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Basic Rules for Mastering the Top 10 Hindi Sentence Patterns


Today’s lesson is about the ten most popular Hindi sentence patterns that Indians use on a daily basis. For each sentence category, we’ll provide both simple and more complex Hindi sentence structure examples.

Learning these basic Hindi sentence patterns will not only give you an edge over others, but also help you craft many more useful sentences so you can talk like a pro!

The best thing about this lesson is that even if you’re a beginner, you can understand the examples without much trouble, and gradually use every Hindi sentence pattern to practice your day-to-day conversational skills.

So, what are you waiting for? Let’s get started. 🙂

Log in to Download Your Free Cheat Sheet - Beginner Vocabulary in Hindi Table of Contents
  1. Sentences Linking Two Nouns
  2. Sentences with Adjectives
  3. Sentences to Express Desire
  4. Sentences to Express Needs
  5. Sentences to Express Your Likes
  6. Sentences to Express Requests
  7. Sentences for Seeking Permission
  8. Asking the “What” Questions
  9. Asking About the Time
  10. Asking About the Location
  11. How to Get the Most Out of

1. Sentences Linking Two Nouns

Our first Hindi sentence pattern is used to link two nouns together. For instance, who is what, what is whose, who gave you what, and so on! 

How do you do that? Well, as far as the subjects are concerned, this simple Hindi sentence pattern is very similar to its English counterpart. In simpler words, the main subject is always at the beginning of the sentence.

A Little Toddler Holding a Straw Basket

If you’re completely new to the concept of Hindi sentence structure and sentence patterns, then you can start to figure it all out with our lesson on Hindi Conjugations. 

दीपक मेरा भाई है।Diipak meraa bhaaii hai.Deepak is my brother.”
मेरी बहन एक रंगमंच कलाकार है।merii bahaN ek rangamaNc kaLaakaar hai.“My sister is a theater artist.”
यह लैपटॉप मेरे दोस्त का है।yah Laipataup mere DoST kaa hai.“This is my friend‘s laptop.”

Let’s make it even better and try out some complex Hindi sentence patterns with three nouns. 

मेरी टीचर और मेरी बहन दोनों बचपन की सहेलियां हैं।merii tiicar aur merii bahaN DoNon bacapaN kii SaheLiiyaan hain.“Both my teacher and my sister are childhood friends.”
यह कार और बाइक मुझे तोहफ़े में मिली हैं।yah kaar aur baaik mujhe Tohafe men miLii hain.“I got this car and bike as gifts.”

2. Sentences with Adjectives

No matter what languages we speak, it’s hard to imagine our conversations without adjectives. Have you found someone beautiful, tasted delicious Indian food, or wished to buy that blue shirt? Hindi adjectives are the best way to express exactly what you’re talking about.

Feel free to check out our comprehensive article on the Top 100 Hindi Adjectives, and polish your Hindi language sentences!

Red Roses and Other Flowers on a Golden Cloth

One useful tip is that the adjective always comes after the related noun. However, if there happens to be an adverb in the sentence, it may disrupt this noun and adjective placement in a few cases.

Here are some examples of how to make a Hindi sentence using adjectives:

तुम बहुत सुंदर हो।Tum bahuT SunDar ho.“You are beautiful.”
ये सब्ज़ी स्वादिष्ट है।yah Sabzii SvaaDist hai.“This curry is delicious.”
जूस बहुत ठंडा है।juuS bahuT thaNdaa hai.“The juice is quite chilled.”
मेरे कमरे की दीवार नीली है और दरवाज़ा भूरे रंग का है। mere kamare kii Diivaar NiiLii hai aur Daravaazaa bhuure rang kaa hai.“The walls in my room are blue and the door is brown.”
यह उपन्यास डरावना भी है और दिलचस्प भी।yah upaNyaaS daraavaNaa bhii hai aur DiLacaSp bhii.“This novel is scary and interesting at the same time.”

3. Sentences to Express Desire

Sentence Patterns

Desires are like water bubbles in the human heart. Each moment brings a new wish. Well, not every wish can be fulfilled, but with the right Hindi sentences, there’s no stopping us from expressing them.

Whether you’re craving a cup of coffee or dying to have that chat over the phone with your friends, the examples below will give you a fair idea of how to let someone know.

मुझे एक कप चाय चाहिएmujhe ek kap caay caahiye.“I want a cup of tea.”
मेरा आराम करने का मन हैmeraa aaraam karaNe kaa maN hai.“I want to get some rest.”
ललिता आपसे कुछ पूछना चाहती हैLaLiTaa aap Se kuch puuchaNaa caahaTii hai.“Lalita wants to ask you something.”

It’s time to up your game and practice these complicated Hindi sentence patterns now.

