boLaNaa)“To speak”
सो (So) + ना (Naa)सोना (SoNaa)“To sleep”
जा (jaa) + ना (Naa)जाना (jaaNaa)“To go”

Easy, isn’t it? Now, let’s try the same process with a couple of other common verbs.

Verb Stem + Infinitive SuffixInfinitive Verb FormEnglish Meaning
खा (khaa) + ना (Naa)खाना (khaaNaa)“To eat”
रो (ro) + ना (Naa)रोना (roNaa)“To cry”
पी (pii) + ना (Naa)पीना (piiNaa)“To drink”

Changing the verb stem into the infinitive verb form is the first step to take when learning how to conjugate in Hindi. Now that we’re thoroughly familiar with the infinitive verbs, let’s learn about the various personal pronouns used by native Hindi speakers.

With the examples below, we’ll be able to comprehend and observe how verb conjugation works.

4. Hindi Personal Pronouns

1st Person“I” = मैं (main)“We” = हम लोग (ham Log)
2nd Person (Casual)“You” = तुम (Tum) / तू (Tuu)“You” = तुम लोग (Tum Log)
2nd Person (Formal) “You” = आप (aap)“You” = आप लोग (aap Log)
3rd Person“He” / “She” = वह (vah) / वो (vo)“They” = ये / वे लोग (ye / ve Log)
Conjugation According to Gender and Pronouns

Quick Note 1: In the plural pronouns “we,” “you,” and “they,” the word लोग (Log) can be replaced with सब (Sab). As a result, you can also say हम सब (ham Sab), तुम सब (Tum Sab), आप सब (aap Sab), and वे सब (ve Sab).

Quick Note 2: Proximity plays an important role in the usage of pronouns.

  • The persons near us are referred to as “They” = ये लोग (ye Log).
  • The pronoun for people who are physically far away from us is “They” = वे लोग (ve Log).

Quick Note 3: The formal second person pronouns are also used to denote respect toward the other person. This respect may be based on age difference, level of familiarity, or even personal preference.

5. Regular and Irregular Verb Groups

Compared to English, the Hindi verb conjugation system  has more >regular verbs. That’s not to say there are no irregular verbs in Hindi. But because of their low number (maybe five or six), we mainly focus on the regular verbs.

In this lesson, you’ll see how the Hindi verb conjugations change from one gender to another, and one person to another, based on the tone and tenses.

6. Gender-Based Conjugations

Are you new to the gender-based grammatical know-hows? Then you must check out our latest blog post on Hindi Gender Rules. It’s a great way to refresh yourself on all of the gender rules and concepts that are followed in the Hindi language.

As far as the Hindi verb conjugations are concerned, we’ve narrowed it down to some really simple and practical hints that can take you a long way!

1 – Masculine Conjugations 

  • For singular masculine gender, the Hindi verb conjugation usually ends with the -aa sound.

    बच्चा फल खाता
    baccaa phaL khaaTaa hai.
    “The kid eats the fruit.”
  • On the other hand, the conjugated Hindi verbs for plural masculine gender ends with the -e sound.

    बच्चे फल खाते हैं। 
    bacce phaL khaaTe hain.
    “The kids eat fruit.”
  • However, when it comes to paying respect and using a formal tone, natives tend to treat the singular person just like the plural person (i.e. with the -e sound).

    आप फल खाते हैं। 
    aap phaL khaaTe hain.
    “You eat fruit.”

    पिताजी फल खाते हैं। 
    piTaajii phaL khaaTe hain.
    “Father eats fruit.”

2 – Feminine Conjugations 

  • For singular feminine gender, the Hindi conjugation for verbs usually ends with the -ii sound.

    औरत बाज़ार गयी है। 
    auraT baazaar gayii hai.
    “The woman has gone to the market.”
  • On the other hand, the conjugation in Hindi  for plural feminine gender ends with the -iin sound.

    औरतें बाज़ार गयीं हैं। 
    auraTen baazaar gayiin hain.
    “The women have gone to the market.”
  • Similar to what happens with the masculine gender, when it comes to paying respect and using a formal tone, natives tend to treat the singular female person just like the plural (i.e. with the -iin sound).

    माँ बाज़ार गयीं हैं। 
    maan baazaar gayiin hain.
    “Mother has gone to the market.”

By now, you must have gained a fair amount of confidence in differentiating between the masculine and feminine Hindi verb conjugations. Let’s move forward to another important part of this lesson.

7. Auxiliary Verbs

If you wish to learn about verb conjugations in Hindi grammar, auxiliary verbs are the right step in that direction. Hindi is a language where we happen to use a lot of auxiliary verbs. Unlike in English, tones and the feelings of respect have a lot to do with auxiliary verbs in Hindi. Thus, it’s crucial to first pay attention to auxiliary verbs before trying to learn Hindi conjugation.

To make it more structured and interesting for you, we’ve divided various helping verbs according to the three Hindi tenses.

Let’s start with our first Hindi verb conjugation chart!

1 – Hindi Present Tense Conjugation

SingularCasual / Formal
Casual / Formal
“Am doing”कर रहा हूँ
(kar rahaa huun)
कर रहा हूँ
(kar rahaa huun)
कर रही हूँ
(kar rahii huun)
कर रही हूँ
(kar rahii huun)
“Is doing”कर रहा है
(kar rahaa hai)
कर रहे हैं
(kar rahe hain)
कर रही है
(kar rahii hai)
कर रही हैं
(kar rahii hain)
“Has done”कर चुका है
(kar cukaa hai)
कर चुके हैं
(kar cuke hain)
कर चुकी है
(kar cukii hai)
कर चुकी हैं
(kar cukii hain)
(We / They)
(We / They)
(We / They)
(We / They)
“Are doing”कर रहे हैं
(kar rahe hain)
कर रहे हैं
(kar rahe hain)
कर रही हैं
(kar rahii hain)
कर रही हैं
(kar rahii hain)
“Have done”कर चुके हैं
(kar cuke hain)
कर चुके हैं
(kar cuke hain)
कर चुकी हैं
(kar cukii hain)
कर चुकी हैं
(kar cukii hain)

2 – Hindi Past Tense Conjugation

(I / He)
(I / She)
“Was doing”कर रहा था 
(kar rahaa THaa)
कर रहे थे
(kar rahe THe)
कर रही थी
(kar rahii THii)
कर रही थीं
(kar rahii THiin)
“Had done”कर चुका था 
(kar cukaa THaa)
कर चुके थे 
(kar cuke THe)
कर चुकी थी 
(kar cukii THii)
कर चुकी थीं 
(kar cukii THiin)
(We / They)
(We / They)
(We / They)
(We / They)
“Were doing”कर रहे थे
(kar rahe THe)
कर रहे थे
(kar rahe THe)
कर रही थीं
(kar rahii THiin)
कर रही थीं
(kar rahii THiin)
“Had done”कर चुके थे 
(kar cuke THe)
कर चुके थे 
(kar cuke THe)
कर चुकी थीं 
(kar cukii THiin)
कर चुकी थीं 
(kar cukii THiin)

3 – Hindi Future Tense Conjugation

SingularCasual / Formal
Casual / Formal
“Will” / “Shall”हूँगा 
“Will have done”कर चुका हूँगा
(kar cukaa huungaa)
कर चुका होगा 
(kar cukaa hogaa)
कर चुके होंगे 
(kar cuke honge)
कर चुकी हूँगी 
(kar cukii huungii)
कर चुकी होगी 
(kar cukii hogii)
कर चुकी होंगी 
(kar cukii hongii)
PluralCasual / Formal
(We / They)
Casual / Formal
(We / They)
“Will” / “Shall”होंगे 
“Will have done”कर चुके होंगे
(kar cuke honge)
कर चुकी होंगी
(kar cukii hongii)

8. Tenses

Negative Verbs

Although tenses are subdivided into many categories, in Hindi it comes down to the three most important forms. These are simple, continuous,  and perfect forms for each of the three tenses.

Are you ready to explore the Hindi conjugation in different tenses? Study the Hindi verb conjugation tables below to see how it works.

Here we go!

1 – Present Tense

1) “To eat”

Simple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent PerfectSimple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent Perfect
SINGULAR“Eat(s)”“Is / Am / Are Eating”“Has / Have Eaten”“Eat(s)”“Is / Am / Are Eating”“Has / Have Eaten”
मैं (main)
खाता हूँ 
(khaaTaa huun)
खा रहा हूँ
(khaa rahaa huun)
खा चुका हूँ
(khaa cukaa huun)
खाती हूँ
(khaaTii huun)
खा रही हूँ
(khaa rahii huun)
खा चुकी हूँ
(khaa cukii huun)
तुम (Tum)
खाते हो 
(khaaTe ho)
खा रहे हो 
(khaa rahe ho)
खा चुके हो 
(khaa cuke ho)
खाती हो 
(khaaTii ho)
खा रही हो
(khaa rahii ho)
खा चुकी हो
(khaa cukii ho)
तू (Tuu)
खाता है 
(khaaTaa hai)
खा रहा है 
(khaa rahaa hai)
खा चुका है 
(khaa cukaa hai)
खाती है 
(khaaTii hai)
खा रही है
(khaa rahii hai)
खा चुकी है
(khaa cukii hai)
आप (aap)
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
खाता है
(khaaTaa hai)
खा रहा है 
(khaa rahaa hai)
खा चुका है 
(khaa cukaa hai)
खाती है 
(khaaTii hai)
खा रही है 
(khaa rahii hai)
खा चुकी है 
(khaa cukii hai)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)
PLURAL“Eat”“Are Eating”“Have Eaten”“Eat”“Are Eating”“Have Eaten”
हम सब (ham Sab)
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
खाते हो 
(khaaTe ho)
खा रहे हो 
(khaa rahe ho)
खा चुके हो 
(khaa cuke ho)
खाती हो 
(khaaTii ho)
खा रही हो 
(khaa rahii ho)
खा चुकी हो 
(khaa cukii ho)
आप सब (aap Sab)
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)
ये सब (ye Sab)
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)
वे सब (ve Sab)
खाते हैं
(khaaTe hain)
खा रहे हैं 
(khaa rahe hain)
खा चुके हैं 
(khaa cuke hain)
खाती हैं 
(khaaTii hain)
खा रही हैं 
(khaa rahii hain)
खा चुकी हैं 
(khaa cukii hain)

Quick Tip:

Look closely and you’ll find a pattern for Hindi verb conjugations in the present tense.

  • The simple present tense ends with हूँ / -ता है / – ती है / – ते हैं / ती हैं (huun / -Taa hai / -Tii hai / -Te hain / Tii hain).

  • The present continuous tense ends with रहा हूँ / रही हूँ / रहा है / रही है / रहे हैं / रही हैं (rahaa huun / rahii huun / rahaa hai / rahii hai / rahe hain / rahii hain).

  • The present perfect tense ends with चुका हूँ / चुकी हूँ / चुका है / चुकी है / चुके हैं / चुकी हैं (cukaa huun / cukii huun / cukaa hai / cukii hai / cuke hain / cukii hain).
Reading (Present Continuous Tense)

This rule is true for each verb form. Here’s another example for present tense.

2) “To sleep”

Simple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent PerfectSimple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent Perfect
SINGULAR“Sleep(s)”“Is / Am / Are Sleeping”“Has / Have Slept”“Sleep(s)”“Is / Am / Are Sleeping”“Has / Have Slept”
मैं (main)
सोता हूँ 
(SoTaa huun)
सो रहा हूँ
(So rahaa huun)
सो चुका हूँ
(So cukaa huun)
सोती हूँ
(SoTii huun)
सो रही हूँ
(So rahii huun)
सो चुकी हूँ
(So cukii huun)
तुम (Tum)
सोते हो 
(SoTe ho)
सो रहे हो 
(So rahe ho)
सो चुके हो 
(So cuke ho)
सोती हो 
(SoTii ho)
सो रही हो
(So rahii ho
सो चुकी हो
(So cukii ho)
तू (Tuu)
सोता है 
(SoTaa hai)
सो रहा है 
(So rahaa hai)
सो चुका है 
(So cukaa hai)
सोती है 
(SoTii hai)
सो रही है
(So rahii hai
सो रही है
(So rahii hai
आप (aap)
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)
सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)
सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
सोता है
(SoTaa hai)
सो रहा है 
(So rahaa hai)
सो चुका है 
(So cukaa hai)
सोती है 
(SoTii hai)
सो रही है 
(So rahii hai)
सो चुकी है 
(So cukii hai)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)

सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)

सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)

PLURAL“Sleep”“Are Sleeping”“Have Slept”“Sleep”“Are Sleeping”“Have Slept”
हम सब (ham Sab)
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)
सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)
सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
सोते हो 
(SoTe ho)
सो रहे हो 
(So rahe ho)
सो चुके हो 
(So cuke ho)
सोती हो 
(SoTii ho)
सो रही हो 
(So rahii ho)
सो चुकी हो 
(So cukii ho)
आप सब (aap Sab)
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)
सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)
सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)
ये सब (ye Sab)
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)
सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)
सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)
वे सब (ve Sab)
सोते हैं
(SoTe hain)
सो रहे हैं 
(So rahe hain)
सो चुके हैं 
(So cuke hain)
सोती हैं 
(SoTii hain)
सो रही हैं 
(So rahii hain)
सो चुकी हैं 
(So cukii hain)

3) “To go”

Simple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent PerfectSimple PresentPresent ContinuousPresent Perfect
SINGULAR“Go(es)”“Is / Am / Are Going”“Has / Have Gone”“Go(es)”“Is / Am / Are Going”“Has / Have Gone”
मैं (main)
जाता हूँ 
(jaaTaa huun)
जा रहा हूँ
(jaa rahaa huun)
जा चुका हूँ
(jaa cukaa huun)
जाती हूँ
(jaaTii huun)
जा रही हूँ
(jaa rahii huun)
जा चुकी हूँ
(jaa cukii huun)
तुम (Tum)
जाते हो 
(jaaTe ho)
जा रहे हो 
(jaa rahe ho)
जा चुके हो 
(jaa cuke ho)
जाती हो 
(jaaTii ho)
जा रही हो
(jaa rahii ho)
जा चुकी हो
(jaa cukii ho)
तू (Tuu)
जाता है 
(jaaTaa hai)
जा रहा है 
(jaa rahaa hai)
जा चुका है 
(jaa cukaa hai)
जाती है 
(jaaTii hai)
जा रही है
(jaa rahii hai)
जा चुकी है
(jaa cukii hai)
आप (aap)
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
जाता है
(jaaTaa hai)
जा रहा है 
(jaa rahaa hai)
जा चुका है 
(jaa cukaa hai)
जाती है 
(jaaTii hai)
जा रही है 
(jaa rahii hai)
जा चुकी है 
(jaa cukii hai)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)
PLURAL“Go”“Are Going”“Have Gone”“Go”“Are Going”“Have Gone”
हम सब (ham Sab)
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
जाते हो 
(jaaTe ho)
जा रहे हो 
(jaa rahe ho)
जा चुके हो 
(jaa cuke ho)
जाती हो 
(jaaTii ho)
जा रही हो 
(jaa rahii ho)
जा चुकी हो 
(jaa cukii ho)
आप सब (aap Sab)
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)
ये सब (ye Sab)
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)
वे सब (ve Sab)
जाते हैं
(jaaTe hain)
जा रहे हैं 
(jaa rahe hain)
जा चुके हैं 
(jaa cuke hain)
जाती हैं 
(jaaTii hain)
जा रही हैं 
(jaa rahii hain)
जा चुकी हैं 
(jaa cukii hain)

As you can see, the same pattern continues throughout the chart. Now, let’s learn how to conjugate in Hindi for  the past tense.

2 – Past Tense

1) “To eat”

Simple PastPast ContinuousPast PerfectSimple PastPast ContinuousPast Perfect
SINGULAR“Ate”“Was / Were Eating”“Had Eaten”“Ate”“Was / Were Eating”“Had Eaten”
मैं (main)
खाता था 
(khaaTaa THaa)
खा रहा था
(khaa rahaa THaa)
खा चुका था
(khaa cukaa THaa)
खाती थी
(khaaTii THii)
खा रही थी
(khaa rahii THii)
खा चुकी थी
(khaa cukii THii)
तुम (Tum)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थी 
(khaaTii THii)
खा रही थी
(khaa rahii THii)
खा चुकी थी
(khaa cukii THii)
तू (Tuu)
खाता था 
(khaaTaa THaa)
खा रहा था 
(khaa rahaa THaa)
खा चुका था 
(khaa cukaa THaa)
खाती थी 
(khaaTii THii)
खा रही थी
(khaa rahii THii)
खा चुकी थी
(khaa cukii THii)
आप (aap)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
खाता था
(khaaTaa THaa)
खा रहा था 
(khaa rahaa THaa)
खा चुका था 
(khaa cukaa THaa)
खाती थी 
(khaaTii THii)
खा रही थी 
(khaa rahii THii)
खा चुकी थी 
(khaa cukii THii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
PLURAL“Ate”“Were Eating”“Had Eaten”“Ate”“Were Eating”“Had Eaten”
हम सब (ham Sab)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
खाते थे  
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे 
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
आप सब (aap Sab)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
ये सब (ye Sab)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)
वे सब (ve Sab)
खाते थे 
(khaaTe THe)
खा रहे थे  
(khaa rahe THe)
खा चुके थे  
(khaa cuke THe)
खाती थीं 
(khaaTii THiin)
खा रही थीं 
(khaa rahii THiin)
खा चुकी थीं 
(khaa cukii THiin)

Quick Tip:

For past tense, the conjugation in Hindi is quite similar to what we saw in the present tense above. If you can memorize a few basic rules, solving the past tense riddle will be child’s play for you!

  • The simple past tense ends with ता था / – ती थी / – ते थे / ती थीं (-Taa THaa / -Tii THii / -Te THe / Tii THiin).

  • The past continuous tense ends with रहा था / रही थी / रहे थे / रही थीं (rahaa THaa / rahii THii / rahe THe / rahii THiin).

  • The past perfect tense ends with चुका था / चुकी थी / चुके थे / चुकी थीं (cukaa THaa / cukii THii / cuke THe / cukii THiin).

2) “To sleep”

Simple PastPast ContinuousPast PerfectSimple PastPast ContinuousPast Perfect
SINGULAR“Slept”“Was / Were Sleeping”“Had Slept”“Slept”“Was / Were Sleeping”“Had Slept”
मैं (main)
सोता था 
(SoTaa THaa)
सो रहा था
(So rahaa THaa)
सो चुका था
(So cukaa THaa)
सोती थी
(So THii)
सो रही थी
(So rahii THii)
सो चुकी थी
(So cukii THii)
तुम (Tum)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थी 
(SoTii THii)
सो चुकी थी
(So cukii THii)
सो चुकी थी
(So cukii THii)
तू (Tuu)
सोता था 
(SoTaa THaa)
सो रहा था 
(So rahaa THaa)
सो चुका था 
(So cukaa THaa)
सोती थी 
(SoTii THii)
सो रही थी
(So rahii THii)
सो चुकी थी
(So cukii THii)
आप (aap)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
सोता था
(SoTaa THaa)
सो रहा था 
(So rahaa THaa)
सो चुका था 
(So cukaa THaa)
सोती थी 
(SoTii THii)
सो रही थी 
(So rahii THii)
सो चुकी थी 
(So cukii THii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
PLURAL“Slept”“Were Sleeping”“Had Slept”“Slept”“Were Sleeping”“Had Slept”
हम सब (ham Sab)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
सोते थे  
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे 
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
आप सब (aap Sab)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
ये सब (ye Sab)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)
वे सब (ve Sab)
सोते थे 
(SoTe THe)
सो रहे थे  
(So rahe THe)
सो चुके थे  
(So cuke THe)
सोती थीं 
(SoTii THiin)
सो रही थीं 
(So rahii THiin)
सो चुकी थीं 
(So cukii THiin)

3) “To go”

Simple PastPast ContinuousPast PerfectSimple PastPast ContinuousPast Perfect
SINGULAR“Went”“Was / Were Going”“Had Gone”“Went”“Was / Were Going”“Had Gone”
मैं (main)
जाता था 
(jaaTaa THaa)
जा रहा था
(jaa rahaa THaa)
जा चुका था
(jaa cukaa THaa)
जाती थी
(jaaTii THii)
जा रही थी
(jaa rahii THii)
जा चुकी थी
(jaa cukii THii)
तुम (Tum)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थी 
(jaaTii THii)
जा रही थी
(jaa rahii THii)
जा चुकी थी
(jaa cukii THii)
तू (Tuu)
जाता था 
(jaaTaa THaa)
जा रहा था 
(jaa rahaa THaa)
जा चुका था 
(jaa cukaa THaa)
जाती थी 
(jaaTii THii)
जा रही थी
(jaa rahii THii)
जा चुकी थी
(jaa cukii THii)
आप (aap)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
जाता था
(jaaTaa THaa)
जा रहा था 
(jaa rahaa THaa)
जा चुका था 
(jaa cukaa THaa)
जाती थी 
(jaaTii THii)
जा रही थी 
(jaa rahii THii)
जा चुकी थी 
(jaa cukii THii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
PLURAL“Went”“Were Going”“Had Gone”“Went”“Were Going”“Had Gone”
हम सब (ham Sab)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
जाते थे  
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे 
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
आप सब (aap Sab)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
ये सब (ye Sab)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)
वे सब (ve Sab)
जाते थे 
(jaaTe THe)
जा रहे थे  
(jaa rahe THe)
जा चुके थे  
(jaa cuke THe)
जाती थीं 
(jaaTii THiin)
जा रही थीं 
(jaa rahii THiin)
जा चुकी थीं 
(jaa cukii THiin)

3 – Future Tense

1) “To eat”

Simple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture PerfectSimple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture Perfect
SINGULAR“Will Eat”“Will Be Eating”“Will Have Eaten”“Will Eat”“Will Be Eating”“Will Have Eaten”
मैं (main)
खा रहा होऊंगा
(khaa rahaa houungaa)
खा चुका होऊंगा
(khaa cukaa houungaa)
खा रही होऊंगी
(khaa rahii houungii)
खा चुकी होऊंगी
(khaa cukii houungii)
तुम (Tum)
खा रहे होगे 
(khaa rahe hoge)
खा चुके होगे 
(khaa cuke hoge)
खा रही होगी
(khaa rahii hogii)
खा चुकी होगी
(khaa cukii hogii)
तू (Tuu)
खा रहा होगा 
(khaa rahaa hogaa)
खा चुका होगा
(khaa cukaa hogaa)
खा रही होगी
(khaa rahii hogii)
खा चुकी होगी
(khaa cukii hogii)
आप (aap)
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
खा रहा होगा 
(khaa rahaa hogaa)
खा चुका होगा 
(khaa cukaa hogaa)
खा रही होगी
(khaa rahii hogii)
खा चुकी होगी
(khaa cukii hogii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे 
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)
PLURAL“Will Eat”“Will Be Eating”“Will Have Eaten”“Will Eat”“Will Be Eating”“Will Have Eaten”
हम सब (ham Sab)
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे 
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
खा रहे होगे 
(khaa rahe hoge)
खा चुके होगे 
(khaa cuke hoge)
खा रही होगी
(khaa rahii hogii)
खा चुकी होगी
(khaa cukii hogii)
आप सब (aap Sab)
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे 
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)
ये सब (ye Sab)
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे 
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)
वे सब (ve Sab)
खा रहे होंगे
(khaa rahe honge)
खा चुके होंगे 
(khaa cuke honge)
खा रही होंगी
(khaa rahii hongii)
खा चुकी होंगी
(khaa cukii hongii)

Quick Tip:

In future tense, conjugation isn’t affected too much by the person. However, it’s worth looking at the minor inflection changes in the verb forms.

  • The simple future tense ends with हूँगा / हूँगी / होगा / होगी / होंगे / होंगी (huungaa / huungii / hogaa / hogii / honge / hongii).

  • The future continuous tense ends with रहा हूँगा / रही हूँगी / रहा होगा / रही होगी / रहे होंगे / रही होंगी (raha huungaa / rahii huungii / rahaa hogaa / rahii hogii / rahe honge / rahii hongii).

  • The future perfect tense ends with चुका हूँगा / चुकी हूँगी / चुका होगा / चुकी होगी / चुके होंगे / चुकी होंगी (cukaa huunga / cukii huungi / cukaa hogaa / cukii hogii / cuke honge / cukii hongii).