मैं चाहती हूँ कि तुम ख़ूब मेहनत करो और जीवन में तरक़्क़ी करो।main caahaTii huun ki Tum khuub mehaNaT karo aur jiivaN men Taraqqii karo.“I want you to work really hard and progress in life.”
सरिता सिर्फ़ यह जानना चाहती है कि क्या उसे यहाँ नौकरी मिल सकती है?SariTaa Sirf yah jaaNaNaa caahaTii hai ki kyaa uSe yahaan Naukrii miL SakaTii hai?“Sarita just wants to know if she could get a job here?”

4. Sentences to Express Needs

Sometimes, things are urgent and you really have to get them done. In these situations, you may need to let others know about these necessities or top-priority tasks! 

A Notebook Filled with Sentences

Most of these Hindi sentence patterns use infinitive verb forms at the end of the sentence. Here are some relevant Hindi sentence structure examples:

मुझे घर जाना हैmujhe ghar jaaNaa hai.“I have to go home.”
मुझे दवा खानी हैmujhe Davaa khaaNii hai.“I have to take medicine.”
मुझे एक छाता चाहिएmujhe ek chaaTaa caahiye.“I need an umbrella.”

In addition to the basic Hindi sentence patterns, it’s also important to practice the more complex sentences. Because, let’s face it, you’ll need them at one point or another.

मुझे कल सुबह चार बजे किसी भी हाल में हवाई अड्डे पहुँचना होगाmujhe kaL Subah caar baje kiSii bhii haaL men havaaii adde pahuncaNaa hogaa.“I need to reach the airport tomorrow by four a.m.”
आपको दिन में दो बार खुली हवा में सैर करना चाहिएaap ko DiN men Do baar khuLii havaa men Sair karaNaa caaahiye.“You should go for a walk in the fresh air twice a day.”

5. Sentences to Express Your Likes

Next in our list of Hindi sentence patterns are the phrases you can use to talk about your likes and preferences. These may include your hobbies, favorite movies, or way of living.

We’ve included a few Hindi sentence examples to make it really simple and easy to understand. As you can see, even beginners can practice them and learn how to form sentences in Hindi.

मुझे खाना बनाना पसंद हैmujhe khaaNaa baNaaNaa paSaND hai.“I like to cook.”
तुम्हें किताबें पढ़ने का शौक़ हैTumhen kiTaaben padhaNe kaa sauq hai.“You like to read books.”
मुझे शतरंज खेलना पसंद हैmujhe saTaraNj kheLaNaa paSaND hai.“I like to play chess.”
सीमा को सर्दी के मौसम में जल्दी उठ कर दौड़ लगाना अच्छा लगता हैSiimaa ko SarDii ke mauSam men jaLDii uth kar Daud LagaaNaa acchaa LagaTaa hai.“In the winter season, Seema likes to get up early and go running.”
फ़ैज़ को शाम में दोस्तों के साथ समय बिताना बेहद पसंद हैfaiz ko saam men DoSTon ke SaaTH Samay biTaaNaa behaD paSaND hai.“Faiz loves to spend some time in the evening with his friends.”

6. Sentences to Express Requests

Another essential Hindi sentence pattern is that for expressing requests. Whether in the office, or another public place like a restaurant or hospital, a gentle request can take you a long way.

Let’s see the most common Hindi sentence pattern for making requests in Hindi and winning people’s hearts.

कृपया बैठ जाइये।kripayaa baith jaaiye.Please, take your seat.”
कृपया शांति बनाये रखें।kripayaa saaNTi baNaaye rakhen.Please, maintain silence.”
कृपया ध्यान से सुनें।kripayaa DHyaaN Se SuNen.Please, listen carefully.”
कृपया लाइन में खड़े होकर शांतिपूर्वक अपनी बारी का इंतज़ार करें।kripayaa LaaiN men khade hokar saaNTipuurvak apaNii baarii kaa iNTazaar karen.Kindly, stand in line and wait for your turn.”
कृपया मुझे मेज़ पर रखी वो काले रंग की किताब उठाकर दें। kripayaa mujhe mez par rakhii vo kaaLe rang kii kiTaab uthaakar Den.Please, pass me that black book kept on the table.”
A Family Ordering Food

As you can see, the magic word “please,” or कृपया (kripayaa) in Hindi, gets the job done in each example. Moreover, grammatically, these basic Hindi sentence patterns for making requests also use plural verb forms, regardless of whether the noun is singular or plural. 

7. Sentences for Seeking Permission

Sentence Components

Courtesy is an inseparable aspect of humankind; the last thing we wish to do is offend someone. To avoid any such situations, it’s important that you learn an appropriate way to ask for permission!

The most commonly used Hindi phrases for “can” or “may” are: सकता हूँ (SakaTaa huun), सकती हूँ (SakaTii huun), and सकते हैं (SakaTe hain).

Here are some examples of useful Hindi sentence constructions for asking permission:

क्या मैं अंदर आ सकता हूँ / सकती हूँ?kyaa main aNDar aa SakaTaa huun / SakaTii huun?May I come in?”
क्या मुझे पीने का पानी मिल सकता है?kyaa mujhe piiNe kaa paaNii miL SakaTaa hai?Can I get some water?”
क्या मैं आपका शुभ नाम जान सकता / सकती हूँ?kyaa main aapakaa subh Naam jaaN SakaTaa / SakaTii huun?May I know your good name, please?”
क्या मैं भी आपके साथ लखनऊ में होने वाला पुस्तक मेला देखने चल सकता / सकती हूँ?kyaa main bhii aapake SaaTH LakhaNauu men hoNe vaaLaa puSTak meLaa DekhaNe caL SakaTaa / SakaTii huun?Can I come with you to the book fair going on in Lucknow?”
क्या हम सब स्कूल की तरफ़ से बैडमिंटन प्रतियोगिता में भाग ले सकते हैं?kyaa ham Sab SkuuL kii Taraf Se baidamiNtaN praTiyogiTaa men bhaag Le SakaTe hain?Can we participate in the badminton tournament from the school side?”

8. Asking the “What” Questions

There are many types of questions people ask each other on a daily basis. We’ll start with the Hindi sentence pattern for asking simple “what” questions.

A Woman Studying on a Bus

In Hindi, “what” is क्या (kyaa). When we’re asking about a thing or for information, क्या (kyaa) comes right before the helping verb or the main verb. But of course, there can be exceptions.

यह क्या है?yah kyaa hai?What is this?”
आपका नाम क्या है?aapakaa Naam kyaa hai?What is your name?”
बॉस ने क्या कहा?baauS Ne kyaa kahaa?What did the boss say?”
इस लिपस्टिक का दाम क्या है?iS LipaStik kaa Daam kyaa hai?What is the price of this lipstick?”
हमने कल जो बिरयानी खायी थी उसका नाम क्या था? hamaNe kaL jo birayaaNii khaayii THii uSakaa Naam kyaa THaa?What was the name of that biryani we had yesterday?”
A Birthday Cake with a Question Mark Candle

9. Asking About the Time

After “what” comes “when” (i.e. asking about when a particular event, arrival, or departure will happen). In Hindi, “when” is कब (kab) or कितने बजे (kiTaNe baje).

Just like “what” in the Hindi sentences above, the interrogative word “when” comes at the beginning in English, but is placed just before the verb or helping verb in Hindi.

आप कब फ़्री हैं?aap kab frii hain?When are you free?”
मीटिंग कब है?miiting kab hai?When is the meeting?”
बस कब आएगी?baS kab aayegii?When will the bus arrive?”
कंपनी को जो प्रॉजेक्ट मिला है वो कब शुरू होगा?kampaNii ko jo praujekt miLaa hai vo kab suruu hogaa?When will the project that our company grabbed start?”
दिवाली की पूजा कितने बजे शुरू होगी?DivaaLii kii puujaa kiTaNe baje suruu hogii?“At what time will the Diwali puja begin?”

10. Asking About the Location

The last type of Hindi sentence pattern we’ll look at is used to ask “where” things are happening. In Hindi, “where” can be loosely translated in many ways. Some of the common phrases are कहाँ (kahaan), किस तरफ़ (kiS Taraf), and किधर (kiDHar).

तुम अभी कहाँ हो?Tum abhii kahaan ho?Where are you right now?”
ये होटल किस तरफ़ है?ye hotaL kiS Taraf hai?Where is this hotel?”
लिफ़्ट किधर है?Lift kiDHar hai?Where is the elevator?”
आप जो दुकान बता रहे थे वो किधर है?aap jo DukaaN baTaa rahe THe vo kiDHar hai?Where is that shop you were talking about?”
दिल्ली में थोक बाज़ार कहाँ पर है?DiLLii men THok baazaar kahaan par hai?Where is the wholesale market in Delhi?”

11. How to Get the Most Out of

So, with this, we come to the end of our lesson on ten of the most useful Hindi sentence structures and sentence patterns. It wasn’t that difficult after all, right?

The key strategy is to take one step at a time. For instance, if you want to learn how to make a request in Hindi, just focus on those particular Hindi sentence patterns and master them. Once you’re confident with those, move on to the next category.

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This lesson is designed for beginners. So, if you have any doubts or issues, now is the time to get rid of them. Share your issues with us in the comments below at, and we’ll do our best to resolve them for you. Meanwhile, you may also find our Hindi-English online dictionary to be quite helpful as you start your Hindi learning journey.

Even intermediate-level learners can enjoy and learn so much more from our world-class learning materials. So, have fun and keep learning!

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