Now, here’s two more Hindi conjugation charts for you! 

2) “To sleep”

Simple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture PerfectSimple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture Perfect
SINGULAR“Will Sleep”“Will Be Sleeping”“Will Have Slept”“Will Sleep”“Will Be Sleeping”“Will Have Slept”
मैं (main)
सो रहा होऊंगा
(So rahaa houungaa)
सो चुका होऊंगा
(So cukaa houungaa)
सो रही होऊंगी
(So rahii houungii)
सो चुकी होऊंगी
(So cukii houungii)
तुम (Tum)
सो रहे होगे 
(So rahe hoge)
सो चुके होगे 
(So cuke hoge)
सो रही होगी
(So rahii hogii)
सो चुकी होगी
(So cukii hogii)
तू (Tuu)
सो रहा होगा 
(So rahaa hogaa)
सो चुका होगा
(So cukaa hogaa)
सो रही होगी
(So rahii hogii)
सो चुकी होगी
(So cukii hogii)
आप (aap)
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
सो रहा होगा 
(So rahaa hogaa)
सो चुका होगा 
(So cukaa hogaa)
सो रही होगी
(So rahii hogii)
सो चुकी होगी
(So cukii hogii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे 
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)
PLURAL“Will Sleep”“Will Be Sleeping”“Will Have Slept”“Will Sleep”“Will Be Sleeping”“Will Have Slept”
हम सब (ham Sab)
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे 
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
सो रहे होगे 
(So rahe hoge)
सो चुके होगे 
(So cuke hoge)
सो रही होगी
(So rahii hogii)
सो चुकी होगी
(So cukii hogii)
आप सब (aap Sab)
“You” (Formal)
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे 
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)
ये सब (ye Sab)
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे 
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)
वे सब (ve Sab)
सो रहे होंगे
(So rahe honge)
सो चुके होंगे 
(So cuke honge)
सो रही होंगी
(So rahii hongii)
सो चुकी होंगी
(So cukii hongii)

3) “To go”

Simple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture PerfectSimple FutureFuture ContinuousFuture Perfect
SINGULAR“Will Go”“Will Be Going”“Will Have Gone”“Will Go”“Will Be Going”“Will Have Gone”
मैं (main)
जा रहा होऊंगा
(jaa rahaa houungaa)
जा चुका होऊंगा
(jaa cukaa houungaa)
जा रही होऊंगी
(jaa rahii houungii)
जा चुकी होऊंगी
(jaa cukii houungii)
तुम (Tum)
जा रहे होगे 
(jaa rahe hoge)
जा चुके होगे 
(jaa cuke hoge)
जा रही होगी
(jaa rahii hogii)
जा चुकी होगी
(jaa cukii hogii)
तू (Tuu)
जा रहा होगा 
(jaa rahaa hogaa)
जा चुका होगा
(jaa cukaa hogaa)
जा रही होगी
(jaa rahii hogii)
जा चुकी होगी
(jaa cukii hogii)
आप (aap)
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
वह (vah)
“He” / “She”
जा रहा होगा 
(jaa rahaa hogaa)
जा चुका होगा 
(jaa cukaa hogaa)
जा रही होगी
(jaa rahii hogii)
जा चुकी होगी
(jaa cukii hogii)
वो (vo)
“He” / “She”
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे 
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
PLURAL“Will Go”“Will Be Going”“Will Have Gone”“Will Go”“Will Be Going”“Will Have Gone”
हम सब (ham Sab)
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे 
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
तुम सब (Tum Sab)
जा रहे होगे 
(jaa rahe hoge)
जा चुके होगे 
(jaa cuke hoge)
जा रही होगी
(jaa rahii hogii)
जा चुकी होगी
(jaa cukii hogii)
आप सब (aap Sab)
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे 
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
ये सब (ye Sab)
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे 
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
वे सब (ve Sab)
जा रहे होंगे
(jaa rahe honge)
जा चुके होंगे 
(jaa cuke honge)
जा रही होंगी
(jaa rahii hongii)
जा चुकी होंगी
(jaa cukii hongii)
Practicing Verb Conjugation

9. It’s Quiz Time!

Did you learn and understand how Hindi conjugations work with all of the examples above? How about we put our neurons to work and try to solve these easy-breezy verb conjugation questions!

Read these five simple statements and figure out the appropriate verb conjugation for each. The infinitive form for the required verb is already given.

  1. बच्चे (कूदना ) _______. [ bacce (kuuDaNaa) __________ ]
    “The kids are jumping.”

    a. कूदते हैं (kuuDaTe hain)
    b. कूद रहे हैं (kuuD rahe hain)
    c. कूद चुके हैं (kuuD cuke hain)

  2. वह रोज़ पत्र (लिखना ) ____________. [ vah roz paTr (LikhaNaa) _________ ]
    “She will write a letter everyday.”

    a. लिखेगा (Likhegaa)
    b. लिखेंगे (Likhenge)
    c. लिखेगी (Likhegii)

  3. पिताजी फल (खाना ) ____________. [ piTaajii phaL (khaaNaa) _________ ]

    a./खा चुके थे (khaa cuke THe)
    b./खा चुका था (khaa cukaa THaa)
    c./खा रहे थे (khaa rahe THe)

  4. जॉन कल स्कूल (जाना ) ______. [ jauN kaL SkuuL (jaaNaa) __________ ]
    (“John was going to school yesterday.”)

    a. जाता होगा (jaaTaa hogaa)
    b. जा रहा था (jaa rahaa THaa)
    c. जा रहा है (jaa rahaa hai)

  5. मैं जूस नहीं (पीना ) ______. [ maiN juuS Nahiin (piiNaa) __________ ]
    (“I don’t drink juices.”)

    a.पीता था (piiTaa THaa)
    b.पीता हूँगा (piiTaa huungaa)
    c.पीता हूँ (piiTaa huun)


1. Correct Answer: (b) कूद रहे हैं (kuuD rahe hain).

Reason: The statement “The kids are jumping,” is in the present continuous tense. In Hindi, the plural forms in present continuous end with रहे हैं (rahe hain). Thus, the option (b).

2. Correct Answer: (a) लिखेगी (Likhegii).

Reason: The sentence “She will write a letter everyday,” is in the simple future tense. The feminine pronouns in simple future end with गी (gii). Thus, option (a).

3. Correct Answer: (a) खा चुके थे (khaa cuke THe).

Reason: “Father had eaten the fruits.” Although “father” is a singular noun, he is a respectable figure. When we use the respectful tone, the plural verb conjugation is applied for singular nouns / pronouns. Moreover, this sentence is in the past perfect tense, which usually ends with -चुके थे (cuke THe). Thus, option (a).

4. Correct Answer: (b) जा रहा था (jaa rahaa THaa).

Reason: “John was going to school yesterday.” It’s a plain case of the past continuous tense, which typically ends with रहा था (rahaa THaa). Thus, option (b).

5. Correct Answer: (c) पीता हूँ (piiTaa huun).

Reason: “I don’t drink juices,” is a simple present tense sentence. In Hindi, such statements end with ता हूँ (Taa huun). Thus, option (c).

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The Verb in Hindi: 100+ Hindi Verbs & Conjugations


People are never without action! If nothing else, we’re breathing ceaselessly. The bottom line: There’s always something happening around us. And a verb in Hindi is the only part of speech that helps us express those actions in the most meaningful way.

Therefore, it’s quite essential to study the most common verbs in Hindi with examples.

But before moving on to our Hindi verbs list, we thought you’d definitely like to check out our amazing and highly useful Hindi lessons on the Best 100 Adjectives, Top 100 Nouns, and The Most Common Pronouns in Hindi.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Useful Verbs in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Introduction to Hindi Verbs
  2. Sentence Pattern in Hindi
  3. Transitive & Intransitive Verbs
  4. Regular & Irregular Verbs
  5. Auxiliary Verbs or Helping Verbs
  6. Hindi Modal Verbs
  7. Causative Verbs in Hindi
  8. Hindi Action Verbs
  9. Hindi Mental Verbs
  10. Hindi Phrasal Verbs
  11. Exploring the World of the Hindi Language with

1. Introduction to Hindi Verbs

Top Verbs

The first question we’re going to answer is “What is the word for ‘verb’ in Hindi?”

The word for verb in Hindi is known as क्रिया (kriyaa).

  • In Hindi, the “to be” verbs end with -ना  (-Naa).

For example, “to go” =  जाना (jaaNaa); “to eat” =  खाना (khaaNaa).

Just like in any other language, there are certain rules to be followed in order to correctly use the following list of verbs in Hindi.

Those who wish to dig into all the grammar essentials, this is your go-to basic Hindi verbs list. So, let’s begin.

2. Sentence Pattern in Hindi

More Essential Verbs

In a Hindi sentence, the verb always comes last. The usual sentence structure is S (Subject) + O (Object) + V (Verb).

1. खाना (khaaNaa)
“to eat”
सोहन ने आम खाया। 
SohaN Ne aam khaayaa.
“Sohan ate a mango.”

Here, सोहन (SohaN) = Subject, आम (aam) = Object, and खाया (khaayaa) = Verb.

2. पढ़ना (padhaNaa)
“to read”
रीमा किताब पढ़ रही है। 
riimaa kiTaab padh rahii hai.
“Reema is reading a book.”

Here, रीमा (riimaa) = Subject, किताब (kiTaab) = Object, and पढ़ रही है (padh rahii hai) = Verb.

Now that we’ve looked at the ways verbs work in Hindi, it’s time to study the different types of verbs in Hindi.

3. Transitive & Intransitive Verbs

On the basis of presence / absence of the object, there are two Hindi verb types.

  • One is a “transitive verb” in Hindi, or सकर्मक क्रिया (Sakarmak kriyaa). Using Hindi transitive verbs means that the sentence has an object.
3. जाना (jaaNaa)
“to go”
मैं स्कूल जाता हूँ। 
main SkuuL jaaTaa huun.
“I go to school.”
  • The other type is the “intransitive verb” in Hindi, or अकर्मक क्रिया (akarmak kriyaa). Using an intransitive verb means that the sentence has no object.

Example: मैं जाता हूँ (main jaaTaa huun.) =  “I go.”

Thinking about Something

4. Regular & Irregular Verbs

This is not a strict division, but in terms of Hindi verb conjugation, there are two types of Hindi verbs. 

  • Regular verbs in Hindi

When conjugating Hindi regular verbs, the verb form remains the same.

Example: Here, the infinitive verb is “to watch,” or देखना (DekhaNaa).

4. देखना (DekhaNaa)
“to watch”
राज फ़िल्म देखता है 
raaj fiLm DekhaTaa hai.
“Raj watches a movie.”

Now, as the example shows a singular subject, “Raj,” and the present tense verb form, the infinitive form “to watch” changes into present tense and becomes “watches.”

Similarly: राज ने फ़िल्म देखी (raaj Ne fiLm Dekhii.) “Raj watched a movie.”

राज फ़िल्म देखेगा (raaj fiLm Dekhegaa.) “Raj will watch a movie.”

  • Irregular verbs in Hindi

Hindi irregular verbs may change their forms according to the tense that’s used.

Example: Here, the infinitive verb is “to go,” or जाना (jaaNaa).

राज अस्पताल जाता है (raaj aSpaTaaL jaaTaa hai.) “Raj goes to the hospital.”

राज अस्पताल गया (raaj aSpaTaaL gayaa.) “Raj went to the hospital.”

राज अस्पताल जायेगा (raaj aSpaTaaL jaayegaa.) “Raj will go to the hospital.”

  • In addition to these two types of verbs, Hindi verbs conjugation also changes with various other factors, such as gender, mood, intention, etc. Wish to read about this in detail? Stay tuned for our upcoming guide on Conjugation in Hindi!

5. Auxiliary Verbs or Helping Verbs

Negative Verbs

Do you know that Hindi auxiliary verbs, or helping verbs, are known as सहायक क्रिया (Sahaayak kriyaa). The helping verbs support the main verb and make the sentence grammatically correct.

In our simple Hindi verb tenses charts below, you’ll find some Hindi helping verbs with examples of how to use them.

1- Present Tense

5. है (hai)
Used for singular nouns and pronounsआम मीठा है 
aam miithaa hai.
“The mango is sweet.”
6. हूँ (huun)
Used for “I”मैं एक लड़की हूँ 
main ek Ladakii huun.
“I am a girl.”
7. हैं (hain)
Used for plural nouns and pronounsवे लोग भूखे हैं 
ve Log bhuukhe hain.
“Those people are hungry.”

2- Past Tense

Here are the main Hindi past tense auxiliary verbs.

8. था (THaa)
Used for singular masculine nouns and pronounsसूरज कल दफ़्तर जा रहा था 
Suuraj kaL DafTar jaa rahaa THaa.
“Suraj was going to the office yesterday.”
9. थी  (THii)
Used for singular feminine nouns and pronounsपूजा सो रही थी 
puujaa So rahii THii.
“Pooja was sleeping.”
10. थे (THe)
Used for plural nouns and pronounsसभी बच्चे पार्क में खेल रहे थे 
Sabhii bacce paark men kheL rahe THe.
“All the kids were playing in the park.”

3- Future Tense

And lastly, here’s how to conjugate Hindi verbs in the future tense.

11. -गा (-gaa)
“will” / “shall”
Used for singular masculine nouns and pronounsसूरज कल दफ़्तर जाएगा। 
Suuraj kaL DafTar jaayegaa.
“Suraj will go to the office tomorrow.”
12. -गी (-gii)
“will” / “shall”
Used for singular feminine nouns and pronounsपूजा दो घंटे तक सोएगी। 
puujaa Do ghante Tak Soyegii.
“Pooja will sleep for two hours.”
13. -गे (-ge)
“will” / “shall”
Used for plural nouns and pronounsसभी बच्चे पार्क में खेलेंगे 
Sabhii bacce paark men kheLenge.
“All the kids will play in the park.”

Getting familiar with the different kinds of verbs? Well, there’s a lot more to come! Soon, we’ll be expanding your Hindi verbs vocabulary by checking out our list of Hindi phrasal verbs. We’ll also find out what on earth Hindi causative verbs are! 

But first, we present you with some of the most commonly used modal verbs in Hindi.

6. Hindi Modal Verbs

Modal verbs help us express the capacity, intention, or urgency of an action. Just like Hindi auxiliary verbs, modal verbs are not the main verbs, but are helpful in emphasizing a particular context.

14. चाहिए (caahiye)
तुम्हें अब आराम करना चाहिए 
Tumhen ab aaraam karaNaa caahiye.
“You should rest now.”
15. ज़रूर (zaruur)
हमें अपना वादा ज़रूर पूरा करना चाहिए। 
hamen apaNaa vaaDaa zaruur puuraa karaNaa caahiye.
“We must fulfill our promise.”
16. सकना (SakaNaa)
“Can” / “Could”
ऋतु कार चला सकती है। 
riTu kaar caLaa SakaTii hai.
“Ritu can drive the car.”

We also use the verb “would” in Hindi. But instead of translating it into a particular word, “would” generally works as a suffix in Hindi verbs.

  • Suffixes for “would” = गा (gaa) / गी (gii) / गें (ge)

For example:

  • क्या आप चाय लेंगे? 

kyaa aap caay Lenge?

“Would you have some tea?”

  • हम आपके आभारी रहेंगे. 

ham aapke aabhaarii rahenge.

“We would really appreciate that.”

7. Causative Verbs in Hindi

Our list of basic Hindi verbs for beginners would be incomplete without causative verbs. Any idea what they are?

Well, the causative verbs in Hindi represent an action which isn’t being done directly by the subject.

Usually, such verbs end with the suffix -वाना (-vaaNaa).

Let’s read some examples to understand how they are applied in a sentence.

17. -वाना (-vaaNaa)
मुझे बाल कटवाना है 
mujhe baaL katavaaNaa hai.
“I have to get a haircut.”
18. -वाना (-vaaNaa)
दादाजी मुझसे रोज़ पौधों में पानी डलवाते हैं। 
DaaDaajii mujh Se roz pauDHon men paaNii daLavaaTe hain.
“Grandpa makes me water the plants every day.”

8. Hindi Action Verbs

Now we present to you the most popular and common type of verb in Hindi: the action verb.

Action verbs are the main verbs which revolve around the subject. In this Hindi verbs list, we’ve tried to cover as many action verbs for you as possible.

19. लाना (LaaNaa)
“to bring”
क्या तुम वो सब्ज़ी की टोकरी यहां ला सकते हो? 
kyaa Tum vo Sabzii kii tokarii yahaan Laa SakaTe ho?
“Can you bring that vegetable basket over here?”
20. पकाना (pakaaNaa)
“to cook”
विनीता को खाना पकाना बहुत पसंद है। 
viNiTaa ko khaaNaa pakaaNaa bahuT paSanD hai.
“Vinita loves to cook.”
Man Snowboarding Down Mountain
21. बनाना (baNaaNaa)
“to make”
सुनील काफ़ी सुंदर तस्वीरें बनाता है। 
SuNiiL kaafii SuNDar TaSviiren baNaaTaa hai.
“Sunil makes amazing pictures.”
22. देखना (DekhaNaa)
“to look”
रोहन घाटी की ओर देख रहा था। 
rohaN ghaatii kii or Dekh rahaa THaa.
“Rohan was looking at the valley.”
23. कहना (kahaNaa)
“to say”
बच्चा अपनी माँ से कुछ कह रहा है। 
baccaa apaNii maan Se kuch kah rahaa hai.
“The child is saying something to his mom.”
24. बताना (baTaaNaa)
“to tell”
रीमा ने मुझे कुछ नहीं बताया। 
riimaa Ne mujhe kuch Nahiin baTaayaa.
“Reema did not tell me anything.”
25. पूछना (puuchaNaa)
“to ask”
मुझे तुमसे कुछ पूछना है। 
mujhe TumaSe kuch puuchaNaa hai.
“I need to ask you something.”
26. रुकना (rukaNaa)
“to stop”
हमें अगले मोड़ पर रुकना है। 
hamen agaLe mod par rukaNaa hai.
“We have to stop at the next turn.”
27. खड़ा होना (khaadaa hoNaa)
“to stand”
खिलाड़ी मैदान में खड़े हैं। 
khiLaadii maiDaaN men khade hain.
“The players are standing on the ground.”
28. चखना (cakhaNaa)
“to taste”
मैंने वो चॉकलेट आइसक्रीम चखी थी। 
main Ne vo caukaLet aaiS kriim cakhii THii.
“I had tasted that chocolate ice cream.”
29. लगना (LagaNaa)
“to feel”
इस घर में वापस आकर कितना अच्छा लग रहा है। 
iS ghar men vaapaS aakar kiTaNaa acchaa Lag rahaa hai.
“It feels so nice to be here again in this house.”
30. कोशिश करना (kosis karaNaa)
“to try”
सोहन ने कई बार कोशिश करके देख लिया। 
SohaN Ne kaii baar kosis karake Dekh Liyaa.
“Sohan tried it so many times.”
31. दौड़ना (DaudaNaa)
“to run”
घोड़े बहुत तेज़ दौड़ते हैं। 
ghode bahuT Tez DaudaTe hain.
“The horses run very fast.”
32. घूमना (ghuumaNaa)
“to wander” / “to go out”
चलो थोड़ी देर बाहर घूमते हैं। 
caLo THodii Der baahar ghuumaTe hain.
“Let’s go out for a while.”
33. रोना (roNaa)
“to cry”
सुमित कल रो रहा था। 
SumiT kaL ro rahaa THaa.
“Sumit was crying yesterday.”
34. हंसना (hanSaNaa)
“to laugh”
चुटकुले पर सभी हंसने लगे। 
cutakuLe par Sabhii hanSaNe Lage.
“Everybody laughed at the joke.”
35. मुस्कुराना (muSkuraaNaa)
“to smile”
तुम क्यों मुस्कुरा रही थीं? 
Tum kyon muSkuraa rahii THiin.
“Why were you smiling?”
36. छूना (chuuNaa)
“to touch”
सुनीता की किताबें मत छुओ। 
SuNiiTaa kii kiTaaben maT chuo.
“Don’t touch Sunita’s books.”
37. सोना (SoNaa)
“to sleep”
देव दूसरे कमरे में सोता है। 
Dev DuuSare kamare men SoTaa hai.
“Dev sleeps in the other room.”
38. चिल्लाना (ciLLaaNaa)
“to shout”
बच्चे क्यों चिल्ला रहे थे ?
bacce kyon ciLLaa rahe THe?
“Why were the kids shouting?”
39. लिखना (LikhaNaa)
“to write”
मैं कविता और कहानी लिखती हूँ। 
main kaviTaa aur kahaaNi LikhaTii huun.
“I write poems and stories.”
40. समझाना (SamajhaaNaa)
“to explain”
ये सवाल समझाना काफ़ी मुश्किल है। 
ye savaaL SamajhaaNaa kaafii muskiL hai.
“It is really hard to explain this sum.”
Cooking a Meal
41. होना (hoNaa)
“to become”
हितेश कितना चिड़चिड़ा हो गया है। 
hiTes kiTaNaa cidacidaa ho gayaa hai.
“Hitesh has become so irritable.”
42. लेना (LeNaa)
“to take”
दुकानदार ने रोहन से पैसे लिए। 
DukaaNaDaar Ne rohaN Se paiSe Liye.
“The shopkeeper took the money from Rohan.”
43. देना (DeNaa)
“to give”
पिताजी को ये छाता दे दो। 
piTaajii ko ye chaaTaa De Do.
“Give this umbrella to Father.”
44. छीनना (chiiNaNaa)
“to snatch”
किसी ने उस आदमी का बटुआ छीन लिया।  
kiSii Ne uS aaDamii kaa batuaa chiiN Liyaa.
“Somebody snatched that man’s wallet.”
45. ढूँढना (dhuundhaNaa)
“to find”
क्या तुमने कार की चाभी ढूंढ ली? 
kyaa TumaNe kaar kii caabhii dhuundh Lii?
“Did you find the car keys?”
46. इस्तेमाल करना (iSTemaaL karaNaa)
“to use”
मेरे चाचा माइक्रोवेव ओवन का इस्तेमाल नहीं करते हैं। 
mere caacaa maaikrovev ovaN kaa iSTemaaL Nahiin karaTe hain.
“My uncle doesn’t use the microwave oven.”
47. पहुँचना (pahuncaNaa)
“to arrive”
हम अभी-अभी रेलवे स्टेशन पहुँचे हैं। 
ham abhii-abhii reLave StesaN pahunce hain.
“We have just arrived at the railway station.”
48. निकलना (nikaLaNaa)
“to leave”
मैं चार बजे दफ़्तर से निकलूंगा। 
main caar baje DafTar Se NikaLuungaa.
“I will leave the office at four.”
49. रखना (rakhaNaa)
“to keep”
अपने ज़ेवर संभाल कर रखना। 
apaNe zevar SambhaaL kar rakhaNaa.
“Keep your jewelry safely.”
50. बुलाना (buLaaNaa)
“to call”
माँ तुम्हें बुला रही हैं। 
maan Tumhen buLaa rahii hain.
“Mother is calling you.”
51. पीना (piiNaa)
“to drink”
बिल्ली ने सारा दूध पी लिया। 
biLLii Ne Saaraa DuuDH pii Liyaa.
“The cat drank all the milk.”
52. खेलना (kheLaNaa)
“to play”
ललित रोज़ बैडमिंटन खेलता है। 
LaLiT roz baidamiNtaN kheLaTaa hai.
“Lalit plays badminton everyday.”
53. शुरू करना (suruu karaNaa)
“to start”
मैं कल से इस किताब पर काम शुरू कर दूंगा। 
main kaL Se iS kiTaab par kaam suruu kar Duungaa.
“Tomorrow, I will start working on this book.”
54. परोसना (paroSaNaa)
“to serve food”
कृपया, मेहमानों को खाना परोस दीजिये। 
kripayaa mehmaaNon ko khaaNaa paroS Diijiye.
“Please, serve the food to the guests.”
55. धुलना (DHuLaNaa)
“to wash”
रमन हर महीने अपनी कार धुलता है। 
ramaN har mahiiNe apaNii kaar DHuLaTaa hai.
“Raman washes his car every month.”
56. दबाना (DabaaNaa)
“to press”
स्विच को और ज़ोर से दबाओ। 
Svic ko aur zor Se Dabaao.
“Press the switch a little harder.”
Ice Skating!
57. कूदना (kuuDaNaa)
“to jump”
मेरा बेटा सोफ़े पर कूद रहा है। 
meraa betaa Sofe par kuuD rahaa hai.
“My son is jumping on the sofa.”
58. मना करना (maNaa karaNaa)
“to refuse”
बॉस ने आज छुट्टी देने से मना कर दिया है। 
baauS ne aaj chuttii DeNe Se maNaa kar Diyaa hai.
“The boss refused to leave today.”
59. मिलना (miLaNaa)
“to meet”
सारे दोस्त पांच बजे पार्क में मिलेंगे। 
Saare DoST paanc baje paark men miLenge.
“All the friends will meet in the park at five.”
60. ताली बजाना (TaaLii bajaaNaa)
“to clap”
दर्शकों ने जादूगर के लिए ख़ूब ताली बजाई। 
Darsakon Ne jaaDugar ke Liye khuub TaaLii bajaayii.
“The audience clapped for the magician.”
61. छींकना (chiinkaNaa)
“to sneeze”
वो पूरा वक़्त छींकता रहता है। 
vo puuraa vaqT chiinkaTaa rahaTaa hai.
“He sneezes all the time.”
62. खाँसना (khaanSaNaa)
“to cough”
बच्चा बहुत बुरी तरह से खाँस रहा है। 
baccaa bahuT burii Tarah Se khaanS rahaa hai.
“The child is coughing so badly.”
63. काटना (kaaTaNaa)
“to cut”
सीमा ने फलों को छोटे-छोटे टुकड़ों में  काट दिया। 
Siimaa Ne phaLon ko chote-chote tukadon men kaat Diyaa.
“Seema cut the fruits into small pieces.”
64. चबाना (cabaaNaa)
“to chew”
हर निवाले को अच्छी तरह से चबाओ। 
har NivaaLe ko acchii Tarah Se cabaao.
“Chew every morsel properly.”
65. निगलना (NigaLaNaa)
“to swallow”
तुम्हें इस गोली को निगलना है। 
Tumhen iS goLii ko NigaLaNaa hai.
“You have to swallow this pill.”
66. सजाना (SajaaNaa)
“to decorate”
दिवाली पर हम अपने घरों को सजाते हैं। 
DivaaLii par ham apaNe gharon ko SajaaTe hain.
“On Diwali, we decorate our houses.”
67. घुसना / अंदर आना
(ghuSaNaa) / (anDar aaNaa)
“to enter”
आप पीछे के दरवाज़े से घर के अंदर आ सकते हैं। 
aap piiche ke Daravaaze Se ghar ke anDar aa SakaTe hain.
“You can enter the house from the back door.”
68. चुस्की लेना (cuSkii LeNaa)
“to sip”
ज़ुकाम ठीक करने के लिए गर्म चाय की चुस्कियाँ लो। 
zukaam thiik karaNe ke Liye garm caaye kii cuSkiyaan Lo.
“To get rid of the cold, sip some hot tea.”
69. तैयार करना (Taiyaar karaNaa)
“to prepare”
माँ ने रवि के लिए कमरा तैयार कर दिया है। 
maan Ne ravi ke Liye kamaraa Taiyaar kar Diyaa hai.
“Mother has prepared the room for Ravi.”
70. छिपाना / छुपाना (chipaaNaa) / (chupaaNaa)
“to hide”
लोकेश ज़रूर हमसे कोई बात छुपा रहा है। 
Lokes zaruur ham Se koii baaT chupaa rahaa hai.
“Lokesh is surely hiding something from us.”
71. चुराना (curaaNaa) 
“to steal”
किसी ने मेरी अंगूठी चुरा ली है। 
kiSii Ne merii anguuthii curaa Lii hai.
“Somebody has stolen my ring.”
72. नाचना (NaacaNaa)
“to dance”
पार्टी में सब लोग नाच रहे थे।  
paartii men Sab Log Naac rahe THe.
“Everybody was dancing at the party.”
73. गाना (gaaNaa)
“to sing”
मेरी बहन बहुत अच्छा गाती है। 
merii bahaN bahuT acchaa gaaTii hai.
“My sister sings really well.”
74. डाँटना (daantaNaa)
“to scold”
अध्यापक ने विद्यार्थियों को डाँटा। 
aDHyaapak Ne viDyaarTHiyon ko daantaa.
“The teacher scolded the students.”
75. फेंकना (phenkaNaa)
“to throw”
शीला ने गेंद मेरी तरफ़ फेंक दी। 
siiLaa Ne geND merii Taraf phenk Dii.
“Sheela threw the ball to me.”
76. बैठना (baithaNaa)
“to sit”
मेहमान ड्रॉइंग रूम में बैठे हैं। 
mehmaaN draauing ruum men baithe hain.
“The guests are sitting in the drawing room.”
77. बेचना (becaNaa)
“to sell”
सब्ज़ीवाला सब्ज़ी बेच रहा है। 
SabziivaaLaa Sabzii bec rahaa hai.
“The greengrocer is selling the vegetables.”
78. ख़रीदना (khariiDaNaa)
“to buy”
मुझे अपने पिता के लिए कुछ फल ख़रीदने हैं। 
mujhe apaNe piTaa ke Liye kuch phaL khariiiDaNe hain.
“I have to buy some fruit for my father.”
79. जीतना (jiiTaNaa)
“to win”
हमारी टीम टूर्नामेंट जीत गयी। 
hamaarii tiim tuurNaameNt jiiT gayii.
“Our team won the tournament.”
Buying the Toys
80. हारना (haaraNaa)
“to lose”
ऑस्ट्रेलिया क्रिकेट मैच हार गयी। 
auStreLiyaa kriket maic haar gayii.
“Australia lost the cricket match.”
81. उड़ना (udaNaa)
“to fly”
पतंग कितनी ऊँची उड़ रही है। 
paTang kiTaNii uuncii ud rahii hai.
“The kite is flying so high!”
82. तैरना (TairaNaa)
“to swim”
ज्योति नदी में तैरेगी। 
jyoTi NaDii men Tairegii.
“Jyoti will swim in the river.”

8. Hindi Mental Verbs

For your convenience, we’ve created a separate list for mental verbs. These useful Hindi verbs are essential for any new Hindi learner to master!

83. जानना (jaaNaNaa)
“to know”
मैं कल की पिकनिक के बारे में कुछ नहीं जानती हूँ। 
main kaL kii pikaNik ke baare men kuch Nahiin jaaNaTii huun.
“I don’t know anything about tomorrow’s picnic.”
84. सोचना (SocaNaa)
“to think”
सीमा दूसरी नौकरी के बारे में सोच रही है। 
Siimaa DuuSarii Naukarii ke baare men Soc rahii hai.
“Seema is thinking about another job.”
85. अहसास होना (caahaNaa)
“to realize”
बच्चे को अपनी ग़लती का एहसास हो गया है। 
bacce ko apaNii gaLaTii kaa ehaSaaS ho gayaa hai.
“The child has realized his mistake.”
86. विश्वास करना (visvaaS karaNaa)
“to believe”
मैं तुम पर विश्वास करती हूँ। 
main Tum par visvaaS karaTii huun.
“I believe you.”
87. उम्मीद करना (ummiiD karaNaa)
“to hope”
हम सब एक बेहतर भविष्य की उम्मीद करते हैं। 
ham Sab ek behaTar bhavisy kii ummiiD karaTe hain.
“We all hope for a better future.”
88. समझना (SamajhaNaa)
“to understand”
रोहन मेरी दिक़्क़त समझता है। 
RohaN merii DikkaT SamajhaTaa hai.
“Rohan understands my problem.”
89. पसंद करना (paSanD karaNaa)
“to like”
जॉन को मसालेदार खाना पसंद है। 
jauN ko maSaaLeDaar khaaNaa paSanD hai.
“John likes spicy foods.”
90. प्यार करना (pyaar karaNaa)
“to love”
मैं अपने बच्चों से बहुत प्यार करता हूँ। 
main apaNe baccon Se bahuT pyaar karaTaa huun.
“I really love my kids.”
91. याद करना (yaaD karaNaa)
“to remember”
मुझे अभी तक वो रात याद है। 
mujhe abhii Tak vo raaT yaaD hai.
“I still remember that night.”
92. भूलना (bhuuLaNaa)
“to forget”
सुमित कोर्ट की तारीख़ फिर से भूल गया। 
SumiT kort kii Taariikh phir Se bhuuL gayaa.
“Sumit forgot about the court date again.”
93. नफ़रत करना (NafaraT karaNaa)
“to hate”
सुमन इस शहर से नफ़रत करती है। 
SumaN iS sahar Se NafaraT karaTii hai.
“Suman just hates this town.”
94. सपने  देखना (SapaNe DekhaNaa)
“to dream”
कल रात मैं तुम्हें सपने में देख रहा था। 
kaL raaT main Tumhen SapaNe men Dekh rahaa THaa.
“Last night I was dreaming about you.”

9. Hindi Phrasal Verbs

By now, you’ve learned many useful Hindi verbs. We will now explore another sub-topic: phrasal verbs.

Phrasal verbs are those verbs in which two phrases come together, and they both collectively act as the main verbs in that sentence.

Talking and Discussing with Each Other

Sound tricky?Well, because this concept can be a little confusing to learners, we’ve included a quick Hindi phrasal verbs list here.

95. आना – जाना (aaNaa – jaaNaa)
“to visit”
सर्दियों के मौसम में बहुत सी हस्तियाँ इस होटल में आती-जाती रहती हैं। 
SarDiyon ke mauSam men bahuT Sii haSTiyaan iS hotaL men aaTii-jaaTii rahTii hain.
“Many celebrities visit this hotel in the winter season.”
96. पढ़ना – लिखना (padhaNaa – LikhaNaa)
“to study”
उज्जवल भविष्य के लिए पढ़ना – लिखना ज़रूरी है। 
ujjavaL bhavisy ke Liye padhaNaa – LikhaNaa zaruurii hai.
“For a bright future, it’s really important to study hard.”
97. माफ़ी माँगना (maafii maangaNaa)
“to apologize”
मेरे सहकर्मी ने अपनी ग़लती पर माफ़ी मांग ली। 
mere Sahakarmii Ne apaNii gaLaTii par maafii maang Lii.
“My colleague apologized for his mistake.”
98. खो जाना (kho jaaNaa)
“to get lost”
दो विदेशी होटल का रास्ता भूल गए। 
Do viDesii hotaL kaa raaSTaa bhuuL gaye.
“Two foreigners got lost on their way to the hotel.”
99. हार मान लेना (haar maaN LeNaa)
“to give up”
कनिका इतनी जल्दी हार नहीं मानेगी। 
kaNikaa iTaNii jaLDii haar Nahiin maaNegii.
“Kanika would not give up so easily.”
100. चुप हो जाना (cup ho jaaNaa)
“to become silent”
प्रार्थना के वक़्त हर कोई चुप हो गया। 
praarTHaNaa ke vaqT har koii cup ho gayaa.
“During the prayer, everybody became silent.”

10. Exploring the World of the Hindi Language with

With this, we successfully close another big chapter. In this lesson, you learned all types of verbs. How many types do you remember?

If asked, would you be able to give us a few examples of causative verbs in Hindi? Our comment box is right below, waiting for you to showcase all you’ve got.

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The Pronoun in Hindi: Types of Pronouns in Hindi & Examples


A pronoun is a word used in place of a noun. Everybody knows this definition. But what is a pronoun in Hindi—or rather, what is the meaning of “pronoun” in Hindi?

“Pronoun” in Hindi is known as सर्वनाम (SarvaNaam).Imagine a conversation where you had to repeat the name of a person or thing all the time? Exactly! It would be so dull, so monotonous, and where’s the fun in that? This is where the different kinds of pronouns in Hindi come into play.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. The Importance of a Pronoun in Hindi
  2. Pronoun Definition and Examples in Hindi
  3. Types of Pronouns in Hindi
  4. Hindi Personal Pronouns
  5. Hindi Demonstrative Pronouns
  6. Hindi Interrogative Pronouns
  7. Hindi Indefinite Pronouns
  8. Hindi Relative Pronouns
  9. Hindi Distributive Pronouns
  10. Getting the Best Out of HindiPod101

1. The Importance of a Pronoun in Hindi

The primary purpose of all kinds of pronouns in Hindi is to make the communication clean and clutter-free. Pronouns eliminate redundancy in conversations, at the same time adding more clarity and flow to the talk.

On the other hand, all pronoun words in Hindi play a significant role in enhancing colloquialism in the language. It’s the collection of these pronoun words in Hindi that allows the native language to remain so effortlessly unique and vibrant.

How to Pronounce Hindi Pronoun Words

Apart from that, after going through this guide, you’ll also be able to easily differentiate between a noun and pronoun in Hindi. If you haven’t yet, kindly check our super-informative article on “100 Hindi Nouns.”

Talking about nouns, we can’t just skip adjectives, can we? Well, accentuate your communication with these Top 100 Adjectives in Hindi and wow Hindi native speakers with a flawless and smooth Hindi vocabulary!

Now, without further ado, let’s embark on our exciting topic for today.

2. Pronoun Definition and Examples in Hindi

The various parts of speech include, but are not limited to, the: noun, pronoun, adjective, verb, and adverb in Hindi. Needless to say, having at least a surface-level knowledge of each part’s definition and usage can take you a long way toward refining your language skills.

You’ve already learned the meaning of “pronoun” in Hindi, which is सर्वनाम (SarvaNaam). Now it’s time to quickly glance through some examples of Hindi sentences using pronouns.

Let’s make this one easy before heading into more examples. Here’s how you would tell someone what a pronoun is in Hindi:

  • संज्ञा के स्थान पर प्रयोग किये जाने वाले शब्द सर्वनाम कहलाते हैं। 

Sangyaa ke STHaaN par prayog kiye jaaNe vaaLe sabD SarvaNaam kahaLaaTe hain.

“Words used in place of a noun are called pronouns.”

3. Types of Pronouns in Hindi

There are so many types of pronouns in Hindi. These include:

  • “Personal Pronoun” = पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम (purusavaacak SarvaNaam
  • “Possessive Pronoun” = अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम (aDHikaaravaacak SarvaNaam) 
  • “Reflexive Pronoun” = निजवाचक सर्वनाम (Nijavaacak SarvaNaam)
  • “Demonstrative Pronoun” = संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम (SankeTavaacak SarvaNaam) 
  • “Interrogative Pronoun” = प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम (prasNavaacak SarvaNaam
  • “Indefinite Pronoun” = अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम (aNiscayavaacak SarvaNaam) 
  • “Relative Pronoun” = संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम (SambaNDHavaacak SarvaNaam) 
  • “Distributive Pronoun” = वितरणवाचक सर्वनाम (viTaranavaacak SarvaNaam) 

Each kind of pronoun in Hindi will be explained with the help of simple and useful examples.

An interesting and easy way to learn about Hindi language pronouns is to use them abundantly in both spoken and written forms.

A List of Various Words in English

To warm up, here are some pronoun examples in Hindi:

  • मैं (main) = “I”
  • आप (aap) = “You”
  • उसको (uSako) = “Him” / “Her”
  • कहाँ (kahaan) = “Where”

Let’s see a few pronoun sentences in Hindi using these example words.

  • मैं घर जा रही हूँ। 

main ghar jaa rahii huun.

“I am going home.”

  • आप से मिलकर अच्छा लगा। 

aap Se miLakar acchaa Lagaa.

“It was nice meeting you.”

  • उसको कल आने के लिए बोल दो। 

uSako kaL aaNe ke Liye boL Do.

“Ask him/her to come tomorrow.”

  • सुमन कहाँ है? 

SumaN kahaan hai?

“Where is Suman?”

By now, you must have gotten a fair idea about what pronouns in Hindi are and how to use them.

In this lesson about pronouns in Hindi, we’ve introduced all the main kinds of pronouns in Hindi. 

Are you ready to dig deeper now, and really start learning Hindi pronouns? Let’s go!

4. Hindi Personal Pronouns

Introducing Yourself

The first type of pronoun we’ll be discussing in this Hindi pronouns list is the personal pronoun. Personal pronouns in Hindi are known as पुरुषवाचक सर्वनाम (purusavaacak SarvaNaam). This type of pronoun in Hindi refers to words that replace nouns that are used for a particular person, place, or thing.

To make personal pronouns in Hindi crystal-clear for you, we’ll break it down into sub-categories that are described below.

1- Singular Forms

Almost all Hindi pronouns exercises revolve around the correct use of pronouns in Hindi. This also includes knowing how to form and use the singular and plural forms of pronouns. Let’s go over the concept of the “singular form”, or एकवचन (ekavacaN), of personal pronouns in Hindi.

Personal Pronouns: Singular Forms
1st Personमैं (main)“I”मैं सोना चाहता हूँ। 
main SoNaa caahaTaa huun.
“I want to sleep.”
2nd Personतुम (Tum)“You”तुम अच्छी लग रही हो। 
Tum acchii Lag rahii ho.
“You look nice.”
आप (aap)“You”आप चाय लेना पसंद करेंगे? 
aap caaye LeNaa paSanD karenge.
“Would you like to have tea?”
3rd Personवह (vah)“He”वह रोज़ विद्यालय जाता है। 
vah roz viDyaaLay jaaTaa hai.
“He goes to school every day.”
वह (vah)“She”वह बहुत उदास थी। 
vah bahauT uDaaS THii.
“She was quite sad.”
यह (yeh)“It”यह एक उपन्यास है। 
yah ek upaNyaaS hai.
“It is a novel.”

2- Plural Forms

The plural forms are known as बहुवचन (bahuvacaN) in Hindi. Below is a Hindi pronoun chart which showcases some of the most frequently used plural forms of personal pronouns in Hindi.

Personal Pronouns: Plural Forms
1st Personहम (ham)
हम सब (ham Sab)
हम लोग (ham Log)
“We”हम सब बाज़ार जा रहे हैं।
ham Sab baazaar jaa rahe hain.
“We are going to the market.”
2nd Personतुम सब (Tum Sab)“You”तुम सब को हिंदी में चार वाक्य बनाने हैं।
Tum Sab ko hinDii men caar vaakya baNaaNe hain.
“You have to make four sentences in Hindi.”
आप सब (aap Sab)“You”आप सब अब जा सकते हैं।
aap Sab ab jaa SakaTe hain.
“You may go now.”
3rd Personवे (ve)“They”वे लोग मेरे रिश्तेदार हैं।
ve Log mere risTeDaar hain.
“They are my relatives.”

3- Hindi Object Pronouns

This kind of pronoun in Hindi consists of words that are used to replace the object (on which the action is being done) in that sentence. In such sentences, the subject or doer is someone else. 

Common Pronoun Words

Let’s check out all pronouns in Hindi which are in the object forms.

Personal Pronouns: Object Forms
1st Personमुझे (mujhe)“Me”शीला मुझे प्यार करती है। 
siiLaa mujhe pyaar karaTii hai.
“Sheila loves me.”
हमें (hamen)“Us”दादाजी हमें मिठाई दिलाएंगे। 
DaaDaajii hamen mithaaii DiLaayenge.
“Grandpa will buy us sweets.”
2nd Personतुम्हें (Tumhen)“You”सूरज तुम्हें अपना दोस्त समझता है। 
Suuraj Tumhen apaNaa DoST SamajhaTaa hai.
“Suraj considers you his friend.”
आपको (aapako)“You”प्रिंसिपल आपको बुला रहे हैं। 
priNSipaL aapako buLaa rahe hain.
“The principal is asking for you.”
3rd Personउसे (uSe)“Him”राधा उसे फ़ोन नहीं करेगी। 
raaDHaa uSe foN Nahiin karegii.
“Radha will not call him.”
उसे (uSe)“Her”माँ ने उसे सब्ज़ी लाने भेजा था। 
maan Ne uSe Sabzii LaaNe bhejaa THaa.
“Mother has sent her to buy some vegetables.”
उन्हें (uNhen)“Them”पुलिस ने उन्हें रंगे-हाथों पकड़ लिया। 
puLiS Ne uNhen range-haaTHon pakad Liyaa.
“The police caught them red-handed.”

4- Casual Forms

No language would be complete without its casual or informal words for chitchats. So, how could we let you miss these hardcore native pronoun words in Hindi?

Here’s our list of Hindi pronouns in their casual forms.

Make sure to use them only with your close friends. Avoid using them with colleagues and those who are older than you as it may leave a bad impression on them!

Personal Pronouns: Informal / Casual Forms
तू (Tuu)“You”तू पहले कुछ खा ले। 
Tuu pahaLe kuch khaa Le.
“You eat something first.”
तुझे (Tujhe)“You”तुझे अब आराम करना चाहिए। 
Tujhe ab aaraam karaNaa caahiye.
“You should get some rest now.”
तेरा (Teraa) / तेरी“Your”तेरी तबियत कैसी है ? 
Terii TabiyaT kaiSii hai?
“How is your health?”

5- Possessive Forms

The fifth type of personal pronoun is Hindi possessive pronouns/forms, which in Hindi are called अधिकारवाचक सर्वनाम (aDHikaaravaacak SarvaNaam).As the definition of possessive pronouns in Hindi indicates, the Hindi possessive pronouns are those words which show possession or ownership of a noun.

Personal Pronouns: Possessive Forms
1st Personमेरा (meraa) / मेरी (merii)“My” / “Mine”मेरा बैग गीला है। 
meraa baig giiLaa hai.
“My bag is wet.”
हमारा (hamaaraa) / हमारी (hamaarii)“Our”हमारा फ़्रिज ख़राब हो गया है। 
hamaaraa frij kharaab ho gayaa hai.
“Our fridge is not working.”
2nd Personतुम्हारा (Tumhaaraa) / तुम्हारी (Tumhaarii)“Your”तुम्हारी दवा का वक़्त हो गया। 
Tumhaarii Davaa kaa vaqT ho gayaa hai.
“It’s time for your medicine.”
आपका (aapakaa) / आपकी (aapakii)“Your”आपका काम हमें बहुत अच्छा लगा। 
aapakaa kaam hamen bahuT acchaa Lagaa.
“We really liked your work.”
3rd Personउसका (uSkaa) / उसकी (uSkii)“His” / “Her”सीमा अपने परिवार से प्यार करती है और हर सप्ताहांत उनसे मिलने जाती है। 
Siimaa apNe parivaar Se pyaar karTii hai aur har SapTaahaanT uNSe miLNe jaaTii hai.
“Seema loves her family and meets them every weekend.”
उनका (uNakaa) / उनकी (uNakii)“Their”मुझे उनका फ़ोन नंबर मालूम है। 
mujhe uNakaa foN Nambar maaLuum hai.
“I know their phone numbers.”

Now that you’re familiar with Hindi possessive pronouns, it’s time to study another significant sub-topic: the reflexive pronoun in Hindi.

6- Reflexive Forms

Before we look at the Hindi pronouns table below, we’ll first go over the meaning of reflexive pronouns in Hindi.

Pronouns Make Conversations Easier

The reflexive forms, or emphatic pronouns, are known as निजवाचक सर्वनाम (Nijavaacak SarvaNaam). While there are several words that qualify as reflexive pronouns in English, they’re reduced to two common phrases in Hindi that are used for all first-, second-, and third-person personal pronouns.

Which ones are these? Find out for yourself!

Personal Pronouns: Reflexive Forms
  • अपने-आप (apaNe-aap)

  • ख़ुद-ही (khuD-hii)
“Myself”मैं ख़ुद वहाँ जाना चाहती हूँ। 
main khuD vahaan jaaNaa caahaTii huun.
“I want to go there myself.”
“Yourself”तुम ख़ुद ये नौकरी करना चाहते थे। 
Tum khuD hii ye Naukarii karaNaa caahaTe THe.
“You yourself wanted this job.”
“Themselves”उन्होंने ख़ुद ही सामान का भुगतान किया था। 
uNhoNe khuD hii SaamaaN kaa bhugaTaaN kiyaa THaa.
“They, themselves, paid for the stuff.”
“Himself”बच्चा अपने आप ही चलने लगा। 
baccaa apaNe aap hi caLaNe Lagaa.
“The toddler himself started walking.”
“Herself”इसके लिए सीमा ख़ुद ज़िम्मेदार है। 
iSake Liye Siimaa khuD zimmeDaar hai.
“Seema herself is responsible for this.”
“Ourselves”हम ख़ुद इस मुश्किल में पड़ गए। 
ham khuD iS muskiL men pad gaye.
“We got into this problem ourselves.”

As you can see, we have just two Hindi phrases for so many English reflexive pronouns. Actually, both the phrases अपने-आप (apaNe-aap) and ख़ुद-ही (khuD-hii) can be used to replace any of the English reflexive pronouns, be it “himself,” “herself,” “themselves,” and so on.

Hence, regardless of the English reflexive pronouns, the clarity of the context mostly depends on the Hindi personal pronouns in that sentence, and not on the Hindi reflexive pronouns.

5. Hindi Demonstrative Pronouns

Now, we’ll talk about the demonstrative pronoun in Hindi. These pronouns are quite important, and we’ll look at them in more depth in the following Hindi pronouns chart.

Express Yourself Better Using Hindi Pronouns

The demonstrative pronoun meaning in Hindi is संकेतवाचक सर्वनाम (SankeTavaacak SarvaNaam). It’s also known as a definite pronoun in Hindi, or निश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम (Niscayavaacak SarvaNaam).

These are words which indicate a specific noun.

Demonstrative Pronouns
यह (yeh)“This”यह चादर मुझे तोहफ़े में मिली थी। 
yah caaDar mujhe Tohafe men miLii THii.
“I got this bedsheet as a present.”
ह (vah)“That”वह लड़का बीमार है। 
vah Ladakaa biimaar hai.
“That boy is sick.”
ये (ye)“These”ये मकान बहुत पुराने हैं। 
ye makaaN bahuT puraaNe hain.
“These houses are quite old.”
वे (ve)“Those”वे किताबें साधना की हैं। 
ve kiTaaben SaaDHaNaa kii hain.
“Those are Sadhana’s books.”
यहाँ (yahaan)“Here”तुम यहाँ कैसे आये ? 
Tum yahaan kaiSe aaye?
“How did you get here?”
वहाँ (vahaan)“There”जाओ और वहाँ सोफ़े पर बैठ जाओ। 
jaao aur vahaan Sofe par baith jaao.
“Go and sit on the sofa there.”
ऐसा / ऐसी (aiSaa / aiSii)“Such”मुझे ऐसी फ़िल्में पसंद नहीं हैं। 
mujhe aiSii fiLmen paSanD Nahiin hain.
“I don’t like such movies.”
वही“The same”ये वही बच्ची है जिसके बारे में मैंने तुम्हें बताया था। 
ye vahii baccii hai jiSake baare men maine Tumhen baTaayaa THaa.
“It’s the same girl I told you about.”

6. Hindi Interrogative Pronouns

Basic Questions

Interrogative pronouns in Hindi help us ask questions about any noun. In Hindi, these are known as प्रश्नवाचक सर्वनाम (prasNavaacak SarvaNaam).

Interrogative Pronouns
क्या (kyaa)“What”तुम दोपहर में क्या खाओगे ? 
Tum Dopahar men kyaa khaaoge?
“What will you have for lunch?”
क्यों (kyon)“Why”अर्जुन क्यों रो रहा है ? 
arjuN kyon ro rahaa hai?
“Why is Arjun crying?”
कौन सा (kauN Saa) / सी (Sii)“Which”उसको कौन सा रंग पसंद है? 
uSako kauN Saa rang paSanD hai?
“Which is her favorite color?”
कौन (kauN)“Who”दरवाज़े पर कौन था ? 
Darvaaze par kauN THaa?
“Who was on the door?”
किसे (kiSe) / किसको (kiSako)“Whom”तुम किसे ज़्यादा प्यार करते हो ?
Tum kiSe zyaaDaa pyaar karaTe ho?
“Whom do you love more?”
किसका (kiSkaa) / किसकी (kiSkii)“Whose”यह कलम किसकी है ? 
yah kaLam kiSakii hai?
“Whose pen is this?”
कहाँ (kahaan)किधर (kiDHar)“Where”बाक़ी लोग कहाँ हैं ? 
baaqii Log kahaan hain?
“Where is everybody else?”
कब (kab)“When”बस कब आएगी ? 
baS kab aayegii?
“When will the bus be here?”

7. Hindi Indefinite Pronouns

The next sub-topic in our Hindi pronouns list is the indefinite pronoun. Indefinite pronouns in Hindi are called अनिश्चयवाचक सर्वनाम (aNiscayavaacak SarvaNaam).

These pronoun words are useful when we’re referring to a noun, but not something in particular.

Indefinite Pronouns
कुछ (kuch) / थोड़ा (THodaa)“Some” / “Few”मुझे कुछ वक़्त चाहिए। 
mujhe kuch vaqT caahiye.
“I need some time.”
कोई (koii)“Any”उसके पास कोई और ड्रेस नहीं है। 
uSake paaS koii aur dreS Nahiin hai.
“She doesn’t have any other dress.”
सभी (Sabhii) / सारे (Saare)“All”मेरे भतीजे को सारे गुब्बारे चाहिए थे। 
mere bhaTiije ko Saare gubbaare caahiye THe.
“My nephew wanted all the balloons.”
कई (kaii)“Many”रवि को उसके जन्मदिन पर कई तोहफ़े मिले। 
ravi ko uSake jaNmaDiN par kaii Tohafe miLe.
“Ravi got so many presents on his birthday.”
हर कोई (har koii)“Everybody”हर कोई ख़ुश रहना चाहता है। 
har koii khus rahaNaa caahaTaa hai.
“Everybody wants to be happy.”
हर किसी (har kiSii)“Everyone”हर किसी ने उसके गाने की तारीफ़ की। 
har kiSii Ne uSake gaaNe kii Taariif kii.
“Everyone praised her singing.”
सब जगह (Sab jagah)
हर तरफ़ (har Taraf)
“Everywhere”आजकल सब जगह प्रदूषण बढ़ रहा है। 
aaj kaL Sab jagah praDuusan badh rahaa hai.
“Nowadays, the pollution levels are rising everywhere.”
कोई (koii)“Someone” /
बाहर कोई तुम्हारा इंतज़ार कर रहा है। 
baahar koii Tumhaaraa inTazaar kar rahaa hai.
“Someone is waiting for you outside.”
किसी ने (kiSii Ne)“Somebody”क्या किसी ने तुम्हें कुछ कहा ? 
kyaa kiSii Ne Tumhen kuch kahaa?
“Did somebody say something to you?”
किसी को (kiSii ko)“Someone”चलो, किसी को रात के खाने पर बुलाते हैं। 
caLo, kiSii ko raaT ke khaaNe par buLaaTe hain.
“Come on, let’s invite someone for dinner.”
किसी का (kiSii kaa)“Someone’s”हॉल में किसी का सूटकेस रखा है। 
haauL men kiSii kaa Suut keS rakhaa hai.
“Someone’s suitcase is there in the hall.”
कहीं (kahiin)“Somewhere”कविता आज कहीं जाने का प्लान बना रही थी। 
kaviTaa aaj kahiin jaaNe kaa pLaaN baNaa rahii THii.
“Kavita was planning to go somewhere today.”
कुछ (kuch)“Something”कहीं तुम कुछ भूल तो नहीं रहे ? 
kahiin Tum kuch bhuuL To Nahiin rahe?
“Aren’t you forgetting something?”
सब कुछ (Sab kuch)“Everything”मैं सब कुछ जानना चाहता हूँ। 
main Sab kuch jaaNaNaa caahaTaa huun.
“I want to know everything.”
कोई नहीं (koii Nahiin)“No-one” / “Nobody”यहाँ पर तो कोई नहीं है। 
yahaan par To koii Nahiin hai.
“There’s no-one here.”
कुछ नहीं (kuch Nahiin)“Nothing”एक्सीडेंट भयानक था लेकिन मुझे कुछ नहीं हुआ। 
ekSiident bhayaaNak THaa LekiN mujhe kuch Nahiin huaa.
“It was a terrible accident, but nothing happened to me.”
कहीं नहीं (kahiin Nahiin)“Nowhere”आइसक्रीम बेचने वाला कहीं नहीं दिख रहा था। 
aaiS kriim becNe vaaLaa kahiin Nahiin Dikh rahaa THaa.
“The ice-cream vendor was nowhere in sight.”
कोई भी (koii bhii)“Anyone” /
कोई भी इस प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले सकता है। 
koii bhii iS praTiyogiTaa men bhaag Le SakaTaa hai.
“Anyone can participate in this competition.”
किसी को भी (kiSii ko bhii)“Anyone”पूजा ने किसी को भी ये बात नहीं बताई। 
puujaa Ne kiSii ko bhii ye baaT Nahiin baTaayii.
“Pooja didn’t tell anyone about it.”
जिस किसी को भी (jiS kiSii ko bhii)“Whomever”तुम जिस किसी को भी चाहो उसे घर पर बुला सकती हो। 
Tum jiS kiSii ko bhii caaho uSe ghar par buLaa SakaTii ho.
“You can invite whomever you like.”
जो कोई भी (jo koii bhii)“Whoever”जो कोई भी पहले उस लाइन को पार करेगा विजेता बनेगा। 
jo koii bhii pahaLe uS LaaiN ko paar karegaa vijeTaa baNegaa.
“Whoever touches that line first is the winner.”
कहीं भी (kahiin bhii)“Anywhere”तुम कहीं भी मत जाना। 
Tum kahiin bhii maT jaaNaa.
“Don’t go anywhere.”
कुछ भी (kuch bhii)“Anything”मैं कुछ भी नहीं सुनना चाहती। 
main kuch bhii Nahiin SuNaNaa caahaTii.
“I don’t want to hear anything.”
Simple Ways to Learn Hindi Pronouns

8. Hindi Relative Pronouns

We’ve covered nearly all the different types of pronouns in Hindi. But let us remind you of another really significant one: the relative pronoun in Hindi.Relative pronouns in Hindi are called संबंधवाचक सर्वनाम (SambaNDHavaacak SarvaNaam). They show the relationship or connection that helps describe the noun that’s being talked about.

Relative Pronouns
जो (jo)“That”वो किताब कहाँ रखी है जो आप ने कल ख़रीदी थी?
vo kiTaab kahaan rakhii hai jo aap Ne kaL khariiDii THii?
“Where is that book you bought yesterday?”
जो (jo)“Which”श्याम ने पार्टी में जो शर्ट पहनी थी वो काफ़ी सुंदर थी।
syaam Ne paartii men jo sart pahaNii THii vo kaafii SuNDar THii.
“The shirt which Shyam was wearing at the party was quite nice.”
जो (jo)“Who”जो लड़का मुझसे मिलने आया था वह मेरा सहपाठी है।
jo Ladakaa mujh Se miLaNe aayaa THaa vah meraa Sahapaathii hai.
“The boy who came to meet me is my classmate.”
जिसने (jiSaNe)“Who”ये वही लड़की है जिसने कल मेरी मदद की थी।
ye vahii Ladakii hai jiSaNe kaL merii maDaD kii THii.
“This is the girl who helped me yesterday.”
जिसे (jiSe)
जिसको (jiSko)
“Whom”मैं जिसे पसंद करता था वह प्रत्याशी चुनाव में जीत गया है।
main jiSe paSanD karTaa THaa vah praTyaasiii cuNaav men jiiT gayaa hai.
“The candidate who* I was supporting has won the election.”
(*Quick Note: Please, note that the English translation isn’t exactly the same as the Hindi, so the Hindi “whom” became “who”.)
जिसका (jiSakaa)“Whose”यह जिसका पर्स है उसी को लौटा देते हैं।
yah jiSakaa parS hai uSii ko Lautaa DeTe hain.
“Let’s return this to the person whose purse this is.”
जहाँ (jahaan)जिधर (jiDHar)“Where”वहीं चलो जहाँ कल खाना खाया था।
vahiin caLo jahaan kaL khaaNaa khaayaa THaa.
“Let’s go to the same place where we ate yesterday.”
जब (jab)“When”जब तुम सो रहे थे मैं काम कर रहा था।
jab Tum So rahe THe main kaam kar rahaa THaa.
“I was working when you were sleeping.”

9. Hindi Distributive Pronouns

Our last type of pronoun is the distributive pronoun. In Hindi, the distributive pronoun is known as वितरणवाचक सर्वनाम (viTaranavaacak SarvaNaam).

Let’s look at the chart below and find out which Hindi pronouns qualify as the distributive pronouns.

Distributive Pronouns
हर एक (har ek) / प्रत्येक (praTyek)“Each”प्रत्येक खिलाड़ी को एक नयी टी-शर्ट मिलेगी। 
praTyek khiLaadii ko ek Nayii tii-sart miLegii.
“Each player will get a new t-shirt.”
या तो (yaa To) / या फिर (ya phir)“Either-or”या तो तुम हिंदी पढ़ सकती हो या फिर फ़्रेंच। 
yaa To Tum hiNDii padh SakaTii ho yaa phir freNc.
“You can either study Hindi or French.”
ना तो (Naa To)“Neither-nor”मेरी बीमारी के वक़्त न तो मेरी माँ पास थी न ही मेरे पिता। 
merii biimaarii ke vaqT Na To merii maan paaS THii Na hii mere piTaa.
“Neither my mother nor father were around when I was sick.”
कोई नहीं (koii Nahiin)“None”सभी कमरों में कोई साफ़ नहीं था। 
Sabhii kamaron men koii Saaf Nahiin THaa.
“None of the rooms were clean.”

10. Getting the Best Out of HindiPod101

Improve Listening

To get the most out of what you read today, you can treat this whole pronoun list in Hindi as an awesome Hindi pronoun exercise. Just pick one word and try making different sentences with it.

With this, we come to the end of this comprehensive guide on pronouns in Hindi. But we have so much more to offer.

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So, what are you waiting for? Explore a unique and informative world of Hindi learning and take your first step toward talking like a native!

And before you go, be sure to let us know in the comments how you feel about pronouns in Hindi now! Is there anything you still have questions about? We look forward to hearing from you!

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Your Guide to Hindi Sentence Structure and Word Order


Placing words in the right order is quite similar to weaving pearls beautifully into a string. How would it look if the pearls were put together haphazardly? Technically, they’re still pearls in a string; yet the beauty is ruined.

The same is true for word order in a Hindi sentence structure, or in any other language for that matter. One can not speak correctly without knowing how to put words together in a sentence. Stuffing the words randomly falls under poor grammar.

The sentence structure in one language may not be the same as the word order in another. The placement and sequence of words matter a lot because not following the right pattern often leads to meaningless and confusing conversations.So, in today’s lesson, we’ll focus on Hindi sentence structure and word order.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Understanding the Basic Word Order in Hindi
  2. Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object
  3. Word Order with Prepositional Phrases
  4. Word Order with Modifiers
  5. Changing the Sentence into a Yes-or-No Question
  6. Translation Exercises
  7. Become Unstoppable with

1. Understanding the Basic Word Order in Hindi

Improve Pronunciation

One thing worth remembering is that in a formal conversation, the sentence structure remains fixed. However, when talking informally, native speakers use more flexible patterns.Okay, enough of the chitter chatter. Let’s ask ourselves the foundational question! What is the structure of a sentence in Hindi?

The basic Hindi sentence structure follows the SOV pattern.

Here, S = Subject, O = Object, and V = Verb. Yes, you heard that right. We have the order subject + object + verb in Hindi sentences.

1 – Subject

The subject is any person or thing which is the primary doer in the sentence, and it usually comes at the beginning of a sentence.

मैं खाता हूँ। (main khaaTaa huun.)I eat.”

Here, “I” or मैं (main) is the subject.

2 – Object

An object is a word on which the action is performed. Usually, it follows immediately after the subject and before the verb.

मैं फल खाता हूँ। (main phaL khaaTaa huun.)“I eat fruits.”

Here, “fruits” or फल (phaL) is the object.

3 – Verb

A verb is the action happening in the sentence. Contrary to the English sentence structure, in Hindi, the verb (along with the helping verb) comes at the end of the sentence.

मैं फल खाता हूँ। (main phaL khaaTaa huun.)“I eat fruits.”

Here, “eat” or खाता हूँ (khaaTaa huun) is the verb.

Word Sequences in Hindi

2. Basic Word Order with Subject, Verb, and Object

To help you understand the concept a little better, take a look at these Hindi sentence structure examples.

1 – Declarative Sentences (Formal / Fixed)

मैं फल खाता हूँ। (main phaL khaaTaa huun.)
(S + O + V)
I eat fruits.”
(S + V + O)
  • This is the simplest and most basic Hindi sentence structure, where the subject occupies the first position and is followed by the object and then the verb. Now, let’s learn the Hindi sentence structure in its flexible or informal state.

2 – Declarative Sentences (Informal / Flexible)

मैं खाता हूँ फल(main khaaTaa huun phaL.)
(S +V+O)
I eat fruits.”
(S + V + O)
  • As you can see, Hindi does show its malleable nature when used in an informal manner. Do mind, however, that the S + V + O pattern in Hindi is never used in the formal context and is frowned upon.

3 – Negative Sentences

मैं फल नहीं खाता हूँ। (main phaL Nahiin khaaTaa huun.)
(S + O + V)
I do not eat fruits.”
(S + V + O)
  • The distinguishable features in Hindi compared to English are that, in Hindi, helping verbs come at the end of the sentence; in English, they’re present in the first part of the sentence.
  • Moreover, when using Hindi word order, we have a separate word for expressing the negative condition. For instance, in the above example, “not” or नहीं (Nahiin) comes right after the object and just before the verb.

4 – Interrogative Sentence

क्या मैं फल खाता हूँ? (kyaa main phaL khaaTaa huun.)
(S + O + V)
“Do I eat fruits?”
(Auxiliary verb + S + V + O)
  • Unlike in English, the auxiliary verbs in Hindi do not come at the beginning of interrogative sentences. Instead, there are separate words for asking questions in Hindi.
Practice Hindi Word Order with Your Friends

3. Word Order with Prepositional Phrases

It’s not always possible to confine oneself to the simple Hindi sentence structure. Not only would that be boring, but we’d also be missing out on loads of other info, and the whole context would be pretty unclear.

That’s where adverbs, adjectives, and other prepositional phrases come into play. Our lesson on word order wouldn’t be complete without including some essential tips and rules on inserting additional words into a Hindi sentence. In Hindi grammar, word order with additional words would look something like this:

1 – Frequency

मैं रोज़ फल खाता हूँ। (main roz phaL khaaTaa huun.)I eat fruits daily.”

Okay, in the example above, we’ve used the adverb “daily,” which is translated as रोज़ (roz) in Hindi. It’s clear to see how the adverb of frequency रोज़ (roz) smoothly takes its place between the subject and the object.

In a similar Hindi sentence structure, you can replace it with other frequency adverbs (e.g. “occasionally” or “rarely”). Wondering about the Hindi words for these adverbs? Check out this quick list of the most popular adverbs in Hindi.

If you were thorough reading our lesson on Hindi adverbs, you’ll know that not all adverbs behave the same way. In short, one would really need to practice a lot to get a grip on this.

2 – Time

मैं शाम को फल खाता हूँ। (main saam ko phaL khaaTaa huun.)I eat fruits in the evening.”

The adverb of time is placed somewhere between the subject and the object. In case there’s no object, the time comes right between the subject and the action in the sentence.

Using the example above as a reference, we can also talk about specific times, such as:

मैं शाम को 4 बजे फल खाता हूँ। (main saam ko caar baje phaL khaaTaa huun.)I eat fruits at four p.m. in the evening.”

3 – Place

मैं रोज़ शाम को दफ़्तर में फल खाता हूँ। (main roz saam ko DafTar men phaL khaaTaa huun.)“Every evening, I eat fruit in the office.”

Again, similar to the time adverb, the words for place also happen to be present between the subject and the object / verb.

4 – Manner

मैं फल काट कर खाता हूँ। (main phaL kaat kar khaaTaa huun.)I eat fruits after cutting them.”

Suppose you want to talk about the manner in which you eat fruits. How do you do that using Hindi language word order? What would be the appropriate place to put that word in the sentence? Well, usually, it’s positioned between the object and the verb.

So, how do you like to eat fruits? Try to practice with these words:

  • धो कर (DHo kar) = “After washing”
  • छील कर (chiiL kar) = “After peeling”

5 – Multiple Objects

It’s quite natural to talk about two different things in a single Hindi sentence. For instance, a person may eat fruit with milk, in salad, or in a smoothie. In such cases, the example below will come in handy.

मैं रोज़ शाम को दूध के साथ फल खाता हूँ। (main roz saam ko DuuDH ke SaaTH phaL khaaTaa huun.)“Every evening, I eat fruits with milk.”

6 – Adjective

Life would be so colorless and flavorless without adjectives! When we’re passionate about something or wish to emphasize a particular quality of that thing, we use adjectives.In Hindi, adjectives are placed just before the object. Check out the adjective examples below and see for yourself.

मैं रोज़ ताज़े फल खाता हूँ। (main roz Taaze phaL khaaTaa huun.)I eat fresh fruits every day.”
मैं हर तरह के फल खाता हूँ। (main har Tarah ke phaL khaaTaa huun.)I eat all types of fruits.”

Are you looking for an accurate adjective meaning in Hindi along with some examples to enhance your Hindi language skills? We’ve got you covered with this amazing list of the Top 100+ Adjectives in Hindi.

4. Word Order with Modifiers

Improve Listening

Modifiers are the words which are used to modify any object or person in the sentence. A modifier could be an adjective, a number, or any determiner.

When modifying an English grammar sentence structure in Hindi, you can find a modifier right before the noun. However, you’ll notice that when there are two modifiers, the noun may come in between both.

Without the right examples, theory has only so much use. And thus, we’ve provided a few examples to give you an idea about the placement of modifiers in Hindi. Let’s have a look!

1 – Number

मेरे पास दो सेब हैं। (mere paaS Do Seb hain.)“I have two apples.”

As you can see, here the modifier is a number. It’s modifying the noun “apple,” or सेब (Seb), and is just before that noun.

2 – Determiners and Possessives

यह सेब मेरा नहीं है। (yah Seb meraa Nahiin hai.)“This apple is not mine.”

Now, this is an example of two modifiers in the same sentence. Here, the noun is “apple,” or सेब (Seb). The first modifier is the determiner “this,” or यह (yah), and the second modifier is the possessive “mine,” or मेरा (meraa).

In English, both modifiers are placed at the beginning and end of the sentence. But as soon as you try to translate this English grammar sentence structure into Hindi, you’ll see how the determiner remains in the original position while the possessive moves just after the object.

3 – Relative

मैंने जो सेब फ़्रिज में रखा था वो ख़राब हो गया है। (mainNe jo Seb frij men rakhaa THaa vo kharaab ho gayaa hai.)“The apple that I had kept in the fridge has gone bad.”

5. Changing the Sentence into a Yes-or-No Question

In this section, we’re going to learn how to change a simple sentence into a question. This section is going to be the easiest one in the article! 

Let us remind you again that, in Hindi, the auxiliary verbs have no special role in interrogative sentences. Instead, Hindi has separate words for asking questions.

A Woman Wondering about Something

Now, a yes-or-no question starts with “what,” or क्या (kyaa). All you need to do is use क्या (kyaa) as the first word in the sentence.In flexible (informal) structures, क्या (kyaa) may come at the end of the sentence instead.

Statement 1मुझे फल खाना पसंद है।
(mujhe phaL khaaNaa paSaND hai.)
“I like to eat fruits.”
क्या मुझे फल खाना पसंद है?
(kyaa mujhe phaL khaaNaa paSaND hai?)
“Do I like to eat fruits?”
मुझे फल खाना पसंद है क्या?
(mujhe phaL khaaNaa paSaND hai kyaa?)
“Do I like to eat fruits?”
Answerहाँ, मुझे फल खाना पसंद है।
(haan, mujhe phaL khaaNaa paSaND hai.)
“Yes, I like to eat fruits.”
Statement 2सेब मेरा सबसे पसंदीदा फल है।
(Seb meraa Sab Se paSaNDiiDaa phaL hai.)
“Apple is my favorite fruit.”
Questionक्या सेब मेरा सबसे पसंदीदा फल है?
(kyaa Seb meraa Sab Se paSaNDiiDaa phaL hai?)
“Is apple my favorite fruit?”
Answerहाँ, सेब मेरा सबसे पसंदीदा फल है।
(haan, Seb meraa Sab Se paSaNDiiDaa phaL hai.)
“Yes, apple is my favorite fruit.”
Statement 3मैं एक दिन में छः सेब नहीं खा सकता हूँ।
(main ek DiN men chah Seb Nahiin khaa SakaTaa huun.)
“I can not eat six apples in a day.”
Questionक्या मैं एक दिन में छः सेब खा सकता हूँ?
(kyaa main ek DiN men chah Seb khaa SakaTaa huun?)
“Can I eat six apples in a day?”
Answerनहीं, मैं एक दिन में छः सेब नहीं खा सकता हूँ।
(Nahiin, main ek DiN men chah Seb Nahiin khaa SakaTaa huun.)
“No, I can not eat six apples in a day.”

6. Translation Exercises

Alright! Now it’s time to pull up your socks and rehearse everything we’ve learned.

Step 1: Simplest Sentence (S+V)

सीमा जाती है। (Siimaa jaaTii hai.)
(S + V)
Seema goes.”
(S + V)

Step 2: Basic Sentence (S+O+V)

सीमा स्कूल जाती है। (Siimaa SkuuL jaaTii hai.)
(S + O + V)
Seema goes to school.”
(S + V + O)

Step 3: Adding an Adverb (Frequency)

सीमा रोज़ स्कूल जाती है। (Siimaa roz SkuuL jaaTii hai.)Seema goes to school daily.”

Step 4: Adding an Adverb Phrase

सीमा रोज़ सुबह स्कूल जाती है। (Siimaa roz Subah SkuuL jaaTii hai.)Seema goes to school every morning.”

Step 5: Adding Time

सीमा रोज़ सुबह 8 बजे स्कूल जाती है। (Siimaa roz Subah aath baje SkuuL jaaTii hai.)Seema goes to school every morning at eight a.m.”

Step 6: Adding Manner

सीमा रोज़ सुबह 8 बजे रिक्शा से स्कूल जाती है। (Siimaa roz Subah aath baje riksaa Se SkuuL jaaTii hai.)Seema goes to school every morning at eight a.m. by rickshaw.”

Step 7: Using the Question Form

क्या सीमा रोज़ सुबह 8 बजे रिक्शा से स्कूल जाती है? (kyaa Siimaa roz Subah aath baje riksaa Se SkuuL jaaTii hai?)“Does Seema go to school every morning at eight a.m. by rickshaw?”

7. Become Unstoppable with

We hope that by now you have a fair idea about the basic Hindi sentence structure and its word order. Feeling stuck because of a word? Don’t let lack of vocab stop you from achieving your true goals.

Sign up at, and our free online dictionary is ready for you! Search for any word and find out its meaning in both English and Hindi. And that’s not all. You’ll also get access to our world-class lesson materials and downloadable PDF sheets!

Before wrapping up, we’d like to know which step in the Hindi sentence structure was easiest for you, and which one confused you from the beginning? Is there any specific thing that’s not clear to you?

Have you tried an English-to-Hindi sentence structure yourself? Oh! We’d love to hear about it in the comment box below.

So, don’t hold yourself back. Pour your heart and mind into your studies, and with your flawless Hindi, let the world know what you’re made of!

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Telling the Time in Hindi: Learn How to Tell Time in Hindi


Time is such an indispensable element of our life. So, if you’re planning to stay in India for a while, learning about time in Hindi and being able to say Hindi phrases such “at what time” will undoubtedly keep you ahead in life.However, living in India gives you breathing space in that regard, and a delay of a few minutes isn’t something to worry about! In other words, India is more of an easy-going place when it comes to being present right on time. Nonetheless, to many, punctuality is just another way of showing respect to others.

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Time Phrases in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Importance of Time in Hindi Language-Learning
  2. Learn Hindi Time
  3. General Time Reference of the Day
  4. Learn How to Tell Time in Hindi
  5. Asking for the Time in Hindi
  6. Time Adverbs
  7. Time Proverbs and Sayings
  8. Get Ahead of Time with

1. Importance of Time in Hindi Language-Learning


As we all know, doing things on time brings success in professional life and fulfillment in personal life. Apparently, from tending to the most mundane tasks of daily life to being present for the more significant events, the role of time can’t be underestimated. Hence, it’s essential for you to learn how to tell time in Hindi and become familiar with a variety of Hindi time expressions.

Thus we’ve brought you a complete guide in telling time in Hindi. This guide will teach you how to tell time in Hindi, how to ask “What time is it?” in Hindi, and even about the time zone in India.

Before you dive into this excellent read on telling the time in the Hindi language, we strongly recommend that you follow these engaging learning strategies to get the most out of this article!

2. Learn Hindi Time

Improve Listening

Speaking of the mundane activities in our daily routines—such as waking up on time, catching a flight, going to a movie with friends, or rushing to that important interview—in India, nothing can be done properly if you don’t know how to tell time in Hindi or, further, talk about the time in Hindi.

1- Meaning of Time in Hindi

Let’s begin with the first step and learn how to say “time” in India. The two most common words that native speakers use for “time” are समय (Samay) and वक़्त (vaqT).

For example:

  • समय पर सो जाना। 

Samay par So jaaNaa.

“Go to bed on time.”

  • दवा लेने का वक़्त हो गया है। 

Davaa LeNe kaa vaqT ho gayaa hai.

“It’s time for your medicine.”

2- A.M. and P.M. in Hindi

You must have heard of the Latin terms “a.m.” and “p.m.” A.M. stands for “Ante Meridiem” and P.M. stands for “Post Meridiem,” but do you know that Indians also like to use a different set of words for “a.m.” and “p.m.” in Hindi?

Well, a.m. in Hindi is known as पूर्वाह्न (puurvaahN).

And p.m. in Hindi is known as अपराह्न (apraahN).

3- Time Zones in Hindi

Quite often when people from two different time zones talk to each other online or over the phone, they keep asking “What time is it there?”

When comparing times in two distinct parts of the world, the concept of time zones is the greatest tool for preventing any confusion!


Different Time Zones in the World

In order to learn Hindi time in its entirety, it’s certainly important to know how to talk about time zones in Hindi! 

“Time zone” in Hindi is known as समय क्षेत्र (Samay kseTr).

  • भारत के समय क्षेत्र को भारतीय मानक समय के नाम से जाना जाता है।

bhaaraT ke Samay kseTr ko bhaarTiiy maaNak Samay ke Naam Se jaaNaa jaaTaa hai.

“The time zone in India is known as Indian Standard Time (IST).”

Date and time in Hindi go hand-in-hand. While in the sections below, we’ll keenly discuss and learn Hindi time expressions, you can also check out our comprehensive lesson on How to Read Dates as well.

3. General Time Reference of the Day

Telling the time in Hindi would be so boring if all we did was use digits. Moreover, if you really wish to learn how to tell time in Hindi, using these general time references will make telling time in Hindi like a native speaker a dream come true!In the table below, we’ve hand-picked for you the best time expressions in Hindi.

Hindi PhrasesEnglish MeaningUsage in a Sentence
सुबह तड़के (Subah Tadake)“Early morning”क्या तुम सुबह तड़के सैर पर चलोगी ?
(kyaa Tum Subah Tadake Sair par caLogii?)

“Would you like to go for a walk early in the morning?”
सुबह (Subah)“Morning”सुबह जल्दी उठना स्वास्थ्य के लिए लाभदायक होता है।
(Subah jaLDii uthaNaa SvaaSTHy ke Liye LaabhaDaayak hoTaa hai.)
“Getting up early in the morning is good for health.”
सूर्योदय (SuryoDay)“Sunrise”कल सूर्योदय का समय 4 बजे का है।
(kaL SuuryoDay kaa Samay caar baje kaa hai.)
“The sunrise time for tomorrow is four a.m.”
सूर्यास्त (SuryaaST)“Sunset”सूर्यास्त के बाद फल नहीं खाना चाहिए।
(SuuryaaST ke baaD phaL nahiin khaaNaa caahiye.)
“Fruits should be avoided after sunset.”
दोपहर (Dopahar)“Afternoon”हम सब दोपहर में पिकनिक पर चलेंगे।
(ham Sab Dopahar men piksNik par caLenge.)
“We will all go to the picnic in the afternoon.”
शाम (saam)“Evening”मुझे शाम में चाय पीना पसंद है।
(mujhe saam men caay piiNaa paSanD hai.)
“I like to have tea in the evening.”
रात (raaT)“Night”कल रात मूवी देखने में बहुत मज़ा आया।
(kaL raaT muuvii DekhaNe men bahuT mazaa aayaa.)
“It was a lot of fun watching the movie last night.”
दिन (DiN)“Day”आज का दिन काफ़ी थकान भरा था।
(aaj kaa DiN kaafii THakaaN bharaa THaa.)
“It was a tiring day today.”
गोधूलि (goDHuuLi)“Twilight”गोधूलि बेला में पंछी अपने घरों को लौटने लगते हैं।
(goDHuuLi beLaa men paNchii apaNe gharon ko LautaNe LagaTe hain.)
“At twilight, birds start returning to their homes.”
आधी रात (aaDHii raaT)“Midnight”हम आधी रात तक हवाई अड्डे पर ही थे।
(ham aaDHii raaT Tak havaaii adde par hii THe.)
“We were at the airport until midnight.”

By now, you must understand that just like in English, telling the time in Hindi doesn’t necessarily mean mentioning the clock hours. The phrases listed above are also frequently used by natives to give just a general reference to the time of the day.

What phrase / sentence would you use to describe your day in Hindi?

4. Learn How to Tell Time in Hindi

Clock Overlaid on a Calendar

Reading the Date and Time in Hindi

We’ve finally arrived at the most significant and practical part of this article. Telling time in Hindi isn’t possible without learning the units of time in Hindi. 

In this segment, you’ll learn how to say hours in Hindi, minutes in Hindi, and seconds in Hindi. You’ll also find out the meaning of “o’clock” in Hindi.

1- Hour

“Hour” in Hindi is known as घंटा (ghantaa). The plural form, “hours,” can be translated as घंटे (ghante).

Moreover, for the term “o’clock,” the common Hindi word is बजे (baje).

One important thing to remember is that in Hindi, “hours” and “o’clock” are not interchangeable. They actually mean two different things.

Let’s learn the difference with the help of some example sentences.

  • ट्रेन चार घंटे देर से आएगी। 

treN caar ghante Der Se aayegii.

“The train is four hours late.”

  • ट्रेन चार बजे आएगी। 

treN caar baje aayegii.

“The train will arrive at four o’clock.”

As you can see, the word घंटे (ghante), or “hours,” stands for the duration; the word बजे (baje), or “o’clock,” refers to the time on the clock.

2- The Twelve-Hour Clock

The twelve-hour clock is more common in India than the twenty-four-hour clock. Once you get the drift of it, you’ll realize how easy it is to answer or ask “What time is it?” in Hindi.

Time in EnglishTime in HindiTime in Hindi
1 o’clockएक बजे
(ek baje)
एक बजे हैं। (ek baje hain.)

“It’s 1 o’clock.”
2 o’clockदो बजे
(Do baje)
दो बजे हैं। (Do baje hain.)

“It’s 2 o’clock.”
3 o’clockतीन बजे
(TiiN baje)
तीन बजे हैं। (TiiN baje hain.)

“It’s 3 o’clock.”
4 o’clockचार बजे
(caar baje)
चार बजे हैं। (caar baje hain.)

“It’s 4 o’clock.”
5 o’clockपाँच बजे
(paanc  baje)
पाँच बजे हैं। (paanc baje hain.)

“It’s 5 o’clock.”
6 o’clockछह बजे
(chah  baje)
छह बजे हैं। (chah baje hain.)

“It’s 6 o’clock.”
7 o’clockसात बजे
(SaaT baje)
सात बजे हैं। (SaaT baje hain.)

“It’s 7 o’clock.”
8 o’clockआठ बजे
(aath baje)
आठ बजे हैं। (aath baje hain.)

“It’s 8 o’clock.”
9 o’clockनौ बजे
(Nau baje)
नौ बजे हैं। (Nau baje hain.)

“It’s 9 o’clock.”
10 o’clockदस बजे
(DaS baje)
दस बजे हैं। (DaS baje hain.)

“It’s 10 o’clock.”
11 o’clockग्यारह बजे
(gyaarah baje)
ग्यारह बजे हैं। (gyaarah baje hain.)

“It’s 11 o’clock.”
12 o’clockबारह बजे
(baarah baje)
बारह बजे हैं। (baarah baje hain.)

“It’s 12 o’clock.”

Adding to that, Indians don’t typically use terms like a.m. and p.m. all the time. So, to avoid all the confusion, the hours are usually described depending on the phase of the day.

For instance:

  • 4 p.m. would be expressed as शाम के चार बजे (saam ke caar baje).
  • 7 a.m. would be expressed as सुबह के सात बजे (Subah ke SaaT baje).
  • 2 p.m. would be expressed as दोपहर के दो बजे (Dopahar ke Do baje).
Woman Pointing at a Clock

Telling the Time

3- Minutes and Seconds

The above examples were just about the hours. So how can you give the exact time in Hindi using both hours and minutes?

  • “Minute” in Hindi is pronounced as मिनट (miNat).
  • “Second” in Hindi is pronounced as सेकेंड (Sekend).

We can better understand these concepts with the help of a simple example.

When someone says to you “Tell me the time in Hindi,” how do you respond?

Suppose the current time is 3:18. In Hindi, it would simply be said as 3 बज के 18 मिनट (TiiN bajakar/bajake athaarah miNat).

1. If the time is in the first half of the hour, the rule is:

(hour) + बजकर (bajakar) + (minutes) + मिनट हुए हैं (miNat huye hain).

For example:

  • तीन बज कर अठारह मिनट हुए हैं।

TiiN bajakar athaarah miNat huye hain.

“It is 3:18.”

2. If the time is in the second half of the hour, the rule is:

(the coming hour) + बजने में (bajaNe men) + (minutes remaining until the next hour) + हैं (hain).

For example:

  • चार बजने में दो मिनट हैं।

caar bajaNe men Do miNat hain.

“It is 3:58.”

Does Hindi counting confuse you? Worry not! We also have a blog article on Hindi numbers; time in Hindi really can’t be studied without going through and understanding this important subject!

So, why don’t you check out our lesson on Hindi numbers and flaunt your Hindi counting knowledge in the comment box? Let’s see if you can tell us what 5 o’clock in Hindi is!

4- Hours Divided into Minutes

Hours and MinutesEnglishHindiUsage in a Sentence
1:30*“Half past one”डेढ़ (dedh)विद्यालय की छुट्टी डेढ़ बजे होती है।
(viDyaaLay kii chuttii dedh baje hoTii hai.)

“The school closes at half past one.”
2:30**“Half past two”ढाई (dhaaii)हम लोग ढाई बजे शॉपिंग के लिए चलेंगे।
(ham Log dhaaii baje sauping ke Liye caLenge.)

“We will go shopping at half past two.”
–:15“Quarter past”सवा (Savaa)फ़्लाइट सवा चार बजे की है।
(fLaait Savaa caar baje kii hai.)

“The flight is at a quarter past four.”
–:30“Half past”साढ़े (Saadhe)सुधा सुबह साढ़े छह बजे उठ जाती है।
(SuDHaa Subah Saadhe chah baje uth jaaTii hai.)

“Sudha gets up at half past six in the morning.”
–:45“Quarter to”पौने (pauNe)मैच पौने बारह पर शुरू होगा।
(maic pauNe baarah par suru hogaa.)

“The match will begin at a quarter to twelve.”

As you can see in the table above, there are exceptions for saying the 1:30 and 2:30 time in Hindi.

* डेढ़ (dedh) is used for “1:30.”

** ढाई (dhaaii) is used for “2:30.”

For the rest of the hours and minutes, the pattern is uniform. For instance, 11:45 in Hindi is known as पौने बारह (pauNe baarah).

We hope you’re enjoying our lesson on how to tell the time in the Hindi language.

Allow us to introduce you to these powerful memory-enhancing strategies to help you learn how to tell time in Hindi effectively.

5. Asking for the Time in Hindi

When setting up the time for a plan, it’s pretty common for us to ask each other “at what time.” Translate in Hindi and it becomes कितने बजे (kiTaNe baje).

Needless to say, it’s one of the most frequently used phrases when talking about time.

Man with Many Arms Multitasking

Managing the Day on Time

Do you want to amaze native speakers with your command over Hindi? Of course you do. So, here’s a tip for you! Practice these common phrases used to ask for time.

For instance, the “What time is it there?” meaning in Hindi would be:

  • वहाँ पर कितने बज रहे हैं ? Or वहाँ पर क्या वक़्त हो रहा है ?

(vahaan par kiTaNe baj rahe hain?) or (vahaan par kyaa vaqT ho rahaa hai?)

Both of these sentences qualify as “What time is it there?” in Hindi.

  • कितने बजे हैं ? 

kiTaNe baje hain?

“What’s the time?”

  • टाइम क्या हो रहा है ? 

taaim kyaa ho rahaa hai?

“What time is it?”

  • कितना समय हुआ ? 

kiTaNaa Samay huaa?

“What’s the time?”

  • मूवी / मीटिंग कितने बजे की है ? 

muuvii / miiting kiTaNe baje kii hai?

“What time is the movie/meeting?”

  • क्या आप बता सकते हैं समय कितना हुआ है ? 

kyaa aap baTaa SakaTe hain Samay kiTaNaa huaa hai?

“Do you have the time please?”

In short, if you want to ask “What time is it?”, say कितने बजे हैं ? (kiTaNe baje hain), and if you wish to ask “at what time,” translate in Hindi as कितने बजे (kiTaNe baje) and you’ll be good to go!

6. Time Adverbs

Once you learn how to tell time in Hindi, there’s absolutely no stopping you! In fact, you’ll enjoy it so much and wonder why you didn’t learn this all sooner. 

Let’s look at some time adverbs that Hindi speakers use quite frequently in their day-to-day lives, and practice using them in sentences.

1- Right now

अभी तुरंत (abhii TuranT)

  • मैं अभी तुरंत आपको पैसे वापस करता हूँ। 

main abhii TuranT aapako paiSe vaapaS karaTaa huun.

“I will return you the money right now.”

फ़ौरन (fauraN)

  • इन्हें फ़ौरन अस्पताल ले चलो। 

inhen fauraN aSpaTaaL Le caLo.

“Take her to the hospital right now.”

2- Currently

अभी (abhii)

  • मैं अभी जर्मनी में रह रही हूँ। 

main abhii jarmaNii men rah rahii huun.

“Currently, I’m in Germany.”

इस समय (iS Samay)

  • इस समय शिमला में बर्फ़बारी हो रही है। 

iS Samay simaLaa men barfabaarii ho rahii hai.

“Currently, there’s a snowfall happening in Shimla.”

3- Meanwhile

इस दौरान (iS DauraaN)

  • इस दौरान, बिल्ली गेंद से खेल रही थी। 

iS DauraaN, biLLii genD Se kheL rahii THii.

“Meanwhile, the cat was playing with the ball.”

4- Before

पहले (pahaLe)

  • खाने से पहले हाथ धोने चाहिए। 

khaaNe Se pahaLe haaTH DHoNe caahiye.

“You should wash your hands before eating.”

5- After

बाद में (baaD men)

  • ऋतु अपना काम ख़त्म करने के बाद सोयेगी। 

riTu apaNaa kaam khaTm karaNe ke baaD Soyegii.

“Ritu will sleep after finishing her work.”

6- Soon

जल्द ही (jaLD hii)

  • हम जल्द ही मिलेंगे। 

ham jaLD hii miLenge.

“We will meet soon.”

Woman Checking Her Watch

Meeting Someone on Time

7- Almost

लगभग (Lagabhag)

  • खाना लगभग तैयार हो चुका है। 

khaaNaa Lagabhag Taiyaar ho cukaa hai.

“The food is almost ready.”

8- In a little while

कुछ ही देर में (kuch hii Der men)

  • कुछ ही देर में मूवी शुरू होने वाली है। 

kuch hii Der men muuvii suru hoNe vaaLii hai.

“The movie will begin in a little while.”

थोड़ी देर में (THodii Der men)

  • मैं थोड़ी देर में वापस आ जाऊंगी। 

main THodii Der men vaapaS aa jaauungii.

“I will be back in a little while.”

9- For a long time

कई दिनों तक (kaii DiNon Tak)

  • पुस्तकालय कई दिनों तक बंद रहेगा। 

puSTakaaLay kaii DiNon Tak banD rahegaa.

“The library will remain closed for a long time.” 

लंबे समय तक (Lambe Samay Tak)

  • राजेश लंबे समय तक जापान में था। 

raajes Lambe Samay Tak jaapaaN men THaa.

“Rajesh was in Japan for a long time.”

एक अरसे तक (Ek araSe Tak)

  • एक अरसे तक सीमा भारत नहीं आ पायी। 

ek araSe Tak Siimaa bhaaraT Nahiin aa paayii.

“Seema couldn’t come to India for a long time.”

10- Anytime

कभी भी (kabhii bhii)

  • तुम मेरे घर कभी भी आ सकते हो। 

Tum mere ghar kabhii bhii aa SakaTe ho.

“You can come to my house anytime.”

किसी भी वक़्त (kiSii bhii vaqT)

  • बारिश किसी भी वक़्त हो सकती है। 

baaris kiSii bhii vaqT ho SakTii hai.

“It may start raining anytime now.”

11- As soon as possible

जितनी जल्दी हो सके (jiTaNii jaLDii ho Sake)

  • जितनी जल्दी हो सके वापस आ जाओ। 

jiTaNii jaLDii ho Sake vaapaS aa jaao.

“Come back as soon as possible.”

जल्द से जल्द (jaLD Se jaLD)

  • मुझे जल्द से जल्द ये किताब ख़त्म करनी है। 

mujhe jaLD se jaLD ye kiTaab khaTm karaNii hai.

“I have to finish this book as soon as possible.”

12- Just now

अभी – अभी (abhii – abhii)

  • मुझे  अभी – अभी यह ख़बर मिली है। 

mujhe abhii abhii yah khabar miLii hai.

“I heard the news just now.”

7. Time Proverbs and Sayings

Hindi is a rich language. Knowing Hindi helps you taste the depth and diverse range of so many Hindi proverbs and sayings related to time.

Man in Bed Reaching for an Alarm Clock

Waking Up on Time

So, here’s our bonus section with the most popular proverbs and quotes on time in Hindi.

  • समय ही सबसे बड़ा धन है। 

Samay hii SabaSe badaa DHaN hai.

“Time is money.”

  • समय किसी के लिए नहीं रुकता।

Samay kiSii ke Liye nahiin rukaTaa.

“Time waits for none.”

  • समय बहुत बलवान है।

Samay bahuT baLavaaN hai.

“Time is powerful.”

  • गुज़रा वक़्त कभी वापस नहीं आता।

guzaraa vaqT kabhii vaapaS Nahiin aaTaa.

“Once the time has passed, it never comes back.”

  • समय हर घाव भर देता है।

Samay har ghaav bhar DeTaa hai.

“Time heals every wound.”

What’s your favorite time-related proverb? Try translating it in Hindi and share it with us in the comment box!

8. Get Ahead of Time with

Basic Questions

Whoa! This certainly has been quite a comprehensive lesson, but wasn’t it totally worth it? By now, you should have a much better idea of how to ask and give the time in Hindi. Why not practice giving the current time in Hindi where you are by dropping us a comment? makes learning such a fun thing that learners just can’t get enough of it. So why wait, when all these amazing free Hindi resources are waiting to be explored?

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Right & Left in Hindi: Giving Directions in Hindi Language


It’s easy to get lost in an unfamiliar and vast land such as India. In order to survive this hassle, understanding some basics like how to say right and left in Hindi, and polishing your general vocabulary related to directions in Hindi, is really important.

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Table of Contents
  1. Why Learn About Directions in Hindi Language
  2. Benefits of Knowing Hindi Directions
  3. Learning How to Ask Directions in Hindi
  4. On the Map: Basics
  5. On the Map: Combinations
  6. On the Road
  7. Landmarks
  8. Must-Know Phrases for Asking for Directions
  9. Must-Know Phrases for Giving Directions
  10. Quick Summary with an Example Situation
  11. Climbing the Hindi Learning Ladder with

1. Why Learn About Directions in Hindi Language


The heavily populated nation that India is, it also ranks as the seventh-largest country in the world. What might come as a shock to many is that a large chunk of the country still lacks any specific indication on the map.

So, being a non-native, there’s a pretty good chance that you’ll get confused and derail from the right track. That’s why it’s essential to acquaint yourself with the common Hindi words for asking directions in Hindi.

Want to sound like a native? Don’t hesitate to reach out to us and get some amazing pronunciation help for directions in Hindi.

2. Benefits of Knowing Hindi Directions

Knowing how to ask directions in Hindi has more advantages than one might imagine. Here are a few benefits to give you an idea!

  • Almost all the best tourist places in India remain heavily crowded. Getting stuck and losing yourself in there can be quite overwhelming. How about asking for directions in Hindi and finding your way out more easily?

  • In urgent situations when you have to rush to the railway station or catch a flight, knowing basic directions in Hindi can be a life-saver.

  • When living in India, you may also come across a medical emergency. Or in less pressing matters, learning how to ask directions in Hindi may come in handy if you’re trying to reach a local market or looking for a landmark.

  • Moreover, using transportation such as auto rickshaws and cycle rickshaws in India can be tricky. The bottom line is that knowing even the most common Hindi travel phrases using directions, such as right-left in Hindi, gives the driver an idea of how well you know the place. And thus, the driver may present you with a greater edge for bargaining, too!

  • In the end, it’s not just about us, right? A lot of people tend to go off the route all the time and desperately need our help. Wouldn’t it be amazing if you knew how to give directions in Hindi and make others feel safer?

Great! Now that you’ve realized how splendid asking and giving directions in the Hindi language can be, let’s check out the simple steps to do that and learn within the comforts of your home!

3. Learning How to Ask Directions in Hindi

Asking directions

The purpose of this lesson is to enhance your relevant Hindi vocab by focusing on significant location words in Hindi, and more particularly, asking for and giving directions in Hindi.

Let’s get ready for another helpful guide which is sure to save you from all language troubles. That means by the end of the article, you’ll not only have mastered simple phrases like right & left in Hindi or East-West in Hindi, but also the basics of how to give directions in Hindi.

4. On the Map: Basics

Although in day-to-day life, it’s more common to hear natives say things like “left” and “right,” it would be better for us to start with formal phrases first.

So, before we move on to practical and informal phrases for giving directions in the Hindi language, let’s thoroughly understand the cardinal directions in Hindi.

Learning the Directions in Hindi

First, the four directions in Hindi:

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningSentences
पूर्व / पूर्वी
(puurv / puurvii)
East / Easternसूर्य पूर्व दिशा में उगता है। 
Suury puurv Disaa men ugaTaa hai.
The sun rises in the east.
पहाड़ी से पूर्व दिशा में एक मंदिर है, जिसके दाहिनी ओर एक तालाब व पूर्व में घना जंगल है। 
pahaadii Se puurv Disaa men ek maNDir hai, jiSake DaahiNii or ek TaaLaab va puurv men ghaNaa jangaL hai.
There is a temple on the east side of the hill which has a pond on its right side and a dense forest in the east.
पश्चिम / पश्चिमी
(pascim / pascimii)
West / Westernसूर्य पश्चिम में अस्त होता है।
Suury pascim men aST hoTaa hai.
The sun sets in the west.
गुजरात भारत का पश्चिमी प्रदेश है जबकि असम पूर्व दिशा में है।
gujaraaT bhaaraT kaa pascimi praDes hai jabaki aSam poorv Disaa men hai.
Gujarat is a western state of India, whereas Assam is in the east direction.
उत्तर / उत्तरी
(uTTar / uTTarii)
North / Northernहिमालय पर्वत भारत के उत्तरी भाग में है।
himaaLay parvaT bhaaraT ke uTTarii bhaag men hai.
The Himalayan Mountains are in the northern part of India.
भारत का उत्तरी भाग ठंडा है लेकिन दक्षिण में काफ़ी गर्मी पड़ती है।
bhaaraT kaa uTTari bhaag thaNdaa hai LekiN Daksin men kaafii garmii padaTii hai
The northern part of India is cold, but the south remains quite hot.
दक्षिण / दक्षिणी
(Daksin> / Daksinii)
South / Southernहमारे घर का मुख्य द्वार दक्षिण दिशा की ओर है।
hamaare ghar kaa mukhy Dvaar Daksin Disaa kii or hai.
The main entrance of our house faces the south side.
गाँव के दक्षिणी कोने में विद्यालय और पूर्वी भाग में पुलिस चौकी है।
gaanv ke Daksini koNe men viDyaaLay aur puurvii bhaag men puLiS caukii hai.
The village has a school in the southern corner and the police station in the eastern part.

  • East: As you can see in the above table, “east” in Hindi is known as पूर्व (puurv). But do you know that there’s a colloquial word for it too? Well, local Indians also call “east” in Hindi पूरब (puurab).

  • West: “West” in Hindi is pronounced as पश्चिम (pascim). This is used in both writing and speech.

  • North: “North” is translated as उत्तर (uTTar). Note that the same Hindi term उत्तर (uTTar) is also used for the English word “answer.” Basically, natives can distinguish between the two based on context.

  • South: The grammatically correct translation for “south” is दक्षिण (Daksin), though it’s common to find some people pronounce it as दक्खिन (DakkhiN) which means the same thing.

Finding Various Locations

So far, we’ve covered the basic cardinal directions in Hindi. If asked, would you be able to translate the words “east” and “west” in Hindi? Well, share your answers with us in the comment box and find out how other learners are responding!

5. On the Map: Combinations

Now that you can identify the basic words for cardinal directions in Hindi, it’s time to dig a bit deeper. Because ultimately, just knowing the cardinal directions won’t suffice.

Studying combination phrases such as the northwest direction in Hindi will give you a better grip on giving and asking directions in Hindi.

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningSentences
Northeastमैं भारत के उत्तर-पूर्वी राज्य की रहने वाली हूँ। मैं मणिपुर से हूँ।
main bhaaraT ke uTTar-puurvii raajy kii rahaNe vaaLii huun. main manipur Se huun.
I am a resident of a northeastern state of India. I am from Manipur.
राजस्थान भारत के उत्तर-पश्चिमी भाग में है।
raajaSTHaaN bhaaraT ke uTTar-pascimi bhaag men hai.
Rajasthan is in the northwestern part of India.
उड़ीसा, आंध्र प्रदेश, व तमिलनाडु दक्षिण-पूर्वी राज्य हैं।
udiiSaa, aanDHr praDes, va TamiLaNaadu Daksin-puurvii raajy hain.
Orissa, Andhra Pradesh, and Tamilnadu are the southeastern states of India.
Southwestमहाराष्ट्र, कर्नाटक, और केरल भारत के दक्षिण-पश्चिमी भाग में हैं।
mahaaraastra, karNaatak, aur keraL bhaaraT ke Daksin-pascimii bhaag men hain.
Maharashtra, Karnataka, and Kerala are in the southwestern part of India.

  • As you can see, in the examples above, the “north” direction in Hindi has been divided into two basic directions: “northeast” which is उत्तर-पूर्वी (uTTar-puurvi) and “northwest” which is उत्तर-पश्चिमी (uTTar-pascimii).

  • Similarly, “south” is subdivided into “southeast” which is दक्षिण-पूर्वी (Daksin-puurvii) and “southwest” which is दक्षिण-पश्चिमी (Daksin-pascimii).

6. On the Road

In the section above, we discussed the cardinal directions in Hindi. Now, it’s time to explore how to ask for or how to give directions in Hindi when we’re on the road.

Symbols and Boards

1- Basic Opposites

Below we’ve tried to cover the most common words used for giving directions in the Hindi language. Let’s start with the basic opposites in Hindi.

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningSentences
ऊपर / पर
(uuper / par)
on / aboveयह किताब ऊपर मेज़ पर रख दो।
yah kiTaab uupar mez par rakh Do.
Put this book on the table above.
ऊपर की मंज़िल पर जाकर फिर दाएं हाथ मुड़ जाना।
uupar kii maNziL par jaakar phir Daayen haaTH mud jaaNaa.
Go to the upper floor and then turn to the right.
below / under / down
बिल्ली बिस्तर के नीचे बैठी है।
biLLii biSTar ke Niice baithii hai.
The cat is sitting under the bed.
पुल से नीचे उतरकर बाएं हाथ पर सिनेमा हॉल मिलेगा।
puL Se Niice uTarakar baayen haath par SiNemaa hauL miLegaa.
You’ll find a cinema hall down the bridge on the left side.
next toमेरा घर इसी गली के आगे है।
meraa ghar iSi gaLii ke aage hai.
My house is right next to this street.
पहले चौराहे के आगे दाहिने हाथ पर एक किताब की दुकान है।
pahLe cauraahe ke aage DaahiNe haaTH par ek kiTaab kii DukaaN hai.
There is a bookshop on the right-hand side after the first intersection.
behind / at the back ofघर के पीछे बहुत सुन्दर बग़ीचा है।
ghar ke piiche bahuT SuNDar baġiicaa hai.
There is a really beautiful garden at the back of the house.
मेरी कार के पीछे जो बस थी वो बाएं हाथ मुड़ गयी।
merii kaar ke piiche jo baS THii wo baayen haaTH mud gayii.
The bus which was following my car turned left.
in front of / at the frontसड़क के सामने शहर का सबसे मशहूर भोजनालय है।
Sadak ke SaamaNe sahar kaa SabaSe mashuur bhojaNaaLay hai.
The most famous restaurant in the town is in front of the road.
चाय की दुकान के सामने एक ब्यूटी पार्लर है जिसके दाहिनी ओर बेकरी है।
caay kii DukaaN ke SaamaNe ek byutii paarLar hai, jiSake DaahiNii or bekarii hai.
In front of the tea shop, there’s a beauty parlor which has a bakery on its right side.
farसब्ज़ी मंडी यहाँ से काफ़ी दूर है। 
Sabzii maNdii yahaan Se kaafii Duur hai.
The vegetable market is quite far from here.
किताब की दुकान दूर है लेकिन एक पुस्तकालय पास में ही  है। 
kiTaab kii DukaaN Duur hai LekiN ek puSTakaaLay paaS men hii hai.
The book shop is far, but the library is nearby.
पास / नज़दीक 
(paaS / NazaDiiq)
near / closeमेरा दोस्त पास में ही रहता है। 
meraa DoST paaS men hii rahTaa hai.
My friend lives nearby.
होटल पार्क के नज़दीक है मगर झील से दूर है।
hotaL paark ke NazaDiiq hai magar jhiiL Se Duur hai.
The hotel is close to the park but away from the lake.
rightकृपया दाएं हाथ मुड़ जाइये।
kripayaa Daayen haaTH mud jaaiye.
Please, turn right.
तुम्हें दाहिने जाकर बाएं मुड़ना होगा।
Tumhen DaahiNe jaakar baayen mudaNaa hogaa.
You would have to go right and then turn left.
leftभारत में सड़क पर बायीं तरफ़ चलने का नियम है।
bhaaraT men Sadak par baayiin Taraf caLaNe kaa Niyam hai.
In India, it’s a rule to walk on the left side of the road.
क्या आप टैक्सी बायीं ओर न लेकर दायीं ओर लेंगे?
kyaa aap taikSii baayiin or Naa Lekar Daayiin or Lenge?
Would you turn the taxi to the right instead of left?

  • As we already know, “left” in Hindi is known as बायें (baayen), whereas “right” is known as दायें (Daayen).

  • “To turn” is मुड़ना (mudaNaa) and “turn” [verb] is मुड़ो / मुड़ जाओ / मुड़ जाइए (mudo / mud jaao / mud jaaiyev). Similarly, “to go” is जाना (jaaNaa) and “go” is जाओ / जाइए (jaao / jaaiye).

So, with these words, you can easily make some simple yet really useful Hindi phrases.

For instance:

    “Turn left” in Hindi is बायें मुड़ जाओ / जाइए (baayen mud jaao / jaaiye).
    “Turn right” in Hindi is दायें मुड़ जाओ / जाइए (Daayen mud jaao / jaaiye).
    “Turn back” in Hindi is पीछे मुड़ जाओ / जाइए (piiche mud jaao / jaaiye).

Adding some more phrases to this list of directions in Hindi:

    “Go down” in Hindi is नीचे जाओ / जाइए (Niice jaao / jaaiye).
    “Go back” in Hindi is पीछे जाओ / जाइए (piiche jaao / jaaiye).
    “Go up” in Hindi is ऊपर जाओ / जाइए (uupar jaao / jaaiye).
    “Go straight” in Hindi is सीधे जाओ / जाइए (SiiDHe jaao/jaaiye).

And lastly, here are some other essential phrases to keep in mind:

    “Near” in Hindi is पास (paaS).
    “Far” in Hindi is दूर (Duur).
    “In front of” in Hindi is के सामने (ke SaamaNe).
    “Beside” in Hindi is के पास (ke paas).
    “Go straight” in Hindi is ठीक सीधे (thiik SiiDHe).

Finding the Routes

2- Direction Phrases with References

Our next step is to talk about the directions with different references. So, let’s have a look at them.

Hindi WordsHindi WordsSentences
किनारे पर
(kiNaare par)
around the cornerगली के किनारे पर एक दर्ज़ी की दुकान है।
gaLii ke kiNaare par ek Darzii kii DukaaN hai.
There’s a tailor’s shop around the corner of the street.
दुकान के आगे
(DukaaN ke aage)
next to the shopदुकान के आगे बहुत बड़ा पार्क है।
DukaaN ke aage bahuT badaa paark hai.
There’s a huge park next to the shop.
चौराहे के पास
(cauraahe ke paaS)
by the intersectionअस्पताल चौराहे के पास ही है।
aSpaTaaL cauraahe ke paaS hii hai.
The hospital is by the intersection.
अगले स्टॉप पर
(agaLe Staup par)
at the next stopमुझे अगले स्टॉप पर उतरना है।
mujhe agaLe Staup par uTaraNaa hai.
I have to get off at the next stop.
सड़क पार
(Sadak paar)
across the roadसड़क पार लैपटॉप का शोरूम है।
Sadak paar Laipataup ka soruum hai.
There’s a laptop showroom across the road.
दो गली छोड़ के
(Do gaLii chod ke)
leaving two streetsदो गली छोड़ के मेरे दोस्त का घर है।
Do gaLii chod ke mere DoST kaa ghar hai.
Leaving two streets is my friend’s house.

So far, we’ve almost covered the complete way of asking for directions in Hindi, and yet there’s so much more to learn and explore!

Below, you’ll read about the different words used for landmarks and how to use them properly.

7. Landmarks

Every town in every country has landmarks. Some are quite famous and others need a little more introduction. Landmarks make it so much easier for us to find places and check if we’re moving on the right path.

What are the famous landmarks in your town? Share the unique statues, buildings, and one-of-its-kind places in your city in the comment box below and check out what others are posting as well!

1- In the City

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningEnglish Meaning
हवाई अड्डा
(havaaii addaa)
airportहवाई अड्डा कितना दूर है?
havaaii addaa kiTaNaa Duur hai?
How far is the airport?
(Sab ve)
subwayचौराहे के आगे एक सबवे आएगा।
cauraahe ke aage ek Sabave aayegaa.
There will be a subway next to the intersection.
शहर के बीचोंबीच
(sahar ke biiconbiic)
center of the cityयह इमारत शहर के बीचोंबीच में है। 
yah imaaraT sahar ke biiconbiic men hai.
This building is right in the center of the city.
पार्क / बग़ीचा
(paark / baġiicaa)
parkक्या तुम पार्क में बैठना चाहोगे?
kyaa Tum paark men baithaNaa caahoge?
Would you like to sit in the park?
होटल यहाँ से चार किलोमीटर दूर है।
hotaL yahaan Se caar kiLomiitar Duur hai.
The hotel is four kilometers from here.
जलपान गृह / भोजनालय
(jaLapaaN grih / bhojaNaaLay)
यहाँ कहीं शाकाहारी भोजनालय मिलेगा?
yahaan kahiin saakaahaarii bhojaNaaLay miLegaa?
Is there any vegetarian restaurant here?
hospitalमेरी दोस्त एक बड़े अस्पताल में नर्स है।
merii DoST ek bade aSpaTaaL men NarS hai.
My friend works as a nurse at a big hospital.
bankबैंक शाम को ५ बजे बंद हो जाता है। 
baink saam ko paanc baje baND ho jaaTaa hai.
The bank closes at five in the evening.


2- On a Road

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningEnglish Meaning
intersectionयह इस शहर का सबसे भीड़-भाड़ वाला चौराहा है। 
yah iS sahar kaa SabaSe bhiid-bhaad vaaLaa cauraahaa hai.
This is the busiest intersection in the whole town.
trijunctionअगले मोड़ पर एक तिराहा आएगा, वहां से दाएं घूम जाइये। 
agaLe mod par ek Tiraahaa aayegaa, vahaan Se Daayen ghuum jaaiye.
There’s a trijunction at the next turn. Turn right from there.
लाल बत्ती
(LaaL baTTii)
traffic light / red lightहर किसी को लाल बत्ती के नियम का पालन करना चाहिए। 
har kiSi ko LaaL baTTii ke Niyam kaa paaLaN karaNaa caahiye.
Everyone should follow the traffic rules.
ज़ेब्रा क्रॉसिंग
(zebraa krauSing)
zebra crossingसड़क पार करते वक़्त हमेशा ज़ेब्रा क्रॉसिंग का इस्तेमाल करें। 
Sadak paar karaTe vaqT hamesaa zebraa krauSing kaa iSTemaaL karen.
Always use the zebra crossing while crossing the road.
गोल चक्कर
(goL cakkar)
roundaboutहमें पिछले गोल चक्कर से बाएं घूम जाना चाहिए था। 
hamen pichaLe goL cakkar Se baayen ghuum jaaNaa caahiye THaa.
We should have turned left at the last roundabout.
flyoverइस फ़्लाईओवर से केवल चार पहिया वाहनों को जाने की अनुमति है। 
iS fLaaiiover Se kevaL caar pahiyaa vaahaNon ko jaaNe kii aNumaTi hai.
Only four-wheelers are permitted to go through this flyover.
bridgeपुल पार कर अगला यू -टर्न ले लीजिये। 
puL paar kar agaLaa yuu-tarN Le Lijiye.
Take the U-turn after crossing the bridge.
roadयह सड़क दिल्ली से होते हुए सीधा आगरा तक जाती है। 
yah Sadak DiLLii Se hoTe hue SiiDHaa aagaraa Tak jaaTii hai.
This road goes through Delhi and straight to Agra.

Now that we know how to talk about the landmarks on a road or in the main city, let’s jump to phrases related to the main points in a building or similar structure!

3- In a Structure / Building

Hindi WordsEnglish MeaningSentences
restroom / toiletबायीं तरफ़ वाला शौचालय महिलाओं के लिए है व दाहिनी तरफ़ वाला पुरुषों के लिए है। 
baayiin Taraf vaaLaa saucaaLay mahiLaaon ke Liye hai va DaahiNi Taraf vaaLaa puruson ke Liye hai.
The restroom on the left side is for women and the one on the right side is for men.
waiting roomसभी यात्री प्रतीक्षालय में रेलगाड़ी का इंतज़ार कर रहे थे। 
Sabhii yaaTrii praTiiksaaLay men reLagaadii kaa iNTazaar kar rahe THe.
All the passengers were waiting for the train in the waiting room.
elevator / liftलिफ़्ट से चौथी मंज़िल पर चले जाओ। 
Lift Se cauTHii maNziL par caLe jaao.
Take the elevator to the fourth floor.
parking lotमॉल में पार्किंग की जगह बेसमेंट में है। 
mauL men paarking kii jagah beSameNt men hai.
The parking lot in the mall is in the basement.
अंदर आने का गेट
(aNDar aaNe kaa get)
entry gateइमारत के भीतर आने के लिए अंदर आने का गेट उपयोग करें। 
imaaraT ke bhiiTar aaNe ke Liye aNDar aaNe kaa get upayog karen.
Use the entry gate to get inside the building.
बाहर जाने का गेट
(baahar jaaNe kaa get)
exit gateबाहर जाने का गेट दूसरी तरफ़ है। 
baahar jaaNe kaa get DuuSarii Taraf hai.
The exit gate is on the other side.

8. Must-Know Phrases for Asking for Directions

Basic Questions

Now, how to find directions in Hindi.

In India, the tone and colloquial words play a great role when you’re trying to ask for directions. Subtle manners and proper communication go a long way!

1- Polite Phrases to Start the Question

Obviously, you can’t throw a question on someone just like that. It’s important to seek their attention and start a chit-chat without offending them. Take a look at these polite phrases to get the job done!

  • ज़रा सुनिए / माफ़ कीजियेगा
    zaraa SuNiye / maaf kiijiyegaa
    Excuse me.

  • मुझे कुछ पूछना था
    mujhe kuch puuchaNaa THaa
    May I ask something?

  • मुझे यह जानना था कि… (अगली बस कब आएगी)?
    mujhe yah jaaNaNaa THaa ki… (agaLii baS kab aayegii)?
    I wanted to know… (when would the next bus arrive)?

  • क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि… (पीने का पानी कहाँ मिलेगा?)
    kyaa aap baTaa Sakate hain ki… (piiNe kaa paaNii kahaan miLegaa)?
    Could you please tell me… (where I can get some drinking water)?

How to Ask for Directions in Hindi

2- Asking for Directions

Once you’ve grabbed their attention and the other person is more willing to listen to you, you can now ask them for directions with these useful Hindi phrases!

  • बाथरूम / शौचालय किधर होगा?
    baaTHaruum / saucaaLay kiDHar hogaa?
    Where is the restroom?

  • क्या आस-पास कोई किराने की दुकान मिलेगी?
    kyaa aaS-paaS koii kiraaNe kii DukaaN miLegii?
    How do I get to a nearby convenience store?

  • मैक डॉनल्ड्स यहाँ से कितनी दूर होगा?
    maik DoNaLDS yahaan Se kiTaNii Duur hogaa?
    How far is McDonald’s from here?

3- Courtesy Phrases to Thank People

And what could be a better way to end the conversation than with a token of gratitude? After they’ve briefed you and cleared your confusion, sharing a small thank-you moment will bring smiles to every face. So, the next time somebody helps you, get in their good graces with these courtesy phrases.

  • धन्यवाद
    Thank you.

  • मदद के लिए शुक्रिया
    maDaD ke Liye sukriyaa
    I appreciate your help.

  • मैं समझ गया / गयी
    main Samajh gayaa / gayii
    I’ve got it!

9. Must-Know Phrases for Giving Directions

To give directions to someone, you’ll need to know a few more handy phrases.

Sometimes, just a tiny indication is enough to clear the clouds and have a smooth ride ahead. What are those handy phrases? Below are some useful driving directions in Hindi, and other directions to help someone get around or find their way.

Hindi PhrasesEnglish Meaning
आगे जाएं
(aage jaayen)
Go straight/further.
पीछे मुड़ें
(piiche muden)
Turn back.
यू-टर्न ले लीजिये
(yuu-tarN Le Liijiye)
Take a U-turn.
दायें / बाएं मुड़ें
(Daayen / baayen muden)
Turn right / left.
चौराहे से दाएं / बाएं मुड़ें
(cauraahe Se Daayen / baayen muden)
Take a right / left at the intersection.
दूसरी मंज़िल पर
(DuuSarii maNziL par)
on the second floor
चौथी मंज़िल पर
(cauTHii maNziL par)
on the fourth floor
ऊपर / नीचे  जाएं
(uupar / Niice jaayen)
Go upstairs / downstairs.
चलते रहिये / आगे चलते जाइये
(caLaTe rahiye/ aage caLaTe jaaiye)
Keep going.
रुक जाइये
(ruk jaaiye)
ज़रा जल्दी करिये
(zaraa jaLDii kariye)
Hurry up.
धीरे चलिए
(DHiire caLiye)
Slow down.
आप देख कर जान जायेंगे
(aap Dekh kar jaaN jayenge)
You’ll know it once you see it.
आप पहचान जायेंगे
(aap pahacaaN jayenge)
You won’t miss it.

10. Quick Summary with an Example Situation

Suppose you’re traveling to India and wish to see the Taj Mahal. Your flight lands and you check in at a nice hotel. Naturally, you and the hotel manager begin a conversation, and you ask them in Hindi how to reach the historical monument.

The whole chat between you and the manager may go something like this:

You: मुझे ताज महल देखना है. क्या आप बता सकते हैं कि टैक्सी से कैसे जाना होगा?
    mujhe Taaj mahaL DekhNaa hai. kyaa aap baTaa SakTe hain ki taikSii Se kaiSe jaaNaa hogaa?

    “I wish to go and visit the Taj Mahal. Could you please tell me how to go there by taxi?”

Manager: जी, ज़रूर. टैक्सी स्टैंड होटल से २ किलोमीटर दूर बाईं तरफ़ है. पहले सीधे जाइये, फ़िर पहले चौराहे से बाएं मुड़ जाइये. टैक्सी लेकर आप को सीधे जाना होगा. तिराहे से दाहिनी तरफ़ मुड़ते ही ताज महल दिखेगा. ताज महल का मुख्य द्वार लाल बत्ती वाली सड़क के पीछे है.
    jii zaruur. taikSii StainD hoteL Se Do kiLomiitar Duur baayiin Taraf hai. pehLe SiiDHe jaaiye, fir cauraahe se baayen muṛ jaaiye. taikSii Lekar aap ko SiiDHe jaaNaa hogaa. Tiraahe Se DaahiNii Taraf muṛTe hii Taaj mahaL Dikhegaa. Taaj mahaL kaa mukhya Dvaar LaaL baTTii vaaLii Saṛak ke piiche hai.

    “Yes, of course. The taxi stand is two kilometers away from the hotel to its left. First, you need to go straight, then turn left at the first intersection. When you get into the taxi, go straight again. When you turn to the right, at the trijunction, you can see the Taj Mahal. The main gate of the Taj Mahal is at the back of the traffic light road.”

You: ओह, बताने के लिए बहुत शुक्रिया. क्या आप ताज महल के भीतर जाने का रास्ता बता सकते हैं?
    oh, baTaaNe ke Liye bahauT sukriyaa. Kyaa aap Taaj mahaL ke bhiitar jaaNe kaa raaSTaa baTaa SakTe hain?

    “Oh, right! Could you please explain the way to get inside the Taj Mahal gate?”

Manager: जी, मुख्य द्वार से घुसते ही, आपको एक बग़ीचा दिखेगा. ताज महल की इमारत बगीचे के बिलकुल बीचो-बीच में है. यह यमुना नदी के दक्षिण दिशा में है.
    jii, mukhya Dvaar Se ghuSTe hii, aapko ek bagiicaa Dikhegaa. Taaj mahaL kii imaaraT bagiice ke biLkuL biico-biich men hai. yeh yamuNaa NaDii ke Daksin men hai.

    “Yes, as you enter the main gate, you will see a huge garden. The Taj Mahal building is right at the center of this garden. It is in the south of the Yamuna River.”

You: आपका बहुत धन्यवाद.
    aapkaa bahauT DHaNyavaaD

    “Many, many thanks to you.”

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We hope you’ve enjoyed our lesson! How many direction words and phrases in Hindi have you mastered by now? Let us know in the comment box below! In case you have any doubts or questions, feel free to share them with peers on our HindiPod101 forum.

Have a good time learning!

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The 20+ Best Compliments in Hindi with Basic Do’s & Don’ts


The best gift you can give someone is to make them smile. And in India, Hindi compliments are the sure-shot way to do that. So brace yourself and get ready to wow your friends! Today you’ll learn how to praise someone in Hindi as well as the do’s and don’ts in the context of Indian culture.

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Table of Contents

  1. The Do’s and Don’ts of Giving Compliments in Indian Culture
  2. General Compliments
  3. On Someone’s Looks
  4. On Someone’s Work
  5. On Someone’s Skills
  6. How to Make Your Compliments Sound More Sincere
  7. How Do Indians Respond to a Compliment?
  8. Conclusion

1. The Do’s and Don’ts of Giving Compliments in Indian Culture


1 – Praising Someone of the Same Age Group

When it comes to friends and colleagues of the same age group, Indians mostly keep the best compliments in Hindi for people who are also the same gender. Complimenting someone of the opposite gender is seen as romantic interest or flirting (especially when complimenting on looks!).

For instance, an Indian male would be frank in complimenting his male friend’s dressing sense, fitness, or even hairstyle, but wouldn’t do the same for a female friend. Why? Because that would be seen as flirting or romantic interest.

That being said, things aren’t too strict when praising someone (of the same or opposite gender) on their skills, hard work, or achievements. In fact, it’s normal to compliment people on things like this. So, if you want to learn how to praise someone in Hindi, always be mindful of these cultural points in India.

2 – Being More Vocal on Social Media

In the age of the internet, we see a peculiar trend in the social behavior of Indians: It looks like they’re pretty open and frank while complimenting each other on social media. Whether it’s a picture, selfie, or whatever else, native Indians don’t really hold back on the compliments. Nonetheless, choosing a respectful tone and following social etiquette in India is highly recommended!

3 – Don’t Compliment During the First Meeting. It’s Awkward.

In other cultures, people may find it alluring. But here, in India, we wouldn’t advise you to use Hindi compliments for a girl you’ve just met—or anyone you’ve just met, really—during the first meeting. There are several reasons to back up this suggestion.

First of all, you may come off as someone who wants to familiarize yourself rather quickly. Indians like to take it slow and maintain a formal space until they get to know each other well. Thus, save the praises for the second or third meeting.

2. General Compliments

Now that you’ve learned a great deal about the rules Indians follow to praise someone in Hindi, let’s check out the day-to-day Hindi compliment words for general situations.




“Wow!” You can say this in any ordinary situation, such as having a delicious meal, listening to great poetry, etc.




“Superb!” The word itself is synonymous with the word for “praise” in Hindi. If a friend asks you how his / her outfit looks, you can use this phrase without a worry!


क्या बात है!

(kyaa baaT hai!)

“Fantastic!” Suppose you see someone’s picture on social media and want to compliment them in a simple way; this is your go-to formula.

3. On Someone’s Looks


तुम बहुत अच्छे / अच्छी लग रहे हो / रही हो!

(Tum bahuT acche / acchiii Lag rahe ho / rahii ho!)

“You look amazing!” Although it’s only a simple gesture of letting someone know they look nice, please only say this to friends who are the same gender as you.

If you’re a male, say this to a female only if you wish to express your romantic inclination toward her. In that case, it’s one of the most regular Hindi compliments for a girl.

A Woman Taking a Selfie

Cool Look!


आज तो बहुत जम रहे हो / रही हो!

(aaj To bahuT jam rahe ho / rahii ho!)

“You’re killing it today!” Here’s another light-hearted way of complimenting someone’s appearance.


ये शर्ट / साड़ी तो तुम पर बहुत अच्छी लग रही है।

(ye sart / saadii To Tum par bahuT acchii Lag rahii hai.)

“This shirt / saree looks so beautiful on you.” Impressed by a person’s dressing sense? Don’t hold back, and flatter your friends with this popular Hindi phrase.


तुम जब मुस्कुराती हो तो कितनी ख़ूबसूरत लगती हो।

(Tum jab muSkuraaTii ho To kiTaNii khuubaSuuraT LagaTii ho.)

“You look so pretty when you smile.” A smile tells a lot about you. It brings out the innocence within us, and such beautiful compliments in Hindi never go out of style.


आपकी आँखें कितनी सुंदर हैं।

(aapakii aankhen kiTaNii SunDar hain.)

“You have such beautiful eyes.” Eyes are the window to the soul. Mesmerized with those deep eyes and don’t know how to say so? Use this phrase and see the person blush in the blink of an eye.


तुम दुनिया की सबसे हंसीन औरत हो।

(Tum DuNiyaa kii SabaSe hanSiiN auraT ho.)

“You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” Well, trust me, no matter what part of the world you live in, this phrase is sure to melt any woman’s heart. So, why not charm your dream girl in Hindi?

A Girl with a Pretty Smile


आप वाक़ई बेहद ख़ूबसूरत हैं।

(aap vaaqaii behaD khuubaSuuraT hain.)

“You are really extremely gorgeous.” Another simple yet elegant way of praising a man or woman in a romantic way. Honestly, it’s still considered one of the best compliments in Hindi.

4. On Someone’s Work


बहुत बढ़िया!

(bahuT badhiyaa!)

“Well done!” This is a popular phrase that can be used in any situation.


शाबाश, बहुत अच्छा काम किया!

(saabaas! bahuT acchaa kaam kiyaa!)

“Bravo! You did great!” People who have completed their tasks perfectly would love to hear this from others.


ये काफ़ी अच्छा आईडिया है।

(ye kaafii acchaa aaiidiyaa hai.)

“That’s an amazing idea.” This is generally said when a person gives us a great idea to tackle a tricky situation.


तुमने वाक़ई बहुत अच्छी स्पीच दी।

(TumaNe vaaqaii bahuT achhii Spiic Dii.)

“It was a really good speech.” Maybe you have a friend saying a few words onstage to motivate the whole team. Boost their confidence with this compliment in Hindi.


वाह, आपने तो मीटिंग में कमाल कर दिया!

(vaah, aapaNe To miiting men kamaaL kar Diyaa!)

“You literally stole the show at the meeting!” This is a great way to acknowledge your colleague’s efforts and skills during an office meeting or conference.

A Bunch of People Applauding a Speech

Praising Someone’s Efforts


तुम हर रोज़ दफ़्तर वक़्त पर कैसे पहुंच जाती हो!

(Tum har roz DafTar vaqT par kaiSe pahunc jaaTii ho!)

“How do you manage to reach the office right on time every day?” We always have that one person in our office who, no matter what, arrives on time. Well, this and similar Hindi compliments can make the other person feel good about themselves and deepen your friendship.


मैंने तुम्हें कभी देर से आते नहीं देखा।

(main Ne Tumhen kabhii Der Se aaTe Nahiin Dekhaa)

“I’ve never seen you coming late to work.” Here’s a different way of appreciating someone’s punctuality. Go for it and see the magic for yourself.

5. On Someone’s Skills

A Man Slicing a Tomato while a Woman Watches Lovingly

He is an Excellent Cook


तुम तो ज़बरदस्त खाना बनाते हो!

(Tum To zabaraDaST khaaNaa baNaaTe ho!)

“Your cooking is mindblowing!” At a colleague’s house for dinner? Well, make their day by appreciating their efforts and cooking skills with this phrase. Traditionally, what would’ve been considered the best compliment for a woman in Hindi is now widely used for men, too.


आपकी लिखावट का जवाब नहीं।

(aapakii Likhaavat kaa javaab Nahiiin.)

“Your handwriting is remarkable.” In today’s era of typing and chat rooms, good handwriting is becoming a rarity. This phrase is a simple and beautiful way to express your appreciation for someone’s good handwriting.


आपने इतनी अच्छी पेंटिंग बनाना कहाँ से सीखा?

(aapaNe iTaNii achhii peNting baNaaNaa kahaan Se Siikhaa?)

“Where did you learn to paint so well?” What might look like a question is merely an expression of wonderment. It’s just a way of saying how speechless you are!


तुम कितना सुरीला गाती हो।

(Tum kiTaNaa SuriiLaa gaaTii ho.)

“You sing so melodiously.” You’re at a party with your friends and one of them happens to sing there. In that case, you can pamper him / her with this compliment in Hindi.


तुम फ़ोटोज़ बहुत अच्छी खींचती हो।

(Tum fotoz bahuT acchii khiincaTii ho.)

“You’re really good at taking pictures.” We all have that one friend taking amazing pictures for us at small gatherings, ceremonies, picnics, and office parties. It’s time to return the favor and spoil them with Hindi compliments.


तुम तो एकदम बढ़िया हिंदी बोल लेते हो।

(Tum To ekaDam badhiyaa hiNDii boL LeTe ho.)

“You speak Hindi so fluently!” In India, Hindi is spoken only in a few states. So, if you catch a non-Hindi native speaking like a pro, then this would be a well-deserved compliment for them.

6. How to Make Your Compliments Sound More Sincere

Genuine praise can give anyone butterflies in the stomach, while a fake compliment does just the opposite. It wrecks the whole mood. And believe us, people can easily sense if you really mean it or not!

Compliments open the doors to those tender corners of the heart, but learning the best Hindi compliments isn’t enough. Thus, it becomes quite important to make your praises sound authentic and heartfelt. After all, you don’t want to leave any stone unturned, do you?

To be honest, the best compliments in Hindi, or any language for that matter, are those which are felt from within. So, what are the things that instantly add life to a compliment and make someone blush and giggle?

Amazing Voice and Singing

Let’s check out these simple yet magical tips to take the game up a notch with the best compliment lines in Hindi.

1 – Confidence

Great dressing sense and looks are all in vain if your tone, body language, and conviction aren’t doing you justice. Now that you’ve learned the best Hindi compliments, make sure that whenever you’re initiating a conversation or complimenting someone, you’re giving off an energetic vibe full of confidence.

2 – Eye Contact

Avoiding eye contact not only makes us look timid, but it can also make a person question our honesty. As much as possible, maintain a healthy amount of eye contact and infuse your praises with that self-confidence.

3 – Keep it Simple

Simplicity is the key to winning someone’s heart, so putting too much effort into a compliment isn’t necessary. When feelings are pure, words are just a means to communicate those feelings.

4 – The Little Things Matter

Stating the obvious has worked for no one. Do you really wanna make them feel the magic of your words? Pay attention to the details. Bring up something that maybe no one else has noticed, and put it in the most beautiful way possible.

5 – Say it as You Mean it!

You know what? Vibes and senses can’t be measured, but they never lie to us. So, if your words are empty, it’s better to save your time and drop the idea of going forward. A compliment can only work wonders when it comes right from the bottom of your heart!

This is just one aspect to learn about giving compliments in Hindi culture. Now, we’ll see what to expect after offering your praise in Hindi.

7. How Do Indians Respond to a Compliment?

Before we begin, how many of you remember the word for “compliment” in Hindi? Try to think! Okay, okay, it’s not that easy, we agree. It’s तारीफ़ (Taariif) or प्रशंसा (prasaNSaa).

Well, there are all kinds of reactions. Some people will blush, some will be quite thrilled, and some may just respond with a simple “Thank you.” To save you the time and all the confusion (thanks to the cultural differences!), we’ll show you what you can expect in response after giving compliments in India.

1 – Blush, Blush, Blush!

Sometimes, words can’t do justice to our emotions. That being said, from aunties to the pretty girls, and not to forget the uncles and little kiddos, the first and most natural response to a compliment will definitely show on their cheeks! 🙂

That’s right. That pink glow and blushing all over their face is enough to tell you how pleased they are.

2 – They Feel it!

Did you see the person shying away and trying to hide their smile? Pat yourself on the back and know that you’ve done your job well. Remember, Indians may not be quite vocal about it, but compliments do make them happy. To top it off, if a non-native goes to the length of praising them in Hindi, they’ll be over the moon. Really.

3 – Be Ready to Get a Compliment Back!

Have you just been praised right after giving a compliment? You might wonder if it was real or out of sheer courtesy! Well, there’s a 50-50 chance that either scenario is true. Moreover, it’s not so black-and-white, either. Sometimes, people don’t know how to respond and they compliment you back. Often, they really have been impressed and didn’t know when to say it until you took the lead. All in all, it’s not that big a deal.

4 – What if Nothing Happens?

In India, people may shy away and blush. It’s just a gesture that happens in response to feeling appreciated. Some may even be frank and say “Thank you.” While lots of folks will clearly express their joy, don’t be disheartened if things don’t turn out as you imagined.

8. Conclusion

That was all from our side on how to compliment people in Hindi. For more content and better access, sign up for an account on

Did you enjoy this lesson? Which complimenting phrase is your favorite? If you feel stuck because you can’t remember a word, you can jump in and use our free online dictionary.

Cultural differences play a vital role in the way we interact with each other. Indian culture is unique in its own way. Which of the Indian do’s and don’ts look appealing to you? Let us know in the comment box below.

If there’s anything else that you’d like us to cover, don’t hesitate to get in touch, because we love to hear from you!

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Top Hindi Gender List & Complete Guide to Hindi Gender Rules


Since our childhood, the natives in India learn to associate Hindi nouns with gender. It comes as no surprise that being a widely spoken and versatile language, gender in Hindi grammar plays a significant role and is reflected in almost every aspect of the Indian culture.

It might blow your mind, but there are only two grammatical genders in Hindi. Yes, you read that right. Drop all the other grammatical gender types that you’ve been taught when learning other languages! As far as the Hindi language is concerned, from the tiniest thing to the biggest possible noun, we’ve got everything covered with just two main categories of gender in Hindi grammar. But what are they?

Read on and find out for yourself!

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Table of Contents

  1. “Gender” in Hindi
  2. Masculine & Feminine Grammatical Gender in Hindi
  3. Application of Gender in Speech
  4. Characteristics of Masculine and Feminine Gender Nouns in Hindi
  5. List of Masculine and Derived Feminine Gender Nouns in Hindi
  6. Exceptions to Gender Rules in Hindi
  7. How to Memorize the Gender of a Word
  8. Gender Variations for Verbs and Adjectives
  9. Quiz
  10. Takeaway from

1. “Gender” in Hindi

So, are you ready to start?

The first question that pops into our mind is “What is the meaning of gender in Hindi?”

“Gender” in grammar is that which helps us recognize and differentiate between various nouns on the basis of their gender. Do you know how to say “gender” in Hindi?

Gender in Hindi grammar is known as लिंग (Ling).

To the fierce, passionate fighters for gender equality, the Hindi gender rules and the gender of nouns in Hindi vocabulary may be a tad bit disappointing!

Gender Inequality in Workplace

Unfortunately, for a large portion of the Hindi gender list, the male gender in Hindi takes precedence. All in all, gender equality in the Hindi language still has a long way to go. And this also explains the rising presence of gender equality speech in Hindi in all the social institutions, such as schools and offices.

As we move forward in this lesson, you’ll be able to see how this bias affects the various genders of nouns in the Hindi language.

Do keep in mind, though, that while we use the word “gender” here, this has little to do with the actual sex of the noun in most cases. In a grammatical sense, the “gender” is simply a category under which a given noun falls.

2. Masculine & Feminine Grammatical Gender in Hindi

There are two main kinds of gender in Hindi: masculine and feminine.

The “masculine” gender of nouns in the Hindi language is known as पुल्लिंग (puLLing), whereas the “feminine” gender in Hindi is known as स्त्रीलिंग (STriiLing).

Unlike in English and other languages, there’s no neuter, or common, gender in Hindi.

3. Application of Gender in Speech

In Hindi, gender rules are quite peculiar. However, once you learn to recognize the gender of nouns in the Hindi language, the rest of the grammar application will come naturally to you.

We’ve already shared above that there’s no neuter or common gender in Hindi. For this reason, the articles we use remain the same regardless of the noun’s gender.

You may experiment with this while going through a Hindi vocabulary list. Another great way to practice and get used to this is to follow or listen to any gender equality speech in Hindi and look for hints there!

When you do that, a unique pattern becomes visible. What is this pattern, you ask?

Well, basically, it’s the verb ending that you should be focusing on. From the ancient to the most modern gender words in Hindi, following the subtle thread of a verb ending qualifies as one of the golden Hindi gender rules for any learner.

If you find yourself a little lost, we have some quick and highly valuable tips to help you crack the code. Just follow us to the end of this lesson!

4. Characteristics of Masculine and Feminine Gender Nouns in Hindi

You must be wondering why we combined the two genders together in one sub-section? The thing is that most of the feminine words are derived from masculine words in Hindi. It’s just a minor change of adding some suffixes, and viola! You’ve got the feminine version of that masculine word.

Talk about distorted gender equality in the Hindi language!

Vaguely, the characteristic of masculine words in Hindi is that they mostly end with an –a sound, as in कमल (kamaL).

If we break it down:

  • कमल = क् + अ + म् + अ + ल् + अ      “Lotus”

Similar words include मोर (mor) meaning “peacock” and बादल (baaDaL) meaning “clouds.”

So, basically, any word that usually ends with an -a sound is masculine. But it would be unfair to say that this is the only case. Exceptions prevail in every language, and we’ll be dealing with them later.

And what about the patterns in feminine gender nouns? Well, as they’re derived from masculine nouns, there are a handful of patterns that change sharply.

Breaking Stereotypes and Changing Gender Roles

5. List of Masculine and Derived Feminine Gender Nouns in Hindi

  • One important thing we would like to mention here is that we’ve shared the English meaning of only the masculine gender in the charts below. This has been done to keep things simple.
  • However, we’ve used a variety of example sentences for both of them to give you an idea of the separate verb forms used for both genders.
  • For now, you can simply skip the concept of verb forms as we’ll be dealing with this in a separate reading guide.

It’s best to start with our main list of nouns and see for yourself how Hindi grammar gender rules work.

1- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -ी (-ii) to the End

For beginners, jumping directly to the masculine-to-feminine conversion may be a bit confusing. So why don’t we warm up a bit with some simple examples?

Example sentences for singular nouns:

  • एक आदमी पेड़ के नीचे बैठा है.
    ek aaDmii per ke Niice baithaa hai
    “A man is sitting under the tree.”
  • एक औरत पेड़ के नीचे बैठी है.
    ek auraT per ke Niice baithii hai
    “A woman is sitting under the tree.”

As you can see, we’ve replaced the masculine noun with a feminine one. We can do the same with plural nouns as shown in the example sentences below.

Example sentences for plural nouns:

  • दो आदमी पेड़ के नीचे बैठे हैं.
    Do aaDmii per ke Niice baithe hain
    “Two men are sitting under the tree.”
  • दो औरतें पेड़ के नीचे बैठी हैं.
    Do auraTen per ke Niice baithii hain
    “Two women are sitting under the tree.”
Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word Sentences
लड़का (Ladakaa)
लड़की (Ladakii)
लड़का खेल रहा है। (Ladakaa kheL rahaa hai.)
“The boy is playing.”
बच्चा (baccaa)
“Baby boy”
बच्ची (baccii)
“Baby girl”
बच्ची सो रही है।. (baccii So rahii hai.)
“The baby girl is sleeping.”
नाना (NaaNaa)
“Maternal grandpa”
नानी (NaaNii)
“Maternal grandma”
मेरे नाना कल आएंगे। (mere NaaNaa kaL aayenge.)
“My grandpa will come tomorrow.”
मामा (maamaa)
“Maternal uncle”
मामी (maamii)
“Maternal aunt”
मामी मुझे प्यार करती हैं। (maamii mujhe pyaar karaTii hain.)
“My aunt loves me.”
चाचा (caacaa)
“Paternal uncle”
चाची (caacii)
“Paternal aunt”
सूरज के चाचा बाज़ार गए हैं। (Suuraj ke caacaa baazaar gaye hain.)
“Suraj’s uncle has gone to the market.”
पुत्र (puTra)
पुत्री (puTrii)
सीमा की पुत्री 6 साल की है। (Siimaa kii puTrii chah SaaL kii hai.)
“Seema’s daughter is six years old.”
पोता (poTaa)
पोती (poTii)
मेरा पोता दिल्ली में रहता है। (meraa poTaa DiLLii men rahaTaa hai.)
“My grandson lives in Delhi.”
मुर्गा (murgaa)
“Cock / Rooster”
मुर्गी (murgii)
मुर्गा बांग दे रहा है। (murgaa baang De rahaa hai.)
“The rooster is crowing.”
बकरा (bakaraa)
बकरी (bakarii)
यह बकरा बूढ़ा हो गया है। (yah bakaraa buudhaa ho gayaa hai.)
“This goat has grown old.”

2- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -ा (-aa) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
छात्र (chaaTr) छात्रा (chaaTraa) “Student” दो छात्र आज कक्षा में नहीं आये हैं।
(Do chaaTra aaj kaksaa men nahiin aaye hain.)
“Two students didn’t come to class today.”
महोदय (mahoDay) महोदया (mahoDayaa) “Sir” महोदया सबकी मदद कर रही हैं। (mahoDayaa Sabakii maDaD kar rahii hain.)
“Ma’m is helping everyone.”
प्रधानाचार्य (praDHaaNaacaary) प्रधानाचार्या
“Principal” प्रधानाचार्य बच्चों को समझा रहे थे। (praDHaaNaacaary baccon ko Samajhaa rahe THe.)
“The principal was explaining to the children.”
शिष्य (sisya) शिष्या (sisyaa) “Pupil” ये सभी मेरे शिष्य हैं। (ye Sabhii mere sisy hain.)
“All of them are my pupils.”
सदस्य (SaDaSy) सदस्या (SaDaSyaa) “Member” क्या तुम यहाँ की सदस्या हो? (kyaa Tum yahaan kii SaDaSyaa ho?)
“Are you a member here?”

3- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -नी (-Nii) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning (For Male) Sentences
मोर (mor) मोरनी (moraNii) “Peacock” मोर नाच रहा है। (mor Naac rahaa hai.)
“The peacock is dancing.”
शेर (ser) शेरनी (seraNii) “Lion” शेरनी अब शिकार पर जाएगी। (seraNii ab sikaar par jaayegii.)
“The lioness will now go hunting.”
ऊँट (uunt) ऊँटनी (uuntaNii) “Camel” ऊँट बुरी तरह से प्यासा है। (uunt burii Tarah Se pyaaSaa hai.)
“The camel is terribly thirsty.”

4- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -िन (-iN) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
माली (maaLii) मालिन (maaLiN) “Gardener” माली बग़ीचे में पौधे लगा रहा है। (maaLii bagiice men pauDHe Lagaa rahaa hai.)
“The gardener is planting the saplings in the garden.”
नाती (NaaTii) नातिन (NaaTiN) “Daughter’s son” मेरा नाती जापान में रहता है। (meraa NaaTii jaapaaN men rahaTaa hai.)
“My grandson lives in Japan.”
पड़ोसी (padoSii) पड़ोसिन (padoSiN) “Neighbor” ईशा की पड़ोसिन हमेशा उसकी मदद करती है। (iisaa kii padoSiN hamesaa uSakii maDaD karaTii hai.)
“Eishaa’s neighbor always helps her out.”
धोबी (DHobii) धोबिन (DHobiN) “Washerman” धोबी आज फिर नहीं आया। (DHobii aaj phir Nahiin aayaa.)
“The washerman has again not come today.”

5- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -िया (-iyaa) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
बंदर (baNDar) बंदरिया (baNDariyaa) “Monkey” बंदर पेड़ पर झूल रहा है। (baNDar ped par jhuuL rahaa hai.)
“The monkey is swinging in the tree.”
बूढ़ा (buudhaa) बुढ़िया (budhiyaa) “Old man” पार्क में एक बुढ़िया बैठी है। (paark men ek budhiyaa baithii hai.)
“There is an old woman sitting in the park.”
बेटा (betaa) बिटिया (bitiyaa) “Son” मेरे दोस्त का बेटा मुझसे मिलने आ रहा है। (mere DoST kaa betaa mujh Se miLaNe aa rahaa hai.)
“My friend’s son is coming to meet me.”

6- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -िका (-ikaa) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning (For Male) Sentences
गायक (gaayak) गायिका (gaayikaa) “Singer” मैं गायिका बनना चाहती हूँ। (main gaayikaa baNaNaa caahaTii huun.)
“I want to become a singer.”
लेखक (Lekhak) लेखिका (Lekhikaa) “Writer” क्या आपके दादाजी लेखक हैं ? (kyaa aapake DaaDaajii Lekhak hain?)
“Is your grandfather a writer?”
शिक्षक (siksak) शिक्षिका (siksikaa) “Teacher” हमारी शिक्षिका हमें प्यार करती हैं। (hamaarii siksikaa hamen pyaar karaTii hain.)
“Our teacher loves us.”
सहायक (Sahaayak) सहायिका (Sahaayikaa) “Assistant” सुमन सहायिका के तौर पर काम करना चाहती है। (SumaN Sahaayikaa ke Taur par kaam karaNaa caahaTii hai.)
“Suman wants to work as an assistant.”

7- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Adding -आनी (-aaNii) to the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
देवर (Devar) देवरानी (DevaraaNii) “Husband’s younger brother’s wife”
“Husband’s younger brother”
मेरा देवर मुझसे दो साल छोटा है। (meraa Devar mujh Se Do SaaL chotaa hai.)
“My brother-in-law is two years younger than me.”
जेठ (jeth) जेठानी (jethaaNii)
“Husband’s elder brother’s wife”
“Husband’s elder brother” कविता की जेठानी खाना बना चुकी हैं। (kaviTaa kii jethaaNii khaaNaa baNaa cukii hain.)
“Kavita’s sister-in-law has prepared the meal.”
नौकर (Naukar) नौकरानी (NaukaraaNii)
“Servant” आपका नौकर कितने बजे आता है? (aapakaa Naukar kiTaNe baje aaTaa hai.)
“At what time does your servant come?”

8- Changing Masculine to Feminine by Replacing -वान (-vaaN) with -वती (-vaTii) at the End

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
गुणवान (gunavaaN) गुणवती (gunavaTii) “Talented” तुम्हारी बहू कितनी गुणवती है ! (Tumhaarii bahuu kiTaNii gunavaTii hai!)
“Your daughter-in-law is so talented!”
दयावान (DayaavaaN) दयावती (DayaavaTii) “Kind” मेरे बॉस दयावान हैं। (mere bauS DayaavaaN hain.)
“My boss is kind.”
भाग्यवान (bhaagyavaaN) भाग्यवती (bhaagyavaTii) “Lucky” सुनील बड़ा ही भाग्यवान है। (SuNiiL badaa hii bhaagyavaaN hai.)
“Sunil is really lucky.”

6. Exceptions to Gender Rules in Hindi

In some cases, the words for the masculine and feminine forms of nouns are completely unrelated and sound totally different. For words like this, there’s no regular pattern for prefixes or suffixes.

Brother and Sister

Let’s find out which words these are!

Hindi Masculine Word Hindi Feminine Word English Meaning
(For Male)
राजा (raajaa) रानी (raaNii) “King” इस राज्य का राजा बहुत उदार था। (iS raajya kaa raajaa bahuT uDaar THaa.)
“The king of this state was quite generous.”
भाई (bhaaii) बहन (bahaN) “Brother” तुम्हारी बहन कहाँ गयी ? (Tumhaari bahaN kahaan gayii?)
“Where did your sister go?”
ससुर (SaSur) सास (SaaS) “Father-in-law” मेरी सास बहुत अच्छी हैं। (merii SaaS bahuT acchii hain.)
“My mother-in-law is really nice.”
दूल्हा (DuLhaa) दुल्हन (DuLhaN) “Bridegroom” शादी में दूल्हा देर से आया। (saaDii men DuLhaa Der Se aayaa.)
“The groom arrived late at the wedding.”
आदमी (aaDamii) औरत (auraT) “Man” एक औरत सब्ज़ी ख़रीद रही थी. (ek auraT Sabzii khariiD rahii THii.)
“A woman was buying some vegetables.”
पिता (piTaa) माता (maaTaa) “Father” मेरे पिताजी दो दिन के लिए शहर से बाहर गए हैं। (mere piTaajii Do DiN ke Liye sahar Se baahar gaye hain.)
“My father is away for two days.”
पुरुष (purus) स्त्री (STrii) “Male” पुरुष का व्यवहार स्त्री से अलग होता है। (purus kaa vyavahaar STrii Se alag hoTaa hai.)
“The nature of a man is different from that of a woman.”

Whoa! That was a lot to take in, wasn’t it? Don’t worry. You don’t have to mug up everything at once. There are plenty of ways to study in a smart way, and this is what the next section is about.

7. How to Memorize the Gender of a Word

Well, let’s be honest here. Even though certain rules and tricks that we discussed above can help us guess the gender of nouns in Hindi grammar, exceptions come as part and parcel anyway.

Although the best foolproof method to memorize the gender of a word is studying the vocabulary often and using the nouns abundantly in everyday life, one needs to understand that the nature of the Hindi language and its vocabulary is so comprehensive that it’s hard to chunk everything together into fixed groups.

Nonetheless, we’ve tried our best to collect some of the most commonly used nouns, the gender of which can be guessed based on their classification.

Let’s decode the above sentence with the help of these example categories. It’s important to mention here that these categories have been created loosely, just to ease the process for our readers.

1- Common Categories for the Masculine Gender in Hindi

1) Days’ Names

Without exception, all of the days’ names are masculine. “Day” in Hindi means दिन (DiN).


  • सोमवार का दिन बहुत व्यस्त था। (Somavaar kaa DiN bahuT vyaST THaa.)
    “Monday was really busy.”
  • पिछला शनिवार एकदम बेकार गया। (pichaLaa saNivaar ekaDam bekaar gayaa.)
    “Last Saturday was just terrible.”

In this way, you can replace the day’s name while following the same gender rules in the sentence.

Interested in learning the names of all the days? You’ll be delighted to check out our lesson on days and months of the year in Hindi.

2) Month Names

Just like days, all the calendar months also fall under the masculine gender. “Month” in Hindi is महीना (mahiiNaa) or माह (maah).

Below are some examples to give you a better idea.

  • जनवरी साल का पहला महीना होता हैv (jaNavarii SaaL kaa pahaLaa mahiiNaa hoTaa hai.)
    “January is the first month of the year.”
  • इस बार जून का महीना सबसे गरम थाv (iS baar juuN kaa mahiiNaa SabaSe garam THaa.)
    “This time June was the hottest month.”

Similarly, you can treat any month or day name as masculine and apply the rules accordingly.

Genders in Nature

3) Names of Mountains

Almost all the mountains are treated as masculine nouns in the Hindi language. “Mountains” in Hindi are called पहाड़ (pahaad) or पर्वत (parvaT).

Let’s check out some examples:

  • माउंट एवरेस्ट धरती का सबसे ऊँचा पहाड़ है। (maaunt evareSt DHaraTii kaa SabaSe uuncaa pahaad hai.)
    “Mount Everest is the highest mountain on earth.”
  • माउंट फुजी जापान का पवित्र पर्वत माना जाता हैv (maaunt fuujii jaapaaN kaa paviTra parvaT maaNaa jaaTaa hai.)
    “Mountain Fuji is considered a sacred mountain in Japan.”


Take note here that we’re not talking about “mountain ranges” but only “mountains.” Mountain ranges are considered feminine in Hindi.

Masculine Gender

4) Names of Trees, Flowers, and Fruits

Another masculine noun category in this Hindi gender chart is that of trees, flowers, and fruits. All of the trees and flowers are always referred to as masculine nouns.

However, when it comes to fruits, the two exceptions are the litchi and pear. Both “litchi” लीची (Liicii) and “pear” नाशपाती (NaasapaaTii) are feminine nouns, while the rest of the fruit names are masculine.

“Tree” in Hindi is known as पेड़ (ped).

“Flower” in Hindi is known as फूल (phuuL).

“Fruit” in Hindi is known as फल (phaL).


  • यह बरगद का पेड़ लगभग सौ साल पुराना है। (yah baragaD kaa ped Lagabhag Sau SaaL puraaNaa hai.)
    “This banyan tree is almost a hundred years old.”
  • सभी फूलों में लाल गुलाब सबसे ख़ास होता है। (Sabhii phuuLon men LaaL guLaab SabaSe khaaS hoTaa hai.)
    “Of all the flowers, the red rose is the most special one.”
  • आम सभी फलों का राजा है। (aam Sabhii phaLon kaa raajaa hai.)
    “Mango is the king of all fruits.”


However, if we wish to talk about a litchi or pear, the sentence would be in the feminine gender.

Such as:

  • लीची काफ़ी मीठी है। (Liicii kaafii miithii hai.)
    “Litchi is quite sweet.”

5) Names of Countries and Continents

This is the last category of nouns which you can be sure are masculine. In Hindi, the names of all the countries and continents are used as masculine nouns.

“Country” is called देश (Des) in Hindi, whereas “continent” is known as महाद्वीप (mahaaDviip).


  • भारत देश बहुत बड़ा है। (bhaaraT Des bahuT badaa hai.)
    “India is a huge country.”
  • ऑस्ट्रेलिया दुनिया का सबसे छोटा महाद्वीप है। (auStreLiyaa DuNiyaa kaa SabaSe chotaa mahaaDviip hai.)
    “Australia is the smallest continent in the world.”

6) Names of All the Metals

By now, you’re familiar with the concept that there’s no common gender in Hindi. Henceforth, browsing through any Hindi gender list will present words in either masculine or feminine gender.

Continuing with our sub-category of metals in Hindi, all the metal names are in masculine forms.

Here are some sentences to help you understand better:

  • आजकल सोना बहुत महँगा चल रहा है। (aajakaL SoNaa bahuT mahangaa caL rahaa hai.)
    “Nowadays, gold is really expensive.”
    “Nowadays, gold prices are soaring high.”
  • लोहा पीतल से मज़बूत होता है। (Lohaa piiTaL Se mazabuuT hoTaa hai.)
    “Iron is stronger than bronze.”


You must remember that “silver” चाँदी (caanDii) is an exception here. It’s the only metal that’s considered a feminine noun.

  • चाँदी पायल बनाने में इस्तेमाल की जाती है। (caanDii paayaL baNaaNe men iSTemaaL kii jaaTii hai.)
    “Silver is used in making anklets.”

7) Names of All the Planets

Most of the planet names are treated as masculine nouns. “Planets” are known as ग्रह (grah) in Hindi.

  • बृहस्पति सबसे बड़ा ग्रह है। (brihaSpaTi SabaSe badaa grah hai.)
    “Jupiter is the largest planet.”


Our planet, “Earth,” is the one and only exception in the list of planets. Culturally, “earth” in India is worshipped as “mother,” without which the origin of life wouldn’t have been possible. Thus, planet Earth is a feminine noun in Hindi.

  • पृथ्वी सूरज के चारों ओर चक्कर लगाती है. (priTHavii Suuraj ke caaron or cakkar LagaaTii hai.)
    “The earth revolves around the sun.”

With this, we come to the end of all possible major categories which contain the masculine nouns. Now, let’s explore the feminine nouns.

2- Common Categories for the Feminine Gender in Hindi

The names of rivers, languages, scripts, and dates, are mostly feminine. So, if you hear the words from the categories below, more often than not, they’re feminine words.

1) Dates

The most popular word for “dates” in Hindi is तारीख़ (Taariikh). However, it can also be translated as तिथि (TiTHii). The important point is that both words should be treated as feminine.

Let’s see how we can use them in our daily conversations.

  • क्या इस काम के लिए कल की तारीख़ ठीक रहेगी? (kyaa iS kaam ke Liye kaL kii Taariikh thiik rahegi?)
    “Would tomorrow’s date be okay for this task?”
  • हमारी शादी की तिथि शुभ होनी चाहिए। (hamaarii saaDii kii TiTHii subh hoNii caahiye.)
    “The date of our wedding should be auspicious.”

2) Names of Rivers

It’s interesting to notice that all the rivers in India, and all over the world, fall into the category of feminine nouns. The same rule applies to “lakes.”

“River” in Hindi is called नदी (NaDii) and “lake” is known as झील (jhiiL).

  • भारत में गंगा नदी बहुत पवित्र मानी जाती है। (bhaaraT men gangaa NaDii bahuT paviTra maaNii jaaTii hai.)
    “Ganga is considered the most sacred river in India.”
  • नाइल नदी अफ़्रीका की सबसे लंबी नदी है। (NaaiL NaDii afriikaa kii SabaSe Lambii NaDii hai.)
    “The Nile is the longest river in Africa.”

3) Names of Languages and Scripts

This is the last sub-category of feminine words in Hindi. Another great tip you should save for yourself is that all languages and scripts are treated as feminine in Hindi.

Here are some examples.

  • हिंदी भाषा भारत के कई हिस्सों में बोली जाती है। (hiNDii bhaasaa bhaaraT ke kaii hiSSon men boLii jaaTii hai.)
    “Hindi is spoken in many parts of India.”
  • तुम्हारी अंग्रेज़ी वाक़ई बहुत अच्छी है। (Tumhaarii angrezii vaaqaii bahuT acchii hai.)
    “Your English is really impressive.”

4) Names with Certain Suffixes

If you find words that end with the following suffixes—-आहट (aahat), -आवट (aavat), -इया (iyaa), -आस (aaS)—they’re most likely feminine nouns in Hindi. But do be careful and allow the possibility for some exceptions, too.

Here are some of the feminine words that contain the suffixes we just mentioned:

Suffix Hindi Word English Meaning Sentences
-आहट (aahat) घबराहट
“Nervousness” उसे घबराहट हो रही थी।
(uSe ghabaraahat ho rahii THii.)

“There was an atmosphere of nervousness.”

-आवट (aavat) लिखावट
“Handwriting” जॉन की लिखावट बहुत सुन्दर है.
(jauN kii Likhaavat bahuT SuNDar hai.)

“John has such beautiful handwriting.”

-इया (iyaa) बंदरिया
“Female monkey” आम के पेड़ पर एक बंदरिया बैठी है।
(aam ke ped par ek baNDariyaa baithii hai.)

“There is a female monkey sitting on the mango tree.”

-आस (aaS) मिठास
“Sweetness” तुम्हारी आवाज़ में कितनी मिठास है !
(Tumhaarii aavaaz men kiTaNii mithaaS hai.)

“There is so much sweetness in your voice.”

Feminine Gender

Looking at such a short list of feminine categories, when compared to the endless masculine gender categories, easily gives an idea of the disbalance in gender equality in the Hindi language.

8. Gender Variations for Verbs and Adjectives

The gender variations for adjectives and verbs is such a vast topic that it deserves to be addressed as an article of its own, rather than being reduced to just a teeny-tiny sub-section here.

That’s why we’ve decided to explain it in a thorough and comprehensive way just for you! Shortly, we’ll present you with a brand-new article on conjugation. All you need to do is brace yourself and stay tuned!

But don’t be disappointed! For a sneak peak, check out some essential and handy tips for you from HindiPod101.

To summarize meaningfully, here are the two golden rules we can swear by when it comes to gender variations for verbs and adjectives.

For masculine gender, the verbs and adjectives end with:

  • -aa (ा ) sound or diacritic for singular nouns, and with -e (े) for plural nouns.

For the feminine gender in Hindi, the verbs and adjectives end with:

  • -ii ( ी) sound or diacritic for singular nouns, and with -iin (ीं) for plural nouns.

9. Quiz

Even the most thorough study habits yield fruit only when they’re put to test. In this Hindi grammar gender guide, we’ve shared so many popular Hindi words and their gender with you. However, it’s inevitable to miss out on some.

So, we came up with this wonderful idea. Why don’t we throw some lesser-known words at you, and based on the concepts (such as word endings) explained in the earlier sections of this lesson, you have to guess the gender of these words! Sound fun?

Here are the less-common Hindi words with their English meaning:

  • क्षण (ksan) “Moment”
  • चारपाई (caarapaaii) “Cot”
  • कुटिया (kutiyaa) “A small cottage or hut”
  • वन (vaN) “Jungle”
  • समृद्धि (SamriDDHii) “Prosperity”
  • उजाला (ujaaLaa) “Light”
  • ख़ामोशी (khaamosii) “Silence”

Well, give us your best shot. We’d love to hear you out in the comment box below!

10. Takeaway from

This was all from our side on the topic of gender words in Hindi. We hope you’re feeling far more confident in using the correct gender forms in your day-to-day conversations. But be sure to let us know in the comments section if you have any questions!

As always, practice is the ultimate key to your success. So, as much as possible, try to listen to various talks about gender’s role in Hindi, go through a gender equality speech in Hindi, use an app, or find some other good listening media like the podcasts and videos on our website.

With the help of your native friends, make it a habit to practice and guess the gender of a range of new words. You can also use our free online dictionary and expand your Hindi vocabulary.

We also have a bunch of lessons on Hindi pronunciation if that’s what’s keeping you behind. You’ll be surprised to see the mindblowing command you’ll be able to gain over your Hindi language skills. Nonetheless, if you wish to be an unstoppable achiever in this Hindi course, sign up on!

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ईद उल-फ़ित्र: Celebrating Eid ul-Fitr in India


Indian culture is dotted with elements from a number of religions, with the majority of Indians (roughly eighty percent) adhering to Hinduism. The second most-popular religion? Islam. About fourteen percent of the country claims this religion as their own, and this makes Muslim holidays a pretty big deal here!

Eid ul-Fitr is one of the most widely celebrated and festive Muslim holidays, celebrated in numerous countries around the world. In this article, you’ll learn all about Eid ul-Fitr and how it’s celebrated in India!

Let’s get started.

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1. What is Eid ul-Fitr?

An Image of the Quran Lit by a Candle

Eid ul-Fitr, initiated by the Prophet Muhammad, is a public holiday that marks the रमज़ान उपवास का अंत (ramzaan upvaas ka aanT), or “end of Ramadan fasting.”

Traditionally, Eid ul-Fitr was celebrated in Medina after the Prophet Muhammad’s journey out of Mecca. Here, he found people having a massive celebration; he told them that there were two other days on which they should be celebrating instead (this holiday, along with Eid ul-Adha).

2. When is Eid ul-Fitr This Year?

A Woman Worshipping in the Early Morning

Each year, the date of Eid ul-Fitr varies on the Gregorian calendar. For your convenience, here’s a list of this holiday’s date for the next ten years.

  • 2020: May 24
  • 2021: May 13
  • 2022: May 3
  • 2023: April 22
  • 2024: April 10
  • 2025: March 31
  • 2026: March 20
  • 2027: March 10
  • 2028: February 27
  • 2029: February 15

Note: The holiday actually starts the evening before the dates given here, and lasts until the end of the given dates. Dates can also vary a little based on the moon’s cycle in a given year.

3. Eid ul-Fitr Activities & Traditions

A Table Adorned with a Variety of Sweets

Eid ul-Fitr in India is a time of feasting, family, and worship. The main event for this holiday is the Eid prayer and service, though these are not obligatory to attend. It is obligatory, however, to provide Eid ul-Fitr donations to the poor and other people who are in need.

On Eid ul-Fitr, परिवार और दोस्तों का मेल जोल (parivaar aur DosTon ka mel jol), or “family and friends visit,” each other. They also give each other gifts, which often include money for the children.

In India, Eid ul-Fitr is often referred to as a मिठाई का उत्सव (mithaayi ka uTsav), or “sweet festival.” Many of the dishes prepared and eaten on this day are sweet and sugary; one of the most popular is called Lachcha. Fasting on Eid ul-Fitr is prohibited, as it’s meant to be a day of breaking the Ramadan fast.

4. New Clothes!

On Eid ul-Fitr another popular custom is to नए कपड़े पहनना (naye kapde pahan na), or “wear new clothes.” It’s common for men to wear white clothing (representing purity), and for women and children to wear bright-colored clothing in celebration.

Typically, it’s very important to wear these new clothes while visiting family or attending prayers and services.

5. Must-Know Vocabulary for Eid ul-Fitr

A Silhouette of a Father Hugging His Son in Front of a Mosque

Ready to review some of the vocabulary words from this lesson? Here’s a list of the most important words and phrases for the Eid ul-Fitr holiday in India!

  • ईद उल-फ़ित्र (iiD uL-fiTra) — “Eid ul-Fitr”
  • नए कपड़े पहनना (naye kapde pahan na) — “wear new clothes”
  • मिठाई का उत्सव (mithaayi ka uTsav) — “sweet festival”
  • मीठे की दावत (meethey ki DaavaT) — “sugar feast”
  • मुसलामानों द्वारा मनाया जाता है (musalmaanon dvaara manaaya jaaTa hai) — “observed by Muslims”
  • छोटी ईद (chhoti eed) — “Lesser Eid”
  • ईद मुबारक (iid mubarak) — “Happy Eid”
  • उपहार देना (uphaar Dena) — “give gifts”
  • परिवार और दोस्तों का मेल जोल (parivaar aur DosTon ka mel jol) — “family and friends visit”
  • रमज़ान उपवास का अंत (ramzaan upvaas ka aanT) — “end of Ramadan fasting”

To hear the pronunciation of each word and phrase, and to read them alongside relevant images, please be sure to check out our Hindi Eid ul-Fitr vocabulary list!

Final Thoughts

We hope you enjoyed learning about Eid ul-Fitr in India with us, and that you took away some valuable cultural information!

Do you celebrate Eid ul-Fitr in your country? If so, how are your traditions similar or different from those in India?

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We look forward to having you, and we hope you’re still thirsty for knowledge of Indian culture!

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